
08/30/2021 11:47:57 PM (3 years ago)

Update example readme foe plugins:

  • clarity about trunk (no longer recommended)
  • Formatting examples
  • cleaning up line breaks
  • removing duped language

Fixes 5876

1 edited


  • sites/trunk/

    r9807 r11214  
    22Contributors: (this should be a list of userid's)
    33Donate link:
    4 Tags: comments, spam
     4Tags: tag1, tag2
    55Requires at least: 4.7
    66Tested up to: 5.4
    2121A few notes about the sections above:
    23 *   "Contributors" is a comma separated list of usernames
    24 *   "Tags" is a comma separated list of tags that apply to the plugin
    25 *   "Requires at least" is the lowest version that the plugin will work on
    26 *   "Tested up to" is the highest version that you've *successfully used to test the plugin*. Note that it might work on
    27 higher versions... this is just the highest one you've verified.
    28 *   Stable tag should indicate the Subversion "tag" of the latest stable version, or "trunk," if you use `/trunk/` for
    29 stable.
     23* "Contributors" is a comma separated list of usernames
     24* "Tags" is a comma separated list of tags that apply to the plugin
     25* "Requires at least" is the lowest version that the plugin will work on
     26* "Tested up to" is the highest version that you've *successfully used to test the plugin*
     27* Stable tag must indicate the Subversion "tag" of the latest stable version
    31     Note that the `readme.txt` of the stable tag is the one that is considered the defining one for the plugin, so
    32 if the `/trunk/readme.txt` file says that the stable tag is `4.3`, then it is `/tags/4.3/readme.txt` that'll be used
    33 for displaying information about the plugin.  In this situation, the only thing considered from the trunk `readme.txt`
    34 is the stable tag pointer.  Thus, if you develop in trunk, you can update the trunk `readme.txt` to reflect changes in
    35 your in-development version, without having that information incorrectly disclosed about the current stable version
    36 that lacks those changes -- as long as the trunk's `readme.txt` points to the correct stable tag.
     29Note that the `readme.txt` value of stable tag is the one that is the defining one for the plugin.  If the `/trunk/readme.txt` file says that the stable tag is `4.3`, then it is `/tags/4.3/readme.txt` that'll be used for displaying information about the plugin.
    38     If no stable tag is provided, it is assumed that trunk is stable, but you should specify "trunk" if that's where
    39 you put the stable version, in order to eliminate any doubt.
     31If you develop in trunk, you can update the trunk `readme.txt` to reflect changes in your in-development version, without having that information incorrectly disclosed about the current stable version that lacks those changes -- as long as the trunk's `readme.txt` points to the correct stable tag.
     33If no stable tag is provided, your users may not get the correct version of your code.
    4135== Frequently Asked Questions ==
    5145== Screenshots ==
    53 1. This screen shot description corresponds to screenshot-1.(png|jpg|jpeg|gif). Note that the screenshot is stored in the /assets directory.
     471. This screen shot description corresponds to screenshot-1.(png|jpg|jpeg|gif). Screenshots are stored in the /assets directory.
    54482. This is the second screen shot
    7367== A brief Markdown Example ==
     69Markdown is what the parser uses to process much of the readme file.
     71[markdown syntax]:
    7573Ordered list:
    8583* third thing
    87 Here's a link to [WordPress]( "Your favorite software") and one to [Markdown's Syntax Documentation][markdown syntax].
    88 Titles are optional, naturally.
     85Links require brackets and parenthesis:
    90 [markdown syntax]:
    91             "Markdown is what the parser uses to process much of the readme file"
     87Here's a link to [WordPress]( "Your favorite software") and one to [Markdown's Syntax Documentation][markdown syntax]. Link titles are optional, naturally.
    93 Markdown uses email style notation for blockquotes and I've been told:
     89Blockquotes are email style:
    9491> Asterisks for *emphasis*. Double it up  for **strong**.
    96 `<?php code(); // goes in backticks ?>`
     93And Backticks for code:
     95`<?php code(); ?>`
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