Ticket #1243: meta-1243.patch
File meta-1243.patch, 1.8 KB (added by , 9 years ago) |
119 119 // Let's check some theme headers, shall we? 120 120 121 121 if ( ! $this->theme_name = $this->theme->get( 'Name' ) ) { 122 return __( "The theme has no name. Add it to style.css and upload the theme again. <a href='https://codex.wordpress.org/Theme_Development#Theme_Style_Sheet'>Theme Style Sheets</a>", 'wporg-themes');122 return sprintf( __( 'The theme has no name. Add it to style.css and upload the theme again. <a href="%s">Theme Style Sheets</a>', 'wporg-themes' ), __( 'https://codex.wordpress.org/Theme_Development#Theme_Style_Sheet', 'wporg-themes' ) ); 123 123 } 124 124 125 125 // determine the theme slug based on the name of the theme in the stylesheet … … 137 137 138 138 $theme_description = $this->strip_non_utf8( (string) $this->theme->get( 'Description' ) ); 139 139 if ( empty( $theme_description ) ) { 140 return sprintf( __( 'The theme has no description. Add it to <code>style.css</code> and upload the theme again. <a href="%s">Theme Style Sheets</a>', 'wporg-themes' ), 'https://codex.wordpress.org/Theme_Development#Theme_Style_Sheet');140 return sprintf( __( 'The theme has no description. Add it to <code>style.css</code> and upload the theme again. <a href="%s">Theme Style Sheets</a>', 'wporg-themes' ), __( 'https://codex.wordpress.org/Theme_Development#Theme_Style_Sheet', 'wporg-themes' ) ); 141 141 } 142 142 143 143 if ( ! $this->theme->get( 'Tags' ) ) {