
{1} Active Tickets (997 matches)

  • List all active tickets by priority.
  • Color each row based on priority.

Results (701 - 800 of 997)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Ticket Summary Component Priority Type Owner Status Created
#7275 TracQuery page is fully breaking at every responsive breakpoints. Trac high defect (bug) new 09/14/2023
#291 Bring core trac improvements to other trac instances (meta, bbPress, BuddyPress) Trac high enhancement new 01/22/2014
#273 Keyboard navigation friendliness for Trac Trac normal defect (bug) reopened 01/10/2014
#4770 Add a robots.txt disallow rule for /raw-attachment/ Trac normal defect (bug) new 10/22/2019
#4917 Trac needs more responsive styles Trac normal defect (bug) dd32 reviewing 12/17/2019
#4965 Nav menu icon size problem on mobiles device Trac normal defect (bug) new 01/15/2020
#5143 GitHub PRs on Trac don't send email notifications Trac normal defect (bug) reopened 04/10/2020
#5453 Allow users to view their props launched in a release Trac normal defect (bug) new 09/26/2020
#5529 Alter trac robots.txt Trac normal defect (bug) new 12/03/2020
#5749 GitHub integration: Showing "All checks pass" on failing PR Trac normal defect (bug) new 05/25/2021
#5855 Correct formatting for code blocks imported from GitHub PRs, take 2 Trac normal defect (bug) reopened 08/08/2021
#6319 Trac: attachment links need text Trac normal defect (bug) new 05/20/2022
#6520 Table content overflow in resonsive Trac normal defect (bug) new 10/06/2022
#6533 PR Bot: Auto-generate a props list from activity on GitHub PR/s Trac normal defect (bug) new 10/12/2022
#6593 Trac Menu Items looks broken Trac normal defect (bug) new 11/24/2022
#6666 The colour of the link visited is different. Trac normal defect (bug) new 01/06/2023
#6685 In mobile size, there is a padding issue with the content. Trac normal defect (bug) new 01/19/2023
#6787 Need some space between buttons Trac normal defect (bug) new 02/21/2023
#6791 Content overflow issue in footnotes section. Trac normal defect (bug) new 02/21/2023
#6818 Content overflow issue Trac normal defect (bug) new 03/01/2023
#6838 Spacing issue in menu in mobile devide Trac normal defect (bug) new 03/07/2023
#7159 Need some space before main section. Trac normal defect (bug) new 07/28/2023
#7180 No way to unsubscribe from Trac tickets Trac normal defect (bug) new 08/05/2023
#7266 Main heading " Making WordPress,org" is not visible after clicking the menu toggle icon Trac normal defect (bug) new 09/11/2023
#7279 Remove max-width on PR requests on trac Trac normal defect (bug) new 09/17/2023
#7298 Add emoji reaction to trac comments Trac normal defect (bug) new 10/06/2023
#7304 Alignment issue on all tickets listing pages. Trac normal defect (bug) new 10/16/2023
#7338 Navigation menu position is not proper in responsive Trac normal defect (bug) new 11/02/2023
#7442 GitHub PR images not displayed Trac normal defect (bug) new 02/06/2024
#7508 Add 'sustainability' to the Ticket->focuses dropdown shortcode Trac normal defect (bug) new 03/07/2024
#7521 GitHub PR syncing: Delete trac comment if GitHub comment deleted Trac normal defect (bug) new 03/20/2024
#7720 Slack notifications can trigger on some comments Trac normal defect (bug) new 07/16/2024
#7770 Email addresses entered on trac are not truncated in slack bot. Trac normal defect (bug) new 09/11/2024
#7895 Pull Request Text Section in ticket detail page should align properly Trac normal defect (bug) new 01/28/2025
#499 Trac nav menus should be consistent across all Tracs Trac normal enhancement new 06/02/2014
#3867 Refreshing Core Patches Trac normal enhancement new 10/10/2018
#3890 Trac: Increase preview file size limit Trac normal enhancement new 10/29/2018
#5053 GitHub integration: Sync the final review comment to Trac Trac normal enhancement new 02/24/2020
#5055 Hide emails in CC fields on all tracs Trac normal enhancement new 02/24/2020
#5118 Introduce dev-note field to Trac Trac normal enhancement new 03/28/2020
#5162 Display a "welcome" message when a user hasn't submitted a patch or commented before Trac normal enhancement new 04/20/2020
#5374 Block trac ticket submissions with inappropriate language Trac normal enhancement new 08/12/2020
#5681 Add a test template to Trac tickets Trac normal enhancement new 03/29/2021
#5928 Add a row background color-coding legend to the top of the various core Trac reports Trac normal enhancement new 10/13/2021
#5949 Add a 'needs-e2e-tests' keyword to trac Trac normal enhancement new 11/10/2021
#6474 Core Trac: Revise "New Ticket" screen. Trac normal enhancement new 09/08/2022
#6507 Add "Changes Requested" sections to Trac reports Trac normal enhancement new 09/28/2022
#6553 Alphabetically sort the Workflow Keywords dropdown Trac normal enhancement new 10/28/2022
#6708 Add keyword on Trac 'needs-copy' Trac normal enhancement new 01/24/2023
#6783 Remove or replace "(blessed)" from the "Task" ticket type label Trac normal enhancement new 02/19/2023
#7012 Add a checkmark or something to say when it's the final patch Trac normal enhancement new 05/25/2023
#7025 Field "Contributor Focuses" likely actually means "Contribution Focuses" as in "Focuses of this issue" Trac normal enhancement new 05/31/2023
#7650 Improve text and links about Trac notifications and preferences Trac normal enhancement new 05/22/2024
#6508 Make Report 27 dynamic Trac normal feature request new 09/28/2022
#7822 Handling spam in comment edits on Trac Trac normal feature request new 11/13/2024
#4832 How do I change my email address? Trac normal task (blessed) new 11/08/2019
#5383 Trac: Merge "Text Changes" component with the "ui-copy" focus Trac normal task (blessed) new 08/20/2020
#2192 Change the name of "invalid" ticket resolution Trac normal defect (bug) assigned 10/31/2016
#1608 Trac: Enhance uploading attachments Trac normal enhancement new 02/29/2016
#2289 Allow cmd/ctrl-enter to submit the comment form in Trac Trac normal enhancement SergeyBiryukov reopened 12/03/2016
#2947 Allow uploading and embedding of video files to Trac Trac normal enhancement new 07/10/2017
#3178 Add user-friendly explanations of current workflow keywords on a ticket Trac normal enhancement new 10/03/2017
#3459 Update good-first-bugs auto-claiming process Trac normal enhancement new 02/15/2018
#649 Link to handbook for trac should be on the edit trac box Trac normal enhancement new 10/10/2014
#4684 Trac 'reports' crawl and indexing controls Trac low defect (bug) new 08/16/2019
#6370 Header & Footer broken on Plugins Trac Trac low defect (bug) new 06/20/2022
#314 Opt-out of getting email notifications for Trac comments I leave Trac low enhancement reopened 02/06/2014
#6415 Add a link to the overview page to the menu bar of meta trac Trac low enhancement new 07/20/2022
#3275 easy link "my tickets" needed Trac low enhancement new 11/19/2017
#4685 Disallow /changeset in Trac lowest defect (bug) new 08/16/2019
#5449 Add a favicon to Trac lowest defect (bug) new 09/24/2020
#6412 UI issue on Latest tickets page. Trac lowest defect (bug) new 07/19/2022
#7043 Logged In as {userid} is sticked to menu Trac lowest defect (bug) new 06/08/2023
#7344 In Responsive 768px size there is no space between content Trac lowest defect (bug) new 11/09/2023
#7423 Trac headers congested / small Trac lowest defect (bug) new 01/25/2024
#7459 Enabling #enable-experimental-web-platform-features in Chromium breaks custom queries Trac lowest defect (bug) new 02/09/2024
#7470 In ticket details pages, Spacing issue between button in responsive view. Trac lowest defect (bug) new 02/15/2024
#7484 In ticking Listing Page, Custom query result content layout is not proper Trac lowest defect (bug) new 02/22/2024
#7501 In Responsive view, preview section taking on half of screen width Trac lowest defect (bug) new 03/01/2024
#7775 The page has a small font size which is not properly visible Trac lowest defect (bug) new 09/17/2024
#7891 In Mobile Device need to remove white space scroll. Trac lowest defect (bug) new 01/23/2025
#1119 Display multiple uploaded images to a ticket as a gallery Trac lowest enhancement new 07/09/2015
#1381 Trac could have a "Thank You" button or link Trac lowest enhancement new 11/05/2015
#1502 Add redirects for URLs referenced in git-svn-id Trac lowest enhancement new 12/30/2015
#4950 Links in Trac tickets should be nofollow'd Trac lowest enhancement dd32 reopened 01/09/2020
#7611 Add Catalan (Valencian) locale Translate Site & Plugins high feature request reopened 04/25/2024
#2184 Overall translation contributor stats for a locale Translate Site & Plugins high enhancement new 10/26/2016
#2890 Move readme.html and wp-config-sample.php translations to GlotPress Translate Site & Plugins high enhancement new 06/21/2017
#5368 top 200 pluginlist does not show "waiting" proposals for dev Translate Site & Plugins normal defect (bug) new 08/12/2020
#5659 Fix bulk action to reject suggestions for CLPTE Translate Site & Plugins normal defect (bug) new 03/12/2021
#6199 Split Translation Contributors into two groups: Recent, and older Translate Site & Plugins normal defect (bug) new 03/17/2022
#6307 Stale team page(s) on Translate Site & Plugins normal defect (bug) new 05/07/2022
#6320 Translate: duplicate string translations sometimes lead fo translation status > 100% Translate Site & Plugins normal defect (bug) new 05/21/2022
#6701 Wrapping in the consistenty tool doesn't always work Translate Site & Plugins normal defect (bug) new 01/23/2023
#6742 Calculation Error in WordPress 3.8.x Translation in Assamese Translate Site & Plugins normal defect (bug) new 02/08/2023
#6890 PTE access if assigned is not active for CLPTE's Translate Site & Plugins normal defect (bug) new 03/24/2023
#6902 Starting newlines aren't visible in the translation editor Translate Site & Plugins normal defect (bug) new 03/29/2023
#6922 Translate: missing translators comments from Gutenberg Translate Site & Plugins normal defect (bug) new 04/06/2023
#6972 A suggestion for the convenience of translation editors Translate Site & Plugins normal defect (bug) new 05/06/2023
#7027 The filters like "Percent completed (Most first)" aren't working on the patterns overview Translate Site & Plugins normal defect (bug) new 06/01/2023
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Note: See TracReports for help on using and creating reports.