
{1} Active Tickets (989 matches)

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Results (101 - 200 of 989)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Ticket Summary Component Priority Type Owner Status Created
#1139 Remember locale selection Translate Site & Plugins low enhancement new 07/20/2015
#3868 Option to download Theme, Plugin and REST API Handbooks together with WP-CLI Commands and Code Reference as PDF Handbooks low enhancement new 10/11/2018
#3992 Gutenberg Theme: Add old-browser fallback General low enhancement new 12/11/2018
#4281 Minify wp4.css General low enhancement new 03/15/2019
#4506 i18n: Create list with CL-PTE's and their respective projects Translate Site & Plugins low enhancement new 06/11/2019
#4522 Glossary Landingpage General low enhancement new 06/20/2019
#4669 Generate theme screenshot from the demo preview Theme Directory low enhancement new 08/11/2019
#4750 Add Contributors & Developers section to theme single page Theme Directory low enhancement new 10/01/2019
#4755 Establish browser requirements General low enhancement reopened 10/03/2019
#5138 Showcase: add more fields to submission form to be used as filters in showcase later on Showcase low enhancement new 04/07/2020
#5462 Add signposting to the end of truncated pagination General low enhancement new 10/05/2020
#5552 Allow mods to hide moderator badge Support Forums low enhancement new 12/18/2020
#5557 Add a hovering button to join slack community in Make Blog Network Make (Get Involved) / P2 low enhancement new 12/23/2020
#5693 Allow themes to re-use a rejected slug Theme Directory low enhancement new 04/06/2021
#5841 Make it easier to copy from the other languages without it copying the string. Translate Site & Plugins low enhancement new 07/26/2021
#5903 Warn when a plugin tag is made, but never released Plugin Directory low enhancement new 09/14/2021
#6053 Display friendly page on 404 of plugin/theme projects Translate Site & Plugins low enhancement new 01/27/2022
#6122 Allow for retraction before moderation Photo Directory low enhancement new 02/18/2022
#6415 Add a link to the overview page to the menu bar of meta trac Trac low enhancement new 07/20/2022
#6464 Enable shortlinks for custom post types for Site low enhancement new 08/31/2022
#6763 Update robots.txt (and rosetta variations) General low enhancement reopened 02/17/2023
#6766 Update to prevent spam attacks General low enhancement new 02/17/2023
#6853 Request more information on Plugin submission Plugin Directory low enhancement new 03/13/2023
#7161 Remove auto-closure from support from threads and add warning if thread is old instead Support Forums low enhancement new 07/28/2023
#7255 Add a one-off "I have read the guidelines" checkbox before posting for the first time Support Forums low enhancement new 09/07/2023
#7312 Improve homepage SEO low enhancement new 10/19/2023
#7403 Plugin Directory: Field on plugin info page for GDPR data collection Privacy Plugin Directory low enhancement reopened 01/11/2024
#7538 Instead Feed page , its showing HTML Support Forums low enhancement new 03/28/2024
#7788 Allow to edit the ALT text Photo Directory low enhancement new 09/30/2024
#7872 Change CSS thumbnail aspect ratio to 3/2 Photo Directory low enhancement new 12/30/2024
#6723 Require source and map files for JS Plugin Directory low feature request reopened 02/01/2023
#7531 Hook automatic documentation Plugin Directory low feature request new 03/25/2024
#7569 Add official "Team Reps" list in code / automate team rep access Make (Get Involved) / P2 low feature request new 04/11/2024
#7593 Remove the non-block editor Support Forums low task (blessed) new 04/17/2024
#2127 enhancement: add an optional slug field for the video submission form low enhancement dd32 reviewing 10/11/2016
#2822 Support forum should have better styling on mobile (6.44′ screen) Support Forums low enhancement new 05/11/2017
#3024 Support Forums: Introduce a Recount Replies action for topics Support Forums low enhancement new 08/05/2017
#3275 easy link "my tickets" needed Trac low enhancement new 11/19/2017
#3321 Remove active duplicates from Events API Events API low enhancement new 12/11/2017
#3507 Allow pre-defined page slug translations International Sites (Rosetta) low task (blessed) new 03/12/2018
#2300 Plugin Directory: Hide some plugins from search Plugin Directory low enhancement new 12/04/2016
#815 Forums to Support Syntax Highlighting Support Forums low enhancement tellyworth accepted 01/15/2015
#929 Automate badge for training team Profiles low enhancement coffee2code assigned 03/04/2015
#1044 Generate a list of translation contributors per release cycle Translate Site & Plugins low enhancement new 05/22/2015
#1181 Enhancement for Reviews/Ratings: Use a Rolling Time Frame for more current reviews Support Forums low enhancement new 08/13/2015
#2107 Prevent posting 10k lines of logs in replies, recommend Pastebin or GitHub gists Support Forums low enhancement tellyworth accepted 10/04/2016
#4184 Add a robots.txt disallow all rule to Version Control lowest defect (bug) Otto42 accepted 02/18/2019
#4546 Invalid date format requests to News URLs should 301 redirect General lowest defect (bug) new 06/26/2019
#4685 Disallow /changeset in Trac lowest defect (bug) new 08/16/2019
#4897 Gutenberg page omits hreflang tags General lowest defect (bug) new 12/09/2019
#5347 Add a robots.txt file to Mailing Lists lowest defect (bug) new 08/03/2020
#5449 Add a favicon to Trac lowest defect (bug) new 09/24/2020
#5567 Adapt the page title on filtered plugin review archives Support Forums lowest defect (bug) new 01/08/2021
#5668 Add an 'empty' robots.txt file to General lowest defect (bug) dd32 accepted 03/19/2021
#5809 Remove resolved/unresolved links from individual Make tags Make (Get Involved) / P2 lowest defect (bug) new 07/05/2021
#5935 Add Google Tag Manager to General lowest defect (bug) assigned 10/22/2021
#6245 pagination wraps to multiple lines in mobile lowest defect (bug) new 04/01/2022
#6412 UI issue on Latest tickets page. Trac lowest defect (bug) new 07/19/2022
#6777 Remove Google Fonts hints where not used General lowest defect (bug) new 02/17/2023
#6858 Margin and padding issue on WordPress donate website Site lowest defect (bug) new 03/14/2023
#6986 In Responsive the Latest Video and Popular Video Section not looks Proper lowest defect (bug) reopened 05/15/2023
#6997 In Menu there should be hover effect to looks good lowest defect (bug) new 05/18/2023
#7043 Logged In as {userid} is sticked to menu Trac lowest defect (bug) new 06/08/2023
#7214 Inactive theme translation projects string not accurate for old themes. Translate Site & Plugins lowest defect (bug) new 08/17/2023
#7344 In Responsive 768px size there is no space between content Trac lowest defect (bug) new 11/09/2023
#7349 In resposive view, shortlink menu button not working properly Site lowest defect (bug) new 11/16/2023
#7356 Excessive space in footer HelpHub ( lowest defect (bug) new 11/29/2023
#7359 Profile Website Links Simply Reload Profile When Openned in a new tab in Safari Only Profiles lowest defect (bug) new 12/05/2023
#7418 Make Design Proper Profiles lowest defect (bug) new 01/21/2024
#7423 Trac headers congested / small Trac lowest defect (bug) new 01/25/2024
#7429 In Responsive mobile size the text is overlapping Support Forums lowest defect (bug) new 02/01/2024
#7459 Enabling #enable-experimental-web-platform-features in Chromium breaks custom queries Trac lowest defect (bug) new 02/09/2024
#7470 In ticket details pages, Spacing issue between button in responsive view. Trac lowest defect (bug) new 02/15/2024
#7484 In ticking Listing Page, Custom query result content layout is not proper Trac lowest defect (bug) new 02/22/2024
#7491 Improved Design of the Dropdown General lowest defect (bug) new 02/26/2024
#7501 In Responsive view, preview section taking on half of screen width Trac lowest defect (bug) new 03/01/2024
#7541 In Mobile device the Filter Button does not have space Translate Site & Plugins lowest defect (bug) new 03/29/2024
#7604 Playground Preview button in plugin directory doesn't always work if you have Release Confirmation active Plugin Directory lowest defect (bug) new 04/20/2024
#7624 In support forum , Page navigation issue Support Forums lowest defect (bug) new 05/03/2024
#7649 Wrong Url Redirection in Breadcrums Translate Site & Plugins lowest defect (bug) new 05/21/2024
#7691 Strict comparison operator missing with post get_post_type() check Jobs ( lowest defect (bug) new 06/30/2024
#7692 Missing Escaping, Strict Check, and PHPCS Issues in Multiple Files of Jobs ( lowest defect (bug) assigned 06/30/2024
#7705 In Responsive the search icon and hamburger icon are not at proper place Make (Get Involved) / P2 lowest defect (bug) new 07/05/2024
#7735 wrong content type in error response on API lowest defect (bug) new 08/02/2024
#7767 Responsive problem with the Max-Width: 480px in the topic page of the Persian support forum Support Forums lowest defect (bug) new 09/08/2024
#7775 The page has a small font size which is not properly visible Trac lowest defect (bug) new 09/17/2024
#7884 Break structure on hover on "ticket #1885" Make (Get Involved) / P2 lowest defect (bug) reopened 01/08/2025
#1119 Display multiple uploaded images to a ticket as a gallery Trac lowest enhancement new 07/09/2015
#1381 Trac could have a "Thank You" button or link Trac lowest enhancement new 11/05/2015
#1502 Add redirects for URLs referenced in git-svn-id Trac lowest enhancement new 12/30/2015
#4950 Links in Trac tickets should be nofollow'd Trac lowest enhancement dd32 reopened 01/09/2020
#5780 Defer and move navigation.js General lowest enhancement new 06/23/2021
#6297 Video upload content Cutting Off in small viewport size lowest enhancement new 04/28/2022
#6300 Need left side spacing hero title in small viewport size lowest enhancement new 05/03/2022
#6317 Table text cutting Off Translate Site & Plugins lowest enhancement new 05/19/2022
#6648 Unnecessary horizontal scroller on the Mercantile login page Swag Store ( lowest enhancement new 12/25/2022
#6729 Enhancement suggestion in Comment form at the bottom of the page HelpHub ( lowest enhancement new 02/02/2023
#7446 Improved Search Bar Filter Design in responsive General lowest enhancement new 02/07/2024
#7592 Improve the button design Swag Store ( lowest enhancement new 04/17/2024
#7629 Allow changing the Closure reason Plugin Directory lowest enhancement new 05/07/2024
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
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