Ticket #1089: 1089.3.diff
File 1089.3.diff, 30.3 KB (added by , 9 years ago) |
1 <?php 2 /** 3 * This script enables granting and removing of rights for bulk import and bulk export 4 */ 5 require_once dirname( dirname( dirname( __DIR__ ) ) ) . '/gp-load.php'; 6 7 class Grant_Bulk_Permissions extends GP_CLI { 8 var $short_options = 'u:p:g:r:'; 9 10 var $usage = "-u <username> -p <project-path> ( -g <grant-permission>] | [-r <revoke-permission> ) 11 12 Supported permissions are: 13 - bulk-import 14 - bulk-export 15 "; 16 17 function run() { 18 if ( ! isset( $this->options['u'] ) 19 || ( ! isset( $this->options['g'] ) && ! isset( $this->options['r'] ) ) 20 ) { 21 $this->usage(); 22 } 23 $user = GP::$user->get( $this->options['u'] ); 24 if ( !$user || !$user->id ) $this->error( __('User not found!') ); 25 26 $project = GP::$project->by_path( $this->options['p'] ); 27 if ( !$project ) $this->error( __('Project not found!') ); 28 29 $grants = gp_array_get( $this->options, 'g' ); 30 if ( $grants ) { 31 if ( !is_array( $grants ) ) { 32 $grants = array( $grants ); 33 } 34 35 foreach ( $grants as $permission_name ) { 36 if ( ! in_array( $permission_name, array( 'bulk-import', 'bulk-export') ) ) { 37 echo "Invalid permission: $permission_name\n"; 38 continue; 39 } 40 $permission = GP::$permission->find_one( $this->get_permission_array( $user, $project, $permission_name ) ); 41 if ( ! $permission ) { 42 GP::$permission->create( $this->get_permission_array( $user, $project, $permission_name ) ); 43 echo "Permission $permission_name granted to user ", $user->user_login, " for project ", $project->slug, ".\n"; 44 } else { 45 echo "User ", $user->user_login, " already has the permission $permission_name for project ", $project->slug, ".\n"; 46 } 47 } 48 } 49 50 $revokes = gp_array_get( $this->options, 'r' ); 51 if ( $revokes ) { 52 if ( !is_array( $revokes ) ) { 53 $revokes = array( $revokes ); 54 } 55 56 foreach ( $revokes as $permission_name ) { 57 if ( ! in_array( $permission_name, array( 'bulk-import', 'bulk-export') ) ) { 58 echo "Invalid permission: $permission_name\n"; 59 continue; 60 } 61 $permission = GP::$permission->find_one( $this->get_permission_array( $user, $project, $permission_name ) ); 62 if ( $permission ) { 63 $permission->delete(); 64 echo "Permission $permission_name revoked from user ", $user->user_login, " for project ", $project->slug, ".\n"; 65 } else { 66 echo "User ", $user->user_login, " did not have the permission $permission_name for project ", $project->slug, ".\n"; 67 } 68 } 69 } 70 } 71 72 private function get_permission_array( GP_User $user, GP_Project $project, $permission_name ) { 73 return array( 'user_id' => $user->id, 'object_type' => 'project', 'object_id' => $project->id, 'action' => $permission_name ); 74 } 75 } 76 77 $grant_bulk_permissions = new Grant_Bulk_Permissions; 78 $grant_bulk_permissions->run(); -
1 <?php 2 3 /* GP_Import_Export 4 * This plugin adds "Bulk Import" and "Bulk Export" project actions 5 * - Import a zip archive with multiple PO files to different sets 6 * - Export a zip archive of translations based on filters. 7 */ 8 9 require_once( dirname(__FILE__) .'/includes/router.php' ); 10 11 class GP_Import_Export extends GP_Plugin { 12 13 public $id = 'importer'; 14 15 public function __construct() { 16 parent::__construct(); 17 $this->add_routes(); 18 $this->add_filter( 'gp_project_actions', array( 'args' => 2 ) ); 19 } 20 21 function add_routes() { 22 $path = '(.+?)'; 23 24 GP::$router->add( "/importer/$path", array( 'GP_Route_Import_Export', 'importer_get' ), 'get' ); 25 GP::$router->add( "/importer/$path", array( 'GP_Route_Import_Export', 'importer_post' ), 'post' ); 26 27 GP::$router->add( "/exporter/$path/-do", array( 'GP_Route_Import_Export', 'exporter_do_get' ), 'get' ); 28 GP::$router->add( "/exporter/$path", array( 'GP_Route_Import_Export', 'exporter_get' ), 'get' ); 29 } 30 31 function gp_project_actions( $actions, $project ) { 32 33 if ( GP::$user->current()->can( 'bulk-import', 'project', $project->id ) ) { 34 $actions[] = gp_link_get( gp_url( '/importer/' . $project->path ), __( 'Bulk Import' ) ); 35 } 36 37 if ( GP::$user->current()->can( 'bulk-export', 'project', $project->id ) ) { 38 $actions[] = gp_link_get( gp_url( '/exporter/' . $project->path ), __( 'Bulk Export' ) ); 39 } 40 41 return $actions; 42 } 43 44 public static function rrmdir( $dir ) { 45 if ( trim( str_replace( array( '/', '.' ), '', $dir) ) == '' ) { 46 // prevent empty argument, thus deleting more than wanted 47 return false; 48 } 49 50 foreach ( glob( str_replace( '*', '', $dir ) . '/{,.}*', GLOB_BRACE ) as $file ) { // Also look for hidden files 51 52 if ( $file == $dir . '/.' || $file == $dir . '/..' ) { // but ignore dot directories 53 continue; 54 } 55 56 if ( is_dir( $file ) ) { 57 self::rrmdir( $file ); 58 } else { 59 unlink( $file ); 60 } 61 } 62 63 rmdir( $dir ); 64 } 65 } 66 67 GP::$plugins->import_export = new GP_Import_Export; -
1 <?php 2 3 class GP_Route_Import_export extends GP_Route_Main { 4 5 function __construct() { 6 $this->template_path = dirname( dirname( __FILE__ ) ) . '/templates/'; 7 } 8 9 function exporter_get( $project_path ) { 10 $project = GP::$project->by_path( $project_path ); 11 12 if ( ! $project ) { 13 $this->die_with_404(); 14 } 15 16 $can_write = $this->can( 'bulk-export', 'project', $project->id ); 17 18 if ( isset( GP::$plugins->views ) ) { 19 GP::$plugins->views->set_project_id( $project->id ); 20 if ( $views = GP::$plugins->views->views ) { 21 $views_for_select = array( '' => __( '— Select —' ) ); 22 foreach ( $views as $id => $view ) { 23 $views_for_select[ $id ] = $view->name; 24 } 25 unset( $views ); 26 } 27 } 28 29 30 $translation_sets = GP::$translation_set->by_project_id( $project->id ); 31 32 $values = array_map( function( $set ) { return $set->id; }, $translation_sets ); 33 $labels = array_map( function( $set ) { return $set->name_with_locale(); }, $translation_sets ); 34 $sets_for_select = apply_filters( 'exporter_translations_sets_for_select', array_combine( $values, $labels ), $project->id ); 35 $sets_for_select = array( '' => __('— All —') ) + $sets_for_select; 36 37 $this->tmpl( 'exporter', get_defined_vars() ); 38 } 39 40 function exporter_do_get( $project_path ) { 41 @ini_set( 'memory_limit', '256M' ); 42 43 $project = GP::$project->by_path( $project_path ); 44 45 if ( ! $project ) { 46 $this->die_with_404(); 47 } 48 49 $format = gp_array_get( GP::$formats, gp_get( 'format', 'po' ), null ); 50 51 if ( ! $format ) { 52 $this->die_with_404(); 53 } 54 55 56 if ( isset( GP::$plugins->views ) ) { 57 GP::$plugins->views->set_project_id( $project->id ); 58 $current_view = GP::$plugins->views->current_view; 59 } 60 61 $project_for_slug = isset( $current_view ) ? $project_path . '/' . $current_view : $project_path; 62 $filters = gp_get('filters'); 63 if ( isset( $filters['status'] ) && $filters['status'] != 'current_or_waiting_or_fuzzy_or_untranslated' ) { 64 $project_for_slug .= '/' . $filters['status']; 65 } 66 $slug = str_replace( '/', '-', $project_for_slug ) . '-' . date( 'Y-d-m-Hi' ); 67 68 $working_path = '/tmp/' . $slug ; 69 70 // Make sure we have a fresh working directory. 71 if ( file_exists( $working_path ) ) { 72 GP_Import_Export::rrmdir( $working_path ); 73 } 74 75 mkdir( $working_path ); 76 77 $translations_sets = apply_filters( 'exporter_translations_sets_for_processing', gp_get( 'translation_sets' ), $project->id ); 78 if ( ! array_filter( $translations_sets ) || in_array( '0', $translations_sets ) ){ 79 $_translation_sets = GP::$translation_set->by_project_id( $project->id ); 80 $translations_sets = array_map( function( $set ) { return $set->id; }, $_translation_sets ); 81 }; 82 83 $export_created = false; 84 $empty = 0; 85 foreach ( $translations_sets as $set_id ) { 86 $translation_set = GP::$translation_set->get( $set_id ); 87 if ( ! $translation_set ) { 88 $this->errors[] = 'Translation set not found'; //TODO: do something with this 89 continue; 90 } 91 $locale = GP_Locales::by_slug( $translation_set->locale ); 92 $filename = $working_path . '/' . sprintf( '%s-%s.' . $format->extension, str_replace( '/', '-', $project_for_slug ), $locale->slug ); 93 $entries = GP::$translation->for_export( $project, $translation_set, gp_get( 'filters' ) ); 94 if ( empty( $entries ) ) { 95 $empty++; 96 continue; 97 } 98 file_put_contents( $filename, $format->print_exported_file( $project, $locale, $translation_set, $entries ) ); 99 $export_created = true; 100 } 101 102 if ( ! $export_created ) { 103 if ( count( $translations_sets ) == count( $empty ) ) { 104 $this->notices[] = 'No matches for your selection'; 105 $this->redirect(); 106 } else { 107 $this->die_with_error( 'Error creating export files' ); 108 } 109 } 110 111 $tempdir = sys_get_temp_dir(); 112 $archive_file = $tempdir . '/' . $slug . '.zip'; 113 114 $zip = new ZipArchiveExtended; 115 if ( $zip->open( $archive_file, ZipArchiveExtended::CREATE | ZipArchiveExtended::OVERWRITE ) ) { 116 $zip->addDir( $slug, $tempdir ); 117 $zip->close(); 118 } 119 120 $this->headers_for_download( $archive_file ); 121 readfile( $archive_file ); 122 123 GP_Import_Export::rrmdir( $working_path ); 124 unlink( $archive_file ); 125 } 126 127 function importer_get( $project_path ) { 128 $project = GP::$project->by_path( $project_path ); 129 130 if ( ! $project ) { 131 $this->die_with_404(); 132 } 133 134 if ( $this->cannot_and_redirect( 'bulk-import', 'project', $project->id ) ) { 135 return; 136 } 137 138 $this->tmpl( 'importer', get_defined_vars() ); 139 } 140 141 function importer_post( $project_path ) { 142 $project = GP::$project->by_path( $project_path ); 143 144 if ( ! $project ) { 145 $this->die_with_404(); 146 } 147 148 if ( $this->cannot_and_redirect( 'bulk-import', 'project', $project->id ) ) { 149 return; 150 } 151 152 $step = gp_post( 'importer-step', '1' ); 153 154 // process the archive file upon each step because it is uploaded on every step because of the server-farm infrastructure 155 $pofiles = $this->process_archive_file( $project ); 156 157 switch( $step ) { 158 case 1: 159 default: 160 $this->show_selections( $project, $pofiles ); 161 break; 162 case 2: 163 $this->confirm_selections( $project, $pofiles ); 164 break; 165 case 3: 166 $this->process_imports( $project, $pofiles ); 167 break; 168 } 169 170 } 171 172 /** 173 * extract the uploaded ZIP file 174 * @param object $project the project derived from the URL 175 * @return array the filenames of the extracted .po files 176 */ 177 function process_archive_file( $project ) { 178 179 if ( ! is_uploaded_file( $_FILES['import-file']['tmp_name'] ) ) { 180 $this->redirect_with_error( __( 'Error uploading the file.' ) ); 181 return; 182 } else { 183 if ( ! gp_endswith( $_FILES['import-file']['name'], '.zip' ) || ! in_array( $_FILES['import-file']['type'], array( 'application/octet-stream', 'application/zip' ) ) ) { 184 $upload_error = true; 185 $this->redirect_with_error( __( 'Please upload a zip file.' ) ); 186 } 187 } 188 189 $filename = preg_replace("([^\w\s\d\-_~,;:\[\]\(\].]|[\.]{2,})", '', $_FILES['import-file']['name'] ); 190 $slug = preg_replace( '/\.zip$/', '', $filename ); 191 192 $working_directory = '/bulk-importer-' . $slug; 193 $this->working_path = sys_get_temp_dir() . $working_directory; 194 195 // Make sure we have a fresh working directory. 196 if ( file_exists( $this->working_path ) ) { 197 GP_Import_Export::rrmdir( $this->working_path ); 198 } 199 200 mkdir( $this->working_path ); 201 202 $zip = new ZipArchiveExtended; 203 if ( $zip->open( $_FILES['import-file']['tmp_name'] ) ) { 204 $zip->extractToFlatten( $this->working_path ); 205 $zip->close(); 206 } 207 208 $pofiles = glob( $this->working_path . '/*.po' ); 209 if ( empty( $pofiles ) ) { 210 GP_Import_Export::rrmdir( $this->working_path ); 211 $this->redirect_with_error( __( 'No PO files found in zip archive' ) ); 212 } 213 214 return $pofiles; 215 } 216 217 /** 218 * Step 1: extract the uploaded ZIP file 219 * @param object $project the project derived from the URL 220 * @param array $pofiles the filenames of the extracted .po files 221 */ 222 function show_selections( $project, $pofiles ) { 223 $sets = GP::$translation_set->by_project_id( $project->id ); 224 $sets_for_select = array_combine( 225 array_map( function( $s ){ return $s->id; }, $sets ), 226 array_map( function( $s ){ return $s->locale . ' - ' . $s->name; }, $sets ) 227 ); 228 229 $sets_for_select = array( '0' => __('— Translation Set —' ) ) + $sets_for_select; 230 unset( $sets ); 231 232 $this->tmpl( 'importer-files', get_defined_vars() ); 233 } 234 235 236 /** 237 * Step 2: Confirm the locale mappings by the user and select 238 * @param object $project the project derived from the URL 239 * @param array $pofiles the filenames of the extracted .po files 240 */ 241 function confirm_selections( $project, $pofiles ) { 242 243 $to_import = array(); 244 foreach( $pofiles as $po_file ) { 245 $target_set = gp_post( basename( $po_file, '.po') ); 246 if ( $target_set ) { 247 248 $translation_set = GP::$translation_set->get( $target_set ); 249 250 if ( ! $translation_set ) { 251 $this->errors[] = sprintf( __( 'Couldn’t find translation set id %d!' ), $target_set ); 252 } 253 254 $to_import[ basename( $po_file ) ] = array( 'id' => $translation_set->id, 'name' => $translation_set->name_with_locale() ); 255 } 256 } 257 258 if ( empty( $to_import ) ) { 259 $this->redirect_with_error( __( 'Please select a matching translation set for each PO file.' ) ); 260 } 261 262 $this->tmpl( 'importer-confirmation', get_defined_vars() ); 263 } 264 265 /** 266 * Step 3: Do the import 267 * @param object $project the project derived from the URL 268 * @param array $pofiles the filenames of the extracted .po files 269 */ 270 271 function process_imports( $project, $pofiles ) { 272 273 if ( 'no' == gp_post( 'overwrite', 'yes' ) ) { 274 add_filter( 'translation_set_import_over_existing', '__return_false' ); 275 } 276 277 if ( 'waiting' == gp_post( 'status', 'current' ) ) { 278 add_filter( 'translation_set_import_status', function( $status ) { 279 return 'waiting'; 280 }); 281 } 282 283 $last = end( $pofiles ); $processed = false; 284 foreach( $pofiles as $po_file ) { 285 $target_set = gp_post( basename( $po_file, '.po') ); 286 if ( $target_set ) { 287 $processed = $po_file; 288 $id = basename( $po_file, '.po' ); 289 290 $translation_set = GP::$translation_set->get( $target_set ); 291 292 if ( ! $translation_set ) { 293 $status = sprintf( __( 'Couldn’t find translation set id %d!' ), $target_set ); 294 break; 295 } 296 297 $format = gp_array_get( GP::$formats, 'po', null ); 298 $translations = $format->read_translations_from_file( $po_file, $project ); 299 if ( ! $translations ) { 300 $status = sprintf( __( 'Couldn’t load translations from file %s!' ), basename( $po_file ) ); 301 break; 302 } 303 $translations_added = $translation_set->import( $translations ); 304 $status = sprintf( __( '%s translations were added from %s' ), $translations_added, basename( $po_file ) ); 305 } 306 } 307 308 // cleanup 309 if ( $this->working_path && $processed === $last ) { 310 GP_Import_Export::rrmdir( $this->working_path ); 311 } 312 313 $this->tmpl( 'importer-report-status', get_defined_vars() ); 314 } 315 316 317 function headers_for_download( $filename ) { 318 $this->header( 'Pragma: public' ); 319 $this->header( 'Expires: 0' ); 320 $this->header( 'Cache-Control: must-revalidate, post-check=0, pre-check=0' ); 321 $this->header( 'Cache-Control: public' ); 322 $this->header( 'Content-Description: File Transfer' ); 323 $this->header( 'Content-type: application/octet-stream' ); 324 $this->header( 'Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="' . basename( $filename ) . '"' ); 325 $this->header( 'Content-Transfer-Encoding: binary' ); 326 $this->header( 'Content-Length: ' . filesize( $filename ) ); 327 } 328 329 } 330 331 if ( class_exists( 'ZipArchive' ) ) { 332 class ZipArchiveExtended extends ZipArchive { 333 334 public function addDir( $path, $basedir ) { 335 $cwd = getcwd(); 336 chdir( $basedir ); 337 338 $this->addEmptyDir( $path ); 339 $nodes = glob( $path . '/*' ); 340 foreach ( $nodes as $node ) { 341 if ( is_dir( $node ) ) { 342 $this->addDir( $node ); 343 } else if ( is_file( $node ) ) { 344 $this->addFile( $node ); 345 } 346 } 347 348 chdir( $cwd ); 349 return true; 350 } 351 352 public function extractToFlatten( $path ) { 353 for ( $i = 0; $i < $this->numFiles; $i++ ) { 354 355 $entry = $this->getNameIndex( $i ); 356 if ( substr( $entry, -1 ) == '/' ) continue; // skip directories to flatten the file structure 357 358 $fp = $this->getStream( $entry ); 359 if ( $fp ) { 360 $ofp = fopen( $path . '/' . basename( $entry ), 'w' ); 361 while ( ! feof( $fp ) ) { 362 fwrite( $ofp, fread( $fp, 8192 ) ); 363 } 364 365 fclose( $fp ); 366 fclose( $ofp ); 367 } 368 } 369 370 return $path; 371 } 372 } 373 } else { 374 class ZipArchiveExtended { 375 const CREATE = 0; 376 const OVERWRITE = 0; 377 378 private $archive_file; 379 public function open( $archive_file, $flags = false ) { 380 $this->archive_file = $archive_file; 381 return true; 382 } 383 384 public function addDir( $path, $basedir ) { 385 $cwd = getcwd(); 386 chdir( $basedir ); 387 388 $zip_command = 'zip -r ' . escapeshellarg( $this->archive_file ) . ' ' . escapeshellarg( $path ); 389 $zip_output = array(); 390 $zip_status = null; 391 392 exec( $zip_command, $zip_output, $zip_status ); 393 394 if ( 0 !== $zip_status ) { 395 return false; 396 } 397 398 return true; 399 } 400 401 public function extractToFlatten( $path ) { 402 system( 'unzip -j -qq ' . $this->archive_file . ' *.po -d ' . escapeshellarg( $path ) ); 403 return $path; 404 } 405 406 public function close() { 407 } 408 409 } 410 } -
1 <?php 2 gp_title( sprintf( __('Bulk Export Translations < %s < GlotPress'), esc_html( $project->name ) ) ); 3 gp_breadcrumb( array( 4 gp_project_links_from_root( $project ), 5 __('Bulk Export') 6 ) ); 7 8 gp_tmpl_header(); 9 ?> 10 <h2><?php _e('Bulk Export Translations'); ?></h2> 11 <form id="export-filters" class="export-filters" action="<?php echo esc_url( gp_url_current() ); ?>/-do" method="get" accept-charset="utf-8"> 12 <dl> 13 <dt><label>Translation Sets</label></dt> 14 <dd> 15 <?php echo gp_select( 'translation_sets[]', $sets_for_select, null, array( 'multiple' => 'multiple', 'size' => '12', 'style' =>'height:auto;' ) ); ?> 16 </dd> 17 <dt><label><?php _e( 'Translations status:' ); ?></label></dt> 18 <dd> 19 <?php 20 echo gp_radio_buttons( 'filters[status]', 21 array( 22 'current_or_waiting_or_fuzzy_or_untranslated' => __('Current/waiting/fuzzy + untranslated (All)'), 23 'current' => __('Current only'), 24 'old' => __('Approved, but obsoleted by another string'), 25 'waiting' => __('Waiting approval'), 26 'fuzzy' => __('Fuzzy'), 27 'rejected' => __('Rejected'), 28 'untranslated' => __('Without current translation'), 29 'either' => __('Any'), 30 ), 'current_or_waiting_or_fuzzy_or_untranslated' ); 31 ?> 32 </dd> 33 34 <dt><label><?php _e('Originals priority:'); ?></label></dt> 35 <dd> 36 <?php 37 $valid_priorities = GP::$original->get_static( 'priorities' ); 38 krsort( $valid_priorities); 39 if ( ! isset( $can_write) || ! $can_write ) { 40 //Non admins can't see hidden strings 41 unset( $valid_priorities['-2'] ); 42 } 43 foreach ( $valid_priorities as $priority => $label ): 44 ?> 45 <input checked="checked" type="checkbox" name="filters[priority][]" value="<?php echo esc_attr( $priority );?>" id="priority[<?php echo esc_attr( $label );?>]"><label for='priority[<?php echo esc_attr( $label );?>]'><?php echo esc_html( $label );?></label><br /> 46 <?php endforeach; ?> 47 </dd> 48 <?php if( isset( $views_for_select ) ): ?> 49 <dt><?php _e( 'Predefined View' ); ?></dt> 50 <dd> 51 <?php echo gp_select('filters[view]', $views_for_select, null ); ?> 52 </dd> 53 <?php endif; ?> 54 <dt><label><?php _e( 'Format:' ); ?></label></dt> 55 <dd> 56 <?php 57 $format_options = array(); 58 foreach ( GP::$formats as $slug => $format ) { 59 $format_options[$slug] = $format->name; 60 } 61 echo gp_select( 'export-format', $format_options, 'po' ); 62 ?> 63 </dd> 64 </dl> 65 <p><input type="submit" value="<?php echo esc_attr( __( 'Export' ) ); ?>" name="export" /></p> 66 </form> 67 68 <?php gp_tmpl_footer(); 69 No newline at end of file -
1 <?php 2 gp_title( sprintf( __('Bulk Import Translations < %s < GlotPress'), esc_html( $project->name ) ) ); 3 gp_breadcrumb( array( 4 gp_project_links_from_root( $project ), 5 __('Bulk Import') 6 ) ); 7 gp_tmpl_header(); 8 ?> 9 10 <h2><?php _e('Bulk Import Translations'); ?></h2> 11 <form action="" method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data" id="step3"> 12 <input type="hidden" name="importer-step" value="3"> 13 <dl> 14 <dt><?php _e( 'Select Sets' ); ?></dt> 15 <dd> 16 <?php foreach ( $to_import as $po => $destination ) : ?> 17 <p> 18 <?php echo basename( $po ); ?> → <?php echo $destination['name']; ?> 19 <input type="hidden" name="<?php echo esc_attr( basename( $po, '.po' ) ) ; ?>" value="<?php echo absint( $destination['id'] );?>" class="po-mapping" title="<?php echo basename( $po ); ?> → <?php echo $destination['name']; ?>" /> 20 </p> 21 <?php endforeach; ?> 22 </dd> 23 <dt><?php _e( 'Overwrite Translations' ); ?></dt> 24 <dd> 25 <?php echo gp_radio_buttons( 'overwrite', array( 26 'yes' => 'Overwrite existing translations', 27 'no' => 'Only import new translations', 28 ), 'yes' ); ?> 29 </dd> 30 <dt><?php _e( 'Translation Status' ); ?></dt> 31 <dd> 32 <?php echo gp_radio_buttons( 'status', array( 33 'current' => 'Current', 34 'waiting' => 'Waiting', 35 ), 'current' ); ?> 36 </dd> 37 <dt><input type="submit" value="<?php echo esc_attr( __( 'Import' ) ); ?>"></dt> 38 </dl> 39 </form> 40 41 <script type="text/javascript"> 42 parent.document.getElementById('step2').style.display = 'none'; 43 parent.document.getElementById('step3').innerHTML = document.getElementById('step3').innerHTML; 44 </script> 45 46 47 <?php gp_tmpl_footer(); -
1 <?php 2 gp_title( sprintf( __('Bulk Import Translations < %s < GlotPress'), esc_html( $project->name ) ) ); 3 gp_breadcrumb( array( 4 gp_project_links_from_root( $project ), 5 __('Bulk Import') 6 ) ); 7 gp_tmpl_header(); 8 9 function get_key_to_be_selected( $name_and_id, $options ) { 10 $selected_locale = ''; 11 12 foreach( $options as $value => $label ) { 13 $locale = substr( $label, 0, strpos( $label, ' - ' ) ); 14 15 // we don't stop after the first match but continue the search because of cases like: 16 // pt-br: br == Breton, but we want Brasilian Portuguese 17 // zh vs. zh-cn vs zh-tw 18 // In general: Take the longest possible match 19 20 if ( strlen( $locale ) > strlen( $selected_locale ) ) { 21 if ( preg_match( "#\b$locale\b#", $name_and_id ) ) { 22 $selected_key = $value; 23 $selected_locale = $locale; 24 } 25 } 26 } 27 return $selected_key; 28 } 29 30 ?> 31 32 <h2><?php _e('Bulk Import Translations'); ?></h2> 33 <form action="" method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data" id="step2"> 34 <input type="hidden" name="importer-step" value="2"> 35 <dl> 36 <dt><?php _e( 'Select Sets' ); ?></dt> 37 <dd> 38 <?php foreach ( $pofiles as $po ) : ?> 39 <?php $po_name = basename( $po, '.po' ); ?> 40 <p> 41 <label for="<?php echo $po_name; ?>"><?php echo basename( $po ) ?> →</label> 42 <?php echo gp_select( $po_name, $sets_for_select, get_key_to_be_selected( $po_name, $sets_for_select ) ); ?> 43 </p> 44 <?php endforeach; ?> 45 </dd> 46 <dt><input type="submit" value="<?php echo esc_attr( __('Review') ); ?>"></dt> 47 </dl> 48 </form> 49 50 <script type="text/javascript"> 51 parent.document.getElementById('step1').style.display = 'none'; 52 parent.document.getElementById('step2').innerHTML = document.getElementById('step2').innerHTML; 53 </script> 54 55 <?php gp_tmpl_footer(); -
1 <script type="text/javascript"> 2 parent.document.getElementById('<?php echo $id; ?>-status').innerHTML = '<?php echo $status; ?>'; 3 parent.document.getElementById('<?php echo $id; ?>').className = 'done'; 4 if ( typeof parent.importNext === 'function' ) { 5 parent.importNext(); 6 } else { 7 alert( 'error importing the next file' ); 8 } 9 </script> -
1 <?php 2 gp_title( sprintf( __('Bulk Import Translations < %s < GlotPress'), esc_html( $project->name ) ) ); 3 gp_breadcrumb( array( 4 gp_project_links_from_root( $project ), 5 __('Bulk Import') 6 ) ); 7 gp_tmpl_header(); 8 ?> 9 10 <h2><?php _e('Bulk Import Translations'); ?></h2> 11 <form action="" method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data" id="step1form"> 12 <div id="inner-error" class="error" style="display: none"></div> 13 <input type="hidden" name="importer-step" value="1"> 14 <dl id="step1"> 15 <dt><label for="import-file"><?php _e( 'Import File:' ); ?></label></dt> 16 <dd><input type="file" name="import-file" id="import-file" /></dd> 17 <dt><input type="submit" value="<?php echo esc_attr( __( 'Import' ) ); ?>"></dt> 18 </dl> 19 <dl id="step2"> 20 </dl> 21 <dl id="step3"> 22 </dl> 23 <dl id="step4"> 24 </dl> 25 </form> 26 27 <div id="tempframe-holder" style="display: none"></div> 28 29 <script type="text/javascript"> 30 var updateErrorsInterval, mappings; 31 jQuery( function() { 32 jQuery( '#tempframe-holder' ).html( '<iframe name="tempframe"></iframe>' ); 33 jQuery( '#step1form' ).attr( 'target', 'tempframe' ).on( 'submit', function() { 34 if ( jQuery('input[name=importer-step]').last().val() != 3 ) { 35 return true; 36 } 37 jQuery( '#step1form' ).off( 'submit' ); 38 jQuery( '#step3' ).hide(); 39 mappings = jQuery( 'input.po-mapping' ); 40 var el, name, entry, step4 = jQuery( '#step4' ); 41 for ( var i = 0; i < mappings.length; i++ ) { 42 el = mappings.eq( i ); 43 name = el.attr( 'name' ); 44 entry = jQuery( '<div><span class="title"></span> <span class="status">'); 45 entry.find( 'div' ).attr( 'id', name ); 46 entry.find( 'span.title' ).text( el.attr( 'title' ) ); 47 entry.find( 'span.status' ).attr( 'id', name + '-status' ).text( 'waiting...' ); 48 step4.append( entry ); 49 50 el.prop( 'disabled', true); 51 jQuery( 'select[name=' + name + ']' ).prop( 'disabled', true); 52 } 53 importNext(); 54 }); 55 updateErrorsInterval = setInterval( updateErrors, 1000 ); 56 }) ; 57 function importNext() { 58 var el, name, done = true; 59 for ( var i = 0; i < mappings.length; i++ ) { 60 el = mappings.eq( i ); 61 name = el.attr( 'name' ); 62 if ( jQuery( '#' + name ).hasClass( 'done' ) ) { 63 continue; 64 } 65 done = false; 66 mappings.prop( 'disabled', true ); 67 el.prop( 'disabled', false); 68 jQuery( '#step1form' ).submit(); 69 break; 70 } 71 if ( done ) { 72 jQuery( '#step4' ).prepend('<div><strong>Done!'); 73 } 74 } 75 function updateErrors() { 76 if ( typeof window.tempframe === 'undefined' || typeof window.tempframe.jQuery === 'undefined' ) { 77 return false; 78 } 79 var error = window.tempframe.jQuery('.error'); 80 if ( error.length > 0 ) { 81 jQuery('#inner-error').html( error.html() ).show(); 82 jQuery('html, body').animate({ 83 scrollTop: jQuery("#inner-error").offset().top 84 }, 200); 85 } else { 86 jQuery('#inner-error').hide(); 87 } 88 } 89 </script> 90 91 <?php gp_tmpl_footer(); -
43 43 * @return bool True if user has permissions, false if not. 44 44 */ 45 45 public function pre_can_user( $verdict, $args ) { 46 if ( in_array( $args['action'], array( 'bulk-import', 'bulk-export' ) ) ) { 47 // these permissions are checked by GlotPress, independently of the user's status within Rosetta 48 return; 49 } 50 46 51 if ( ! class_exists( 'BP_Roles' ) ) { 47 52 require_once( BACKPRESS_PATH . 'class.bp-roles.php' ); 48 53 }