| 1 | (function(f){if(typeof exports==="object"&&typeof module!=="undefined"){module.exports=f()}else if(typeof define==="function"&&define.amd){define([],f)}else{var g;if(typeof window!=="undefined"){g=window}else if(typeof global!=="undefined"){g=global}else if(typeof self!=="undefined"){g=self}else{g=this}g.communityTranslator = f()}})(function(){var define,module,exports;return (function e(t,n,r){function s(o,u){if(!n[o]){if(!t[o]){var a=typeof require=="function"&&require;if(!u&&a)return a(o,!0);if(i)return i(o,!0);var f=new Error("Cannot find module '"+o+"'");throw f.code="MODULE_NOT_FOUND",f}var l=n[o]={exports:{}};t[o][0].call(l.exports,function(e){var n=t[o][1][e];return s(n?n:e)},l,l.exports,e,t,n,r)}return n[o].exports}var i=typeof require=="function"&&require;for(var o=0;o<r.length;o++)s(r[o]);return s})({1:[function(require,module,exports){ |
| 2 | function handleBatchedResponse(e,n){var t,o,a,r;for("undefined"==typeof e[0]&&(e=[e]),t=0;(o=e[t])&&("undefined"!=typeof o&&"undefined"!=typeof o.original);t++)if(r=o.original.singular,"undefined"!=typeof o.original.context&&o.original.context&&(r=o.original.context+""+r),"undefined"!=typeof n[r]&&n[r]){for(a=0;a<n[r].length;a++)n[r][a].resolve(o);n[r]=null,delete n[r]}for(r in n)if(n[r])for(a=0;a<n[r].length;a++)n[r][a].reject()}var debug=require("debug")("automattic:community-translator");module.exports=function(e,n){var t,o,a=200,r={},i=[];return"function"!=typeof e?(debug("batcher expects the first argument to be a function that takes an array and a callback, got ",e),null):(o=function(e){var n=e.singular;return"undefined"!=typeof e.context&&(n=e.context+""+n),n},delayMore=function(){t&&clearTimeout(t),t=setTimeout(resolveBatch,a)},resolveBatch=function(){var n=i.slice(),o=r;t=null,r={},i=[],0!==n.length&&e(n,function(e){handleBatchedResponse(e,o)})},n&&(n.batchDelay&&(a=n.batchDelay),n.hash&&(o=n.hash)),function(e){var n=new jQuery.Deferred,t=o(e);return t in r?r[t].push(n):(i.push(e),r[t]=[n]),delayMore(),n})}; |
| 3 | |
| 4 | },{"debug":11}],2:[function(require,module,exports){ |
| 5 | "use strict";function GlotPress(e){function t(e){return e=jQuery.extend({type:"POST",data:{},dataType:"json",xhrFields:{withCredentials:!0},crossDomain:!0},e),jQuery.ajax(e)}function r(e){return o.url+e}function n(n,i){t({url:r("/api/translations/-query-by-originals"),data:{project:o.project,locale_slug:e.getLocaleCode(),original_strings:JSON.stringify(n)}}).done(function(e){i(e)})}var o={url:"",project:""};return{getPermalink:function(t){var r,n=t.getOriginal().getId(),i=o.project;t.getGlotPressProject()&&(i=t.getGlotPressProject());var a=o.url+"/projects/"+i+"/"+e.getLocaleCode()+"/default?filters[original_id]="+n;return"undefined"!=typeof r&&(a+="&filters[translation_id]="+r),a},loadSettings:function(e){"undefined"!=typeof e.url?o.url=e.url:debug("Missing GP server url"),"undefined"!=typeof e.url?o.project=e.project:debug("Missing GP project path")},queryByOriginal:batcher(n),submitTranslation:function(n){return t({url:r("/api/translations/-new"),data:{project:o.project,locale_slug:e.getLocaleCode(),translation:n}})}}}var debug=require("debug")("automattic:community-translator"),batcher=require("./batcher.js");module.exports=GlotPress; |
| 6 | |
| 7 | },{"./batcher.js":1,"debug":11}],3:[function(require,module,exports){ |
| 8 | "use strict";function notifyTranslated(t){debug("Notifying string translated",t.serialize()),translationUpdateCallbacks.forEach(function(a){a(t.serialize())})}function removeCssClasses(){var t=["translator-checked","translator-untranslated","translator-translated","translator-user-translated","translator-untranslatable","translator-dont-translate"];jQuery("."+t.join(", .")).removeClass(t.join(" "))}function unRegisterPopoverHandlers(){jQuery(document).off("submit","form.community-translator"),jQuery(".translator-translatable").webuiPopover("destroy")}function makeUntranslatable(t){debug("makeUntranslatable:",t),t.removeClass("translator-untranslated translator-translated translator-translatable translator-checking"),t.addClass("translator-dont-translate")}function makeTranslatable(t,a){t.createPopover(a,glotPress),a.removeClass("translator-checking").addClass("translator-translatable"),t.isFullyTranslated()?t.isTranslationWaiting()?a.removeClass("translator-translated").addClass("translator-user-translated"):a.removeClass("translator-user-translated").addClass("translator-translated"):a.addClass("translator-untranslated")}var debug=require("debug")("community-translator"),TranslationPair=require("./translation-pair"),Walker=require("./walker"),Locale=require("./locale"),Popover=require("./popover"),GlotPress=require("./glotpress"),WebUIPopover=require("./jquery.webui-popover.js"),debounceTimeout,currentlyWalkingTheDom=!1,loadCSS,loadData,registerContentChangedCallback,registerDomChangedCallback,registerPopoverHandlers,findNewTranslatableTexts,glotPress,currentUserId,walker,antiCache="?"+Math.random(),translationData={currentUserId:!1,localeCode:"en",languageName:"English",pluralForms:"nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1)",contentChangedCallback:function(){},glotPress:{url:"https://glotpress.dev",project:"test"}},translationUpdateCallbacks=[];module.exports={load:function(){return"undefined"==typeof window.translatorJumpstart?!1:(loadCSS(),loadData(window.translatorJumpstart),registerPopoverHandlers(),registerContentChangedCallback(),void findNewTranslatableTexts())},unload:function(){debounceTimeout&&clearTimeout(debounceTimeout),"object"==typeof window.translatorJumpstart&&(window.translatorJumpstart.contentChangedCallback=function(){}),unRegisterPopoverHandlers(),removeCssClasses()},registerTranslatedCallback:function(t){translationUpdateCallbacks.push(t)}},loadCSS=function(){var t=document.createElement("link");t.setAttribute("rel","stylesheet"),t.setAttribute("type","text/css"),t.setAttribute("href","https://s1.wp.com/i/noticons/noticons.css"),document.getElementsByTagName("head")[0].appendChild(t),jQuery("iframe").addClass("translator-untranslatable")},loadData=function(t){"object"==typeof t&&"string"==typeof t.localeCode&&(translationData=t),translationData.locale=new Locale(translationData.localeCode,translationData.languageName,translationData.pluralForms),currentUserId=translationData.currentUserId,glotPress=new GlotPress(translationData.locale),"undefined"!=typeof translationData.glotPress?glotPress.loadSettings(translationData.glotPress):debug("Missing GlotPress settings"),TranslationPair.setTranslationData(translationData),walker=new Walker(TranslationPair,jQuery,document)},registerContentChangedCallback=function(){"object"==typeof window.translatorJumpstart&&(debug("Registering translator contentChangedCallback"),window.translatorJumpstart.contentChangedCallback=function(){debounceTimeout&&clearTimeout(debounceTimeout),debounceTimeout=setTimeout(findNewTranslatableTexts,250)},"object"==typeof window.translatorJumpstart.stringsUsedOnPage&®isterDomChangedCallback())},registerDomChangedCallback=function(){var t=10,a=document.body.innerHTML.length,e=function(){var n;--t<=0||(n=document.body.innerHTML.length,a!==n&&(a=n,debounceTimeout&&clearTimeout(debounceTimeout),debounceTimeout=setTimeout(findNewTranslatableTexts,1700)),setTimeout(e,1500))};setTimeout(e,1500)},registerPopoverHandlers=function(){jQuery(document).on("keyup","textarea.translation",function(){var t,a=jQuery(this).parents("form.community-translator"),e=a.find("textarea"),n=a.find("button");t=e.filter(function(){return this.value.length}),n.prop("disabled",0===t.length)}),jQuery(document).on("submit","form.community-translator",function(){function t(t){return t.trim().length>0}var a=jQuery(this),e=jQuery("."+a.data("nodes")),n=(a.find("textarea").val(),a.data("translationPair")),r=a.find("textarea").map(function(){return jQuery(this).val()}).get();return r.every(t)?(e.addClass("translator-user-translated").removeClass("translator-untranslated"),a.closest(".webui-popover").hide(),jQuery.when(n.getOriginal().getId()).done(function(t){var a=jQuery.makeArray(r),o={};o[t]=a,glotPress.submitTranslation(o).done(function(a){"undefined"!=typeof a[t]&&(n.updateAllTranslations(a[t],currentUserId),makeTranslatable(n,e),notifyTranslated(n))}).fail(function(){debug("Submitting new translation failed",o)})}).fail(function(){debug("Original cannot be found in GlotPress")}),!1):!1}),jQuery(document).on("submit","form.ct-existing-translation",function(){var t,a=jQuery(this),e=a.data("translationPair");return"object"!=typeof e?(debug("could not find translation for node",a),!1):(t=new Popover(e,translationData.locale,glotPress),a.parent().empty().append(t.getTranslationHtml()),!1)})},findNewTranslatableTexts=function(){return currentlyWalkingTheDom?(debounceTimeout&&clearTimeout(debounceTimeout),void(debounceTimeout=setTimeout(findNewTranslatableTexts,1500))):(currentlyWalkingTheDom=!0,debug("Searching for translatable texts"),void walker.walkTextNodes(document.body,function(t,a){a.addClass("translator-checking"),t.fetchOriginalAndTranslations(glotPress,currentUserId).fail(makeUntranslatable.bind(null,a)).done(makeTranslatable.bind(null,t,a))},function(){currentlyWalkingTheDom=!1}))}; 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| 11 | |
| 12 | },{}],5:[function(require,module,exports){ |
| 13 | function Locale(e,n,r){var t=Jed.PF.compile(r),u=/nplurals\=(\d+);/,o=r.match(u),a=2;return o.length>1&&(a=o[1]),{getLocaleCode:function(){return e},getLanguageName:function(){return n},getInfo:function(){return e},getPluralCount:function(){return a},getNumbersForIndex:function(e){var n,r=3,u=1e3,o=[];for(n=0;u>n&&!(t(n)==e&&(o.push(n),o.length>=r));++n);return o}}}var Jed=require("jed");module.exports=Locale; |
| 14 | |
| 15 | },{"jed":14}],6:[function(require,module,exports){ |
| 16 | function Original(n){function t(n){var t={singular:r};return e&&(t.plural=e),n&&(t.context=n),t}var r,e=null,o=null,u=null;return"string"==typeof n?r=n:"object"==typeof n&&"string"==typeof n.singular?(r=n.singular,e=n.plural):(r=n[0],e=n[1]),("undefined"==typeof e||""===e)&&(e=null),"undefined"!=typeof n.originalId&&(u=n.originalId),"undefined"!=typeof n.comment&&(o=n.comment),{type:"Original",getSingular:function(){return r},getPlural:function(){return e},generateJsonHash:function(n){return"string"==typeof n&&""!==n?n+""+r:r},getEmptyTranslation:function(n){var t=[""];if(null!==e)for(i=1;i<n.getPluralCount();i++)t.push("");return new Translation(n,t)},objectify:t,fetchIdAndTranslations:function(n,r){return n.queryByOriginal(t(r)).done(function(n){u=n.original_id,"string"==typeof n.original_comment&&(o=n.original_comment.replace(/^translators: /,""))})},getId:function(){return u},getComment:function(){return o}}}var Translation=require("./translation");module.exports=Original; |
| 17 | |
| 18 | },{"./translation":9}],7:[function(require,module,exports){ |
| 19 | function Popover(t,n,a){var e,i;locale=n,e=t.isFullyTranslated()?getOverview(t):getInputForm(t),i="translator-original-"+t.getOriginal().getId();var r=function(){return e.attr("data-nodes",i),e.data("translationPair",t),e},o=function(){return'Translate <a title="Help & Instructions" target="_blank" href="https://en.support.wordpress.com/in-page-translator/"><span class="noticon noticon-help"></span></a><a title="View in GlotPress" href="'+a.getPermalink(t)+'" target="_blank" class="gpPermalink"><span class="noticon noticon-external"></span></a>'};return{attachTo:function(n){n.addClass(i).webuiPopover({title:o(),content:jQuery("<div>").append(r()).html(),onload:popoverOnload,translationPair:t})},getTranslationHtml:function(){return e=getInputForm(t),r()}}}function popoverOnload(t){jQuery(t).find("textarea").eq(0).focus()}function getOriginalHtml(t){var n,a=t.getOriginal().getPlural();return n=a?'Singular: <strong class="singular"></strong><br/>Plural: <strong class="plural"></strong>':'<strong class="singular"></strong>',n=jQuery("<div>"+n),n.find("strong.singular").text(t.getOriginal().getSingular()),a&&n.find("strong.plural").text(a),n}function getInputForm(t){var n,a=getHtmlTemplate("new-translation").clone(),e=a.find("div.original"),i=a.find("div.pair"),r=a.find("div.pairs");e.html(getOriginalHtml(t)),t.getContext()&&a.find("p.context").text(t.getContext()).show(),t.getOriginal().getComment()&&a.find("p.comment").text(t.getOriginal().getComment()).show(),n=t.getTranslation().getTextItems();for(var o=0;o<n.length;o++)o>0&&(i=i.eq(0).clone()),i.find("p").text(n[o].getCaption()),i.find("textarea").text(n[o].getText()).attr("placeholder","Translate to "+locale.getLanguageName()),o>0&&r.append(i);return a}function getOverview(t){var n,a,e=getHtmlTemplate("existing-translation").clone(),i=e.find("div.original"),r=e.find("div.pair"),o=e.find("div.pairs");i.html(getOriginalHtml(t)),t.getContext()&&e.find("p.context").text(t.getContext()).show(),t.getOriginal().getComment()&&e.find("p.comment").text(t.getOriginal().getComment()).show(),n=t.getTranslation().getTextItems();for(var s=0;s<n.length;s++)s>0&&(r=r.eq(0).clone()),a=n[s].getInfoText(),""!==a&&r.find("span.type").text(a+": "),r.find("span.translation").text(n[s].getText()),s>0&&o.append(r);return e}function getHtmlTemplate(t){switch(t){case"existing-translation":return jQuery('<form class="ct-existing-translation"><div class="original"></div><p class="context"></p><p class="comment"></p><hr /><p class="info"></p><div class="pairs"><div class="pair"><p dir="auto"><span class="type"></span><span class="translation"></span></p></div></div><button class="button button-primary">New Translation</button></form>');case"new-translation":return jQuery('<form class="community-translator"><div class="original"></div><p class="context"></p><p class="comment"></p><p class="info"></p><div class="pairs"><div class="pair"><p></p><input type="hidden" class="original" name="original[]" /><textarea dir="auto" class="translation" name="translation[]"></textarea></div></div><button disabled class="button button-primary">Submit translation</button></form>')}}var locale;module.exports=Popover; |
| 20 | |
| 21 | },{}],8:[function(require,module,exports){ |
| 22 | function TranslationPair(t,n,e,a){function r(n){return("object"!=typeof n||"Translation"!==n.type)&&(n=new Translation(t,n.slice())),c.getTextItems().length!==n.getTextItems().length?!1:(g.push(n),void(c=n))}function i(n){var e,a,i,o;for(g=[],e=0;e<n.length;e++){for(o=[],a=0;i=n[e]["translation_"+a];a++)o.push(i);o=new Translation(t,o.slice(),n[e]),r(o)}}function o(){g.length<=1||g.sort(function(t,n){return n.getComparableDate()-t.getComparableDate()})}function s(t){"number"==typeof t&&(t=t.toString()),o();for(var n=0;n<g.length;n++){if(g[n].getUserId()===t&&g[n].getStatus())return void(c=g[n]);g[n].isCurrent()&&(c=g[n])}}function l(t){return u=t}var c,u,g=[],f=!1;return("object"!=typeof n||"Original"!==n.type)&&(n=new Original(n)),"object"==typeof a?("Translation"!==a.type&&(a=new Translation(t,a)),g.push(a)):a=n.getEmptyTranslation(t),c=a,{type:"TranslationPair",createPopover:function(n,e){var a=new Popover(this,t,e);a.attachTo(n)},isFullyTranslated:function(){return c.isFullyTranslated()},isTranslationWaiting:function(){return c.isWaiting()},getOriginal:function(){return n},getContext:function(){return e},getLocale:function(){return t},getScreenText:function(){return f},setScreenText:function(t){f=t},getTranslation:function(){return c},getGlotPressProject:function(){return u},updateAllTranslations:function(t,n){return i(t)?void("undefined"==typeof n&&s(n)):!1},serialize:function(){return{singular:n.getSingular(),plural:n.getPlural(),context:e,translations:c.serialize(),key:n.generateJsonHash(e)}},fetchOriginalAndTranslations:function(t,a){var r;return r=n.fetchIdAndTranslations(t,e).done(function(t){"undefined"!=typeof t.translations&&(i(t.translations),s(a),"undefined"!=typeof t.project&&l(t.project))})}}}function extractFromDataElement(t){var n,e={singular:t.attr("value")};return t.data("plural")&&(e.plural=t.data("plural")),t.data("context")&&(e.context=t.data("context")),n=new TranslationPair(translationData.locale,e,e.context),n.setScreenText(t.text()),n}function trim(t){return"undefined"==typeof t?"":t.replace(/(?:(?:^|\n)\s+|\s+(?:$|\n))/g,"")}function extractWithStringsUsedOnPage(t){var n,e,a;return"object"!=typeof translationData.stringsUsedOnPage||t.is("style,script")||t.closest("#querylist").length?!1:(t.is("[data-i18n-context]")?a=t.data("i18n-context"):(a=t.closest("[data-i18n-context]"),a=a.length?a.data("i18n-context"):!1),translationPair=getTranslationPairForTextUsedOnPage(t,a),!1===translationPair&&(t=t.clone(!0),e=trim(t.find("*").remove().end().text()),n!==e&&(translationPair=getTranslationPairForTextUsedOnPage(t,a))),translationPair)}function anyChildMatches(t,n){var e,a;if("string"==typeof n&&(n=new RegExp(n)),n instanceof RegExp)for(a=t.children(),e=0;e<a.length;e++)if(n.test(a[e].innerHTML)||n.test(a[e].textContent))return!0;return!1}function getTranslationPairForTextUsedOnPage(t,n){var e,a,r,o=!1;if(a=trim(t.text()),!a.length||a.length>3e3)return!1;if("undefined"!=typeof translationData.stringsUsedOnPage[a])return o=translationData.stringsUsedOnPage[a],n=o[1],"undefined"!=typeof n&&n&&1===n.length&&(n=n[0]),e=new TranslationPair(translationData.locale,o[0],n),e.setScreenText(a),e;for(r=trim(t.html()),i=0;i<translationData.placeholdersUsedOnPage.length;i++)if(o=translationData.placeholdersUsedOnPage[i],o.regex.test(r)){if(anyChildMatches(t,o.regex))continue;return e=new TranslationPair(translationData.locale,o.original,o.context),e.setScreenText(a),e}return!1}var Original=require("./original"),Translation=require("./translation"),Popover=require("./popover"),translationData;TranslationPair.extractFrom=function(t){return"object"!=typeof translationData?!1:t.is("data.translatable")?extractFromDataElement(t):t.closest("data.translatable").length?extractFromDataElement(t.closest("data.translatable")):extractWithStringsUsedOnPage(t)},TranslationPair.setTranslationData=function(t){var n,e,a=[];if(translationData=t,"object"==typeof translationData.placeholdersUsedOnPage)for(n in translationData.placeholdersUsedOnPage)e=translationData.placeholdersUsedOnPage[n],"undefined"==typeof e.regex&&(e={original:e[0],regex:new RegExp("^\\s*"+e[1]+"\\s*$"),context:e[2]}),a.push(e);translationData.placeholdersUsedOnPage=a},TranslationPair._test={anyChildMatches:anyChildMatches},module.exports=TranslationPair; |
| 23 | |
| 24 | },{"./original":6,"./popover":7,"./translation":9}],9:[function(require,module,exports){ |
| 25 | function Translation(t,n,e){function r(t){var n=t.split("-"),e=n[2].substr(3).split(":");return new Date(n[0],n[1]-1,n[2].substr(0,2),e[0],e[1],e[2])}var u,i,a,o,s,l,f=0;if("object"==typeof e&&("undefined"!==e.status&&(a=e.status),"undefined"!==e.translation_id&&(o=e.translation_id),"undefined"!==e.user_id&&(s=e.user_id),"undefined"!==e.date_added&&(l=e.date_added)),"string"!=typeof a&&(a="current"),isNaN(o)&&(o=!1),isNaN(s)&&(s=!1),l&&(f=r(l)),u=function(e,r){return{isTranslated:function(){return r.length>0},getCaption:function(){var r;return 1===n.length?"":2===n.length?0===e?"Singular":"Plural":(r=t.getNumbersForIndex(e),r.length?"For numbers like: "+r.join(", "):"")},getInfoText:function(){var r;return 1===n.length?"":2===n.length?0===e?"Singular":"Plural":(r=t.getNumbersForIndex(e),r.length?r.join(", "):"")},getText:function(){return r}}},"object"!=typeof n||"number"!=typeof n.length)return!1;for(i=0;i<n.length;i++)n[i]=new u(i,n[i]);return{type:"Translation",isFullyTranslated:function(){var t;for(t=0;t<n.length;t++)if(!1===n[t].isTranslated())return!1;return!0},isCurrent:function(){return"current"===a},isWaiting:function(){return"waiting"===a},getStatus:function(){return a},getDate:function(){return l},getComparableDate:function(){return f},getUserId:function(){return s},getTextItems:function(){return n},serialize:function(){var t,e=[];for(t=0;t<n.length;t++)e.push(n[t].getText());return e}}}module.exports=Translation; |
| 26 | |
| 27 | },{}],10:[function(require,module,exports){ |
| 28 | module.exports=function(e,t,n){return{walkTextNodes:function(o,r,a){function s(n){var o,a=t(n.parentNode);return a.is("script")||a.hasClass("translator-checked")?!1:(a.addClass("translator-checked"),a.closest(".webui-popover").length?!1:(o=e.extractFrom(a),!1===o?(a.addClass("translator-dont-translate"),!1):("function"==typeof r&&r(o,a),!0)))}var c,l;if("object"==typeof n)for(l=n.createTreeWalker(o,NodeFilter.SHOW_TEXT,null,!1);c=l.nextNode();)s(c);else t(o).find("*").contents().filter(function(){return 3===this.nodeType}).each(function(){s(this)});"function"==typeof a&&a()}}}; |
| 29 | |
| 30 | },{}],11:[function(require,module,exports){ |
| 31 | |
| 32 | /** |
| 33 | * This is the web browser implementation of `debug()`. |
| 34 | * |
| 35 | * Expose `debug()` as the module. |
| 36 | */ |
| 37 | |
| 38 | exports = module.exports = require('./debug'); |
| 39 | exports.log = log; |
| 40 | exports.save = save; |
| 41 | exports.load = load; |
| 42 | exports.useColors = useColors; |
| 43 | |
| 44 | /** |
| 45 | * Colors. |
| 46 | */ |
| 47 | |
| 48 | exports.colors = [ |
| 49 | 'cyan', |
| 50 | 'green', |
| 51 | 'goldenrod', // "yellow" is just too bright on a white background... |
| 52 | 'blue', |
| 53 | 'purple', |
| 54 | 'red' |
| 55 | ]; |
| 56 | |
| 57 | /** |
| 58 | * Currently only WebKit-based Web Inspectors and the Firebug |
| 59 | * extension (*not* the built-in Firefox web inpector) are |
| 60 | * known to support "%c" CSS customizations. |
| 61 | * |
| 62 | * TODO: add a `localStorage` variable to explicitly enable/disable colors |
| 63 | */ |
| 64 | |
| 65 | function useColors() { |
| 66 | // is webkit? http://stackoverflow.com/a/16459606/376773 |
| 67 | return ('WebkitAppearance' in document.documentElement.style) || |
| 68 | // is firebug? http://stackoverflow.com/a/398120/376773 |
| 69 | (window.console && (console.firebug || (console.exception && console.table))); |
| 70 | } |
| 71 | |
| 72 | /** |
| 73 | * Map %j to `JSON.stringify()`, since no Web Inspectors do that by default. |
| 74 | */ |
| 75 | |
| 76 | exports.formatters.j = function(v) { |
| 77 | return JSON.stringify(v); |
| 78 | }; |
| 79 | |
| 80 | /** |
| 81 | * Invokes `console.log()` when available. |
| 82 | * No-op when `console.log` is not a "function". |
| 83 | * |
| 84 | * @api public |
| 85 | */ |
| 86 | |
| 87 | function log() { |
| 88 | var args = arguments; |
| 89 | var useColors = this.useColors; |
| 90 | |
| 91 | args[0] = (useColors ? '%c' : '') |
| 92 | + this.namespace |
| 93 | + (useColors ? '%c ' : ' ') |
| 94 | + args[0] |
| 95 | + (useColors ? '%c ' : ' ') |
| 96 | + '+' + exports.humanize(this.diff); |
| 97 | |
| 98 | if (useColors) { |
| 99 | var c = 'color: ' + this.color; |
| 100 | args = [args[0], c, ''].concat(Array.prototype.slice.call(args, 1)); |
| 101 | |
| 102 | // the final "%c" is somewhat tricky, because there could be other |
| 103 | // arguments passed either before or after the %c, so we need to |
| 104 | // figure out the correct index to insert the CSS into |
| 105 | var index = 0; |
| 106 | var lastC = 0; |
| 107 | args[0].replace(/%[a-z%]/g, function(match) { |
| 108 | if ('%%' === match) return; |
| 109 | index++; |
| 110 | if ('%c' === match) { |
| 111 | // we only are interested in the *last* %c |
| 112 | // (the user may have provided their own) |
| 113 | lastC = index; |
| 114 | } |
| 115 | }); |
| 116 | |
| 117 | args.splice(lastC, 0, c); |
| 118 | } |
| 119 | |
| 120 | // This hackery is required for IE8, |
| 121 | // where the `console.log` function doesn't have 'apply' |
| 122 | return 'object' == typeof console |
| 123 | && 'function' == typeof console.log |
| 124 | && Function.prototype.apply.call(console.log, console, args); |
| 125 | } |
| 126 | |
| 127 | /** |
| 128 | * Save `namespaces`. |
| 129 | * |
| 130 | * @param {String} namespaces |
| 131 | * @api private |
| 132 | */ |
| 133 | |
| 134 | function save(namespaces) { |
| 135 | try { |
| 136 | if (null == namespaces) { |
| 137 | localStorage.removeItem('debug'); |
| 138 | } else { |
| 139 | localStorage.debug = namespaces; |
| 140 | } |
| 141 | } catch(e) {} |
| 142 | } |
| 143 | |
| 144 | /** |
| 145 | * Load `namespaces`. |
| 146 | * |
| 147 | * @return {String} returns the previously persisted debug modes |
| 148 | * @api private |
| 149 | */ |
| 150 | |
| 151 | function load() { |
| 152 | var r; |
| 153 | try { |
| 154 | r = localStorage.debug; |
| 155 | } catch(e) {} |
| 156 | return r; |
| 157 | } |
| 158 | |
| 159 | /** |
| 160 | * Enable namespaces listed in `localStorage.debug` initially. |
| 161 | */ |
| 162 | |
| 163 | exports.enable(load()); |
| 164 | |
| 165 | },{"./debug":12}],12:[function(require,module,exports){ |
| 166 | |
| 167 | /** |
| 168 | * This is the common logic for both the Node.js and web browser |
| 169 | * implementations of `debug()`. |
| 170 | * |
| 171 | * Expose `debug()` as the module. |
| 172 | */ |
| 173 | |
| 174 | exports = module.exports = debug; |
| 175 | exports.coerce = coerce; |
| 176 | exports.disable = disable; |
| 177 | exports.enable = enable; |
| 178 | exports.enabled = enabled; |
| 179 | exports.humanize = require('ms'); |
| 180 | |
| 181 | /** |
| 182 | * The currently active debug mode names, and names to skip. |
| 183 | */ |
| 184 | |
| 185 | exports.names = []; |
| 186 | exports.skips = []; |
| 187 | |
| 188 | /** |
| 189 | * Map of special "%n" handling functions, for the debug "format" argument. |
| 190 | * |
| 191 | * Valid key names are a single, lowercased letter, i.e. "n". |
| 192 | */ |
| 193 | |
| 194 | exports.formatters = {}; |
| 195 | |
| 196 | /** |
| 197 | * Previously assigned color. |
| 198 | */ |
| 199 | |
| 200 | var prevColor = 0; |
| 201 | |
| 202 | /** |
| 203 | * Previous log timestamp. |
| 204 | */ |
| 205 | |
| 206 | var prevTime; |
| 207 | |
| 208 | /** |
| 209 | * Select a color. |
| 210 | * |
| 211 | * @return {Number} |
| 212 | * @api private |
| 213 | */ |
| 214 | |
| 215 | function selectColor() { |
| 216 | return exports.colors[prevColor++ % exports.colors.length]; |
| 217 | } |
| 218 | |
| 219 | /** |
| 220 | * Create a debugger with the given `namespace`. |
| 221 | * |
| 222 | * @param {String} namespace |
| 223 | * @return {Function} |
| 224 | * @api public |
| 225 | */ |
| 226 | |
| 227 | function debug(namespace) { |
| 228 | |
| 229 | // define the `disabled` version |
| 230 | function disabled() { |
| 231 | } |
| 232 | disabled.enabled = false; |
| 233 | |
| 234 | // define the `enabled` version |
| 235 | function enabled() { |
| 236 | |
| 237 | var self = enabled; |
| 238 | |
| 239 | // set `diff` timestamp |
| 240 | var curr = +new Date(); |
| 241 | var ms = curr - (prevTime || curr); |
| 242 | self.diff = ms; |
| 243 | self.prev = prevTime; |
| 244 | self.curr = curr; |
| 245 | prevTime = curr; |
| 246 | |
| 247 | // add the `color` if not set |
| 248 | if (null == self.useColors) self.useColors = exports.useColors(); |
| 249 | if (null == self.color && self.useColors) self.color = selectColor(); |
| 250 | |
| 251 | var args = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments); |
| 252 | |
| 253 | args[0] = exports.coerce(args[0]); |
| 254 | |
| 255 | if ('string' !== typeof args[0]) { |
| 256 | // anything else let's inspect with %o |
| 257 | args = ['%o'].concat(args); |
| 258 | } |
| 259 | |
| 260 | // apply any `formatters` transformations |
| 261 | var index = 0; |
| 262 | args[0] = args[0].replace(/%([a-z%])/g, function(match, format) { |
| 263 | // if we encounter an escaped % then don't increase the array index |
| 264 | if (match === '%%') return match; |
| 265 | index++; |
| 266 | var formatter = exports.formatters[format]; |
| 267 | if ('function' === typeof formatter) { |
| 268 | var val = args[index]; |
| 269 | match = formatter.call(self, val); |
| 270 | |
| 271 | // now we need to remove `args[index]` since it's inlined in the `format` |
| 272 | args.splice(index, 1); |
| 273 | index--; |
| 274 | } |
| 275 | return match; |
| 276 | }); |
| 277 | |
| 278 | exports.log.apply(self, args); |
| 279 | } |
| 280 | enabled.enabled = true; |
| 281 | |
| 282 | var fn = exports.enabled(namespace) ? enabled : disabled; |
| 283 | |
| 284 | fn.namespace = namespace; |
| 285 | |
| 286 | return fn; |
| 287 | } |
| 288 | |
| 289 | /** |
| 290 | * Enables a debug mode by namespaces. This can include modes |
| 291 | * separated by a colon and wildcards. |
| 292 | * |
| 293 | * @param {String} namespaces |
| 294 | * @api public |
| 295 | */ |
| 296 | |
| 297 | function enable(namespaces) { |
| 298 | exports.save(namespaces); |
| 299 | |
| 300 | var split = (namespaces || '').split(/[\s,]+/); |
| 301 | var len = split.length; |
| 302 | |
| 303 | for (var i = 0; i < len; i++) { |
| 304 | if (!split[i]) continue; // ignore empty strings |
| 305 | namespaces = split[i].replace('*', '.*?'); |
| 306 | if (namespaces[0] === '-') { |
| 307 | exports.skips.push(new RegExp('^' + namespaces.substr(1) + '$')); |
| 308 | } else { |
| 309 | exports.names.push(new RegExp('^' + namespaces + '$')); |
| 310 | } |
| 311 | } |
| 312 | } |
| 313 | |
| 314 | /** |
| 315 | * Disable debug output. |
| 316 | * |
| 317 | * @api public |
| 318 | */ |
| 319 | |
| 320 | function disable() { |
| 321 | exports.enable(''); |
| 322 | } |
| 323 | |
| 324 | /** |
| 325 | * Returns true if the given mode name is enabled, false otherwise. |
| 326 | * |
| 327 | * @param {String} name |
| 328 | * @return {Boolean} |
| 329 | * @api public |
| 330 | */ |
| 331 | |
| 332 | function enabled(name) { |
| 333 | var i, len; |
| 334 | for (i = 0, len = exports.skips.length; i < len; i++) { |
| 335 | if (exports.skips[i].test(name)) { |
| 336 | return false; |
| 337 | } |
| 338 | } |
| 339 | for (i = 0, len = exports.names.length; i < len; i++) { |
| 340 | if (exports.names[i].test(name)) { |
| 341 | return true; |
| 342 | } |
| 343 | } |
| 344 | return false; |
| 345 | } |
| 346 | |
| 347 | /** |
| 348 | * Coerce `val`. |
| 349 | * |
| 350 | * @param {Mixed} val |
| 351 | * @return {Mixed} |
| 352 | * @api private |
| 353 | */ |
| 354 | |
| 355 | function coerce(val) { |
| 356 | if (val instanceof Error) return val.stack || val.message; |
| 357 | return val; |
| 358 | } |
| 359 | |
| 360 | },{"ms":13}],13:[function(require,module,exports){ |
| 361 | /** |
| 362 | * Helpers. |
| 363 | */ |
| 364 | |
| 365 | var s = 1000; |
| 366 | var m = s * 60; |
| 367 | var h = m * 60; |
| 368 | var d = h * 24; |
| 369 | var y = d * 365.25; |
| 370 | |
| 371 | /** |
| 372 | * Parse or format the given `val`. |
| 373 | * |
| 374 | * Options: |
| 375 | * |
| 376 | * - `long` verbose formatting [false] |
| 377 | * |
| 378 | * @param {String|Number} val |
| 379 | * @param {Object} options |
| 380 | * @return {String|Number} |
| 381 | * @api public |
| 382 | */ |
| 383 | |
| 384 | module.exports = function(val, options){ |
| 385 | options = options || {}; |
| 386 | if ('string' == typeof val) return parse(val); |
| 387 | return options.long |
| 388 | ? long(val) |
| 389 | : short(val); |
| 390 | }; |
| 391 | |
| 392 | /** |
| 393 | * Parse the given `str` and return milliseconds. |
| 394 | * |
| 395 | * @param {String} str |
| 396 | * @return {Number} |
| 397 | * @api private |
| 398 | */ |
| 399 | |
| 400 | function parse(str) { |
| 401 | var match = /^((?:\d+)?\.?\d+) *(ms|seconds?|s|minutes?|m|hours?|h|days?|d|years?|y)?$/i.exec(str); |
| 402 | if (!match) return; |
| 403 | var n = parseFloat(match[1]); |
| 404 | var type = (match[2] || 'ms').toLowerCase(); |
| 405 | switch (type) { |
| 406 | case 'years': |
| 407 | case 'year': |
| 408 | case 'y': |
| 409 | return n * y; |
| 410 | case 'days': |
| 411 | case 'day': |
| 412 | case 'd': |
| 413 | return n * d; |
| 414 | case 'hours': |
| 415 | case 'hour': |
| 416 | case 'h': |
| 417 | return n * h; |
| 418 | case 'minutes': |
| 419 | case 'minute': |
| 420 | case 'm': |
| 421 | return n * m; |
| 422 | case 'seconds': |
| 423 | case 'second': |
| 424 | case 's': |
| 425 | return n * s; |
| 426 | case 'ms': |
| 427 | return n; |
| 428 | } |
| 429 | } |
| 430 | |
| 431 | /** |
| 432 | * Short format for `ms`. |
| 433 | * |
| 434 | * @param {Number} ms |
| 435 | * @return {String} |
| 436 | * @api private |
| 437 | */ |
| 438 | |
| 439 | function short(ms) { |
| 440 | if (ms >= d) return Math.round(ms / d) + 'd'; |
| 441 | if (ms >= h) return Math.round(ms / h) + 'h'; |
| 442 | if (ms >= m) return Math.round(ms / m) + 'm'; |
| 443 | if (ms >= s) return Math.round(ms / s) + 's'; |
| 444 | return ms + 'ms'; |
| 445 | } |
| 446 | |
| 447 | /** |
| 448 | * Long format for `ms`. |
| 449 | * |
| 450 | * @param {Number} ms |
| 451 | * @return {String} |
| 452 | * @api private |
| 453 | */ |
| 454 | |
| 455 | function long(ms) { |
| 456 | return plural(ms, d, 'day') |
| 457 | || plural(ms, h, 'hour') |
| 458 | || plural(ms, m, 'minute') |
| 459 | || plural(ms, s, 'second') |
| 460 | || ms + ' ms'; |
| 461 | } |
| 462 | |
| 463 | /** |
| 464 | * Pluralization helper. |
| 465 | */ |
| 466 | |
| 467 | function plural(ms, n, name) { |
| 468 | if (ms < n) return; |
| 469 | if (ms < n * 1.5) return Math.floor(ms / n) + ' ' + name; |
| 470 | return Math.ceil(ms / n) + ' ' + name + 's'; |
| 471 | } |
| 472 | |
| 473 | },{}],14:[function(require,module,exports){ |
| 474 | /** |
| 475 | * @preserve jed.js https://github.com/SlexAxton/Jed |
| 476 | */ |
| 477 | /* |
| 478 | ----------- |
| 479 | A gettext compatible i18n library for modern JavaScript Applications |
| 480 | |
| 481 | by Alex Sexton - AlexSexton [at] gmail - @SlexAxton |
| 482 | WTFPL license for use |
| 483 | Dojo CLA for contributions |
| 484 | |
| 485 | Jed offers the entire applicable GNU gettext spec'd set of |
| 486 | functions, but also offers some nicer wrappers around them. |
| 487 | The api for gettext was written for a language with no function |
| 488 | overloading, so Jed allows a little more of that. |
| 489 | |
| 490 | Many thanks to Joshua I. Miller - unrtst@cpan.org - who wrote |
| 491 | gettext.js back in 2008. I was able to vet a lot of my ideas |
| 492 | against his. I also made sure Jed passed against his tests |
| 493 | in order to offer easy upgrades -- jsgettext.berlios.de |
| 494 | */ |
| 495 | (function (root, undef) { |
| 496 | |
| 497 | // Set up some underscore-style functions, if you already have |
| 498 | // underscore, feel free to delete this section, and use it |
| 499 | // directly, however, the amount of functions used doesn't |
| 500 | // warrant having underscore as a full dependency. |
| 501 | // Underscore 1.3.0 was used to port and is licensed |
| 502 | // under the MIT License by Jeremy Ashkenas. |
| 503 | var ArrayProto = Array.prototype, |
| 504 | ObjProto = Object.prototype, |
| 505 | slice = ArrayProto.slice, |
| 506 | hasOwnProp = ObjProto.hasOwnProperty, |
| 507 | nativeForEach = ArrayProto.forEach, |
| 508 | breaker = {}; |
| 509 | |
| 510 | // We're not using the OOP style _ so we don't need the |
| 511 | // extra level of indirection. This still means that you |
| 512 | // sub out for real `_` though. |
| 513 | var _ = { |
| 514 | forEach : function( obj, iterator, context ) { |
| 515 | var i, l, key; |
| 516 | if ( obj === null ) { |
| 517 | return; |
| 518 | } |
| 519 | |
| 520 | if ( nativeForEach && obj.forEach === nativeForEach ) { |
| 521 | obj.forEach( iterator, context ); |
| 522 | } |
| 523 | else if ( obj.length === +obj.length ) { |
| 524 | for ( i = 0, l = obj.length; i < l; i++ ) { |
| 525 | if ( i in obj && iterator.call( context, obj[i], i, obj ) === breaker ) { |
| 526 | return; |
| 527 | } |
| 528 | } |
| 529 | } |
| 530 | else { |
| 531 | for ( key in obj) { |
| 532 | if ( hasOwnProp.call( obj, key ) ) { |
| 533 | if ( iterator.call (context, obj[key], key, obj ) === breaker ) { |
| 534 | return; |
| 535 | } |
| 536 | } |
| 537 | } |
| 538 | } |
| 539 | }, |
| 540 | extend : function( obj ) { |
| 541 | this.forEach( slice.call( arguments, 1 ), function ( source ) { |
| 542 | for ( var prop in source ) { |
| 543 | obj[prop] = source[prop]; |
| 544 | } |
| 545 | }); |
| 546 | return obj; |
| 547 | } |
| 548 | }; |
| 549 | // END Miniature underscore impl |
| 550 | |
| 551 | // Jed is a constructor function |
| 552 | var Jed = function ( options ) { |
| 553 | // Some minimal defaults |
| 554 | this.defaults = { |
| 555 | "locale_data" : { |
| 556 | "messages" : { |
| 557 | "" : { |
| 558 | "domain" : "messages", |
| 559 | "lang" : "en", |
| 560 | "plural_forms" : "nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);" |
| 561 | } |
| 562 | // There are no default keys, though |
| 563 | } |
| 564 | }, |
| 565 | // The default domain if one is missing |
| 566 | "domain" : "messages", |
| 567 | // enable debug mode to log untranslated strings to the console |
| 568 | "debug" : false |
| 569 | }; |
| 570 | |
| 571 | // Mix in the sent options with the default options |
| 572 | this.options = _.extend( {}, this.defaults, options ); |
| 573 | this.textdomain( this.options.domain ); |
| 574 | |
| 575 | if ( options.domain && ! this.options.locale_data[ this.options.domain ] ) { |
| 576 | throw new Error('Text domain set to non-existent domain: `' + options.domain + '`'); |
| 577 | } |
| 578 | }; |
| 579 | |
| 580 | // The gettext spec sets this character as the default |
| 581 | // delimiter for context lookups. |
| 582 | // e.g.: context\u0004key |
| 583 | // If your translation company uses something different, |
| 584 | // just change this at any time and it will use that instead. |
| 585 | Jed.context_delimiter = String.fromCharCode( 4 ); |
| 586 | |
| 587 | function getPluralFormFunc ( plural_form_string ) { |
| 588 | return Jed.PF.compile( plural_form_string || "nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);"); |
| 589 | } |
| 590 | |
| 591 | function Chain( key, i18n ){ |
| 592 | this._key = key; |
| 593 | this._i18n = i18n; |
| 594 | } |
| 595 | |
| 596 | // Create a chainable api for adding args prettily |
| 597 | _.extend( Chain.prototype, { |
| 598 | onDomain : function ( domain ) { |
| 599 | this._domain = domain; |
| 600 | return this; |
| 601 | }, |
| 602 | withContext : function ( context ) { |
| 603 | this._context = context; |
| 604 | return this; |
| 605 | }, |
| 606 | ifPlural : function ( num, pkey ) { |
| 607 | this._val = num; |
| 608 | this._pkey = pkey; |
| 609 | return this; |
| 610 | }, |
| 611 | fetch : function ( sArr ) { |
| 612 | if ( {}.toString.call( sArr ) != '[object Array]' ) { |
| 613 | sArr = [].slice.call(arguments, 0); |
| 614 | } |
| 615 | return ( sArr && sArr.length ? Jed.sprintf : function(x){ return x; } )( |
| 616 | this._i18n.dcnpgettext(this._domain, this._context, this._key, this._pkey, this._val), |
| 617 | sArr |
| 618 | ); |
| 619 | } |
| 620 | }); |
| 621 | |
| 622 | // Add functions to the Jed prototype. |
| 623 | // These will be the functions on the object that's returned |
| 624 | // from creating a `new Jed()` |
| 625 | // These seem redundant, but they gzip pretty well. |
| 626 | _.extend( Jed.prototype, { |
| 627 | // The sexier api start point |
| 628 | translate : function ( key ) { |
| 629 | return new Chain( key, this ); |
| 630 | }, |
| 631 | |
| 632 | textdomain : function ( domain ) { |
| 633 | if ( ! domain ) { |
| 634 | return this._textdomain; |
| 635 | } |
| 636 | this._textdomain = domain; |
| 637 | }, |
| 638 | |
| 639 | gettext : function ( key ) { |
| 640 | return this.dcnpgettext.call( this, undef, undef, key ); |
| 641 | }, |
| 642 | |
| 643 | dgettext : function ( domain, key ) { |
| 644 | return this.dcnpgettext.call( this, domain, undef, key ); |
| 645 | }, |
| 646 | |
| 647 | dcgettext : function ( domain , key /*, category */ ) { |
| 648 | // Ignores the category anyways |
| 649 | return this.dcnpgettext.call( this, domain, undef, key ); |
| 650 | }, |
| 651 | |
| 652 | ngettext : function ( skey, pkey, val ) { |
| 653 | return this.dcnpgettext.call( this, undef, undef, skey, pkey, val ); |
| 654 | }, |
| 655 | |
| 656 | dngettext : function ( domain, skey, pkey, val ) { |
| 657 | return this.dcnpgettext.call( this, domain, undef, skey, pkey, val ); |
| 658 | }, |
| 659 | |
| 660 | dcngettext : function ( domain, skey, pkey, val/*, category */) { |
| 661 | return this.dcnpgettext.call( this, domain, undef, skey, pkey, val ); |
| 662 | }, |
| 663 | |
| 664 | pgettext : function ( context, key ) { |
| 665 | return this.dcnpgettext.call( this, undef, context, key ); |
| 666 | }, |
| 667 | |
| 668 | dpgettext : function ( domain, context, key ) { |
| 669 | return this.dcnpgettext.call( this, domain, context, key ); |
| 670 | }, |
| 671 | |
| 672 | dcpgettext : function ( domain, context, key/*, category */) { |
| 673 | return this.dcnpgettext.call( this, domain, context, key ); |
| 674 | }, |
| 675 | |
| 676 | npgettext : function ( context, skey, pkey, val ) { |
| 677 | return this.dcnpgettext.call( this, undef, context, skey, pkey, val ); |
| 678 | }, |
| 679 | |
| 680 | dnpgettext : function ( domain, context, skey, pkey, val ) { |
| 681 | return this.dcnpgettext.call( this, domain, context, skey, pkey, val ); |
| 682 | }, |
| 683 | |
| 684 | // The most fully qualified gettext function. It has every option. |
| 685 | // Since it has every option, we can use it from every other method. |
| 686 | // This is the bread and butter. |
| 687 | // Technically there should be one more argument in this function for 'Category', |
| 688 | // but since we never use it, we might as well not waste the bytes to define it. |
| 689 | dcnpgettext : function ( domain, context, singular_key, plural_key, val ) { |
| 690 | // Set some defaults |
| 691 | |
| 692 | plural_key = plural_key || singular_key; |
| 693 | |
| 694 | // Use the global domain default if one |
| 695 | // isn't explicitly passed in |
| 696 | domain = domain || this._textdomain; |
| 697 | |
| 698 | var fallback; |
| 699 | |
| 700 | // Handle special cases |
| 701 | |
| 702 | // No options found |
| 703 | if ( ! this.options ) { |
| 704 | // There's likely something wrong, but we'll return the correct key for english |
| 705 | // We do this by instantiating a brand new Jed instance with the default set |
| 706 | // for everything that could be broken. |
| 707 | fallback = new Jed(); |
| 708 | return fallback.dcnpgettext.call( fallback, undefined, undefined, singular_key, plural_key, val ); |
| 709 | } |
| 710 | |
| 711 | // No translation data provided |
| 712 | if ( ! this.options.locale_data ) { |
| 713 | throw new Error('No locale data provided.'); |
| 714 | } |
| 715 | |
| 716 | if ( ! this.options.locale_data[ domain ] ) { |
| 717 | throw new Error('Domain `' + domain + '` was not found.'); |
| 718 | } |
| 719 | |
| 720 | if ( ! this.options.locale_data[ domain ][ "" ] ) { |
| 721 | throw new Error('No locale meta information provided.'); |
| 722 | } |
| 723 | |
| 724 | // Make sure we have a truthy key. Otherwise we might start looking |
| 725 | // into the empty string key, which is the options for the locale |
| 726 | // data. |
| 727 | if ( ! singular_key ) { |
| 728 | throw new Error('No translation key found.'); |
| 729 | } |
| 730 | |
| 731 | var key = context ? context + Jed.context_delimiter + singular_key : singular_key, |
| 732 | locale_data = this.options.locale_data, |
| 733 | dict = locale_data[ domain ], |
| 734 | defaultConf = (locale_data.messages || this.defaults.locale_data.messages)[""], |
| 735 | pluralForms = dict[""].plural_forms || dict[""]["Plural-Forms"] || dict[""]["plural-forms"] || defaultConf.plural_forms || defaultConf["Plural-Forms"] || defaultConf["plural-forms"], |
| 736 | val_list, |
| 737 | res; |
| 738 | |
| 739 | var val_idx; |
| 740 | if (val === undefined) { |
| 741 | // No value passed in; assume singular key lookup. |
| 742 | val_idx = 0; |
| 743 | |
| 744 | } else { |
| 745 | // Value has been passed in; use plural-forms calculations. |
| 746 | |
| 747 | // Handle invalid numbers, but try casting strings for good measure |
| 748 | if ( typeof val != 'number' ) { |
| 749 | val = parseInt( val, 10 ); |
| 750 | |
| 751 | if ( isNaN( val ) ) { |
| 752 | throw new Error('The number that was passed in is not a number.'); |
| 753 | } |
| 754 | } |
| 755 | |
| 756 | val_idx = getPluralFormFunc(pluralForms)(val); |
| 757 | } |
| 758 | |
| 759 | // Throw an error if a domain isn't found |
| 760 | if ( ! dict ) { |
| 761 | throw new Error('No domain named `' + domain + '` could be found.'); |
| 762 | } |
| 763 | |
| 764 | val_list = dict[ key ]; |
| 765 | |
| 766 | // If there is no match, then revert back to |
| 767 | // english style singular/plural with the keys passed in. |
| 768 | if ( ! val_list || val_idx > val_list.length ) { |
| 769 | if (this.options.missing_key_callback) { |
| 770 | this.options.missing_key_callback(key, domain); |
| 771 | } |
| 772 | res = [ singular_key, plural_key ]; |
| 773 | |
| 774 | // collect untranslated strings |
| 775 | if (this.options.debug===true) { |
| 776 | console.log(res[ getPluralFormFunc(pluralForms)( val ) ]); |
| 777 | } |
| 778 | return res[ getPluralFormFunc()( val ) ]; |
| 779 | } |
| 780 | |
| 781 | res = val_list[ val_idx ]; |
| 782 | |
| 783 | // This includes empty strings on purpose |
| 784 | if ( ! res ) { |
| 785 | res = [ singular_key, plural_key ]; |
| 786 | return res[ getPluralFormFunc()( val ) ]; |
| 787 | } |
| 788 | return res; |
| 789 | } |
| 790 | }); |
| 791 | |
| 792 | |
| 793 | // We add in sprintf capabilities for post translation value interolation |
| 794 | // This is not internally used, so you can remove it if you have this |
| 795 | // available somewhere else, or want to use a different system. |
| 796 | |
| 797 | // We _slightly_ modify the normal sprintf behavior to more gracefully handle |
| 798 | // undefined values. |
| 799 | |
| 800 | /** |
| 801 | sprintf() for JavaScript 0.7-beta1 |
| 802 | http://www.diveintojavascript.com/projects/javascript-sprintf |
| 803 | |
| 804 | Copyright (c) Alexandru Marasteanu <alexaholic [at) gmail (dot] com> |
| 805 | All rights reserved. |
| 806 | |
| 807 | Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without |
| 808 | modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: |
| 809 | * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright |
| 810 | notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. |
| 811 | * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright |
| 812 | notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the |
| 813 | documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. |
| 814 | * Neither the name of sprintf() for JavaScript nor the |
| 815 | names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products |
| 816 | derived from this software without specific prior written permission. |
| 817 | |
| 828 | */ |
| 829 | var sprintf = (function() { |
| 830 | function get_type(variable) { |
| 831 | return Object.prototype.toString.call(variable).slice(8, -1).toLowerCase(); |
| 832 | } |
| 833 | function str_repeat(input, multiplier) { |
| 834 | for (var output = []; multiplier > 0; output[--multiplier] = input) {/* do nothing */} |
| 835 | return output.join(''); |
| 836 | } |
| 837 | |
| 838 | var str_format = function() { |
| 839 | if (!str_format.cache.hasOwnProperty(arguments[0])) { |
| 840 | str_format.cache[arguments[0]] = str_format.parse(arguments[0]); |
| 841 | } |
| 842 | return str_format.format.call(null, str_format.cache[arguments[0]], arguments); |
| 843 | }; |
| 844 | |
| 845 | str_format.format = function(parse_tree, argv) { |
| 846 | var cursor = 1, tree_length = parse_tree.length, node_type = '', arg, output = [], i, k, match, pad, pad_character, pad_length; |
| 847 | for (i = 0; i < tree_length; i++) { |
| 848 | node_type = get_type(parse_tree[i]); |
| 849 | if (node_type === 'string') { |
| 850 | output.push(parse_tree[i]); |
| 851 | } |
| 852 | else if (node_type === 'array') { |
| 853 | match = parse_tree[i]; // convenience purposes only |
| 854 | if (match[2]) { // keyword argument |
| 855 | arg = argv[cursor]; |
| 856 | for (k = 0; k < match[2].length; k++) { |
| 857 | if (!arg.hasOwnProperty(match[2][k])) { |
| 858 | throw(sprintf('[sprintf] property "%s" does not exist', match[2][k])); |
| 859 | } |
| 860 | arg = arg[match[2][k]]; |
| 861 | } |
| 862 | } |
| 863 | else if (match[1]) { // positional argument (explicit) |
| 864 | arg = argv[match[1]]; |
| 865 | } |
| 866 | else { // positional argument (implicit) |
| 867 | arg = argv[cursor++]; |
| 868 | } |
| 869 | |
| 870 | if (/[^s]/.test(match[8]) && (get_type(arg) != 'number')) { |
| 871 | throw(sprintf('[sprintf] expecting number but found %s', get_type(arg))); |
| 872 | } |
| 873 | |
| 874 | // Jed EDIT |
| 875 | if ( typeof arg == 'undefined' || arg === null ) { |
| 876 | arg = ''; |
| 877 | } |
| 878 | // Jed EDIT |
| 879 | |
| 880 | switch (match[8]) { |
| 881 | case 'b': arg = arg.toString(2); break; |
| 882 | case 'c': arg = String.fromCharCode(arg); break; |
| 883 | case 'd': arg = parseInt(arg, 10); break; |
| 884 | case 'e': arg = match[7] ? arg.toExponential(match[7]) : arg.toExponential(); break; |
| 885 | case 'f': arg = match[7] ? parseFloat(arg).toFixed(match[7]) : parseFloat(arg); break; |
| 886 | case 'o': arg = arg.toString(8); break; |
| 887 | case 's': arg = ((arg = String(arg)) && match[7] ? arg.substring(0, match[7]) : arg); break; |
| 888 | case 'u': arg = Math.abs(arg); break; |
| 889 | case 'x': arg = arg.toString(16); break; |
| 890 | case 'X': arg = arg.toString(16).toUpperCase(); break; |
| 891 | } |
| 892 | arg = (/[def]/.test(match[8]) && match[3] && arg >= 0 ? '+'+ arg : arg); |
| 893 | pad_character = match[4] ? match[4] == '0' ? '0' : match[4].charAt(1) : ' '; |
| 894 | pad_length = match[6] - String(arg).length; |
| 895 | pad = match[6] ? str_repeat(pad_character, pad_length) : ''; |
| 896 | output.push(match[5] ? arg + pad : pad + arg); |
| 897 | } |
| 898 | } |
| 899 | return output.join(''); |
| 900 | }; |
| 901 | |
| 902 | str_format.cache = {}; |
| 903 | |
| 904 | str_format.parse = function(fmt) { |
| 905 | var _fmt = fmt, match = [], parse_tree = [], arg_names = 0; |
| 906 | while (_fmt) { |
| 907 | if ((match = /^[^\x25]+/.exec(_fmt)) !== null) { |
| 908 | parse_tree.push(match[0]); |
| 909 | } |
| 910 | else if ((match = /^\x25{2}/.exec(_fmt)) !== null) { |
| 911 | parse_tree.push('%'); |
| 912 | } |
| 913 | else if ((match = /^\x25(?:([1-9]\d*)\$|\(([^\)]+)\))?(\+)?(0|'[^$])?(-)?(\d+)?(?:\.(\d+))?([b-fosuxX])/.exec(_fmt)) !== null) { |
| 914 | if (match[2]) { |
| 915 | arg_names |= 1; |
| 916 | var field_list = [], replacement_field = match[2], field_match = []; |
| 917 | if ((field_match = /^([a-z_][a-z_\d]*)/i.exec(replacement_field)) !== null) { |
| 918 | field_list.push(field_match[1]); |
| 919 | while ((replacement_field = replacement_field.substring(field_match[0].length)) !== '') { |
| 920 | if ((field_match = /^\.([a-z_][a-z_\d]*)/i.exec(replacement_field)) !== null) { |
| 921 | field_list.push(field_match[1]); |
| 922 | } |
| 923 | else if ((field_match = /^\[(\d+)\]/.exec(replacement_field)) !== null) { |
| 924 | field_list.push(field_match[1]); |
| 925 | } |
| 926 | else { |
| 927 | throw('[sprintf] huh?'); |
| 928 | } |
| 929 | } |
| 930 | } |
| 931 | else { |
| 932 | throw('[sprintf] huh?'); |
| 933 | } |
| 934 | match[2] = field_list; |
| 935 | } |
| 936 | else { |
| 937 | arg_names |= 2; |
| 938 | } |
| 939 | if (arg_names === 3) { |
| 940 | throw('[sprintf] mixing positional and named placeholders is not (yet) supported'); |
| 941 | } |
| 942 | parse_tree.push(match); |
| 943 | } |
| 944 | else { |
| 945 | throw('[sprintf] huh?'); |
| 946 | } |
| 947 | _fmt = _fmt.substring(match[0].length); |
| 948 | } |
| 949 | return parse_tree; |
| 950 | }; |
| 951 | |
| 952 | return str_format; |
| 953 | })(); |
| 954 | |
| 955 | var vsprintf = function(fmt, argv) { |
| 956 | argv.unshift(fmt); |
| 957 | return sprintf.apply(null, argv); |
| 958 | }; |
| 959 | |
| 960 | Jed.parse_plural = function ( plural_forms, n ) { |
| 961 | plural_forms = plural_forms.replace(/n/g, n); |
| 962 | return Jed.parse_expression(plural_forms); |
| 963 | }; |
| 964 | |
| 965 | Jed.sprintf = function ( fmt, args ) { |
| 966 | if ( {}.toString.call( args ) == '[object Array]' ) { |
| 967 | return vsprintf( fmt, [].slice.call(args) ); |
| 968 | } |
| 969 | return sprintf.apply(this, [].slice.call(arguments) ); |
| 970 | }; |
| 971 | |
| 972 | Jed.prototype.sprintf = function () { |
| 973 | return Jed.sprintf.apply(this, arguments); |
| 974 | }; |
| 975 | // END sprintf Implementation |
| 976 | |
| 977 | // Start the Plural forms section |
| 978 | // This is a full plural form expression parser. It is used to avoid |
| 979 | // running 'eval' or 'new Function' directly against the plural |
| 980 | // forms. |
| 981 | // |
| 982 | // This can be important if you get translations done through a 3rd |
| 983 | // party vendor. I encourage you to use this instead, however, I |
| 984 | // also will provide a 'precompiler' that you can use at build time |
| 985 | // to output valid/safe function representations of the plural form |
| 986 | // expressions. This means you can build this code out for the most |
| 987 | // part. |
| 988 | Jed.PF = {}; |
| 989 | |
| 990 | Jed.PF.parse = function ( p ) { |
| 991 | var plural_str = Jed.PF.extractPluralExpr( p ); |
| 992 | return Jed.PF.parser.parse.call(Jed.PF.parser, plural_str); |
| 993 | }; |
| 994 | |
| 995 | Jed.PF.compile = function ( p ) { |
| 996 | // Handle trues and falses as 0 and 1 |
| 997 | function imply( val ) { |
| 998 | return (val === true ? 1 : val ? val : 0); |
| 999 | } |
| 1000 | |
| 1001 | var ast = Jed.PF.parse( p ); |
| 1002 | return function ( n ) { |
| 1003 | return imply( Jed.PF.interpreter( ast )( n ) ); |
| 1004 | }; |
| 1005 | }; |
| 1006 | |
| 1007 | Jed.PF.interpreter = function ( ast ) { |
| 1008 | return function ( n ) { |
| 1009 | var res; |
| 1010 | switch ( ast.type ) { |
| 1011 | case 'GROUP': |
| 1012 | return Jed.PF.interpreter( ast.expr )( n ); |
| 1013 | case 'TERNARY': |
| 1014 | if ( Jed.PF.interpreter( ast.expr )( n ) ) { |
| 1015 | return Jed.PF.interpreter( ast.truthy )( n ); |
| 1016 | } |
| 1017 | return Jed.PF.interpreter( ast.falsey )( n ); |
| 1018 | case 'OR': |
| 1019 | return Jed.PF.interpreter( ast.left )( n ) || Jed.PF.interpreter( ast.right )( n ); |
| 1020 | case 'AND': |
| 1021 | return Jed.PF.interpreter( ast.left )( n ) && Jed.PF.interpreter( ast.right )( n ); |
| 1022 | case 'LT': |
| 1023 | return Jed.PF.interpreter( ast.left )( n ) < Jed.PF.interpreter( ast.right )( n ); |
| 1024 | case 'GT': |
| 1025 | return Jed.PF.interpreter( ast.left )( n ) > Jed.PF.interpreter( ast.right )( n ); |
| 1026 | case 'LTE': |
| 1027 | return Jed.PF.interpreter( ast.left )( n ) <= Jed.PF.interpreter( ast.right )( n ); |
| 1028 | case 'GTE': |
| 1029 | return Jed.PF.interpreter( ast.left )( n ) >= Jed.PF.interpreter( ast.right )( n ); |
| 1030 | case 'EQ': |
| 1031 | return Jed.PF.interpreter( ast.left )( n ) == Jed.PF.interpreter( ast.right )( n ); |
| 1032 | case 'NEQ': |
| 1033 | return Jed.PF.interpreter( ast.left )( n ) != Jed.PF.interpreter( ast.right )( n ); |
| 1034 | case 'MOD': |
| 1035 | return Jed.PF.interpreter( ast.left )( n ) % Jed.PF.interpreter( ast.right )( n ); |
| 1036 | case 'VAR': |
| 1037 | return n; |
| 1038 | case 'NUM': |
| 1039 | return ast.val; |
| 1040 | default: |
| 1041 | throw new Error("Invalid Token found."); |
| 1042 | } |
| 1043 | }; |
| 1044 | }; |
| 1045 | |
| 1046 | Jed.PF.extractPluralExpr = function ( p ) { |
| 1047 | // trim first |
| 1048 | p = p.replace(/^\s\s*/, '').replace(/\s\s*$/, ''); |
| 1049 | |
| 1050 | if (! /;\s*$/.test(p)) { |
| 1051 | p = p.concat(';'); |
| 1052 | } |
| 1053 | |
| 1054 | var nplurals_re = /nplurals\=(\d+);/, |
| 1055 | plural_re = /plural\=(.*);/, |
| 1056 | nplurals_matches = p.match( nplurals_re ), |
| 1057 | res = {}, |
| 1058 | plural_matches; |
| 1059 | |
| 1060 | // Find the nplurals number |
| 1061 | if ( nplurals_matches.length > 1 ) { |
| 1062 | res.nplurals = nplurals_matches[1]; |
| 1063 | } |
| 1064 | else { |
| 1065 | throw new Error('nplurals not found in plural_forms string: ' + p ); |
| 1066 | } |
| 1067 | |
| 1068 | // remove that data to get to the formula |
| 1069 | p = p.replace( nplurals_re, "" ); |
| 1070 | plural_matches = p.match( plural_re ); |
| 1071 | |
| 1072 | if (!( plural_matches && plural_matches.length > 1 ) ) { |
| 1073 | throw new Error('`plural` expression not found: ' + p); |
| 1074 | } |
| 1075 | return plural_matches[ 1 ]; |
| 1076 | }; |
| 1077 | |
| 1078 | /* Jison generated parser */ |
| 1079 | Jed.PF.parser = (function(){ |
| 1080 | |
| 1081 | var parser = {trace: function trace() { }, |
| 1082 | yy: {}, |
| 1083 | symbols_: {"error":2,"expressions":3,"e":4,"EOF":5,"?":6,":":7,"||":8,"&&":9,"<":10,"<=":11,">":12,">=":13,"!=":14,"==":15,"%":16,"(":17,")":18,"n":19,"NUMBER":20,"$accept":0,"$end":1}, |
| 1084 | terminals_: {2:"error",5:"EOF",6:"?",7:":",8:"||",9:"&&",10:"<",11:"<=",12:">",13:">=",14:"!=",15:"==",16:"%",17:"(",18:")",19:"n",20:"NUMBER"}, |
| 1085 | productions_: [0,[3,2],[4,5],[4,3],[4,3],[4,3],[4,3],[4,3],[4,3],[4,3],[4,3],[4,3],[4,3],[4,1],[4,1]], |
| 1086 | performAction: function anonymous(yytext,yyleng,yylineno,yy,yystate,$$,_$) { |
| 1087 | |
| 1088 | var $0 = $$.length - 1; |
| 1089 | switch (yystate) { |
| 1090 | case 1: return { type : 'GROUP', expr: $$[$0-1] }; |
| 1091 | break; |
| 1092 | case 2:this.$ = { type: 'TERNARY', expr: $$[$0-4], truthy : $$[$0-2], falsey: $$[$0] }; |
| 1093 | break; |
| 1094 | case 3:this.$ = { type: "OR", left: $$[$0-2], right: $$[$0] }; |
| 1095 | break; |
| 1096 | case 4:this.$ = { type: "AND", left: $$[$0-2], right: $$[$0] }; |
| 1097 | break; |
| 1098 | case 5:this.$ = { type: 'LT', left: $$[$0-2], right: $$[$0] }; |
| 1099 | break; |
| 1100 | case 6:this.$ = { type: 'LTE', left: $$[$0-2], right: $$[$0] }; |
| 1101 | break; |
| 1102 | case 7:this.$ = { type: 'GT', left: $$[$0-2], right: $$[$0] }; |
| 1103 | break; |
| 1104 | case 8:this.$ = { type: 'GTE', left: $$[$0-2], right: $$[$0] }; |
| 1105 | break; |
| 1106 | case 9:this.$ = { type: 'NEQ', left: $$[$0-2], right: $$[$0] }; |
| 1107 | break; |
| 1108 | case 10:this.$ = { type: 'EQ', left: $$[$0-2], right: $$[$0] }; |
| 1109 | break; |
| 1110 | case 11:this.$ = { type: 'MOD', left: $$[$0-2], right: $$[$0] }; |
| 1111 | break; |
| 1112 | case 12:this.$ = { type: 'GROUP', expr: $$[$0-1] }; |
| 1113 | break; |
| 1114 | case 13:this.$ = { type: 'VAR' }; |
| 1115 | break; |
| 1116 | case 14:this.$ = { type: 'NUM', val: Number(yytext) }; |
| 1117 | break; |
| 1118 | } |
| 1119 | }, |
| 1120 | table: [{3:1,4:2,17:[1,3],19:[1,4],20:[1,5]},{1:[3]},{5:[1,6],6:[1,7],8:[1,8],9:[1,9],10:[1,10],11:[1,11],12:[1,12],13:[1,13],14:[1,14],15:[1,15],16:[1,16]},{4:17,17:[1,3],19:[1,4],20:[1,5]},{5:[2,13],6:[2,13],7:[2,13],8:[2,13],9:[2,13],10:[2,13],11:[2,13],12:[2,13],13:[2,13],14:[2,13],15:[2,13],16:[2,13],18:[2,13]},{5:[2,14],6:[2,14],7:[2,14],8:[2,14],9:[2,14],10:[2,14],11:[2,14],12:[2,14],13:[2,14],14:[2,14],15:[2,14],16:[2,14],18:[2,14]},{1:[2,1]},{4:18,17:[1,3],19:[1,4],20:[1,5]},{4:19,17:[1,3],19:[1,4],20:[1,5]},{4:20,17:[1,3],19:[1,4],20:[1,5]},{4:21,17:[1,3],19:[1,4],20:[1,5]},{4:22,17:[1,3],19:[1,4],20:[1,5]},{4:23,17:[1,3],19:[1,4],20:[1,5]},{4:24,17:[1,3],19:[1,4],20:[1,5]},{4:25,17:[1,3],19:[1,4],20:[1,5]},{4:26,17:[1,3],19:[1,4],20:[1,5]},{4:27,17:[1,3],19:[1,4],20:[1,5]},{6:[1,7],8:[1,8],9:[1,9],10:[1,10],11:[1,11],12:[1,12],13:[1,13],14:[1,14],15:[1,15],16:[1,16],18:[1,28]},{6:[1,7],7:[1,29],8:[1,8],9:[1,9],10:[1,10],11:[1,11],12:[1,12],13:[1,13],14:[1,14],15:[1,15],16:[1,16]},{5:[2,3],6:[2,3],7:[2,3],8:[2,3],9:[1,9],10:[1,10],11:[1,11],12:[1,12],13:[1,13],14:[1,14],15:[1,15],16:[1,16],18:[2,3]},{5:[2,4],6:[2,4],7:[2,4],8:[2,4],9:[2,4],10:[1,10],11:[1,11],12:[1,12],13:[1,13],14:[1,14],15:[1,15],16:[1,16],18:[2,4]},{5:[2,5],6:[2,5],7:[2,5],8:[2,5],9:[2,5],10:[2,5],11:[2,5],12:[2,5],13:[2,5],14:[2,5],15:[2,5],16:[1,16],18:[2,5]},{5:[2,6],6:[2,6],7:[2,6],8:[2,6],9:[2,6],10:[2,6],11:[2,6],12:[2,6],13:[2,6],14:[2,6],15:[2,6],16:[1,16],18:[2,6]},{5:[2,7],6:[2,7],7:[2,7],8:[2,7],9:[2,7],10:[2,7],11:[2,7],12:[2,7],13:[2,7],14:[2,7],15:[2,7],16:[1,16],18:[2,7]},{5:[2,8],6:[2,8],7:[2,8],8:[2,8],9:[2,8],10:[2,8],11:[2,8],12:[2,8],13:[2,8],14:[2,8],15:[2,8],16:[1,16],18:[2,8]},{5:[2,9],6:[2,9],7:[2,9],8:[2,9],9:[2,9],10:[2,9],11:[2,9],12:[2,9],13:[2,9],14:[2,9],15:[2,9],16:[1,16],18:[2,9]},{5:[2,10],6:[2,10],7:[2,10],8:[2,10],9:[2,10],10:[2,10],11:[2,10],12:[2,10],13:[2,10],14:[2,10],15:[2,10],16:[1,16],18:[2,10]},{5:[2,11],6:[2,11],7:[2,11],8:[2,11],9:[2,11],10:[2,11],11:[2,11],12:[2,11],13:[2,11],14:[2,11],15:[2,11],16:[2,11],18:[2,11]},{5:[2,12],6:[2,12],7:[2,12],8:[2,12],9:[2,12],10:[2,12],11:[2,12],12:[2,12],13:[2,12],14:[2,12],15:[2,12],16:[2,12],18:[2,12]},{4:30,17:[1,3],19:[1,4],20:[1,5]},{5:[2,2],6:[1,7],7:[2,2],8:[1,8],9:[1,9],10:[1,10],11:[1,11],12:[1,12],13:[1,13],14:[1,14],15:[1,15],16:[1,16],18:[2,2]}], |
| 1121 | defaultActions: {6:[2,1]}, |
| 1122 | parseError: function parseError(str, hash) { |
| 1123 | throw new Error(str); |
| 1124 | }, |
| 1125 | parse: function parse(input) { |
| 1126 | var self = this, |
| 1127 | stack = [0], |
| 1128 | vstack = [null], // semantic value stack |
| 1129 | lstack = [], // location stack |
| 1130 | table = this.table, |
| 1131 | yytext = '', |
| 1132 | yylineno = 0, |
| 1133 | yyleng = 0, |
| 1134 | recovering = 0, |
| 1135 | TERROR = 2, |
| 1136 | EOF = 1; |
| 1137 | |
| 1138 | //this.reductionCount = this.shiftCount = 0; |
| 1139 | |
| 1140 | this.lexer.setInput(input); |
| 1141 | this.lexer.yy = this.yy; |
| 1142 | this.yy.lexer = this.lexer; |
| 1143 | if (typeof this.lexer.yylloc == 'undefined') |
| 1144 | this.lexer.yylloc = {}; |
| 1145 | var yyloc = this.lexer.yylloc; |
| 1146 | lstack.push(yyloc); |
| 1147 | |
| 1148 | if (typeof this.yy.parseError === 'function') |
| 1149 | this.parseError = this.yy.parseError; |
| 1150 | |
| 1151 | function popStack (n) { |
| 1152 | stack.length = stack.length - 2*n; |
| 1153 | vstack.length = vstack.length - n; |
| 1154 | lstack.length = lstack.length - n; |
| 1155 | } |
| 1156 | |
| 1157 | function lex() { |
| 1158 | var token; |
| 1159 | token = self.lexer.lex() || 1; // $end = 1 |
| 1160 | // if token isn't its numeric value, convert |
| 1161 | if (typeof token !== 'number') { |
| 1162 | token = self.symbols_[token] || token; |
| 1163 | } |
| 1164 | return token; |
| 1165 | } |
| 1166 | |
| 1167 | var symbol, preErrorSymbol, state, action, a, r, yyval={},p,len,newState, expected; |
| 1168 | while (true) { |
| 1169 | // retreive state number from top of stack |
| 1170 | state = stack[stack.length-1]; |
| 1171 | |
| 1172 | // use default actions if available |
| 1173 | if (this.defaultActions[state]) { |
| 1174 | action = this.defaultActions[state]; |
| 1175 | } else { |
| 1176 | if (symbol == null) |
| 1177 | symbol = lex(); |
| 1178 | // read action for current state and first input |
| 1179 | action = table[state] && table[state][symbol]; |
| 1180 | } |
| 1181 | |
| 1182 | // handle parse error |
| 1183 | _handle_error: |
| 1184 | if (typeof action === 'undefined' || !action.length || !action[0]) { |
| 1185 | |
| 1186 | if (!recovering) { |
| 1187 | // Report error |
| 1188 | expected = []; |
| 1189 | for (p in table[state]) if (this.terminals_[p] && p > 2) { |
| 1190 | expected.push("'"+this.terminals_[p]+"'"); |
| 1191 | } |
| 1192 | var errStr = ''; |
| 1193 | if (this.lexer.showPosition) { |
| 1194 | errStr = 'Parse error on line '+(yylineno+1)+":\n"+this.lexer.showPosition()+"\nExpecting "+expected.join(', ') + ", got '" + this.terminals_[symbol]+ "'"; |
| 1195 | } else { |
| 1196 | errStr = 'Parse error on line '+(yylineno+1)+": Unexpected " + |
| 1197 | (symbol == 1 /*EOF*/ ? "end of input" : |
| 1198 | ("'"+(this.terminals_[symbol] || symbol)+"'")); |
| 1199 | } |
| 1200 | this.parseError(errStr, |
| 1201 | {text: this.lexer.match, token: this.terminals_[symbol] || symbol, line: this.lexer.yylineno, loc: yyloc, expected: expected}); |
| 1202 | } |
| 1203 | |
| 1204 | // just recovered from another error |
| 1205 | if (recovering == 3) { |
| 1206 | if (symbol == EOF) { |
| 1207 | throw new Error(errStr || 'Parsing halted.'); |
| 1208 | } |
| 1209 | |
| 1210 | // discard current lookahead and grab another |
| 1211 | yyleng = this.lexer.yyleng; |
| 1212 | yytext = this.lexer.yytext; |
| 1213 | yylineno = this.lexer.yylineno; |
| 1214 | yyloc = this.lexer.yylloc; |
| 1215 | symbol = lex(); |
| 1216 | } |
| 1217 | |
| 1218 | // try to recover from error |
| 1219 | while (1) { |
| 1220 | // check for error recovery rule in this state |
| 1221 | if ((TERROR.toString()) in table[state]) { |
| 1222 | break; |
| 1223 | } |
| 1224 | if (state == 0) { |
| 1225 | throw new Error(errStr || 'Parsing halted.'); |
| 1226 | } |
| 1227 | popStack(1); |
| 1228 | state = stack[stack.length-1]; |
| 1229 | } |
| 1230 | |
| 1231 | preErrorSymbol = symbol; // save the lookahead token |
| 1232 | symbol = TERROR; // insert generic error symbol as new lookahead |
| 1233 | state = stack[stack.length-1]; |
| 1234 | action = table[state] && table[state][TERROR]; |
| 1235 | recovering = 3; // allow 3 real symbols to be shifted before reporting a new error |
| 1236 | } |
| 1237 | |
| 1238 | // this shouldn't happen, unless resolve defaults are off |
| 1239 | if (action[0] instanceof Array && action.length > 1) { |
| 1240 | throw new Error('Parse Error: multiple actions possible at state: '+state+', token: '+symbol); |
| 1241 | } |
| 1242 | |
| 1243 | switch (action[0]) { |
| 1244 | |
| 1245 | case 1: // shift |
| 1246 | //this.shiftCount++; |
| 1247 | |
| 1248 | stack.push(symbol); |
| 1249 | vstack.push(this.lexer.yytext); |
| 1250 | lstack.push(this.lexer.yylloc); |
| 1251 | stack.push(action[1]); // push state |
| 1252 | symbol = null; |
| 1253 | if (!preErrorSymbol) { // normal execution/no error |
| 1254 | yyleng = this.lexer.yyleng; |
| 1255 | yytext = this.lexer.yytext; |
| 1256 | yylineno = this.lexer.yylineno; |
| 1257 | yyloc = this.lexer.yylloc; |
| 1258 | if (recovering > 0) |
| 1259 | recovering--; |
| 1260 | } else { // error just occurred, resume old lookahead f/ before error |
| 1261 | symbol = preErrorSymbol; |
| 1262 | preErrorSymbol = null; |
| 1263 | } |
| 1264 | break; |
| 1265 | |
| 1266 | case 2: // reduce |
| 1267 | //this.reductionCount++; |
| 1268 | |
| 1269 | len = this.productions_[action[1]][1]; |
| 1270 | |
| 1271 | // perform semantic action |
| 1272 | yyval.$ = vstack[vstack.length-len]; // default to $$ = $1 |
| 1273 | // default location, uses first token for firsts, last for lasts |
| 1274 | yyval._$ = { |
| 1275 | first_line: lstack[lstack.length-(len||1)].first_line, |
| 1276 | last_line: lstack[lstack.length-1].last_line, |
| 1277 | first_column: lstack[lstack.length-(len||1)].first_column, |
| 1278 | last_column: lstack[lstack.length-1].last_column |
| 1279 | }; |
| 1280 | r = this.performAction.call(yyval, yytext, yyleng, yylineno, this.yy, action[1], vstack, lstack); |
| 1281 | |
| 1282 | if (typeof r !== 'undefined') { |
| 1283 | return r; |
| 1284 | } |
| 1285 | |
| 1286 | // pop off stack |
| 1287 | if (len) { |
| 1288 | stack = stack.slice(0,-1*len*2); |
| 1289 | vstack = vstack.slice(0, -1*len); |
| 1290 | lstack = lstack.slice(0, -1*len); |
| 1291 | } |
| 1292 | |
| 1293 | stack.push(this.productions_[action[1]][0]); // push nonterminal (reduce) |
| 1294 | vstack.push(yyval.$); |
| 1295 | lstack.push(yyval._$); |
| 1296 | // goto new state = table[STATE][NONTERMINAL] |
| 1297 | newState = table[stack[stack.length-2]][stack[stack.length-1]]; |
| 1298 | stack.push(newState); |
| 1299 | break; |
| 1300 | |
| 1301 | case 3: // accept |
| 1302 | return true; |
| 1303 | } |
| 1304 | |
| 1305 | } |
| 1306 | |
| 1307 | return true; |
| 1308 | }};/* Jison generated lexer */ |
| 1309 | var lexer = (function(){ |
| 1310 | |
| 1311 | var lexer = ({EOF:1, |
| 1312 | parseError:function parseError(str, hash) { |
| 1313 | if (this.yy.parseError) { |
| 1314 | this.yy.parseError(str, hash); |
| 1315 | } else { |
| 1316 | throw new Error(str); |
| 1317 | } |
| 1318 | }, |
| 1319 | setInput:function (input) { |
| 1320 | this._input = input; |
| 1321 | this._more = this._less = this.done = false; |
| 1322 | this.yylineno = this.yyleng = 0; |
| 1323 | this.yytext = this.matched = this.match = ''; |
| 1324 | this.conditionStack = ['INITIAL']; |
| 1325 | this.yylloc = {first_line:1,first_column:0,last_line:1,last_column:0}; |
| 1326 | return this; |
| 1327 | }, |
| 1328 | input:function () { |
| 1329 | var ch = this._input[0]; |
| 1330 | this.yytext+=ch; |
| 1331 | this.yyleng++; |
| 1332 | this.match+=ch; |
| 1333 | this.matched+=ch; |
| 1334 | var lines = ch.match(/\n/); |
| 1335 | if (lines) this.yylineno++; |
| 1336 | this._input = this._input.slice(1); |
| 1337 | return ch; |
| 1338 | }, |
| 1339 | unput:function (ch) { |
| 1340 | this._input = ch + this._input; |
| 1341 | return this; |
| 1342 | }, |
| 1343 | more:function () { |
| 1344 | this._more = true; |
| 1345 | return this; |
| 1346 | }, |
| 1347 | pastInput:function () { |
| 1348 | var past = this.matched.substr(0, this.matched.length - this.match.length); |
| 1349 | return (past.length > 20 ? '...':'') + past.substr(-20).replace(/\n/g, ""); |
| 1350 | }, |
| 1351 | upcomingInput:function () { |
| 1352 | var next = this.match; |
| 1353 | if (next.length < 20) { |
| 1354 | next += this._input.substr(0, 20-next.length); |
| 1355 | } |
| 1356 | return (next.substr(0,20)+(next.length > 20 ? '...':'')).replace(/\n/g, ""); |
| 1357 | }, |
| 1358 | showPosition:function () { |
| 1359 | var pre = this.pastInput(); |
| 1360 | var c = new Array(pre.length + 1).join("-"); |
| 1361 | return pre + this.upcomingInput() + "\n" + c+"^"; |
| 1362 | }, |
| 1363 | next:function () { |
| 1364 | if (this.done) { |
| 1365 | return this.EOF; |
| 1366 | } |
| 1367 | if (!this._input) this.done = true; |
| 1368 | |
| 1369 | var token, |
| 1370 | match, |
| 1371 | col, |
| 1372 | lines; |
| 1373 | if (!this._more) { |
| 1374 | this.yytext = ''; |
| 1375 | this.match = ''; |
| 1376 | } |
| 1377 | var rules = this._currentRules(); |
| 1378 | for (var i=0;i < rules.length; i++) { |
| 1379 | match = this._input.match(this.rules[rules[i]]); |
| 1380 | if (match) { |
| 1381 | lines = match[0].match(/\n.*/g); |
| 1382 | if (lines) this.yylineno += lines.length; |
| 1383 | this.yylloc = {first_line: this.yylloc.last_line, |
| 1384 | last_line: this.yylineno+1, |
| 1385 | first_column: this.yylloc.last_column, |
| 1386 | last_column: lines ? lines[lines.length-1].length-1 : this.yylloc.last_column + match[0].length} |
| 1387 | this.yytext += match[0]; |
| 1388 | this.match += match[0]; |
| 1389 | this.matches = match; |
| 1390 | this.yyleng = this.yytext.length; |
| 1391 | this._more = false; |
| 1392 | this._input = this._input.slice(match[0].length); |
| 1393 | this.matched += match[0]; |
| 1394 | token = this.performAction.call(this, this.yy, this, rules[i],this.conditionStack[this.conditionStack.length-1]); |
| 1395 | if (token) return token; |
| 1396 | else return; |
| 1397 | } |
| 1398 | } |
| 1399 | if (this._input === "") { |
| 1400 | return this.EOF; |
| 1401 | } else { |
| 1402 | this.parseError('Lexical error on line '+(this.yylineno+1)+'. Unrecognized text.\n'+this.showPosition(), |
| 1403 | {text: "", token: null, line: this.yylineno}); |
| 1404 | } |
| 1405 | }, |
| 1406 | lex:function lex() { |
| 1407 | var r = this.next(); |
| 1408 | if (typeof r !== 'undefined') { |
| 1409 | return r; |
| 1410 | } else { |
| 1411 | return this.lex(); |
| 1412 | } |
| 1413 | }, |
| 1414 | begin:function begin(condition) { |
| 1415 | this.conditionStack.push(condition); |
| 1416 | }, |
| 1417 | popState:function popState() { |
| 1418 | return this.conditionStack.pop(); |
| 1419 | }, |
| 1420 | _currentRules:function _currentRules() { |
| 1421 | return this.conditions[this.conditionStack[this.conditionStack.length-1]].rules; |
| 1422 | }, |
| 1423 | topState:function () { |
| 1424 | return this.conditionStack[this.conditionStack.length-2]; |
| 1425 | }, |
| 1426 | pushState:function begin(condition) { |
| 1427 | this.begin(condition); |
| 1428 | }}); |
| 1429 | lexer.performAction = function anonymous(yy,yy_,$avoiding_name_collisions,YY_START) { |
| 1430 | |
| 1431 | var YYSTATE=YY_START; |
| 1432 | switch($avoiding_name_collisions) { |
| 1433 | case 0:/* skip whitespace */ |
| 1434 | break; |
| 1435 | case 1:return 20 |
| 1436 | break; |
| 1437 | case 2:return 19 |
| 1438 | break; |
| 1439 | case 3:return 8 |
| 1440 | break; |
| 1441 | case 4:return 9 |
| 1442 | break; |
| 1443 | case 5:return 6 |
| 1444 | break; |
| 1445 | case 6:return 7 |
| 1446 | break; |
| 1447 | case 7:return 11 |
| 1448 | break; |
| 1449 | case 8:return 13 |
| 1450 | break; |
| 1451 | case 9:return 10 |
| 1452 | break; |
| 1453 | case 10:return 12 |
| 1454 | break; |
| 1455 | case 11:return 14 |
| 1456 | break; |
| 1457 | case 12:return 15 |
| 1458 | break; |
| 1459 | case 13:return 16 |
| 1460 | break; |
| 1461 | case 14:return 17 |
| 1462 | break; |
| 1463 | case 15:return 18 |
| 1464 | break; |
| 1465 | case 16:return 5 |
| 1466 | break; |
| 1467 | case 17:return 'INVALID' |
| 1468 | break; |
| 1469 | } |
| 1470 | }; |
| 1471 | lexer.rules = [/^\s+/,/^[0-9]+(\.[0-9]+)?\b/,/^n\b/,/^\|\|/,/^&&/,/^\?/,/^:/,/^<=/,/^>=/,/^</,/^>/,/^!=/,/^==/,/^%/,/^\(/,/^\)/,/^$/,/^./]; |
| 1472 | lexer.conditions = {"INITIAL":{"rules":[0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17],"inclusive":true}};return lexer;})() |
| 1473 | parser.lexer = lexer; |
| 1474 | return parser; |
| 1475 | })(); |
| 1476 | // End parser |
| 1477 | |
| 1478 | // Handle node, amd, and global systems |
| 1479 | if (typeof exports !== 'undefined') { |
| 1480 | if (typeof module !== 'undefined' && module.exports) { |
| 1481 | exports = module.exports = Jed; |
| 1482 | } |
| 1483 | exports.Jed = Jed; |
| 1484 | } |
| 1485 | else { |
| 1486 | if (typeof define === 'function' && define.amd) { |
| 1487 | define('jed', function() { |
| 1488 | return Jed; |
| 1489 | }); |
| 1490 | } |
| 1491 | // Leak a global regardless of module system |
| 1492 | root['Jed'] = Jed; |
| 1493 | } |
| 1494 | |
| 1495 | })(this); |
| 1496 | |
| 1497 | },{}]},{},[3])(3) |
| 1498 | }); |
| 1499 | No newline at end of file |