
06/29/2018 08:57:02 PM (7 years ago)

Main: phpcs updates

1 edited


  • sites/trunk/

    r7298 r7350  
    2525        default:
    2626            return $tags;
    27             break;
    2928        case 'page-about-domains.php':
    4544            $title = esc_html__( 'WordPress Features', 'wporg' );
    4645            /* translators: 1: WordPress market share: 30 - Note: The following percent sign is '%%' for escaping purposes; 2: Number of hosted plugins; */
    47             $desc  = sprintf( esc_html__( 'Discover why WordPress powers more than %1$s%% of the web. WordPress is a simple, flexible, user-friendly platform, with key features that include media management, SEO, and endless options for customization. More than %2$s plugins extend the core functionality of WordPress even more. Build your site today.', 'wporg' ), number_format_i18n( WP_MARKET_SHARE ), number_format_i18n( 50000 ) );
     46            $desc = sprintf( esc_html__( 'Discover why WordPress powers more than %1$s%% of the web. WordPress is a simple, flexible, user-friendly platform, with key features that include media management, SEO, and endless options for customization. More than %2$s plugins extend the core functionality of WordPress even more. Build your site today.', 'wporg' ), number_format_i18n( WP_MARKET_SHARE ), number_format_i18n( 50000 ) );
    4847            break;
    5150            $title = esc_html__( 'The History of WordPress', 'wporg' );
    5251            /* translators: WordPress market share: 30 - Note: The following percent sign is '%%' for escaping purposes; */
    53             $desc  = sprintf( esc_html__( 'WordPress currently powers more than %s%% of the web. How did it grow to become the world’s leading web publishing platform? Learn about the history of WordPress: an open source software project built by an active community of contributors who are passionate about collaboration, empowerment, and the open web.', 'wporg' ), number_format_i18n( WP_MARKET_SHARE ) );
     52            $desc = sprintf( esc_html__( 'WordPress currently powers more than %s%% of the web. How did it grow to become the world’s leading web publishing platform? Learn about the history of WordPress: an open source software project built by an active community of contributors who are passionate about collaboration, empowerment, and the open web.', 'wporg' ), number_format_i18n( WP_MARKET_SHARE ) );
    5453            break;
    6160        case 'page-about-logos.php':
    6261            $title = esc_html__( 'Graphics & Logos', 'wporg' );
    63             $desc  = sprintf( __( 'When you need the official WordPress logo for a web site or publication, please use one of the following. Please only use logos in accordance with the <a href="%s">WordPress trademark&nbsp;policy</a>.', 'wporg' ), esc_url( '' ) );
     62            /* translators: Link to foundation trademark policy ; */
     63            $desc = sprintf( __( 'When you need the official WordPress logo for a web site or publication, please use one of the following. Please only use logos in accordance with the <a href="%s">WordPress trademark&nbsp;policy</a>.', 'wporg' ), esc_url( '' ) );
    6464            break;
    8787            $title = esc_html__( 'WordPress is Secure', 'wporg' );
    8888            /* translators: WordPress market share: 30 - Note: The following percent sign is '%%' for escaping purposes; */
    89             $desc  = sprintf( esc_html__( 'Why is WordPress recommended as a secure website-building solution? With a passionate open source community and an extensible, easy-to-use platform, WordPress provides flexible and secure options for all levels of users, from beginners to pros. Learn how WordPress guarantees the security of %s%% of the web.', 'wporg' ), number_format_i18n( WP_MARKET_SHARE ) );
     89            $desc = sprintf( esc_html__( 'Why is WordPress recommended as a secure website-building solution? With a passionate open source community and an extensible, easy-to-use platform, WordPress provides flexible and secure options for all levels of users, from beginners to pros. Learn how WordPress guarantees the security of %s%% of the web.', 'wporg' ), number_format_i18n( WP_MARKET_SHARE ) );
    9090            break;
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