
{1} Active Tickets (976 matches)

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Results (501 - 600 of 976)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Ticket Summary Component Priority Type Owner Status Created
#4683 Make / Polyglots locale filters International Sites (Rosetta) low defect (bug) new 08/16/2019
#7057 Make / plugin API for closed plugins that are no longer available Plugin Directory normal enhancement new 06/13/2023
#7418 Make Design Proper Profiles lowest defect (bug) new 01/21/2024
#2358 Make P2s: allow authors with existing moderated comments to upload files Make (Get Involved) / P2 normal enhancement pento assigned 01/06/2017
#5719 Make PTE assignment screen more intuitive Translate Site & Plugins normal enhancement new 04/28/2021
#6508 Make Report 27 dynamic Trac normal feature request new 09/28/2022
#7757 Make a smaller content box Photo Directory normal enhancement coffee2code reopened 08/26/2024
#30 Make better theme test data for display in the theme directory. Theme Directory high enhancement new 07/28/2013
#5841 Make it easier to copy from the other languages without it copying the string. Translate Site & Plugins low enhancement new 07/26/2021
#7129 Make it easier to go from the translation settings to the translation list again. Translate Site & Plugins normal enhancement new 07/09/2023
#4455 Make it easier to notify plugin/theme authors to make their code translatable Translate Site & Plugins normal enhancement assigned 05/11/2019
#7505 Make it easier to unsubscribe from trac email notifications about plugins Plugin Directory normal defect (bug) new 03/05/2024
#6301 Make link in handbook about contribution to core open in a new tab Handbooks normal enhancement new 05/03/2022
#5494 Make page of closed theme similar to page of closed plugin Theme Directory normal enhancement new 11/01/2020
#6868 Make past meetings paler to ease calendar usage Make (Get Involved) / P2 normal enhancement new 03/19/2023
#3863 Make plugin dependencies (suggestions) clearer in Themes Directory Theme Directory normal enhancement new 10/09/2018
#6345 Make signup form clearer Login & Authentication normal enhancement new 06/02/2022
#5445 Make the Planet a hub for fantastic WP community content Planet ( normal enhancement iandunn accepted 09/22/2020
#6369 Make the pattern strings easier to translate by making each pattern a "plugin" Translate Site & Plugins normal feature request new 06/17/2022
#6594 Make full width Translate Site & Plugins normal enhancement amieiro assigned 11/24/2022
#5860 Make translated support pages discoverable, and prompt translation HelpHub ( normal defect (bug) new 08/11/2021
#6858 Margin and padding issue on WordPress donate website Site lowest defect (bug) new 03/14/2023
#5006 Mark support helpful/reactions Support Forums normal enhancement new 02/04/2020
#5914 Marking 1st post in topic as spam spams the topic, but doesn't allow marking any replies Support Forums normal defect (bug) new 09/23/2021
#3802 Meetup organizer handbook need to absorb quizzes section. Handbooks normal enhancement new 09/14/2018
#6628 Memorialization of profiles Profiles normal enhancement new 12/15/2022
#1433 Mention WordCamp twitter in tweet when publishing new video normal enhancement new 12/03/2015
#6767 Mercantile store categories needs pretty permalinks and canonical URLs Swag Store ( normal defect (bug) new 02/17/2023
#6405 Migrate the `/here` command to use the Slack Messaging API Communication (Matrix, Slack, IRC) high task (blessed) new 07/15/2022
#4281 Minify wp4.css General low enhancement new 03/15/2019
#5359 Misc 404s / broken links should be 301'd and/or corrected General low defect (bug) new 08/06/2020
#7181 Misleading text in discussion tab while reviewing strings Translate Site & Plugins normal defect (bug) Amieiro assigned 08/05/2023
#5889 Missing Additional CSS on HelpHub ( normal defect (bug) new 09/04/2021
#5159 Missing CSS on (French translation of HelpHub ( normal defect (bug) new 04/18/2020
#7692 Missing Escaping, Strict Check, and PHPCS Issues in Multiple Files of Jobs ( lowest defect (bug) assigned 06/30/2024
#6682 Missing social icons on profile pages (Genericons) Profiles normal enhancement new 01/17/2023
#6420 Missing support third-pary blocks in the theme patterns preview Theme Directory normal defect (bug) new 07/21/2022
#3633 Moderator tool: Help spot sock puppets Support Forums normal enhancement assigned 05/23/2018
#7121 More efficient translations in small communities Translate Site & Plugins normal feature request new 07/04/2023
#3000 More info about grunt patch Handbooks normal defect (bug) dryanpress assigned 07/25/2017
#7530 More relevant block editor handbook search Developer Hub normal enhancement new 03/25/2024
#7520 Move Handbooks to GitHub to ease ability to contribute content Handbooks normal feature request new 03/15/2024
#2890 Move readme.html and wp-config-sample.php translations to GlotPress Translate Site & Plugins high enhancement new 06/21/2017
#6606 Moving a repo (Canonical plugin) to the WordPress GitHub General normal feature request new 11/30/2022
#7634 My Patterns page pending list not properly show. Pattern Directory normal defect (bug) new 05/10/2024
#4965 Nav menu icon size problem on mobiles device Trac normal defect (bug) new 01/15/2020
#6574 Navigation block does not work on Pattern Directory normal defect (bug) new 11/11/2022
#6931 Navigation menu is hiding on handbook page Make (Get Involved) / P2 normal defect (bug) new 04/13/2023
#7338 Navigation menu position is not proper in responsive Trac normal defect (bug) new 11/02/2023
#5854 Need a way in P2 to find recently edited posts Make (Get Involved) / P2 normal enhancement new 08/08/2021
#7716 Need clear definition of Explicit Consent for Plugin Guidelines Plugin Directory lowest enhancement reopened 07/13/2024
#6300 Need left side spacing hero title in small viewport size lowest enhancement new 05/03/2022
#7159 Need some space before main section. Trac normal defect (bug) new 07/28/2023
#6787 Need some space between buttons Trac normal defect (bug) new 02/21/2023
#7789 Need to avoid extra white space and arrange content properly General normal defect (bug) new 10/01/2024
#7746 Need to fix contribute page checkbox design issue Make (Get Involved) / P2 normal defect (bug) new 08/12/2024
#6326 Need to synchronize authors' lists on Rosetta sites International Sites (Rosetta) high defect (bug) new 05/25/2022
#6829 Nested lists are not styled correctly on RTL Rosetta sites International Sites (Rosetta) normal defect (bug) new 03/03/2023
#7180 No way to unsubscribe from Trac tickets Trac normal defect (bug) new 08/05/2023
#5168 Noindex stale plugin peripherals Support Forums high defect (bug) tellyworth reviewing 04/24/2020
#5523 Noindex archives low defect (bug) new 12/03/2020
#7272 Not having a proper spacing on about page numbering elements Site normal defect (bug) reopened 09/13/2023
#3102 Notification on new strings on GlotPress via Slack Translate Site & Plugins normal enhancement new 09/05/2017
#6733 Notifications channel for Community team on Slack (for Github and other updates) Communication (Matrix, Slack, IRC) normal enhancement reopened 02/06/2023
#5509 Notify users of changes to plugin ownership Plugin Directory normal feature request new 11/16/2020
#5931 Occasionally incorrect job category job counts Jobs ( normal defect (bug) new 10/18/2021
#3949 Old news trackbacks/pingbacks which return a non-200 status should be deleted General lowest task (blessed) new 11/23/2018
#3743 On Make WP blog the 'Follow' action removes syntax highlighting on code snippets Make (Get Involved) / P2 normal defect (bug) new 08/03/2018
#3267 Onboarding for Make (Get Involved) / P2 normal enhancement new 11/15/2017
#2003 Open source all Rosetta mu-plugins as one plugin International Sites (Rosetta) high task (blessed) new 09/08/2016
#314 Opt-out of getting email notifications for Trac comments I leave Trac low enhancement reopened 02/06/2014
#3933 Optimize fonts for Persian language General high enhancement reopened 11/18/2018
#3868 Option to download Theme, Plugin and REST API Handbooks together with WP-CLI Commands and Code Reference as PDF Handbooks low enhancement new 10/11/2018
#2184 Overall translation contributor stats for a locale Translate Site & Plugins high enhancement new 10/26/2016
#5013 Overarching design style guide General normal enhancement new 02/06/2020
#7165 Overview: Current state of accessibility-ready Themes Theme Review normal defect (bug) Travel_girl assigned 07/31/2023
#6533 PR Bot: Auto-generate a props list from activity on GitHub PR/s Trac normal defect (bug) new 10/12/2022
#5592 PR's/patches on Trac or Github doesn't make your profile "public" Profiles normal enhancement new 02/01/2021
#6890 PTE access if assigned is not active for CLPTE's Translate Site & Plugins normal defect (bug) new 03/24/2023
#7225 Page Break in Mobile Responsive View Translate Site & Plugins lowest defect (bug) new 08/21/2023
#6772 Paginated homepage states should 301 to the root General normal defect (bug) new 02/17/2023
#5322 Paginated states of topics should append a trailing slash Support Forums high defect (bug) tellyworth accepted 07/21/2020
#6926 Paragraph and Image are aligned inline HelpHub ( low defect (bug) new 04/07/2023
#6973 Pattern Stats Top 100 Translate Site & Plugins normal feature request new 05/07/2023
#6187 Photo Directory: oembed title is illegible Photo Directory normal defect (bug) new 03/14/2022
#6142 Photo Upload Fails Photo Directory normal defect (bug) new 02/26/2022
#7753 Photo couldn’t submit Photo Directory normal defect (bug) new 08/22/2024
#7678 Photos: Add the ability for folks to share how they used a photo and to have that sent to the photo contributor Photo Directory normal defect (bug) new 06/17/2024
#4518 Plan: translation discussions/feedback Translate Site & Plugins normal task (blessed) new 06/20/2019
#7604 Playground Preview button in plugin directory doesn't always work if you have Release Confirmation active Plugin Directory lowest defect (bug) new 04/20/2024
#7100 Playground showing double scrollbars Developer Hub normal defect (bug) new 06/28/2023
#7573 Please restore left border to new support theme Support Forums normal defect (bug) new 04/11/2024
#5886 Plugin Directory: Validate submitter is a contributor before allowing plugin submissions Plugin Directory normal enhancement new 09/02/2021
#3191 Plugin Directory Admin: Renaming Plugins Should be More Ajaxy Plugin Directory normal enhancement new 10/11/2017
#4555 Plugin Directory Administration: Mass Email Tool Plugin Directory normal feature request dd32 accepted 06/26/2019
#3069 Plugin Directory: Add dates to Changelog section in readme.txt example Plugin Directory normal feature request reopened 08/25/2017
#7217 Plugin Directory: Auto remove zips for plugins closed more than 60 days with no activity Plugin Directory normal defect (bug) new 08/17/2023
#6512 Plugin Directory: Block uploads of .git folders va SVN Plugin Directory normal enhancement new 10/03/2022
#6957 Plugin Directory: Close plugins with no data Plugin Directory normal feature request new 04/26/2023
#3028 Plugin Directory: Consolidate "Contributors & Developers" sections Plugin Directory normal defect (bug) tellyworth assigned 08/08/2017
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