
Ticket #3870: 3870.2.patch

File 3870.2.patch, 1.6 KB (added by vaishalipanchal, 6 years ago)

Updated patch.

  • wordpress/wp-content/wordpress-meta/

    diff -Naur wordpress/wp-content/wordpress-meta/ wordpress/wp-content/wordpress-meta/
    100100                                </ul>
    101101                                <p>
    102102                                        <?php
    103                                         /* translators: %s: Link to Plugin Directory. */
    104                                         printf( __( 'Extend WordPress with over 45,000 plugins to help your website meet your needs. Add an online store, galleries, mailing lists, forums, analytics, and <a href="%s">much more</a>.', 'wporg' ), esc_url( home_url( '/plugins/' ) ) );
     103                                        $plugin_count = wp_count_posts( 'plugin' )->publish;
     104                                    printf(
     105                                        /* Translators: Total number of plugins. */
     106                                        _n( 'Extend WordPress with over %1s plugin to help your website meet your needs. Add an online store, galleries, mailing lists, forums, analytics, and <a href="%2s">much more</a>', 'Extend WordPress with over %1s plugins to help your website meet your needs. Add an online store, galleries, mailing lists, forums, analytics, and <a href="%2s">much more</a>', $plugin_count, esc_url( home_url( '/plugins/' ) ), 'wporg' ),
     107                                        esc_html( number_format_i18n( $plugin_count ) ),
     108                                        esc_url( home_url( '/plugins/' ) )
     109                                    );
    105110                                        ?>
    106111                                </p>
    107112                        </section>