
{1} Active Tickets (1002 matches)

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Results (1 - 100 of 1002)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
Ticket Summary Component Priority Type Owner Status Created
#7732 Recommended `query_plugins` request fails with many installed plugins API normal defect (bug) new 07/31/2024
#3651 Update core checksum endpoint to output sha256 hashes API normal enhancement new 05/31/2018
#4697 Backfill Credits API data for older releases API normal enhancement new 08/20/2019
#6292 Surface last supported plugin/theme update if latest version(s) not supported API normal enhancement new 04/26/2022
#1072 Plugins Directory Search for incomplete names API normal enhancement tellyworth reviewing 06/03/2015
#1278 Plugins Install API: Add ability to order results API normal enhancement tellyworth accepted 10/01/2015
#4469 Plugin information API: Prioritize 100% matched slug in search API normal enhancement tellyworth reviewing 05/22/2019
#7735 wrong content type in error response on API lowest defect (bug) new 08/02/2024
#3733 Dsiaplay current browser version in Browse Happy Browse Happy normal enhancement new 07/31/2018
#7817 Add OperaGX to the list of permitted browsers Browse Happy normal enhancement new 11/01/2024
#4487 Set the codex to readonly Codex normal task (blessed) dd32 accepted 05/31/2019
#6405 Migrate the `/here` command to use the Slack Messaging API Communication (Matrix, Slack, IRC) high task (blessed) new 07/15/2022
#5289 Remove Core from the channels that are auto-joined on Slack Communication (Matrix, Slack, IRC) normal defect (bug) new 06/26/2020
#5296 Send slack notification when a ticket component changes Communication (Matrix, Slack, IRC) normal enhancement new 07/01/2020
#6116 Slack webhooks should be switched to a Slack App Communication (Matrix, Slack, IRC) normal enhancement new 02/18/2022
#7909 Configure #core-build-test-tools in Core Trac Communication (Matrix, Slack, IRC) normal enhancement dd32 accepted 02/12/2025
#7220 Rename #core-passwords channel name with #core-login-and-registration Communication (Matrix, Slack, IRC) normal feature request new 08/19/2023
#7651 Auto posted announcements in Slack when users are awarded badges Communication (Matrix, Slack, IRC) normal feature request new 05/23/2024
#2843 Slack: Add ?support Slackbot auto-response Communication (Matrix, Slack, IRC) normal enhancement new 05/31/2017
#3281 Improve login information for existing users on make/chat Communication (Matrix, Slack, IRC) normal enhancement new 11/21/2017
#6733 Notifications channel for Community team on Slack (for Github and other updates) Communication (Matrix, Slack, IRC) normal enhancement reopened 02/06/2023
#3962 Tracbot: Delete slack posts when the related trac ticket is deleted. Communication (Matrix, Slack, IRC) low defect (bug) new 11/27/2018
#5724 Slack: /here command strips out hyperlinked text Communication (Matrix, Slack, IRC) low defect (bug) new 04/30/2021
#6591 Add Note or Feedback comment Add/Editor not working Developer Hub high defect (bug) new 11/23/2022
#4440 missing content from class-level DocBlock of WP_Filesystem_SSH2 Developer Hub normal defect (bug) new 05/06/2019
#6267 wporg-developer theme used in Multisite generates a fatal error when displaying functions included in a source file Developer Hub normal defect (bug) new 04/10/2022
#6440 Error when importing code blocks Developer Hub normal defect (bug) new 08/12/2022
#6611 Template part block hooks missing from Code Reference Developer Hub normal defect (bug) new 12/05/2022
#6670 Developer references for `activate_plugin` and `activate_{$plugin}` are missing Developer Hub normal defect (bug) new 01/10/2023
#6893 Function reference docs parser or template show parameter twice Developer Hub normal defect (bug) new 03/26/2023
#6975 Ellipsis operator missing from variadic functions Developer Hub normal defect (bug) new 05/08/2023
#7100 Playground showing double scrollbars Developer Hub normal defect (bug) new 06/28/2023
#7303 syntax highlighting in the source section of code reference for a function/class seems to get confused. Developer Hub normal defect (bug) new 10/12/2023
#7373 WP Code Block Button is not properly sticky. Developer Hub normal defect (bug) new 12/14/2023
#7390 Formatting typo Developer Hub normal defect (bug) new 12/23/2023
#658 Internationalization DevHub Developer Hub normal enhancement new 10/14/2014
#3603 Send email to comment authors when a comment is deleted or approved. Developer Hub normal enhancement new 05/03/2018
#3699 Deprecated methods/functions/classes/hooks should be included in the @since tax archive for the version they were deprecated in Developer Hub normal enhancement new 07/06/2018
#4347 "Order & Orderby Parameters" section in manually curated part of the code reference for WP_Query doesn't mention ordering by meta_query clauses Developer Hub normal enhancement new 03/29/2019
#4973 Dashicons changelog Developer Hub normal enhancement new 01/17/2020
#5220 Handbook Editor Permissions Developer Hub normal enhancement new 05/19/2020
#5738 Add Feedback form to Dev Handbooks Developer Hub normal enhancement new 05/18/2021
#5815 Initiative to create thorought developer documentation of all core javascript files Developer Hub normal enhancement new 07/09/2021
#6985 Add an extra parameter 'show_in_rest' in custom taxonomy code snippet of developer doc. Developer Hub normal enhancement akhterarif assigned 05/13/2023
#7334 Proposal to Update WordPress Playground URLs and Content Developer Hub normal enhancement new 10/31/2023
#7530 More relevant block editor handbook search Developer Hub normal enhancement new 03/25/2024
#6407 Add 301 redirect information to Block Editor Handbook Developer Hub normal feature request new 07/15/2022
#7750 Subscribable Calender of upcoming releases Developer Hub normal feature request new 08/18/2024
#2925 occurence of literal '\0' in docblock `@param` of wp_kses_no_null() causes a null character in the corresponding meta_value Developer Hub normal defect (bug) new 07/04/2017
#3352 Error in dashicons page Developer Hub normal defect (bug) new 12/29/2017
#2431 Create a public facing page to list all current external libraries Developer Hub normal enhancement new 01/24/2017
#2847 allow filtering of @since tax archive by the type of change Developer Hub normal enhancement new 06/02/2017
#3063 Show JavaScript documentation on Developer Hub normal enhancement new 08/22/2017
#3158 Advanced Search Filtering Keywords Developer Hub normal enhancement new 09/22/2017
#174 Link to generally related functions/classes Developer Hub normal enhancement assigned 09/05/2013
#3389 Build Elasticsearch Index: Developer Hub Developer Hub normal task (blessed) gibrown assigned 01/17/2018
#7721 Footer overlaps content on developer resource Developer Hub normal defect (bug) new 07/16/2024
#3592 Dashboard Event Widget: Display 5 meetups instead of 3 Events API normal enhancement new 04/25/2018
#3986 Automate regional WordCamps in the Upcoming Events dashboard widget Events API normal enhancement new 12/09/2018
#3261 Events API: returning past meetups Events API normal defect (bug) new 11/10/2017
#2998 Show nearby events in dashboard events widget in a per country basis Events API normal enhancement new 07/25/2017
#3476 Kilometers range for the nearest meetup Events API normal enhancement new 02/21/2018
#3321 Remove active duplicates from Events API Events API low enhancement new 12/11/2017
#7235 Props page credits people who have gotten unprops General highest omg bbq defect (bug) new 08/24/2023
#7687 Cognitive Accessibility Design issue: An email address should be linked using the “mailto” protocol [[mailto]] with prefilled “to”. General high defect (bug) tellyworth accepted 06/29/2024
#3933 Optimize fonts for Persian language General high enhancement reopened 11/18/2018
#4228 Gutenberg theme: Remove reliance upon the plugin General high task (blessed) new 02/28/2019
#4825 Add Enterprise content to General high enhancement Otto42 accepted 11/05/2019
#3922 "How to create a WordPress business website" landing page on General normal defect (bug) new 11/14/2018
#3930 In the main menu, the submenu nav-submenu doesn't visually open by keyboard in mobile view General normal defect (bug) new 11/16/2018
#3995 W3C CSS validator patchs for all sites in meta General normal defect (bug) new 12/11/2018
#4096 Redesign /mobile/ General normal defect (bug) sjardo assigned 01/23/2019
#4110 Consider to audit the headings hierarchy across the .org network General normal defect (bug) new 01/28/2019
#4111 Consider to audit the focus style across the .org network General normal defect (bug) new 01/28/2019
#4123 Proposal to improve the main navigation menu accessibility General normal defect (bug) Otto42 accepted 01/29/2019
#4205 Update for privacy policy needed General normal defect (bug) new 02/24/2019
#4782 Filter wp_mail() on .org from trying to mail prohibited addresses General normal defect (bug) new 10/23/2019
#5144 [all websites] Declare HTML5 scripts and styles support for better compliance with W3C validator General normal defect (bug) new 04/12/2020
#5211 Update button styles to match WP 5.3 General normal defect (bug) new 05/13/2020
#5241 Soft 404s with order params General normal defect (bug) new 05/31/2020
#5418 Remove link to "About Cookies" from Cookie Policy Page General normal defect (bug) new 09/04/2020
#5539 Create an "Ask a Question About WordPress" page General normal defect (bug) new 12/10/2020
#5601 Idea: Add a Gutenberg icon page General normal defect (bug) new 02/05/2021
#5666 Contributed Plugins/Themes security advisory news feed General normal defect (bug) new 03/18/2021
#5934 Blocking User from Signup Does not Fully Document in profile General normal defect (bug) dd32 accepted 10/21/2021
#6614 page in top Register & Log In menu does not show in mobile and top design break. General normal defect (bug) new 12/08/2022
#6645 Include a message about using the Code Block in the forums General normal defect (bug) reopened 12/22/2022
#6765 Rosetta sites with no news articles should noindex the news archive General normal defect (bug) new 02/17/2023
#6772 Paginated homepage states should 301 to the root General normal defect (bug) new 02/17/2023
#6960 Search TextBox and Search Button design break issues generated on the WordPress search page for mobile devices. General normal defect (bug) new 04/27/2023
#7160 Docs: Improve various globals documentation, as per docblock standards. General normal defect (bug) new 07/28/2023
#7293 Editor error on when editing List block General normal defect (bug) new 09/29/2023
#7297 Add locale mapping to DeePL API requests General normal defect (bug) amieiro assigned 10/06/2023
#7457 Active Menu issue in mobile view General normal defect (bug) new 02/09/2024
#7739 Remove search bar in admin menu for logged in users. General normal defect (bug) new 08/08/2024
#7789 Need to avoid extra white space and arrange content properly General normal defect (bug) new 10/01/2024
#7899 Sporadic 404 for de_DE core translation file General normal defect (bug) new 02/03/2025
#3741 Show percentages in legend on Stats page General normal enhancement new 08/02/2018
#3774 Create a Blog Page on General normal enhancement ryelle assigned 08/22/2018
#4478 Add an `.editorconfig` file to the root of the meta repo General normal enhancement tellyworth accepted 05/27/2019
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