
{1} Active Tickets (989 matches)

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Results (701 - 800 of 989)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Ticket Summary Component Priority Type Owner Status Created
#6598 Add a button to the consistency tool to ignore archived projects Translate Site & Plugins normal enhancement new 11/26/2022
#6610 Add smooth scroll to the page for jumping another section Site normal enhancement new 12/03/2022
#6628 Memorialization of profiles Profiles normal enhancement new 12/15/2022
#6642 Add rel-me to profile links Profiles normal enhancement new 12/22/2022
#6672 Changes/additions for support article "Must Use Plugins" HelpHub ( normal enhancement new 01/11/2023
#6682 Missing social icons on profile pages (Genericons) Profiles normal enhancement new 01/17/2023
#6683 Support forum block editor should support formatting multiple blocks and paste functionality Support Forums normal enhancement new 01/18/2023
#6708 Add keyword on Trac 'needs-copy' Trac normal enhancement new 01/24/2023
#6714 es_ES ( Handbook sync International Sites (Rosetta) normal enhancement new 01/26/2023
#6722 Support Forums: Timeframe to edit posts or to add further posts should be longer Support Forums normal enhancement reopened 01/31/2023
#6774 Suggestion for Image upload type Photo Directory normal enhancement new 02/17/2023
#6783 Remove or replace "(blessed)" from the "Task" ticket type label Trac normal enhancement new 02/19/2023
#6793 Link Slack username to user DMs Profiles normal enhancement new 02/21/2023
#6796 Data Erasure: Update @mentions Site normal enhancement new 02/22/2023
#6834 Support Forums: Require a reason when flagging a user Support Forums normal enhancement reopened 03/04/2023
#6841 Support Forums: Re-establish use of the `/support` top level page Support Forums normal enhancement new 03/08/2023
#6851 Consider adding a visual representation of Rating trends for plugins. Plugin Directory normal enhancement new 03/13/2023
#6862 Add support for component Slack channels Make (Get Involved) / P2 normal enhancement new 03/15/2023
#6865 Limit review replies to plugin authors Support Forums normal enhancement new 03/16/2023
#6911 Add Patterns Tab in profiles page Profiles normal enhancement new 04/03/2023
#6939 Reporting Security vulnerabilities in plugins Plugin Directory normal enhancement new 04/20/2023
#6940 Changes requested add link in email Translate Site & Plugins normal enhancement new 04/20/2023
#6945 Create Props Block for Make Blogs and Deverloper Blog Make (Get Involved) / P2 normal enhancement new 04/24/2023
#6947 Redirect old "HelpHub" content to their new forever-home Make (Get Involved) / P2 normal enhancement new 04/24/2023
#6958 The block at bottom of this page need some padding as it touching the border. HelpHub ( normal enhancement new 04/27/2023
#6977 Archive of taxonomy page should display the excerpt normal enhancement new 05/09/2023
#6984 [] Widgetize sidebar and add terms for the different taxonomies normal enhancement new 05/12/2023
#6985 Add an extra parameter 'show_in_rest' in custom taxonomy code snippet of developer doc. Developer Hub normal enhancement akhterarif assigned 05/13/2023
#7000 Support Forums: Introduce a "soft" or "watched" flag status Support Forums normal enhancement new 05/18/2023
#7012 Add a checkmark or something to say when it's the final patch Trac normal enhancement new 05/25/2023
#7016 Restore visibility of all WordPress releases in events and news widget Planet ( normal enhancement new 05/26/2023
#7021 Add keywords to the documentation: has-testing-info, needs-testing-info, add-to-field-guide, needs-user-docs Handbooks normal enhancement new 05/29/2023
#7025 Field "Contributor Focuses" likely actually means "Contribution Focuses" as in "Focuses of this issue" Trac normal enhancement new 05/31/2023
#7033 Trigger a notification when a thread is moved into a theme or plugin forum Support Forums normal enhancement new 06/05/2023
#7057 Make / plugin API for closed plugins that are no longer available Plugin Directory normal enhancement new 06/13/2023
#7066 Could we add how to stop local environment command Make (Get Involved) / P2 normal enhancement new 06/15/2023
#7092 Show the link for commercial plugins near the "new topic" form Support Forums normal enhancement new 06/23/2023
#7109 RSS custom plugin to include GitHub issues Make (Get Involved) / P2 normal enhancement new 06/30/2023
#7110 Jetpack Social plugin on Make, HelpHub, and LearnWP Make (Get Involved) / P2 normal enhancement new 06/30/2023
#7112 ca ( Handbook sync Handbooks normal enhancement new 07/01/2023
#7129 Make it easier to go from the translation settings to the translation list again. Translate Site & Plugins normal enhancement new 07/09/2023
#7131 Access to individual theme project translation pages from translation ranking Translate Site & Plugins normal enhancement new 07/11/2023
#7137 Forum welcome message when somone posts for the first time Support Forums normal enhancement new 07/12/2023
#7139 Add a "Security Supported" statistic to stats page Site normal enhancement new 07/13/2023
#7145 Improve Workflow for testing Theme for Accessibility-Ready-Tag Handbooks normal enhancement @… assigned 07/17/2023
#7177 Allow Seemingly Anonymous forum post Edits Support Forums normal enhancement new 08/04/2023
#7178 Enforce edit logging when modifying other users posts Support Forums normal enhancement new 08/05/2023
#7179 Add a "Uploading image" message or similar in the Submit photo page Photo Directory normal enhancement new 08/05/2023
#7196 Contributor Mentorship Program - Graduate and Facilitator Badge General normal enhancement new 08/11/2023
#7224 Show Component Maintainer / Team Rep status on profile Profiles normal enhancement new 08/21/2023
#7238 Replace "NSFW" with a "Sensitive Content" Support Forums normal enhancement new 08/26/2023
#7248 Replace "Patterns" with "Patterns Dir" in Translation Stats Translate Site & Plugins normal enhancement new 09/02/2023
#7259 Add a "Report a vulnerability" button/link to plugin repo pages Plugin Directory normal enhancement new 09/07/2023
#7269 Add Accessibility Checker plugin to .org sites Site normal enhancement new 09/11/2023
#7294 Useless link in user profile Translate Site & Plugins normal enhancement new 09/30/2023
#7301 Translate profile settings and profile pages interface Profiles normal enhancement new 10/12/2023
#7313 Explain that Video titles are limited to 100 characters normal enhancement new 10/19/2023
#7316 Add Blue Checkmark | Plugin Support Topics Support Forums normal enhancement new 10/19/2023
#7334 Proposal to Update WordPress Playground URLs and Content Developer Hub normal enhancement new 10/31/2023
#7337 Enhancement: Create 'allow list' for domains to register on .org Login & Authentication normal enhancement new 11/01/2023
#7347 Upgrade the es_ES ( sites - database character encoding International Sites (Rosetta) normal enhancement new 11/09/2023
#7352 Plugin submission: Improve "Review status" message to authors. Plugin Directory normal enhancement new 11/22/2023
#7361 DevHub Plugins Team ( Handbook sync Handbooks normal enhancement new 12/07/2023
#7362 In Responsive view, Too much space in heading section HelpHub ( normal enhancement new 12/08/2023
#7414 Improve translator section on credits page Translate Site & Plugins normal enhancement new 01/19/2024
#7433 Consider removing logged in block when viewing support forums. Support Forums normal enhancement new 02/02/2024
#7434 Improve Support Forum side bar. Support Forums normal enhancement new 02/02/2024
#7452 Plugins: Find a better way to surface plugin features. Plugin Directory normal enhancement new 02/08/2024
#7455 Confusing experience when I click "forums" in the main site navigation Support Forums normal enhancement new 02/08/2024
#7465 Plugins: Add interface for requesting plugin categorization in "advanced tab" Plugin Directory normal enhancement dufresnesteven assigned 02/14/2024
#7487 Feature to help plugin developers create blueprints for previews Plugin Directory normal enhancement new 02/23/2024
#7499 Show Photo Directory contribution in Activity stream Profiles normal enhancement new 02/29/2024
#7503 Create new 'Also Viewing' block and deprecate jQuery version Support Forums normal enhancement new 03/03/2024
#7510 Contextual Search in Translation Consistency Tool Translate Site & Plugins normal enhancement new 03/09/2024
#7524 Update Full Site Editing Tag for block themes Theme Directory normal enhancement new 03/20/2024
#7530 More relevant block editor handbook search Developer Hub normal enhancement new 03/25/2024
#7555 Plugins: Please split long rejection letters into one paragraph per string Plugin Directory normal enhancement new 04/04/2024
#7556 Run PCP function to test plugin in plugin submission process Plugin Directory normal enhancement new 04/04/2024
#7558 Swahili /support and /team International Sites (Rosetta) normal enhancement tobifjellner accepted 04/08/2024
#7576 Plugin/Theme Developer badges should be persistent Profiles normal enhancement new 04/12/2024
#7577 Discussion: Plugin name length, readability and consistency. Plugin Directory normal enhancement new 04/12/2024
#7578 Code Refinement for Improved Efficiency normal enhancement new 04/12/2024
#7581 Update PHP security recommendation Site normal enhancement new 04/13/2024
#7630 "Views" widget missing in Theme's and Plugin's forum views Support Forums normal enhancement new 05/07/2024
#7633 Create possibility for locale teams to "stick a note" on their front page International Sites (Rosetta) normal enhancement new 05/09/2024
#7637 create documentation page for Rosetta sites International Sites (Rosetta) normal enhancement assigned 05/13/2024
#7644 Add "Plugin Name" from plugin file to API response Plugin Directory normal enhancement new 05/17/2024
#7650 Improve text and links about Trac notifications and preferences Trac normal enhancement new 05/22/2024
#7713 Add banner on the themes archive when a search is done for accessibility ready to add context on what this designation means Theme Directory normal enhancement new 07/11/2024
#7714 Add informational section on the theme single for themes with Accessibility Ready tag describing what that means Theme Directory normal enhancement new 07/11/2024
#7715 Add accessibility information section on theme single in Theme Directory Theme Directory normal enhancement new 07/11/2024
#7748 Add Approve button to Categories: in the Submitted video section normal enhancement new 08/16/2024
#7752 Add a link for "reports replied to" Support Forums normal enhancement new 08/22/2024
#7756 Closed plugin not really closed Plugin Directory normal enhancement new 08/26/2024
#7757 Make a smaller content box Photo Directory normal enhancement coffee2code reopened 08/26/2024
#7759 Ability to report a photo Photo Directory normal enhancement new 08/29/2024
#7760 Change Blocks Listing Design for better experience Plugin Directory normal enhancement new 08/30/2024
#7773 Lowercase all tags Plugin Directory normal enhancement new 09/13/2024
#7778 Integrate Plugin Check into plugin submissions Plugin Directory normal enhancement new 09/18/2024
#7782 Add block-variation detection Plugin Directory normal enhancement new 09/22/2024
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Note: See TracReports for help on using and creating reports.