
07/31/2020 09:25:36 PM (5 years ago)

Plugin Directory: Fix spelling & grammar issues on block checker

See #5303

1 edited


  • sites/trunk/

    r10102 r10110  
    6363        <?php else : ?>
    6464        <div class="wrap block-validator">
    65             <p><?php _e( 'Please log in to use the validator.', 'wporg-plugins' ); ?></p>
     65            <p><?php _e( 'Please log in to use the block plugin checker.', 'wporg-plugins' ); ?></p>
    6666        </div>
    6767        <?php endif;
    141141            ?>
    142142            <div class="notice notice-error notice-alt">
    143                 <p><?php _e( 'Some problems were found. They need to be addressed in order for your plugin to be included in the Block Directory.', 'wporg-plugins' ); ?></p>
     143                <p><?php _e( 'Some problems were found. They need to be addressed for your plugin to be included in the Block Directory.', 'wporg-plugins' ); ?></p>
    144144            </div>
    145145        <?php elseif ( $checker->slug ) : ?>
    276276                return [
    277277                    __( 'Plugins should include a GPL-compatible license in either readme.txt or the plugin headers.', 'wporg-plugins' ),
    278                     sprintf( '<a href="">%s</a>', __( 'Learn more about readmes.', 'wporg-plugins' ) ),
     278                    sprintf( '<a href="">%s</a>', __( 'Learn more about licenses.', 'wporg-plugins' ) ),
    279279                ];
    280280            case 'check_plugin_headers':
    287287                ];
    288288                if ( 'warning' === $result->type ) {
    289                     $details[] = '<em>' . __( 'If this is a different version of your own plugin, you can ignore this warning.', 'wporg-plugins' ) . '</em>';
     289                    $details[] = '<em>' . __( 'If this is a different version of your plugin, you can ignore this warning.', 'wporg-plugins' ) . '</em>';
    290290                }
    291291                return $details;
    292292            case 'check_for_blocks':
    293293                return [
    294                     __( 'In order to work in the Block Directory, a plugin must register a block. Generally one per plugin (multiple blocks may be permitted if those blocks are interdependent, such as a list block that contains list item blocks).', 'wporg-plugins' ),
     294                    __( 'To work in the Block Directory, a plugin must register a block. Generally one per plugin (multiple blocks may be permitted if those blocks are interdependent, such as a list block that contains list item blocks).', 'wporg-plugins' ),
    295295                    __( 'If your plugin doesn’t register a block, it probably belongs in the main Plugin Directory rather than the Block Directory.', 'wporg-plugins' ),
    296296                    sprintf( '<a href="">%s</a>', __( 'Learn how to create a block.' ) ),
    308308                return __( 'This block.json file is invalid. The Block Directory needs to be able to read this file.', 'wporg-plugins' );
    309309            case 'check_php_size':
    310                 return __( 'Block plugins should keep the PHP code to a mimmum. If you need a lot of PHP code, your plugin probably belongs in the main Plugin Directory rather than the Block Directory.', 'wporg-plugins' );
     310                return __( 'Block plugins should keep the PHP code to a minimum. If you need a lot of PHP code, your plugin probably belongs in the main Plugin Directory rather than the Block Directory.', 'wporg-plugins' );
    311311            case 'check_for_standard_block_name':
    312312                return [
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