Ticket #2493: meta-2493.patch
File meta-2493.patch, 6.0 KB (added by , 8 years ago) |
19 19 // Back-compat user option name. 20 20 const USER_META = 'is_bozo'; 21 21 22 const MODERATOR_META = '_wporg_bbp_moderator'; 23 22 24 /** 23 25 * Always return the same instance of this plugin. 24 26 * … … 228 230 229 231 if ( ! $this->is_user_flagged( $user_id ) ) { 230 232 update_user_meta( $user_id, self::USER_META, true ); 233 update_user_meta( $user_id, self::MODERATOR_META, wp_get_current_user()->user_login ); 231 234 } 232 235 do_action( 'wporg_bbp_flag_user', $user_id ); 233 236 … … 241 244 242 245 if ( $this->is_user_flagged( $user_id ) ) { 243 246 delete_user_meta( $user_id, self::USER_META ); 247 update_user_meta( $user_id, self::MODERATOR_META, wp_get_current_user()->user_login ); 244 248 } 245 249 do_action( 'wporg_bbp_unflag_user', $user_id ); 246 250 -
11 11 12 12 <div id="bbp-user-profile" class="bbp-user-profile"> 13 13 <h2 class="entry-title"><?php esc_html_e( 'Profile', 'wporg-forums' ); ?></h2> 14 <div class="bbp-user-section"> 14 <div class="bbp-user-section"><?php 15 if ( class_exists( 'WordPressdotorg\Forums\User_Moderation\Plugin' ) ) { 16 $is_user_flagged = WordPressdotorg\Forums\User_Moderation\Plugin::get_instance()->is_user_flagged( bbp_get_displayed_user_id() ); 17 $moderator = get_user_meta( bbp_get_displayed_user_id(), '_wporg_bbp_moderator', true ); 15 18 19 if ( $is_user_flagged && $moderator ) { 20 printf( 21 '<div class="bbp-template-notice info"><p>%s</p></div>', 22 /* translators: %s: moderator's username */ 23 sprintf( __( 'This user has been flagged by %s.', 'wporg-forums' ), $moderator ) 24 ); 25 } 26 } 27 ?> 28 16 29 <?php if ( bbp_get_displayed_user_field( 'description' ) ) : ?> 17 30 18 31 <p class="bbp-user-description"><?php bbp_displayed_user_field( 'description' ); ?></p> -
235 235 $is_moderator = current_user_can( 'moderate' ); 236 236 $is_user_blocked = ! current_user_can( 'spectate' ); 237 237 $notice_class = ''; 238 $notice = '';238 $notices = array(); 239 239 240 240 if ( $is_moderator && in_array( $post_status, array( 'archived', 'pending', 'spam' ) ) ) : 241 241 … … 246 246 247 247 if ( $reporter ) { 248 248 /* translators: %s: reporter's username */ 249 $notice = sprintf( __( 'This post has been flagged as spam by %s.', 'wporg-forums' ), $reporter );249 $notices[] = sprintf( __( 'This post has been flagged as spam by %s.', 'wporg-forums' ), $reporter ); 250 250 } else { 251 $notice = __( 'This post has been flagged as spam.', 'wporg-forums' );251 $notices[] = __( 'This post has been flagged as spam.', 'wporg-forums' ); 252 252 } 253 253 } elseif ( 'archived' === $post_status ) { 254 $notice = __( 'This post is currently archived.', 'wporg-forums' );254 $notices[] = __( 'This post is currently archived.', 'wporg-forums' ); 255 255 } else { 256 $notice = __( 'This post is currently pending.', 'wporg-forums' );256 $notices[] = __( 'This post is currently pending.', 'wporg-forums' ); 257 257 } 258 258 259 if ( class_exists( 'WordPressdotorg\Forums\User_Moderation\Plugin' ) ) : 260 $is_user_flagged = WordPressdotorg\Forums\User_Moderation\Plugin::get_instance()->is_user_flagged( get_post()->post_author ); 261 $moderator = get_user_meta( get_post()->post_author, '_wporg_bbp_moderator', true ); 262 263 if ( $is_user_flagged && $moderator ) { 264 /* translators: %s: moderator's username */ 265 $notices[] = sprintf( __( 'This user has been flagged by %s.', 'wporg-forums' ), $moderator ); 266 } 267 endif; 268 259 269 elseif ( in_array( $post_status, array( 'pending', 'spam' ) ) ) : 260 270 261 271 if ( $is_user_blocked ) { 262 272 // Blocked users get a generic message with no call to action or moderation timeframe. 263 $notice = __( 'This post has been held for moderation by our automated system.', 'wporg-forums' );273 $notices[] = __( 'This post has been held for moderation by our automated system.', 'wporg-forums' ); 264 274 } elseif ( $hours_passed > 96 ) { 265 275 $notice_class = 'warning'; 266 $notice 276 $notices[] = sprintf( 267 277 /* translators: %s: https://make.wordpress.org/chat/ */ 268 278 __( 'This post was held for moderation by our automated system but has taken longer than expected to get approved. Please come to the #forums channel on <a href="%s">WordPress Slack</a> and let us know. Provide a link to the post.', 'wporg-forums' ), 269 279 'https://make.wordpress.org/chat/' 270 280 ); 271 281 } else { 272 $notice = sprintf(282 $notices[] = sprintf( 273 283 /* translators: %d: number of hours */ 274 284 _n( 'This post has been held for moderation by our automated system. It will be reviewed within %d hour.', 'This post has been held for moderation by our automated system. It will be reviewed within %d hours.', 72, 'wporg-forums' ), 275 285 72 … … 278 288 279 289 endif; 280 290 281 if ( $notice ) {291 if ( $notices ) { 282 292 printf( 283 293 '<div class="bbp-template-notice %s"><p>%s</p></div>', 284 294 esc_attr( $notice_class ), 285 $notice295 implode( '</p><p>', $notices ) 286 296 ); 287 297 } 288 298 }