
Ticket #2704: 2704.patch

File 2704.patch, 4.7 KB (added by SergeyBiryukov, 8 years ago)
  • sites/trunk/

    2121                        <div class="entry-content">
    2222                                <section>
    2323                                        <div class="container">
    24                                                 <p><?php printf( __( 'You&#8217;ve got a cool new plugin and are hoping to give it some exposure. You&#8217;re in the right place. Just <a href="%s">ask us to host it for you</a>. You&#8217;ll be able to:', 'wporg-plugins' ), esc_url( home_url( 'developers/add' ) ) ); ?></p>
     24                                                <p><?php printf( __( 'You&#8217;ve got a cool new plugin and are hoping to give it some exposure. You&#8217;re in the right place. Just <a href="%s">ask us to host it for you</a>. You&#8217;ll be able to:', 'wporg-plugins' ), esc_url( home_url( 'developers/add/' ) ) ); ?></p>
    2525                                                <ul>
    2626                                                        <li><?php _e( 'Keep track of how many people have downloaded it.', 'wporg-plugins' ); ?></li>
    2727                                                        <li><?php _e( 'Let people leave comments about your plugin.', 'wporg-plugins' ); ?></li>
    3232                                                <h3><?php _e( 'There are some restrictions', 'wporg-plugins' ); ?></h3>
    3333                                                <ul>
    34                                                         <li><?php printf( __( 'Your plugin must be compatible with the <a href="%s">GNU General Public License v2</a>, or any later version. We strongly recommend using the same license as WordPress — &#8220;GPLv2 or later.&#8221;', 'wporg-plugins' ), esc_url( '' ) ); ?></li>
     34                                                        <li><?php printf( __( 'Your plugin must be compatible with the <a href="%s">GNU General Public License v2</a>, or any later version. We strongly recommend using the same license as WordPress — &#8220;GPLv2 or later.&#8221;', 'wporg-plugins' ), esc_url( '' ) ); ?></li>
    3535                                                        <li><?php _e( 'The plugin must not do anything illegal or be morally offensive (that&#8217;s subjective, we know).', 'wporg-plugins' ); ?></li>
    36                                                         <li><?php printf( __( 'You have to actually use the <a href="%s">Subversion</a> repository we give you in order for your plugin to show up on this site. The WordPress Plugin Directory is a hosting site, not a listing site.', 'wporg-plugins' ), esc_url( '' ) ); ?></li>
     36                                                        <li><?php printf( __( 'You have to actually use the <a href="%s">Subversion</a> repository we give you in order for your plugin to show up on this site. The WordPress Plugin Directory is a hosting site, not a listing site.', 'wporg-plugins' ), esc_url( '' ) ); ?></li>
    3737                                                        <li><?php _e( 'The plugin must not embed external links on the public site (like a &#8220;powered by&#8221; link) without explicitly asking the user&#8217;s permission.', 'wporg-plugins' ); ?></li>
    3838                                                        <li><?php printf( __( 'Your plugin must abide by our list of <a href="%s">detailed guidelines</a>, which include not being a spammer and not abusing the systems.', 'wporg-plugins' ), esc_url( '' ) ); ?></li>
    3939                                                </ul>
    4141                                                <h3><?php _e( 'Submission is Simple', 'wporg-plugins' ); ?></h3>
    4242                                                <ol>
    43                                                         <li><?php printf( __( '<a href="%s">Sign up</a> for an account on', 'wporg-plugins' ), esc_url('' ) ); ?></li>
    44                                                         <li><?php printf( __( '<a href="%s">Submit your plugin for review</a>.', 'wporg-plugins' ), esc_url( home_url( 'developers/add' ) ) ); ?></li>
     43                                                        <li><?php printf( __( '<a href="%s">Sign up</a> for an account on', 'wporg-plugins' ), esc_url( '' ) ); ?></li>
     44                                                        <li><?php printf( __( '<a href="%s">Submit your plugin for review</a>.', 'wporg-plugins' ), esc_url( home_url( 'developers/add/' ) ) ); ?></li>
    4545                                                        <li><?php printf( __( 'After your plugin is <a href="%s">manually reviewed</a>, it will either be approved or you will be emailed and asked to provide more information and/or make corrections.', 'wporg-plugins' ), esc_url( '' ) ); ?></li>
    4646                                                        <li><?php printf( __( 'Once approved, you&#8217;ll be given access to a <a id="subversion" href="%s">Subversion Repository</a> where you&#8217;ll store your plugin.', 'wporg-plugins' ), esc_url( '' ) ); ?></li>
    4747                                                        <li>