Ticket #5729: 5729.diff
File 5729.diff, 5.7 KB (added by , 4 years ago) |
121 121 // Trademarks that do NOT end in "-" indicate slug cannot contain term at all. 122 122 $message = sprintf( 123 123 /* translators: 1: plugin slug, 2: trademarked term, 3: 'Plugin Name:', 4: plugin email address */ 124 __( 'Your chosen plugin name - %1$s - contains the restricted term "%2$s" and cannot be used at all in your plugin permalink nor the display name. To proceed with this submission you must remove "%2$s" from the %3$s line in both your main plugin file and readme entirely. Once you\'ve finished, you may upload the plugin again. If you feel this is in error, please email us at %4$s and explain why.', 'wporg-plugins' ),124 __( 'Your chosen plugin name - %1$s - contains the restricted term "%2$s" and cannot be used at all in your plugin permalink nor the display name. To proceed with this submission you must remove "%2$s" from the %3$s line in both your main plugin file and readme entirely. Once you\'ve finished, you may upload the plugin again. Do not attempt to work around this by removing letters (i.e. WordPess) or using numbers (4 instead of A). Those are seen as intentional actions to avoid trademark laws, and are not permitted. If you feel this is in error, such as you legally own the trademarked term, please email us at %4$s and explain why.', 'wporg-plugins' ), 125 125 '<code>' . $this->plugin_slug . '</code>', 126 126 trim( $this->has_trademarked_slug(), '-' ), 127 127 '<code>Plugin Name:</code>', … … 131 131 // Trademarks ending in "-" indicate slug cannot BEGIN with that term. 132 132 $message = sprintf( 133 133 /* translators: 1: plugin slug, 2: trademarked term, 3: 'Plugin Name:', 4: plugin email address */ 134 __( 'Your chosen plugin name - %1$s - contains the restricted term "%2$s" and cannot be used . Per the demands of trademark owners we disallow the use of certain terms in ways that are infringing or misleading. In order to proceed with this submission, you must change the %3$s line in your main plugin file and readme to end with "-%2$s" instead. Once you\'ve finished, you may upload the plugin again. If you feel this is in error, please email us at %4$s and explain why.', 'wporg-plugins' ),134 __( 'Your chosen plugin name - %1$s - contains the restricted term "%2$s" and cannot be used to begin your permalink or display name. Per the requirements of trademark owners and law, we disallow the use of certain terms in ways that are infringing and/or misleading. In order to proceed with this submission, you must change the %3$s line in your main plugin file and readme to end with "-%2$s" instead. Once you\'ve finished, you may upload the plugin again. If you feel this is in error, such as you legally own the trademarked term, please email us at %4$s and explain why.', 'wporg-plugins' ), 135 135 '<code>' . $this->plugin_slug . '</code>', 136 136 trim( $this->has_trademarked_slug(), '-' ), 137 137 '<code>Plugin Name:</code>', … … 413 413 'akismet-anti-spam', 414 414 'site-kit-by-google', 415 415 'yoast-seo', 416 'woo', 416 417 'wp-media-folder', 417 418 'wp-file-download', 418 419 'wp-table-manager', … … 433 434 'advanced-custom-fields-', 434 435 'adwords-', 435 436 'akismet-', 437 'all-in-one-wp-migration', 436 438 'amazon-', 437 439 'android-', 438 440 'apple-', 441 'applenews-', 439 442 'aws-', 440 443 'bbpress-', 441 444 'bing-', … … 442 445 'bootstrap-', 443 446 'buddypress-', 444 447 'contact-form-7-', 448 'cpanel-', 449 'disqus-', 445 450 'divi-', 451 'dropbox-', 446 452 'easy-digital-downloads-', 447 453 'elementor-', 448 454 'envato-', 455 'fbook', 449 456 'facebook', 450 457 'fb-', 458 'fb-messenger', 459 '-fb', 460 'fedex-', 451 461 'feedburner', 462 'ganalytics-', 452 463 'gberg', 453 464 'github-', 454 465 'givewp-', 455 466 'google-', 467 'googlebot-', 456 468 'googles-', 469 'gravity-form-', 457 470 'gravity-forms-', 458 471 'gutenberg', 459 472 'guten-', 460 473 'hubspot-', 461 474 'ig-', 475 '-ig', 476 'insta-', 462 477 'instagram', 478 'internet-explorer-', 463 479 'jetpack-', 464 480 'macintosh-', 481 'mailchimp-', 465 482 'microsoft-', 466 483 'ninja-forms-', 467 484 'oculus', 485 'onlyfans-', 486 'only-fans-', 487 'paddle-', 468 488 'paypal-', 469 489 'pinterest-', 470 490 'stripe-', 491 'tiktok-', 492 'trustpilot', 471 493 'twitter-', 472 494 'tweet', 495 'ups-', 496 'usps-', 497 'vvhatsapp', 498 'vvcommerce', 499 'vva-', 500 'vvoo', 473 501 'wa-', 502 '-wa', 503 'wh4tsapps', 474 504 'whatsapp', 475 505 'whats-app', 476 506 'watson', 477 507 'windows-', 478 508 'wocommerce', 509 'woocom-', 479 510 'woocommerce', // technically ending with '-for-woocommerce' is allowed. 511 'woocomerce', 480 512 'woo-commerce', 481 513 'woo-', 482 514 'wo-', 483 515 'wordpress', 516 'wordpess', 484 517 'wpress', 485 518 'wp-', 519 '-wp', 486 520 'wp-mail-smtp-', 487 521 'yahoo-', 488 522 'yoast', … … 492 526 // Domains from which exceptions would be accepted. 493 527 $trademark_exceptions = array( 494 528 'yoast.com' => array( 'yoast' ), 495 'automattic.com' => array( 'akismet', 'akismet-', 'jetpack', 'jetpack-', 'wordpress', 'wp-', ' woo', 'woo-', 'woocommerce', 'woocommerce-' ),529 'automattic.com' => array( 'akismet', 'akismet-', 'jetpack', 'jetpack-', 'wordpress', 'wp-', '-wp', 'woo', 'woo-', 'woocommerce', 'woocommerce-' ), 496 530 'facebook.com' => array( 'facebook', 'instagram', 'oculus', 'whatsapp' ), 497 531 'support.microsoft.com' => array( 'bing-', 'microsoft-' ), 532 'trustpilot.com' => array( 'trustpilot' ), 498 533 'microsoft.com' => array( 'bing-', 'microsoft-' ), 499 534 ); 500 535