
Changeset 6686

02/18/2018 02:58:36 PM (7 years ago)

Rosetta Roles: Send newly added translation editors an email notification.

Fixes #1613.

1 edited


  • sites/trunk/

    r6685 r6686  
    7373            add_action( 'admin_menu', array( $this, 'register_translation_editors_page' ) );
    7474            add_filter( 'set-screen-option', array( $this, 'save_custom_screen_options' ), 10, 3 );
     75            add_action( 'after_setup_theme', array( $this, 'register_resources_nav_menu' ) );
    7677            add_action( 'translation_editor_added', array( $this, 'update_wporg_profile_badge' ) );
    7778            add_action( 'translation_editor_removed', array( $this, 'update_wporg_profile_badge' ) );
     80            add_action( 'translation_editor_added', array( $this, 'send_email_notification' ), 10, 2 );
     81            add_action( 'translation_editor_updated', array( $this, 'send_email_notification' ), 10, 2 );
    7882        }
    8286        Cross_Locale_PTE::init_admin();
     87    }
     89    /**
     90     * Registers a nav menu for storing resources for translation editors.
     91     */
     92    public function register_resources_nav_menu() {
     93        register_nav_menu( 'rosetta_translation_editor_resources', __( 'Resources for translation editors', 'rosetta' ) );
    8394    }
    507518    /**
     519     * Sends an email to the new translation editor.
     520     *
     521     * @param \WP_User $user           The user object of the translation editor.
     522     * @param array    $projects_added List of project IDs.
     523     */
     524    public function send_email_notification( $user, $projects_added ) {
     525        // Don't send an email if no new projects have been added.
     526        if ( ! $projects_added ) {
     527            return;
     528        }
     530        $to      = $user->user_email;
     531        $subject = __( 'You have been added to a WordPress project as a translation editor', 'rosetta' );
     533        if ( [ '0' ] === $projects_added ) {
     534            // General Translation Editor.
     536            /* translators: Do not translate the placeholders USERNAME, LOCALENAME, LOCALEURL. */
     537            $message = __(
     538                'Howdy ###USERNAME###,
     540We are happy to inform you that you have been successfully added as a General Translation Editor of WordPress for ###LOCALENAME###.
     542As a General Translation Editor you have access to submit and approve translations for all projects available at ###LOCALEURL###.
     544Alongside WordPress itself, it’s good to prioritize translating the projects that ship with it first – The default themes like Twenty Seventeen or Twenty Sixteen, and Akismet.
     546Please get to know how the team works by reading the Translators Handbook –, a good place to start is the General Expectations page.
     548As a General Translation Editor for the locale, we request that you fill out your profile (, register on Slack and provide a way for translation contributors to reach you.
     550We also ask all WordPress General Translation Editors to subscribe for notifications for their locales, you can find the notification subscription settings in your profile settings (
     552The Polyglots team connects on Slack once per week at 11am UTC every Wednesday. We’d love to have you there if you can make it. Register from
     553If you have any questions about the processes or need any help, reach the team on Slack or on
     555Welcome to the WordPress Polyglots team and happy translating!'
     556            );
     558            $message = str_replace(
     559                [
     560                    '###USERNAME###',
     561                    '###LOCALENAME###',
     562                    '###LOCALEURL###',
     563                ],
     564                [
     565                    $user->user_login,
     566                    '#' . $this->gp_locale->wp_locale . ' (' . $this->gp_locale->native_name . ')',
     567                    '' . $this->gp_locale->slug,
     568                ],
     569                $message
     570            );
     571        } else {
     572            // Project Translation Editor.
     574            /* translators: Do not translate the placeholders USERNAME, LOCALENAME, PROJECTLIST, RESOURCESLIST. */
     575            $message = __(
     576                'Howdy ###USERNAME###,
     578We are happy to inform you that you have been successfully added as a Project Translation Editor for ###LOCALENAME### for the following projects:
     582You have been added to these projects either by your own request, or by the request of the plugin author.
     584Before translating, please get to know how the team works by reading the Translators Handbook –, a good place to start is the General Expectations page.
     586Your local translation team can be found on Make sure you get familiar with the documentation about translating in your language that other contributors from your team have prepared.
     590The Polyglots team connects on Slack once per week at 11am UTC every Wednesday. We’d love to have you there if you can make it. Register from
     591If you have any questions about the processes or need any help, reach the team on Slack or on
     593Welcome to the WordPress Polyglots team and happy translating.'
     594            );
     596            $projects     = $this->get_translate_projects();
     597            $project_tree = $this->get_project_tree( $projects, 0, 1 );
     599            $project_list = [];
     601            foreach ( $projects_added as $project_id ) {
     602                if ( $projects[ $project_id ] ) {
     603                    $parent = $this->get_parent_project( $project_tree, $project_id );
     604                    if ( $parent->id != $project_id ) {
     605                        $name = sprintf(
     606                            /* translators: 1: Parent project name, 2: Child project name */
     607                            __( '%1$s → %2$s', 'rosetta' ),
     608                            $parent->name,
     609                            $projects[ $project_id ]->name
     610                        );
     611                    } else {
     612                        $name = $projects[ $project_id ]->name;
     613                    }
     615                    $name = sprintf(
     616                        '%s: %s',
     617                        $name,
     618                        esc_url( '' . $projects[ $project_id ]->path )
     619                    );
     621                    $project_list[] = html_entity_decode( $name, ENT_QUOTES, get_bloginfo( 'charset' ) );
     622                }
     623            }
     625            $resources_list = '';
     627            if ( has_nav_menu( 'rosetta_translation_editor_resources' ) ) {
     628                $resources_list = (string) wp_nav_menu( [
     629                    'fallback_cb'    => '__return_false',
     630                    'theme_location' => 'rosetta_translation_editor_resources',
     631                    'container'      => false,
     632                    'echo'           => false,
     633                    'depth'          => 1,
     634                    'items_wrap'     => '%3$s',
     635                    // Custom walker that returns plain text links.
     636                    'walker'         => new class() extends Walker_Nav_Menu {
     637                        public function start_lvl( &$output, $depth = 0, $args = array() ) {
     638                            $output .= "\n";
     639                        }
     640                        public function end_lvl( &$output, $depth = 0, $args = array() ) {
     641                            $output .= "\n";
     642                        }
     643                        public function start_el( &$output, $item, $depth = 0, $args = array(), $id = 0 ) {
     644                            $href  = ! empty( $item->url ) ? $item->url : '';
     645                            $title = apply_filters( 'the_title', $item->title, $item->ID );
     646                            $title = apply_filters( 'nav_menu_item_title', $title, $item, $args, $depth );
     648                            $item_output = $title;
     649                            if ( $href ) {
     650                                $item_output .= ': ' . esc_url( $href );
     651                            }
     653                            $output .= apply_filters( 'walker_nav_menu_start_el', $item_output, $item, $depth, $args );
     654                        }
     655                        public function end_el( &$output, $item, $depth = 0, $args = array() ) {
     656                            $output .= "\n";
     657                        }
     658                    },
     659                ] );
     660            }
     662            $message = str_replace(
     663                [
     664                    '###USERNAME###',
     665                    '###LOCALENAME###',
     666                    '###PROJECTLIST###',
     667                    '###RESOURCESLIST###',
     668                ],
     669                [
     670                    $user->user_login,
     671                    '#' . $this->gp_locale->wp_locale . ' (' . $this->gp_locale->native_name . ')',
     672                    implode( "\n", $project_list ),
     673                    $resources_list,
     674                ],
     675                $message
     676            );
     677        }
     679        $headers = "From: \"WordPress Polyglots\" <>\n" . 'Content-Type: text/plain; charset="' . get_option( 'blog_charset' ) . "\"\n";
     681        wp_mail( $to, $subject, $message, $headers );
     682    }
     684    /**
    508685     * Retrieves the assigned projects of a user
    509686     *
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