Changeset 161
- Timestamp:
- 12/20/2013 08:38:50 AM (11 years ago)
- Location:
- sites/trunk/
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r160 r161 1 1 <?php 2 2 3 class WP_3 2_Credits extends WP_Credits {3 class WP_33_Credits extends WP_Credits { 4 4 5 5 function groups() { 6 returnarray(6 $groups = array( 7 7 'project-leaders' => array( 8 8 'name' => 'Project Leaders', … … 18 18 ), 19 19 ), 20 'extended-core-team' => array( 21 'name' => 'Extended Core Team', 22 'type' => 'titles', 23 'shuffle' => true, 24 'data' => array( 25 'nacin' => array( 'Andrew Nacin', 'Core Committer' ), 26 'koop' => array( 'Daryl Koopersmith', 'Guest Committer' ), 27 'dd32' => array( 'Dion Hulse', 'Core Committer' ), 28 'josephscott' => array( 'Joseph Scott', 'XML-RPC' ), 29 'iammattthomas' => array( 'Matt Thomas', 'Designer' ), 30 'nbachiyski' => array( 'Nikolay Bachiyski', 'Internationalization' ), 20 'core-developers' => array( 21 'name' => 'Core Developers', 22 'type' => 'titles', 23 'shuffle' => true, 24 'data' => array( 25 'nacin' => array( 'Andrew Nacin', 'Core Developer' ), 26 'dd32' => array( 'Dion Hulse', 'Core Developer' ), 27 'koop' => array( 'Daryl Koopersmith', 'Core Developer' ), 28 'duck_' => array( 'Jon Cave', 'Guest Committer' ), 29 ), 30 ), 31 'contributing-developers' => array( 32 'name' => 'Contributing Developers', 33 'type' => 'titles', 34 'shuffle' => true, 35 'data' => array( 36 'scribu' => 'Cristi Burcă', 37 'ocean90' => 'Dominik Schilling', 38 'SergeyBiryukov' => 'Sergey Biryukov', 31 39 ), 32 40 ), … … 36 44 'shuffle' => true, 37 45 'data' => array( 38 'duck_' => array( 'Jon Cave', 'Developer' ), 39 'scribu' => array( 'Cristi Burcă', 'Developer' ), 40 'ocean90' => array( 'Dominik Schilling', 'Developer' ), 41 'iandstewart' => array( 'Ian Stewart', 'Twenty Eleven' ), 42 'lancewillett' => array( 'Lance Willett', 'Twenty Eleven' ), 43 'matveb' => array( 'Matías Ventura', 'Twenty Eleven' ), 44 'aaroncampbell' => array( 'Aaron Campbell', 'Developer' ), 45 'EmpireOfLight' => array( 'Ben Dunkle', 'Icon Design' ), 46 'xknown' => array( 'Alex Concha', 'Developer' ), 47 ), 48 ), 46 'helen' => 'Helen Hou-Sandi', 47 'chexee' => 'Chelsea Otakan', 48 'johnbillion' => array( 'John Blackbourn', '0000ba6dd1b089e1746abbfe6281ee3b' ), 49 ), 50 ), 49 51 ); 52 return $groups; 50 53 } 51 54 55 // As of [19669], 3.3.1. 52 56 function props() { 53 57 return array( 54 58 'aaroncampbell', 55 'aldenta', 59 'adambackstrom', 60 'adeptris', 61 'alexkingorg', 62 'amereservant', 56 63 'ampt', 64 'AndrewFrazier', 57 65 'andrewryno', 58 66 'andy', 67 'ansimation', 68 'arena', 59 69 'batmoo', 60 70 'benbalter', 61 'BenChapman', 62 'bi0xid', 63 'blepoxp', 64 'bluntelk', 65 'boonebgorges', 66 'brandonburke', 71 'brandondove', 72 'carlospaulino', 67 73 'Caspie', 68 'c finke',69 ' CharlesClarkson',74 'cebradesign', 75 'cgrymala', 70 76 'chexee', 71 'cnorris23', 77 'chipbennett', 78 'chrisbliss18', 79 'CoenJacobs', 72 80 'coffee2code', 73 81 'cyberhobo', 74 'daniloercoli', 82 'DaMsT', // props missed by committer 83 'danielbachhuber', 84 'davecpage', 75 85 'dcowgill', 86 'deltafactory', 76 87 'demetris', 88 'designsimply', 77 89 'devinreams', 90 'dgwyer', 78 91 'DH-Shredder', 79 92 'dimadin', 80 93 'dllh', 81 94 'dougwrites', 82 'dvwallin', 95 'dragoonis', 96 'DrewAPicture', 97 'eduplessis', 98 'eightamrock', 99 'ejdanderson', 100 'eko-fr', 101 'Elpie', 102 'elyobo', 103 'empireoflight', 83 104 'ericmann', 84 'fabifott', 105 'ethitter', 106 'evansolomon', 107 'exell.christopher', 85 108 'filosofo', 86 'f rumph',109 'fonglh', 87 110 'garyc40', 88 'greenshady', 89 'greuben', 90 'guyn', 111 'GaryJ', 112 'georgestephanis', 113 'gluten', 114 'goldenapples', 115 'goto10', 91 116 'hakre', 92 'he bbet',93 ' helen',94 ' hew',95 ' holizz',117 'helenyhou', 118 'iammattthomas', 119 'iandstewart', 120 'Ipstenu', 96 121 'jacobwg', 122 'jakemgold', 123 'jakub.tyrcha', 124 'jamescollins', 97 125 'Jayjdk', 98 ' JDTrower',99 'j farthing84',100 ' jkudish',101 'joe lhardi',126 'jeremyclarke', 127 'jgadbois', 128 'Jick', 129 'joehoyle', 102 130 'johnbillion', 103 131 'johnjamesjacoby', 104 132 'johnonolan', 105 'jo ostdevalk',133 'johnpbloch', 106 134 'jorbin', 107 'jtsternberg', 135 'josephscott', 136 'jtclarke', 137 'justindgivens', 138 'JustinSainton', 108 139 'kawauso', 109 140 'kevinB', 110 'k nutsp',141 'kitchin', 111 142 'koke', 112 143 'kovshenin', 144 'kurtpayne', 145 'l3rady', 146 'lancewillett', 147 'Latz', 113 148 'ldebrouwer', 114 149 'linuxologos', 115 150 'lloydbudd', 116 'marcis20', 151 'logiclord', 152 'lordandrei', 153 'lukeschlather', 154 'lumination', 155 'madjax', 156 'mako09', 157 'MarcusPope', 158 'mark-k', 117 159 'markmcwilliams', 160 'markoheijnen', 161 'masonjames', 162 'mattwiebe', 118 163 'MattyRob', 119 'mcepl', 164 'matveb', 165 'mau', 166 'mbijon', 120 167 'mdawaffe', 168 'merty', 121 169 'mfields', 122 'MichaelH', 123 'michaeltyson', 124 'mintindeed', 170 'mhauan', 125 171 'miqrogroove', 126 172 'mitchoyoshitaka', 127 'mrroundhill', 128 'natecook', 129 'nathanrice', 130 'niallkennedy', 131 'nickbohle', 132 'nprasath002', 133 'nuxwin', 134 'Otto42', 173 'mrtorrent', 174 'Nao', 175 'natebedortha', 176 'nbachiyski', // commit 177 'ocean90', 178 'olivM', 179 'olleicua', 180 'otto42', 181 'pagesimplify', 182 'paulhastings0', 135 183 'pavelevap', 136 'peaceablewhale',137 184 'PeteMall', 138 'pross', 185 'peterwilsoncc', 186 'ppaire', 139 187 'ptahdunbar', 140 ' Rahe',188 'r-a-y', 141 189 'ramiy', 142 190 'rasheed', 143 191 'rosshanney', 192 'ruslany', 193 'ryanhellyer', 144 194 'ryanimel', 145 195 'saracannon', 146 'SidHarrell',147 196 'sbressler', 197 'scottbasgaard', 198 'scottconnerly', 199 'scribu', 148 200 'SergeyBiryukov', 149 'shakenstirred', 150 'sivel', 201 'settle', 202 'sillybean', 203 'Simek', 204 'simonwheatley', 205 'sirzooro', 151 206 'solarissmoke', 152 207 'sorich87', 153 'szadok', 154 'technosailor', 208 'tech163', 155 209 'tenpura', 156 'tetele',157 210 'tfnab', 158 'tigertech', 211 'TheDeadMedic', 212 'tmoorewp', 213 'TomAuger', 159 214 'trepmal', 160 'Utkarsh', 215 'usermrpapa', 216 'valendesigns', 161 217 'vanillalounge', 162 'valentinas', 163 'webduo', 218 'vegasgeek', 219 'Viper007Bond', 220 'vnsavage', 221 'wonderboymusic', 164 222 'wpmuguru', 165 'xibe', 223 'wpweaver', 224 'WraithKenny', // props missed by committer 166 225 'xknown', 167 226 'yoavf', 227 'yuraz', 168 228 'zeo', 169 'ziofix',170 229 ); 171 230 } … … 191 250 array( 'phpass', '' ), 192 251 array( 'PHPMailer', '' ), 252 array( 'Plupload', '' ), 193 253 array( 'SimplePie', '' ), 194 array( 'SWFObject', '' ),195 array( 'SWFUpload', '' ),196 254 array( 'The Incutio XML-RPC Library', '' ), 197 255 array( 'Thickbox', '' ), -
r160 r161 1 1 <?php 2 2 3 class WP_3 2_Credits extends WP_Credits {3 class WP_34_Credits extends WP_Credits { 4 4 5 5 function groups() { 6 returnarray(6 $groups = array( 7 7 'project-leaders' => array( 8 8 'name' => 'Project Leaders', … … 18 18 ), 19 19 ), 20 'extended-core-team' => array( 21 'name' => 'Extended Core Team', 22 'type' => 'titles', 23 'shuffle' => true, 24 'data' => array( 25 'nacin' => array( 'Andrew Nacin', 'Core Committer' ), 26 'koop' => array( 'Daryl Koopersmith', 'Guest Committer' ), 27 'dd32' => array( 'Dion Hulse', 'Core Committer' ), 28 'josephscott' => array( 'Joseph Scott', 'XML-RPC' ), 29 'iammattthomas' => array( 'Matt Thomas', 'Designer' ), 30 'nbachiyski' => array( 'Nikolay Bachiyski', 'Internationalization' ), 20 'core-developers' => array( 21 'name' => 'Core Developers', 22 'type' => 'titles', 23 'shuffle' => true, 24 'data' => array( 25 'nacin' => array( 'Andrew Nacin', 'Core Developer' ), 26 'dd32' => array( 'Dion Hulse', 'Core Developer' ), 27 'koop' => array( 'Daryl Koopersmith', 'Core Developer' ), 28 'duck_' => array( 'Jon Cave', 'Guest Committer' ), 29 ), 30 ), 31 'contributing-developers' => array( 32 'name' => 'Contributing Developers', 33 'type' => 'titles', 34 'shuffle' => true, 35 'data' => array( 36 'scribu' => 'Cristi Burcă', 37 'ocean90' => 'Dominik Schilling', 38 'SergeyBiryukov' => 'Sergey Biryukov', 39 'helen' => 'Helen Hou-Sandi', 40 'aaroncampbell' => 'Aaron D. Campbell', 31 41 ), 32 42 ), … … 36 46 'shuffle' => true, 37 47 'data' => array( 38 'duck_' => array( 'Jon Cave', 'Developer' ), 39 'scribu' => array( 'Cristi Burcă', 'Developer' ), 40 'ocean90' => array( 'Dominik Schilling', 'Developer' ), 41 'iandstewart' => array( 'Ian Stewart', 'Twenty Eleven' ), 42 'lancewillett' => array( 'Lance Willett', 'Twenty Eleven' ), 43 'matveb' => array( 'Matías Ventura', 'Twenty Eleven' ), 44 'aaroncampbell' => array( 'Aaron Campbell', 'Developer' ), 45 'EmpireOfLight' => array( 'Ben Dunkle', 'Icon Design' ), 46 'xknown' => array( 'Alex Concha', 'Developer' ), 48 'maxcutler' => 'Max Cutler', 49 'kurtpayne' => 'Kurt Payne', 50 'markoheijnen' => 'Marko Heijnen', 51 'sabreuse' => 'Amy Hendrix', 52 'georgestephanis' => 'George Stephanis', 53 'sushkov' => 'Stas Sușkov', 47 54 ), 48 55 ), 49 56 ); 57 return $groups; 50 58 } 51 59 60 // As of [20948], 3.4-RC1. 52 61 function props() { 53 62 return array( 63 '082net', 64 'BenChapman', 65 'Caspie', 66 'CoenJacobs', 67 'Cyapow', 68 'DH-Shredder', 69 'DrewAPicture', 70 'GaryJ', 71 'GautamGupta', 72 'Ipstenu', 73 'Japh', 74 'JarretC', 75 'Jayjdk', 76 'Lardjo', 77 'Latz', 78 'Mamaduka', 79 'master-jake', // "Master Jake" 80 'MattyRob', 81 'Namely', 82 'Nao', 83 'Otto42', 84 'PeteMall', 85 'Rarst', 86 'SergeyBiryukov', 87 'TobiasBg', 88 'TomAuger', 89 'Utkarsh', 90 'Viper007Bond', 54 91 'aaroncampbell', 92 'ajacommerce', 93 'akshayagarwal', 55 94 'aldenta', 95 'alex-ye', 96 'alexkingorg', 56 97 'ampt', 98 'andrea_r', 57 99 'andrewryno', 58 100 'andy', 101 'arena', 102 'arieputranto', 103 'bananastalktome', 104 'barry', 59 105 'batmoo', 60 106 'benbalter', 61 'BenChapman', 62 'bi0xid', 63 'blepoxp', 64 'bluntelk', 107 'billerickson', 65 108 'boonebgorges', 66 'brandonburke', 67 'Caspie', 68 'cfinke', 69 'CharlesClarkson', 109 'c3mdigital', 110 'camiloclc', 111 'casben79', 112 'ceefour', 113 'cheald', 114 'chellycat', 70 115 'chexee', 71 'c norris23',72 'co ffee2code',73 ' cyberhobo',116 'chipbennett', 117 'convissor', 118 'danielbachhuber', 74 119 'daniloercoli', 75 'd cowgill',120 'deltafactory', 76 121 'demetris', 77 'dev inreams',78 ' DH-Shredder',122 'devesine', 123 'dgwyer', 79 124 'dimadin', 125 'djcp', 80 126 'dllh', 81 127 'dougwrites', 82 'dvwallin', 128 'ebababi', 129 'edward-mindreantre', // "edward mindreantre" 130 'ejdanderson', 131 'emhr', 132 'empireoflight', 133 'ericlewis', 83 134 'ericmann', 84 ' fabifott',135 'evansolomon', 85 136 'filosofo', 86 'fr umph',137 'fredwu', 87 138 'garyc40', 88 'g reenshady',139 'georgestephanis', 89 140 'greuben', 90 'guyn', 91 'hakre', 92 'hebbet', 93 'helen', 94 'hew', 95 'holizz', 96 'jacobwg', 97 'Jayjdk', 98 'JDTrower', 99 'jfarthing84', 141 'griffinjt', 142 'hearvox', 143 'helenyhou', 144 'hugobaeta', // props missed by committer in [20138] 145 'husobj', 146 'iammattthomas', 147 'iandstewart', 148 'insertvisionhere', 149 'intoxstudio', 150 'jaquers', 151 'jeremyclarke', 152 'jeremyfelt', 153 'jiehanzheng', 100 154 'jkudish', 101 'joelhardi',102 155 'johnbillion', 103 156 'johnjamesjacoby', 104 'johnonolan',105 157 'joostdevalk', 106 'jo rbin',107 'j tsternberg',158 'josephscott', 159 'justindgivens', 108 160 'kawauso', 109 'kevinB', 110 'knutsp', 161 'kenan3008', 162 'klagraff', 163 'kobenland', 111 164 'koke', 112 165 'kovshenin', 113 'ldebrouwer', 166 'kurtpayne', 167 'lancewillett', 168 'leewillis77', 114 169 'linuxologos', 115 'lloydbudd', 116 'marcis20', 117 'markmcwilliams', 118 'MattyRob', 119 'mcepl', 170 'markauk', 171 'markoheijnen', 172 'mattonomics', 173 'mattwiebe', 174 'matveb', 175 'maxcutler', 120 176 'mdawaffe', 177 'merty', 121 178 'mfields', 122 'MichaelH', 123 'michaeltyson', 124 'mintindeed', 125 'miqrogroove', 179 'mgolawala', 180 'mikeschinkel', 126 181 'mitchoyoshitaka', 127 'mrroundhill', 128 'natecook', 129 'nathanrice', 182 'mrtorrent', 183 'netweblogic', 130 184 'niallkennedy', 131 'nickbohle', 185 'nikolayyordanov', // "nikolay.yordanov" 186 'norocketsurgeon', 187 'npetetin', 132 188 'nprasath002', 133 'nuxwin', 134 'Otto42', 189 'nunomorgadinho', 190 'ocean90', 191 'ocollet', 192 'ounziw', 135 193 'pavelevap', 136 'p eaceablewhale',137 ' PeteMall',138 'pr oss',194 'pbiron', 195 'pishmishy', 196 'prettyboymp', 139 197 'ptahdunbar', 140 ' Rahe',198 'pw201', 141 199 'ramiy', 142 'rasheed', 200 'redsweater', 201 'rmccue', 202 'roscius', 143 203 'rosshanney', 144 'ryanimel', 145 'saracannon', 146 'SidHarrell', 147 'sbressler', 148 'SergeyBiryukov', 149 'shakenstirred', 204 'russellwwest', 205 'ryanduff', 206 'sabreuse', 207 'scott-gonzalez', // "scott.gonzalez" 208 'scribu', 209 'settle', 210 'simonwheatley', 211 'sirzooro', 150 212 'sivel', 213 'skithund', 214 'sksmatt', 151 215 'solarissmoke', 152 216 'sorich87', 153 'szadok', 154 'technosailor', 217 'soulseekah', 218 'stephdau', 219 'sushkov', 220 'tamlyn', 155 221 'tenpura', 156 'tetele', 157 'tfnab', 158 'tigertech', 222 'thezman84', 223 'tollmanz', 224 'toppa', 225 'tott', 226 'transom', 159 227 'trepmal', 160 ' Utkarsh',228 'tw2113', 161 229 'vanillalounge', 162 ' valentinas',163 'w ebduo',164 'w pmuguru',230 'webord', 231 'wojtekszkutnik', 232 'wonderslug', 165 233 'xibe', 166 234 'xknown', 167 235 'yoavf', 168 236 'zeo', 169 'z iofix',237 'zx2c4', 170 238 ); 171 239 } … … 186 254 // array( 'jquery.schedule', 'http://' ), 187 255 array( 'jQuery.suggest', '' ), 256 array( 'jQuery UI Touch Punch', '' ), 188 257 array( 'json2', '' ), 189 258 array( 'PclZip', '' ), … … 191 260 array( 'phpass', '' ), 192 261 array( 'PHPMailer', '' ), 262 array( 'Plupload', '' ), 193 263 array( 'SimplePie', '' ), 194 array( 'SWFObject', '' ),195 array( 'SWFUpload', '' ),196 264 array( 'The Incutio XML-RPC Library', '' ), 197 265 array( 'Thickbox', '' ), -
r160 r161 1 1 <?php 2 2 3 class WP_3 2_Credits extends WP_Credits {3 class WP_35_Credits extends WP_Credits { 4 4 5 5 function groups() { 6 returnarray(6 $groups = array( 7 7 'project-leaders' => array( 8 8 'name' => 'Project Leaders', … … 13 13 'markjaquith' => array( 'Mark Jaquith', 'Lead Developer', '097a87a525e317519b5ee124820012fb' ), 14 14 'matt' => array( 'Matt Mullenweg', 'Cofounder, Project Lead' ), 15 'nacin' => array( 'Andrew Nacin', 'Lead Developer' ), 15 16 'azaozz' => array( 'Andrew Ozz', 'Lead Developer' ), 16 'jenmylo' => array( 'Jen Mylo', 'User Experience Lead' ),17 17 'westi' => array( 'Peter Westwood', 'Lead Developer' ), 18 18 ), 19 19 ), 20 ' extended-core-team' => array(21 'name' => ' Extended Core Team',20 'core-developers' => array( 21 'name' => 'Core Developers', 22 22 'type' => 'titles', 23 23 'shuffle' => true, 24 24 'data' => array( 25 'nacin' => array( 'Andrew Nacin', 'Core Committer' ), 26 'koop' => array( 'Daryl Koopersmith', 'Guest Committer' ), 27 'dd32' => array( 'Dion Hulse', 'Core Committer' ), 28 'josephscott' => array( 'Joseph Scott', 'XML-RPC' ), 29 'iammattthomas' => array( 'Matt Thomas', 'Designer' ), 30 'nbachiyski' => array( 'Nikolay Bachiyski', 'Internationalization' ), 25 'dd32' => array( 'Dion Hulse', 'Core Developer' ), 26 'koop' => array( 'Daryl Koopersmith', 'Core Developer' ), 27 'duck_' => array( 'Jon Cave', 'Guest Committer' ), 28 ), 29 ), 30 'contributing-developers' => array( 31 'name' => 'Contributing Developers', 32 'type' => 'titles', 33 'shuffle' => true, 34 'data' => array( 35 'scribu' => 'Cristi Burcă', 36 'ocean90' => 'Dominik Schilling', 37 'SergeyBiryukov' => 'Sergey Biryukov', 38 'helen' => 'Helen Hou-Sandi', 39 'lancewillett' => 'Lance Willett', 31 40 ), 32 41 ), … … 36 45 'shuffle' => true, 37 46 'data' => array( 38 'duck_' => array( 'Jon Cave', 'Developer' ), 39 'scribu' => array( 'Cristi Burcă', 'Developer' ), 40 'ocean90' => array( 'Dominik Schilling', 'Developer' ), 41 'iandstewart' => array( 'Ian Stewart', 'Twenty Eleven' ), 42 'lancewillett' => array( 'Lance Willett', 'Twenty Eleven' ), 43 'matveb' => array( 'Matías Ventura', 'Twenty Eleven' ), 44 'aaroncampbell' => array( 'Aaron Campbell', 'Developer' ), 45 'EmpireOfLight' => array( 'Ben Dunkle', 'Icon Design' ), 46 'xknown' => array( 'Alex Concha', 'Developer' ), 47 'lessbloat' => 'Dave Martin', 48 'obenland' => 'Konstantin Obenland', 49 'DH-Shredder' => 'Mike Schroder', 50 'drewstrojny' => 'Drew Strojny', 51 'wonderboymusic' => array( 'Scott Taylor', '0e9fc8ea22885ed718ee37d31dcffb8c' ), 52 'mattwiebe' => 'Matt Wiebe', 47 53 ), 48 54 ), 49 55 ); 56 return $groups; 50 57 } 51 58 59 // As of final release, r23123 52 60 function props() { 53 61 return array( 54 62 'aaroncampbell', 55 'aldenta', 63 'aaronholbrook', // props missed by committer 64 'alecrust', 65 'alex-ye', 66 'alexkingorg', 67 'alexvorn2', 68 'alyssonweb', 56 69 'ampt', 70 'andrear', // andrea.r 57 71 'andrewryno', 72 'andrewspittle', 58 73 'andy', 74 'apokalyptik', 75 'azaozz', 76 'bainternet', 77 'bananastalktome', 78 'barrykooij', 59 79 'batmoo', 60 'benbalter', 61 'BenChapman', 62 'bi0xid', 63 'blepoxp', 64 'bluntelk', 65 'boonebgorges', 66 'brandonburke', 80 'barry', 81 'bbrooks', // given props as 'Ben Brooks' 82 'benkulbertis', 83 'bergius', 84 'betzster', 85 'bigdawggi', 86 'bolo1988', 87 'bpetty', 88 'bradparbs', 89 'bradthomas127', 90 'bradyvercher', 91 'brandondove', 92 'BrianLayman', 93 'c3mdigital', 94 'cannona', 95 'casben79', 67 96 'Caspie', 97 'cdog', 68 98 'cfinke', 69 ' CharlesClarkson',99 'chellycat', 70 100 'chexee', 71 'cnorris23', 101 'Chouby', 102 'chriswallace', 72 103 'coffee2code', 73 'cyberhobo', 74 'daniloercoli', 75 'dcowgill', 76 'demetris', 77 'devinreams', 104 'corvannoorloos', 105 'dan-rivera', // Dan Rivera 106 'dd32', 107 'deltafactory', 78 108 'DH-Shredder', 79 109 'dimadin', 110 'djzone', 80 111 'dllh', 81 'dougwrites', 82 'dvwallin', 112 'doublesharp', 113 'DrewAPicture', 114 'drewstrojny', 115 'duck_', 116 'eddiemoya', 117 'elyobo', 118 'emiluzelac', 119 'empireoflight', 120 'ericlewis', 83 121 'ericmann', 84 'fabifott', 85 'filosofo', 86 'frumph', 122 'ericwahlforss', 123 'ethitter', 124 'evansolomon', 125 'f-j-kaiser', // F J Kaiser 126 'fadingdust', 127 'foxinni', 128 'gandham', 129 'GaryJ', // given props as Gary-J 87 130 'garyc40', 131 'GeertDD', 132 'georgestephanis', 133 'GhostToast', 134 'gluten', 135 'gnarf', 136 'goldenapples', 88 137 'greenshady', 89 ' greuben',90 'g uyn',138 'GregLone', 139 'griffinjt', 91 140 'hakre', 141 'hanni', 142 'hardy101', 143 'hd-J', 92 144 'hebbet', 93 'helen', 94 'hew', 95 'holizz', 96 'jacobwg', 145 'helenyhou', 146 'hugobaeta', 147 'husobj', 148 'iamfriendly', 149 'iammattthomas', 150 'iamtakashi', 151 'iandstewart', 152 'ikailo', 153 'Ipstenu', 154 'itworx', 155 'j-idris', 156 'jakemgold', 157 'jakubtyrcha', // jakub.tyrcha 158 'jamescollins', 159 'jammitch', 160 'jenmylo', 161 'Japh', 162 'JarretC', 163 'javert03', 97 164 'Jayjdk', 98 'JDTrower', 99 'jfarthing84', 165 'jblz', 166 'jbrinley', 167 'jcakec', 168 'jeffsebring', 169 'jeremyfelt', 170 'JerrySarcastic', 100 171 'jkudish', 172 'jndetlefsen', 173 'joehoyle', 101 174 'joelhardi', 102 175 'johnbillion', 103 176 'johnjamesjacoby', 104 'johnonolan', 105 'joostdevalk', 177 'johnpbloch', 178 'jond3r', 179 'jondavidjohn', 180 'joostdekeijzer', 106 181 'jorbin', 182 'josephscott', 107 183 'jtsternberg', 108 'kawauso', 109 'kevinB', 184 'JustinSainton', 185 'Kawauso', 186 'Keruspe', 187 'kitchin', 188 'klagraff', 110 189 'knutsp', 111 190 'koke', 191 'koop', 192 'kopepasah', 112 193 'kovshenin', 194 'kurtpayne', 195 'Kyrylo', 196 'lancewillett', 197 'larysa', 198 'Latz', 113 199 'ldebrouwer', 200 'leogermani', 201 'lessbloat', 202 'lesteph', 203 'lgedeon', 204 'lightningspirit', 114 205 'linuxologos', 115 'lloydbudd', 116 'marcis20', 117 'markmcwilliams', 206 'MadtownLems', 207 'mailnew2ster', 208 'Mamaduka', 209 'maor', 210 'MarcusPope', 211 'markel', 212 'markjaquith', 213 'markoheijnen', 214 'markoheinjen', 215 'martythornley', 216 'matt', 217 'mattdanner', 218 'mattwiebe', 118 219 'MattyRob', 119 'mcepl', 220 'maxcutler', 221 'mbijon', 120 222 'mdawaffe', 223 'mdgl', 224 'melchoyce', 225 'merty', 121 226 'mfields', 122 'MichaelH', 123 'michaeltyson', 124 'mintindeed', 227 'mgdl', 228 'MikeHansenMe', 229 'mikelittle', 230 'mikeschinkel', 231 'mimecine', 125 232 'miqrogroove', 126 233 'mitchoyoshitaka', 234 'mohanjith', 235 'Moraleidame', // 236 'mpvanwinkle77', 127 237 'mrroundhill', 128 'natecook', 129 'nathanrice', 238 'mtdesign', 239 'murky', 240 'nacin', 241 'Nao', 242 'nbachiyski', 243 'neoxx', 130 244 'niallkennedy', 131 'ni ckbohle',245 'nikolov.tmw', 132 246 'nprasath002', 133 'nuxwin', 247 'ntm', 248 'nvartolomei', 249 'obenland', 250 'ocean90', 251 'op12no2', 134 252 'Otto42', 253 'pas5027', // props missed by committer (r22460) 135 254 'pavelevap', 136 'peaceablewhale', 255 'pdclark', 256 'pento', 137 257 'PeteMall', 258 'philiparthurmoore', 259 'phill_brown', 260 'picklepete', 261 'picklewagon', 262 'PotterSys', 138 263 'pross', 139 'ptahdunbar', 140 'Rahe', 264 'r-a-y', 141 265 'ramiy', 142 'rasheed', 143 'rosshanney', 266 'rmccue', 267 'rstern', 268 'ryan', 144 269 'ryanimel', 270 'RyanJKoehler', 271 'ryelle', 272 'rzen', 273 'sabreuse', 274 'saltcod', 145 275 'saracannon', 146 'SidHarrell', 147 'sbressler', 276 'sc0ttclark', 277 'sc0ttkclark', 278 'scottgonzalez', // scott.gonzalez (props missed by committer, r22513) 279 'scribu', 280 'sennza', 281 'senzza', 282 'sergeysbetkenovgaroru', // 148 283 'SergeyBiryukov', 149 'shakenstirred', 284 'simonwheatley', 285 'sirzooro', 150 286 'sivel', 287 'sixhours', 151 288 'solarissmoke', 152 'sorich87', 153 'szadok', 154 'technosailor', 155 'tenpura', 156 'tetele', 157 'tfnab', 158 'tigertech', 289 'ssamture', 290 'sterlo', 291 'sumindmitriy', 292 'sushkov', 293 'swekitsune', 294 'targz-1', // tar.gz 295 'taylorde', 296 'thee17', 297 'timbeks', 298 'timfs', 299 'tlovett1', 300 'tmoorewp', 301 'TobiasBg', 302 'tollmanz', 303 'TomasM', 304 'TomAuger', 305 'tommcfarlin', 306 'toppa', 307 'toscho', 308 'tott', 159 309 'trepmal', 160 'Utkarsh', 161 'vanillalounge', 162 'valentinas', 163 'webduo', 310 'usermrpapa', 311 'vhauri', 312 'viniciusmassuchetto', 313 'Viper007Bond', 314 'waclawjacek', 315 'waldojaquith', 316 'webord', 317 'westi', 318 'wet', 319 'willmot', 320 'wojtekszkutnik', // wojtek.szkutnik 321 'wonderboymusic', 164 322 'wpmuguru', 323 'wpsmith', 165 324 'xibe', 166 325 'xknown', 167 326 'yoavf', 327 'yogi-t', // Yogi T 328 'zamoose', 168 329 'zeo', 169 'ziofix',170 330 ); 171 331 } … … 173 333 function external_libraries() { 174 334 return array( 335 array( 'Backbone', '' ), 175 336 array( 'Class POP3', '' ), 176 337 array( 'Color Animations', '' ), … … 179 340 array( 'hoverIntent', '' ), 180 341 array( 'imgAreaSelect', '' ), 342 array( 'Iris', '' ), 181 343 array( 'jQuery', '' ), 182 344 array( 'jQuery UI', '' ), 183 345 array( 'jQuery Hotkeys', '' ), 346 array( 'jQuery Masonry', '' ), 184 347 array( 'jQuery serializeObject', '' ), 185 348 array( 'jQuery.query', '' ), 186 349 // array( 'jquery.schedule', 'http://' ), 187 350 array( 'jQuery.suggest', '' ), 351 array( 'jQuery UI Touch Punch', '' ), 188 352 array( 'json2', '' ), 189 353 array( 'PclZip', '' ), … … 191 355 array( 'phpass', '' ), 192 356 array( 'PHPMailer', '' ), 357 array( 'Plupload', '' ), 193 358 array( 'SimplePie', '' ), 194 array( 'SWFObject', '' ),195 array( 'SWFUpload', '' ),196 359 array( 'The Incutio XML-RPC Library', '' ), 197 360 array( 'Thickbox', '' ), 198 361 array( 'TinyMCE', '' ), 362 array( 'Underscore', '' ), 199 363 ); 200 364 } 201 202 365 } -
r160 r161 1 1 <?php 2 2 3 class WP_3 2_Credits extends WP_Credits {3 class WP_36_Credits extends WP_Credits { 4 4 5 5 function groups() { 6 returnarray(6 $groups = array( 7 7 'project-leaders' => array( 8 8 'name' => 'Project Leaders', … … 13 13 'markjaquith' => array( 'Mark Jaquith', 'Lead Developer', '097a87a525e317519b5ee124820012fb' ), 14 14 'matt' => array( 'Matt Mullenweg', 'Cofounder, Project Lead' ), 15 'nacin' => array( 'Andrew Nacin', 'Lead Developer' ), 15 16 'azaozz' => array( 'Andrew Ozz', 'Lead Developer' ), 16 'jenmylo' => array( 'Jen Mylo', 'User Experience Lead' ),17 17 'westi' => array( 'Peter Westwood', 'Lead Developer' ), 18 18 ), 19 19 ), 20 ' extended-core-team' => array(21 'name' => ' Extended Core Team',20 'core-developers' => array( 21 'name' => 'Contributing Developers', 22 22 'type' => 'titles', 23 23 'shuffle' => true, 24 24 'data' => array( 25 'nacin' => array( 'Andrew Nacin', 'Core Committer' ), 26 'koop' => array( 'Daryl Koopersmith', 'Guest Committer' ), 27 'dd32' => array( 'Dion Hulse', 'Core Committer' ), 28 'josephscott' => array( 'Joseph Scott', 'XML-RPC' ), 29 'iammattthomas' => array( 'Matt Thomas', 'Designer' ), 30 'nbachiyski' => array( 'Nikolay Bachiyski', 'Internationalization' ), 25 'dd32' => array( 'Dion Hulse', 'Core Developer' ), 26 'koop' => array( 'Daryl Koopersmith', 'Core Developer' ), 27 'duck_' => array( 'Jon Cave', 'Core Developer' ), 28 ), 29 ), 30 'contributing-developers' => array( 31 'name' => false, 32 'type' => 'titles', 33 'shuffle' => true, 34 'data' => array( 35 'ocean90' => 'Dominik Schilling', 36 'SergeyBiryukov' => 'Sergey Biryukov', 37 'helen' => 'Helen Hou-Sandi', 38 'aaroncampbell' => 'Aaron D. Campbell', 39 'lancewillett' => 'Lance Willett', 40 'wonderboymusic' => array( 'Scott Taylor', '0e9fc8ea22885ed718ee37d31dcffb8c' ), 31 41 ), 32 42 ), … … 36 46 'shuffle' => true, 37 47 'data' => array( 38 'duck_' => array( 'Jon Cave', 'Developer' ), 39 'scribu' => array( 'Cristi Burcă', 'Developer' ), 40 'ocean90' => array( 'Dominik Schilling', 'Developer' ), 41 'iandstewart' => array( 'Ian Stewart', 'Twenty Eleven' ), 42 'lancewillett' => array( 'Lance Willett', 'Twenty Eleven' ), 43 'matveb' => array( 'Matías Ventura', 'Twenty Eleven' ), 44 'aaroncampbell' => array( 'Aaron Campbell', 'Developer' ), 45 'EmpireOfLight' => array( 'Ben Dunkle', 'Icon Design' ), 46 'xknown' => array( 'Alex Concha', 'Developer' ), 48 'lessbloat' => 'Dave Martin', 49 'obenland' => 'Konstantin Obenland', 50 'kovshenin' => 'Konstantin Kovshenin', 51 'Joen' => 'Joen Asmussen', 52 'DrewAPicture' => 'Drew Jaynes', 53 'adamsilverstein' => 'Adam Silverstein', 47 54 ), 48 55 ), 49 56 ); 57 return $groups; 50 58 } 51 59 60 // As of final release, r23123 52 61 function props() { 53 62 return array( 54 63 'aaroncampbell', 55 'aldenta', 56 'ampt', 64 'aaronholbrook', 65 'adamsilverstein', 66 'ahoereth', 67 'AKTed', 68 'alex-ye', 69 'alexkingorg', 70 'anatolbroder', 57 71 'andrewryno', 58 72 'andy', 73 'apimlott', 74 'asannad', 75 'awellis13', 76 'azaozz', 77 'bananastalktome', 78 'barry', 59 79 'batmoo', 60 'benbalter', 61 'BenChapman', 62 'bi0xid', 63 'blepoxp', 64 'bluntelk', 65 'boonebgorges', 66 'brandonburke', 80 'beaulebens', 81 'beezeee', 82 'belloswan', 83 'bilalcoder', 84 'bobbingwide', 85 'bobbravo2', 86 'bpetty', 87 'bradparbs', 88 'bradyvercher', 89 'brianlayman', 90 'c3mdigital', 91 'cais', 92 'carldanley', 67 93 'Caspie', 94 'celloexpressions', 68 95 'cfinke', 69 'CharlesClarkson', 70 'chexee', 71 'cnorris23', 96 'charlestonsw', 97 'cheeserolls', 98 'chipbennett', 99 'chmac', 100 'chriswallace', 101 'cochran', 72 102 'coffee2code', 73 'cyberhobo', 103 'corvannoorloos', 104 'crazycoders', 105 'csixty4', 106 'danielbachhuber', 74 107 'daniloercoli', 75 'dcowgill', 76 'demetris', 77 'devinreams', 108 'dannydehaan', 109 'davidwilliamson', 110 'dd32', 111 'desrosj', 112 'devesine', 113 'dfavor', 114 'dh-shredder', 78 115 'DH-Shredder', 79 116 'dimadin', 80 117 'dllh', 81 'dougwrites', 82 'dvwallin', 118 'dovyp', 119 'DrewAPicture', 120 'DrewAPicture', 121 'duck_', 122 'dvarga', 123 'elfin', 124 'empireoflight', 125 'ericlewis', 83 126 'ericmann', 84 'fabifott', 85 'filosofo', 86 'frumph', 127 'ethitter', 128 'evansolomon', 129 'f-j-kaiser ', # F J Kaiser 130 'faishal', 131 'fanquake', 132 'feedmeastraycat', 133 'frank-klein ', # Frank Klein 134 'FStop', 87 135 'garyc40', 88 'greenshady', 136 'GaryJ', 137 'gcorne', 138 'GeertDD', 139 'georgestephanis', 140 'gish', 141 'gorgoglionemeister', 89 142 'greuben', 90 ' guyn',143 'h4ck3rm1k3', 91 144 'hakre', 145 'hbanken', 92 146 'hebbet', 93 147 'helen', 94 'hew', 95 'holizz', 96 'jacobwg', 148 'helgatheviking', 149 'hirozed', 150 'hurtige', 151 'hypertextranch', 152 'iandunn', 153 'Ipstenu', 154 'jakub', 97 155 'Jayjdk', 156 'jbutkus', 157 'jcastaneda', 98 158 'JDTrower', 99 'jfarthing84', 159 'jeremyfelt', 160 'JerrySarcastic', 100 161 'jkudish', 101 'joelhardi', 162 'joehoyle', 163 'joen', 164 # 'John Dyer', 102 165 'johnbillion', 103 166 'johnjamesjacoby', 104 'jo hnonolan',105 'jo ostdevalk',167 'jonbishop', 168 'jond3r', 106 169 'jorbin', 107 'jtsternberg', 170 'jordie23', 171 'josephscott', 172 'jrbeilke', 173 'jrf', 174 'JustinSainton', 175 'jvisick77', 176 'kadamwhite', 177 'karmatosed', 108 178 'kawauso', 109 'kevinB', 110 'knutsp', 111 'koke', 179 'keoshi', 180 'koop', 112 181 'kovshenin', 113 'ldebrouwer', 114 'linuxologos', 115 'lloydbudd', 116 'marcis20', 182 'kraftbj', 183 'ktdreyer', 184 'kurtpayne', 185 'kwight', 186 'lancewillett', 187 'leewillis77', 188 'lessbloat', 189 'lightningspirit', 190 'macbrink', 191 'maor', 192 'MarcusPope', 193 'mark-k', 194 'markjaquith', 117 195 'markmcwilliams', 118 'MattyRob', 119 'mcepl', 196 'markoheijnen', 197 'matt', 198 'MatthewRuddy', 199 'mattwiebe', 200 'maxcutler', 201 'mboynes', 120 202 'mdawaffe', 203 'melchoyce', 121 204 'mfields', 122 ' MichaelH',123 ' michaeltyson',205 'mgibbs189', 206 'MikeHansenMe', 124 207 'mintindeed', 125 'miqrogroove',126 208 'mitchoyoshitaka', 127 'mrroundhill', 128 'natecook', 129 'nathanrice', 209 'mjbanks', 210 'momo360modena', 211 'mordauk', 212 'MZAWeb', 213 'n7studios', 214 'nacin', 215 'najamelan', 216 'nao', 130 217 'niallkennedy', 131 'nickbohle', 218 'nickdaugherty', 219 'nickmomrick', 220 'ninnypants', 221 'norcross', 132 222 'nprasath002', 133 'nuxwin', 134 'Otto42', 223 'obenland', 224 'ocean90', 225 'ParadisePorridge', 226 'pauldewouters', 135 227 'pavelevap', 136 'p eaceablewhale',228 'pdclark', 137 229 'PeteMall', 138 'pross', 139 'ptahdunbar', 140 'Rahe', 230 'phill_brown', 231 'pollett', 232 'programmin', 233 'r24421', 234 'rachelbaker', 141 235 'ramiy', 142 'rasheed', 143 'rosshanney', 144 'ryanimel', 236 'rdall', 237 'redpixelstudios', 238 'redsweater', 239 'reidburke', 240 'retlehs', 241 'rlerdorf', 242 'rmccue', 243 'rodrigosprimo', 244 'roulandf', 245 'rovo89', 246 'ryanduff', 247 'ryanhellyer', 248 'ryelle', 249 'sabreuse', 145 250 'saracannon', 146 'SidHarrell', 147 'sbressler', 251 'sc0ttkclark', 252 'scholesmafia', 253 'scribu', 254 'sergejmueller', 148 255 'SergeyBiryukov', 149 'shakenstirred', 150 'sivel', 256 'settle', 257 'sim', 258 'simonwheatley', 259 'siobhan', 260 'sirzooro', 261 'slene', 151 262 'solarissmoke', 152 'sorich87', 153 'szadok', 263 'soulseekah', 264 'SriniG', 265 'stephenh1988', 266 'storkontheroof', 267 'sunnyratilal', 268 'sweetie089', 269 'tar', 270 'taupecat', 154 271 'technosailor', 155 272 'tenpura', 156 'tetele', 157 'tfnab', 158 'tigertech', 273 'TheLastCicada', 274 'thomasvanderbeek', 275 'tivnet', 276 'tjsingleton', 277 'tlovett1', 278 'TobiasBg', 279 'tollmanz', 280 'toscho', 281 'TravisHoffman', 159 282 'trepmal', 160 'Utkarsh', 161 'vanillalounge', 162 'valentinas', 163 'webduo', 164 'wpmuguru', 283 'tw2113', 284 'uuf6429', 285 'viniciusmassuchetto', 286 'Viper007Bond', 287 'westi', 288 'wojtek', 289 'wonderboymusic', 290 'wpewill', 291 'WraithKenny', 292 'wycks', 165 293 'xibe', 166 294 'xknown', 167 295 'yoavf', 296 'zekeweeks', 168 297 'zeo', 169 'zi ofix',298 'ziegenberg', 170 299 ); 171 300 } … … 173 302 function external_libraries() { 174 303 return array( 304 array( 'Backbone.js', '' ), 175 305 array( 'Class POP3', '' ), 176 306 array( 'Color Animations', '' ), … … 179 309 array( 'hoverIntent', '' ), 180 310 array( 'imgAreaSelect', '' ), 311 array( 'Iris', '' ), 181 312 array( 'jQuery', '' ), 182 313 array( 'jQuery UI', '' ), 183 314 array( 'jQuery Hotkeys', '' ), 315 array( 'jQuery Masonry', '' ), 184 316 array( 'jQuery serializeObject', '' ), 185 317 array( 'jQuery.query', '' ), 186 318 // array( 'jquery.schedule', 'http://' ), 187 319 array( 'jQuery.suggest', '' ), 320 array( 'jQuery UI Touch Punch', '' ), 188 321 array( 'json2', '' ), 322 array( 'MediaElement.js', '' ), 189 323 array( 'PclZip', '' ), 190 324 array( 'PemFTP', '' ), 191 325 array( 'phpass', '' ), 192 326 array( 'PHPMailer', '' ), 327 array( 'Plupload', '' ), 193 328 array( 'SimplePie', '' ), 194 array( 'SWFObject', '' ),195 array( 'SWFUpload', '' ),196 329 array( 'The Incutio XML-RPC Library', '' ), 197 330 array( 'Thickbox', '' ), 198 331 array( 'TinyMCE', '' ), 332 array( 'Underscore.js', '' ), 199 333 ); 200 334 } 201 202 335 } -
r160 r161 1 1 <?php 2 2 3 class WP_3 2_Credits extends WP_Credits {3 class WP_37_Credits extends WP_Credits { 4 4 5 5 function groups() { 6 returnarray(6 $groups = array( 7 7 'project-leaders' => array( 8 8 'name' => 'Project Leaders', … … 13 13 'markjaquith' => array( 'Mark Jaquith', 'Lead Developer', '097a87a525e317519b5ee124820012fb' ), 14 14 'matt' => array( 'Matt Mullenweg', 'Cofounder, Project Lead' ), 15 'nacin' => array( 'Andrew Nacin', 'Lead Developer' ), 15 16 'azaozz' => array( 'Andrew Ozz', 'Lead Developer' ), 16 'jenmylo' => array( 'Jen Mylo', 'User Experience Lead' ),17 17 'westi' => array( 'Peter Westwood', 'Lead Developer' ), 18 18 ), 19 19 ), 20 ' extended-core-team' => array(21 'name' => ' Extended Core Team',20 'core-developers' => array( 21 'name' => 'Contributing Developers', 22 22 'type' => 'titles', 23 23 'shuffle' => true, 24 24 'data' => array( 25 'nacin' => array( 'Andrew Nacin', 'Core Committer' ), 26 'koop' => array( 'Daryl Koopersmith', 'Guest Committer' ), 27 'dd32' => array( 'Dion Hulse', 'Core Committer' ), 28 'josephscott' => array( 'Joseph Scott', 'XML-RPC' ), 29 'iammattthomas' => array( 'Matt Thomas', 'Designer' ), 30 'nbachiyski' => array( 'Nikolay Bachiyski', 'Internationalization' ), 25 'dd32' => array( 'Dion Hulse', 'Core Developer' ), 26 'koop' => array( 'Daryl Koopersmith', 'Core Developer' ), 27 'duck_' => array( 'Jon Cave', 'Core Developer' ), 28 ), 29 ), 30 'contributing-developers' => array( 31 'name' => false, 32 'type' => 'titles', 33 'shuffle' => true, 34 'data' => array( 35 'ocean90' => 'Dominik Schilling', 36 'SergeyBiryukov' => 'Sergey Biryukov', 37 'helen' => 'Helen Hou-Sandi', 38 'wonderboymusic' => array( 'Scott Taylor', '0e9fc8ea22885ed718ee37d31dcffb8c' ), 39 'johnbillion' => array( 'John Blackbourn', '0000ba6dd1b089e1746abbfe6281ee3b' ), 40 'DrewAPicture' => 'Drew Jaynes', 31 41 ), 32 42 ), … … 36 46 'shuffle' => true, 37 47 'data' => array( 38 'duck_' => array( 'Jon Cave', 'Developer' ), 39 'scribu' => array( 'Cristi Burcă', 'Developer' ), 40 'ocean90' => array( 'Dominik Schilling', 'Developer' ), 41 'iandstewart' => array( 'Ian Stewart', 'Twenty Eleven' ), 42 'lancewillett' => array( 'Lance Willett', 'Twenty Eleven' ), 43 'matveb' => array( 'Matías Ventura', 'Twenty Eleven' ), 44 'aaroncampbell' => array( 'Aaron Campbell', 'Developer' ), 45 'EmpireOfLight' => array( 'Ben Dunkle', 'Icon Design' ), 46 'xknown' => array( 'Alex Concha', 'Developer' ), 48 'jeremyfelt' => 'Jeremy Felt', 49 'c3mdigital' => 'Chris Olbekson', 50 'kpdesign' => 'Kim Parsell', 47 51 ), 48 52 ), 49 53 ); 54 return $groups; 50 55 } 51 56 57 // As of final release, r25892. 52 58 function props() { 53 59 return array( 54 60 'aaroncampbell', 55 'aldenta', 56 'ampt', 57 'andrewryno', 58 'andy', 59 'batmoo', 60 'benbalter', 61 'BenChapman', 62 'bi0xid', 63 'blepoxp', 64 'bluntelk', 65 'boonebgorges', 66 'brandonburke', 67 'Caspie', 68 'cfinke', 69 'CharlesClarkson', 70 'chexee', 71 'cnorris23', 61 'aaronholbrook', 62 'adamsilverstein', 63 'aeg0125', 64 'ahoereth', 65 'alex-ye', 66 'andg', 67 'andreasnrb', 68 'andrewspittle', 69 'askapache', 70 'atimmer', 71 'azaozz', 72 'bananastalktome', 73 'barry', 74 'beaulebens', 75 'benmoody', 76 'betzster', 77 'bftrick', 78 'bhengh', 79 'bmb', 80 'bpetty', 81 'brianhogg', 82 'buffler', 83 'butuzov', 84 'c3mdigital', 85 'cais', 86 'calin', // 3.7.1 87 'carldanley', 88 'celloexpressions', 89 'charlesclarkson', 90 'chipbennett', 91 'chouby', 92 'chrisbliss18', // 3.7.1 93 'chrisrudzki', 94 'cimmo', 95 'coenjacobs', 72 96 'coffee2code', 73 'cyberhobo', 74 'daniloercoli', 75 'dcowgill', 76 'demetris', 77 'devinreams', 78 'DH-Shredder', 97 'convissor', 98 'creativeinfusion', 99 'crrobi01', 100 'csixty4', 101 'daankortenbach', 102 'danielbachhuber', 103 'dartiss', 104 'davidjlaietta', 105 'dd32', 106 'desroj', 107 'desrosj', 108 'devesine', 109 'dh-shredder', 79 110 'dimadin', 80 111 'dllh', 81 'dougwrites', 82 'dvwallin', 112 'dpash', 113 'drewapicture', 114 'drprotocols', 115 'duck_', 116 'dustyf', 117 'dzver', 118 'enej', 119 'ericlewis', 83 120 'ericmann', 84 'fabifott', 85 'filosofo', 86 'frumph', 121 'evansolomon', 122 'faishal', 123 'faison', 124 'fjarrett', 125 'foofy', 126 'frank-klein', 87 127 'garyc40', 88 'greenshady', 128 'garyj', // 3.7.1 129 'gayadesign', 130 'gcorne', 131 'georgestephanis', 132 'gizburdt', 133 'goldenapples', 134 'gradyetc', 89 135 'greuben', 90 'guyn',91 136 'hakre', 92 'hebbet',93 137 'helen', 94 'hew', 95 'holizz', 96 'jacobwg', 97 'Jayjdk', 98 'JDTrower', 99 'jfarthing84', 138 'hotchkissconsulting', 139 'iamfriendly', 140 'iandunn', 141 'ipstenu', 142 'iworks', 143 'jakubtyrcha', 144 'jamescollins', 145 'jayjdk', 146 'jchristopher', 147 'jdgrimes', 148 'jenmylo', 149 'jeremyfelt', 100 150 'jkudish', 101 'joelhardi', 151 'joehoyle', 152 'johnafish', 102 153 'johnbillion', 103 154 'johnjamesjacoby', 104 'johnonolan', 155 'johnnyb', 156 'johnpbloch', 157 'jond3r', 158 'jonlynch', 105 159 'joostdevalk', 106 160 'jorbin', 107 'jtsternberg', 108 'kawauso', 109 'kevinB', 110 'knutsp', 111 'koke', 161 'josephscott', 162 'justinsainton', 163 'kadamwhite', 164 'ketwaroo', 165 'kevinb', 166 'kitchin', 167 'koop', 112 168 'kovshenin', 113 'ldebrouwer', 114 'linuxologos', 115 'lloydbudd', 116 'marcis20', 169 'kpdesign', 170 'kraftbj', 171 'kurtpayne', 172 'lancewillett', 173 'layotte', 174 'leewillis77', 175 'lessbloat', 176 'lgedeon', 177 'lucp', // 3.7.1 178 'marco_teethgrinder', 179 'markjaquith', 117 180 'markmcwilliams', 118 'MattyRob', 119 'mcepl', 120 'mdawaffe', 121 'mfields', 122 'MichaelH', 123 'michaeltyson', 124 'mintindeed', 181 'markoheijnen', 182 'melchoyce', 183 'mikehansenme', 184 'mikeschinkel', 125 185 'miqrogroove', 126 186 'mitchoyoshitaka', 127 'mrroundhill', 128 'natecook', 187 'miyauchi', 188 'mordauk', 189 'nacin', 190 'nao', 191 'naomicbush', 192 'natejacobs', 129 193 'nathanrice', 194 'nbachiyski', 195 'neoxx', 196 'netweb', 130 197 'niallkennedy', 131 'nickbohle', 132 'nprasath002', 133 'nuxwin', 134 'Otto42', 198 'nickdaugherty', 199 'nickmomrik', 200 'nikv', 201 'noahsilverstein', 202 'nofearinc', 203 'norcross', 204 'nukaga', 205 'nullvariable', 206 'obenland', 207 'ocean90', 208 'paolal', 209 'pauldewouters', 135 210 'pavelevap', 136 'peaceablewhale', 137 'PeteMall', 211 'pbiron', 212 'pento', 213 'peterjaap', 214 'philiparthurmoore', 215 'plocha', 216 'pollett', 138 217 'pross', 139 218 'ptahdunbar', 140 ' Rahe',219 'r3df', 141 220 'ramiy', 142 221 'rasheed', 143 'rosshanney', 144 'ryanimel', 145 'saracannon', 146 'SidHarrell', 147 'sbressler', 148 'SergeyBiryukov', 149 'shakenstirred', 150 'sivel', 222 'raybernard', 223 'rboren', 224 'rdall', 225 'rfair404', 226 'rmccue', 227 'rmmcue', 228 'rodrigosprimo', 229 'rpattillo', 230 'ryan', 231 'rzen', 232 'sabreuse', 233 'scottsweb', 234 'scribu', 235 'scruffian', 236 'sergeybiryukov', 237 'shinichin', 238 'sillybean', 239 'simonwheatley', 240 'siobhan', 241 'siobhyb', 242 'sirzooro', 151 243 'solarissmoke', 152 244 'sorich87', 153 'szadok', 245 'stephenharris', 246 'strangerstudios', 247 'sweetie089', 248 'swissspidy', 154 249 'technosailor', 155 250 'tenpura', 156 'tetele', 157 'tfnab', 158 'tigertech', 251 'tivnet', 252 'tlovett1', 253 'tmtoy', 254 'tobiasbg', 255 'tomauger', 256 'toscho', 159 257 'trepmal', 160 'Utkarsh', 161 'vanillalounge', 162 'valentinas', 163 'webduo', 258 'tw2113', 259 'usermrpapa', 260 'vericgar', 261 'vinod-dalvi', 262 'viper007bond', 263 'webord', 264 'westonruter', 265 'wikicms', 266 'willnorris', 267 'wojtekszkutnik', 268 'wonderboymusic', 164 269 'wpmuguru', 165 'xibe', 166 'xknown', 270 'wpsmith', 271 'wycks', 272 'xparham', 167 273 'yoavf', 168 'zeo', 169 'ziofix', 274 'yurivictor', 170 275 ); 171 276 } … … 173 278 function external_libraries() { 174 279 return array( 280 array( 'Backbone.js', '' ), 175 281 array( 'Class POP3', '' ), 176 282 array( 'Color Animations', '' ), … … 179 285 array( 'hoverIntent', '' ), 180 286 array( 'imgAreaSelect', '' ), 287 array( 'Iris', '' ), 181 288 array( 'jQuery', '' ), 182 289 array( 'jQuery UI', '' ), 183 290 array( 'jQuery Hotkeys', '' ), 291 array( 'jQuery Masonry', '' ), 184 292 array( 'jQuery serializeObject', '' ), 185 293 array( 'jQuery.query', '' ), 186 294 // array( 'jquery.schedule', 'http://' ), 187 295 array( 'jQuery.suggest', '' ), 296 array( 'jQuery UI Touch Punch', '' ), 188 297 array( 'json2', '' ), 298 array( 'MediaElement.js', '' ), 189 299 array( 'PclZip', '' ), 190 300 array( 'PemFTP', '' ), 191 301 array( 'phpass', '' ), 192 302 array( 'PHPMailer', '' ), 303 array( 'Plupload', '' ), 193 304 array( 'SimplePie', '' ), 194 array( 'SWFObject', '' ),195 array( 'SWFUpload', '' ),196 305 array( 'The Incutio XML-RPC Library', '' ), 197 306 array( 'Thickbox', '' ), 198 307 array( 'TinyMCE', '' ), 308 array( 'Underscore.js', '' ), 309 array( 'zxcvbn', '' ), 199 310 ); 200 311 } 201 202 312 } -
r160 r161 1 1 <?php 2 2 3 class WP_3 2_Credits extends WP_Credits {3 class WP_38_Credits extends WP_Credits { 4 4 5 5 function groups() { 6 returnarray(6 $groups = array( 7 7 'project-leaders' => array( 8 8 'name' => 'Project Leaders', … … 13 13 'markjaquith' => array( 'Mark Jaquith', 'Lead Developer', '097a87a525e317519b5ee124820012fb' ), 14 14 'matt' => array( 'Matt Mullenweg', 'Cofounder, Project Lead' ), 15 'nacin' => array( 'Andrew Nacin', 'Lead Developer' ), 15 16 'azaozz' => array( 'Andrew Ozz', 'Lead Developer' ), 16 'jenmylo' => array( 'Jen Mylo', 'User Experience Lead' ),17 17 'westi' => array( 'Peter Westwood', 'Lead Developer' ), 18 18 ), 19 19 ), 20 ' extended-core-team' => array(21 'name' => ' Extended Core Team',20 'core-developers' => array( 21 'name' => 'Contributing Developers', 22 22 'type' => 'titles', 23 23 'shuffle' => true, 24 24 'data' => array( 25 'nacin' => array( 'Andrew Nacin', 'Core Committer' ), 26 'koop' => array( 'Daryl Koopersmith', 'Guest Committer' ), 27 'dd32' => array( 'Dion Hulse', 'Core Committer' ), 28 'josephscott' => array( 'Joseph Scott', 'XML-RPC' ), 29 'iammattthomas' => array( 'Matt Thomas', 'Designer' ), 30 'nbachiyski' => array( 'Nikolay Bachiyski', 'Internationalization' ), 25 'dd32' => array( 'Dion Hulse', 'Core Developer' ), 26 'koop' => array( 'Daryl Koopersmith', 'Core Developer' ), 27 'duck_' => array( 'Jon Cave', 'Core Developer' ), 28 ), 29 ), 30 'contributing-developers' => array( 31 'name' => false, 32 'type' => 'titles', 33 'shuffle' => true, 34 'data' => array( 35 'ocean90' => 'Dominik Schilling', 36 'SergeyBiryukov' =>'Sergey Biryukov', 37 'helen' => 'Helen Hou-Sandi', 38 'wonderboymusic' => array( 'Scott Taylor', '0e9fc8ea22885ed718ee37d31dcffb8c' ), 39 'johnbillion' => array( 'John Blackbourn', '0000ba6dd1b089e1746abbfe6281ee3b' ), 40 'DrewAPicture' => 'Drew Jaynes', 41 'iammattthomas' => 'Matt Thomas', 42 'lancewillett' => 'Lance Willett', 43 'Otto42' => 'Samuel Wood', 31 44 ), 32 45 ), 33 46 'recent-rockstars' => array( 34 'name' => 'Recent Rockstars',47 'name' => false, 35 48 'type' => 'titles', 36 49 'shuffle' => true, 37 50 'data' => array( 38 'duck_' => array( 'Jon Cave', 'Developer' ), 39 'scribu' => array( 'Cristi Burcă', 'Developer' ), 40 'ocean90' => array( 'Dominik Schilling', 'Developer' ), 41 'iandstewart' => array( 'Ian Stewart', 'Twenty Eleven' ), 42 'lancewillett' => array( 'Lance Willett', 'Twenty Eleven' ), 43 'matveb' => array( 'Matías Ventura', 'Twenty Eleven' ), 44 'aaroncampbell' => array( 'Aaron Campbell', 'Developer' ), 45 'EmpireOfLight' => array( 'Ben Dunkle', 'Icon Design' ), 46 'xknown' => array( 'Alex Concha', 'Developer' ), 51 'apeatling' => 'Andy Peatling', 52 'dbernar1' => 'Dan Bernardic', 53 'drw158' => 'Dave Whitley', 54 'EmpireOfLight' => 'Ben Dunkle', 55 'isaackeyet' => 'Isaac Keyet', 56 'Joen' => 'Joen Asmussen', 57 'kraftbj' => 'Brandon Kraft', 58 'lessbloat' => 'Dave Martin', 59 'littlethingsstudio' => 'Kate Whitley', 60 'matveb' => 'Matías Ventura', 61 'melchoyce' => 'Mel Choyce', 62 'mitchoyoshitaka' => 'Michael Erlewine', 63 'ryelle' => 'Kelly Dwan', 64 'shaunandrews' => 'Shaun Andrews', 65 'tillkruess' => 'Till Krüss', 66 'jorbin' => 'Aaron Jorbin', 67 'kadamwhite' => 'K. Adam White', 68 'yoavf' => 'Yoav Farhi', 69 'celloexpressions' => 'Nick Halsey', 70 'iamtakashi' => 'Takashi Irie', 71 'obenland' => 'Konstantin Obenland', 47 72 ), 48 73 ), 49 74 ); 75 return $groups; 50 76 } 51 77 78 // As of final release, r25914 to r26862 52 79 function props() { 53 80 return array( 54 'aaroncampbell', 55 'aldenta', 56 'ampt', 57 'andrewryno', 58 'andy', 59 'batmoo', 60 'benbalter', 61 'BenChapman', 62 'bi0xid', 63 'blepoxp', 64 'bluntelk', 65 'boonebgorges', 66 'brandonburke', 67 'Caspie', 68 'cfinke', 69 'CharlesClarkson', 70 'chexee', 71 'cnorris23', 81 'aaronholbrook', 82 'adamsilverstein', 83 'admiralthrawn', 84 'ahoereth', 85 'andypeatling', 86 'ankitgadertcampcom', 87 'apeatling', 88 'aralbald', 89 'atimmer', 90 'aubreypwd', 91 'azaozz', 92 'bamadesigner', 93 'bananastalktome', 94 'bassgang', 95 'binarymoon', 96 'bpetty', 97 'bradyvercher', 98 'buffler', // 2014 pre-3.8 99 'cainm', 100 'calin', 101 'carldanley', 102 'caspie', 103 'celloexpressions', 104 'chellycat', 105 'chrisbliss18', 106 'codebykat', 72 107 'coffee2code', 73 'cyberhobo', 74 'daniloercoli', 75 'dcowgill', 76 'demetris', 77 'devinreams', 78 'DH-Shredder', 108 'corphi', 109 'danieldudzic', 110 'datafeedrcom', 111 'dbernar1', 112 'dd32', 113 'defries', 114 'designsimply', 115 'devesine', 116 'dh-shredder', 79 117 'dimadin', 80 'dllh', 81 'dougwrites', 82 'dvwallin', 118 'dougwollison', 119 'drewapicture', 120 'drozdz', 121 'drw158', 122 'duck_', 123 'dziudek', 124 'empireoflight', 125 'ericlewis', 83 126 'ericmann', 84 'fabifott', 85 'filosofo', 86 'frumph', 87 'garyc40', 88 'greenshady', 89 'greuben', 90 'guyn', 91 'hakre', 92 'hebbet', 127 'ethitter', 128 'evansolomon', 129 'faison', 130 'fliespl', 131 'frank-klein', 132 'garyj', 133 'georgestephanis', 134 'gnarf37', 135 'gradyetc', 136 'grapplerulrich', 137 'hanni', 93 138 'helen', 94 'hew', 95 'holizz', 96 'jacobwg', 97 'Jayjdk', 98 'JDTrower', 99 'jfarthing84', 100 'jkudish', 101 'joelhardi', 139 'iammattthomas', 140 'iamtakashi', 141 'iandunn', 142 'iblamefish', 143 'ipstenu', 144 'isaackeyet', 145 'jacklenox', 146 'janhenckens', 147 'jartes', 148 'jayjdk', 149 'jblz', 150 'jdgrimes', 151 'jeffr0', 152 'jeherve', // 2014 pre-3.8 153 'jenmylo', 154 'jeremyfelt', 155 'jhned', 156 'jim912', 157 'joedolson', // 2014 pre-3.8 158 'joen', 159 'johnafish', 102 160 'johnbillion', 103 161 'johnjamesjacoby', 104 'johnonolan',105 162 'joostdevalk', 106 163 'jorbin', 107 'j tsternberg',108 ' kawauso',109 ' kevinB',110 'k nutsp',111 'kok e',164 'joshuaabenazer', 165 'jpry', 166 'justinsainton', 167 'kadamwhite', 168 'koki4a', 112 169 'kovshenin', 113 'ldebrouwer', 114 'linuxologos', 115 'lloydbudd', 116 'marcis20', 170 'kpdesign', 171 'kraftbj', 172 'kwight', 173 'l10n', 174 'lancewillett', 175 'latz', 176 'leewillis77', 177 'lessbloat', 178 'lite3', 179 'littlethingsstudio', 180 'lucp', 181 'mako09', 182 'markjaquith', 117 183 'markmcwilliams', 118 'MattyRob', 119 'mcepl', 120 'mdawaffe', 121 'mfields', 122 'MichaelH', 123 'michaeltyson', 124 'mintindeed', 125 'miqrogroove', 184 'markoheijnen', 185 'matt', 186 'mattheu', 187 'mattwiebe', 188 'matveb', 189 'mauryaratan', 190 'mdbitz', 191 'mbmufffin', // 2014 pre-3.8 192 'megane9988', 193 'melchoyce', 194 'micahwave', 195 'michelwppi', 196 'mikehansenme', 197 'mikelittle', 126 198 'mitchoyoshitaka', 127 'mrroundhill', 128 'natecook', 129 'nathanrice', 130 'niallkennedy', 131 'nickbohle', 132 'nprasath002', 133 'nuxwin', 134 'Otto42', 199 'miyauchi', 200 'morganestes', 201 'mt8biz', 202 'nacin', 203 'nao', 204 'nbachiyski', 205 'neil_pie', 206 'netweb', 207 'nickdaugherty', 208 'ninio', 209 'ninnypants', 210 'nofearinc', 211 'nukaga', 212 'nvwd', 213 'obenland', 214 'ocean90', 215 'odysseygate', 216 'originalexe', 217 'otto42', 218 'ounziw', 219 'pauldewouters', 135 220 'pavelevap', 136 'peaceablewhale', 137 'PeteMall', 138 'pross', 221 'pento', 139 222 'ptahdunbar', 140 'Rahe', 141 'ramiy', 142 'rasheed', 143 'rosshanney', 144 'ryanimel', 145 'saracannon', 146 'SidHarrell', 147 'sbressler', 148 'SergeyBiryukov', 149 'shakenstirred', 150 'sivel', 223 'raamdev', 224 'rachelbaker', 225 'radices', 226 'rdall', 227 'rickalee', 228 'rodrigosprimo', 229 'ryan', 230 'ryelle', 231 'rzen', 232 'sabreuse', // 2014 pre-3.8 233 'sanchothefat', 234 'sboisvert', 235 'scottbasgaard', 236 'scribu', 237 'seanchayes', 238 'sergeybiryukov', 239 'shaunandrews', 240 'shinichin', 241 'simonwheatley', 242 'siobhan', 243 'siobhyb', 244 'sirbrillig', 245 'sixhours', 151 246 'solarissmoke', 152 'sorich87', 153 'szadok', 154 'technosailor', 155 'tenpura', 156 'tetele', 157 'tfnab', 158 'tigertech', 247 'soulseekah', 248 'stephenharris', 249 'stevenkword', 250 'swissspidy', 251 'taupecat', // 2014 pre-3.8 252 'thomasguillot', 253 'tierra', 254 'tillkruess', 255 'tivnet', 256 'tlamedia', 257 'tmtoy', 258 'tobiasbg', 259 'tollmanz', 260 'tommcfarlin', 159 261 'trepmal', 160 'Utkarsh', 161 'vanillalounge', 162 'valentinas', 163 'webduo', 164 'wpmuguru', 165 'xibe', 166 'xknown', 262 'trishasalas', // 2014 pre-3.8 263 'westi', 264 'westonruter', 265 'wet', 266 'wonderboymusic', 167 267 'yoavf', 168 ' zeo',169 'z iofix',268 'yonasy', 269 'zodiac1978', 170 270 ); 171 271 } … … 173 273 function external_libraries() { 174 274 return array( 275 array( 'Backbone.js', '' ), 175 276 array( 'Class POP3', '' ), 176 277 array( 'Color Animations', '' ), … … 179 280 array( 'hoverIntent', '' ), 180 281 array( 'imgAreaSelect', '' ), 282 array( 'Iris', '' ), 181 283 array( 'jQuery', '' ), 182 284 array( 'jQuery UI', '' ), 183 285 array( 'jQuery Hotkeys', '' ), 286 array( 'jQuery Masonry', '' ), 184 287 array( 'jQuery serializeObject', '' ), 185 288 array( 'jQuery.query', '' ), 186 289 // array( 'jquery.schedule', 'http://' ), 187 290 array( 'jQuery.suggest', '' ), 291 array( 'jQuery UI Touch Punch', '' ), 188 292 array( 'json2', '' ), 293 array( 'MediaElement.js', '' ), 189 294 array( 'PclZip', '' ), 190 295 array( 'PemFTP', '' ), 191 296 array( 'phpass', '' ), 192 297 array( 'PHPMailer', '' ), 298 array( 'Plupload', '' ), 193 299 array( 'SimplePie', '' ), 194 array( 'SWFObject', '' ),195 array( 'SWFUpload', '' ),196 300 array( 'The Incutio XML-RPC Library', '' ), 197 301 array( 'Thickbox', '' ), 198 302 array( 'TinyMCE', '' ), 303 array( 'Underscore.js', '' ), 304 array( 'zxcvbn', '' ), 199 305 ); 200 306 } 201 202 307 }
Note: See TracChangeset
for help on using the changeset viewer.