
{1} Active Tickets (974 matches)

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Results (301 - 400 of 974)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Ticket Summary Component Priority Type Owner Status Created
#1665 Rosetta release page embed uses placeholder text International Sites (Rosetta) normal defect (bug) new 04/13/2016
#2192 Change the name of "invalid" ticket resolution Trac normal defect (bug) assigned 10/31/2016
#2204 Forum RSS Feed Issues Support Forums normal defect (bug) SergeyBiryukov accepted 11/03/2016
#2388 Glossary rewrite broken for sites with multiple handbooks Handbooks normal defect (bug) new 01/15/2017
#2440 Trac links are automatically added even when `#NNN` reference has an existing link Make (Get Involved) / P2 normal defect (bug) pento assigned 01/25/2017
#2517 locale banner shows an empty link General normal defect (bug) ocean90 assigned 02/19/2017
#2925 occurence of literal '\0' in docblock `@param` of wp_kses_no_null() causes a null character in the corresponding meta_value Developer Hub normal defect (bug) new 07/04/2017
#2931 Plugin Directory: Incorrect parsing of code blocks Plugin Directory normal defect (bug) assigned 07/05/2017
#3000 More info about grunt patch Handbooks normal defect (bug) dryanpress assigned 07/25/2017
#3028 Plugin Directory: Consolidate "Contributors & Developers" sections Plugin Directory normal defect (bug) tellyworth assigned 08/08/2017
#3089 Support Forums: Auto-closed topics should be marked as such Support Forums normal defect (bug) new 09/01/2017
#3261 Events API: returning past meetups Events API normal defect (bug) new 11/10/2017
#3352 Error in dashicons page Developer Hub normal defect (bug) new 12/29/2017
#3445 Link to comment hash not working on mobile Make (Get Involved) / P2 normal defect (bug) new 02/12/2018
#4404 Plugins with few support threads penalized in search results. Plugin Directory normal defect (bug) new 04/25/2019
#5231 Increase visibility of "old" plugins in Search Indexes Plugin Directory normal defect (bug) new 05/26/2020
#5773 Change search algorithm in themes page Theme Directory normal defect (bug) new 06/12/2021
#7648 Stop weighing active installations in plugin search heavily Plugin Directory normal defect (bug) new 05/21/2024
#3263 Zips for deleted plugin tags not deleted Plugin Directory normal defect (bug) reviewing 11/12/2017
#2738 Plugin Directory: Single line breaks in readme.txt should be ignored Plugin Directory normal defect (bug) tellyworth assigned 04/14/2017
#2490 Forums should have a way to search for posts made by a particular user Support Forums normal defect (bug) new 02/09/2017
#7706 No margin on left side in title General normal defect (bug) new 07/05/2024
#7721 Footer overlaps content on developer resource Developer Hub normal defect (bug) new 07/16/2024
#1077 Fix anchors in the bbPress & BuddyPress Codex theme so that anchors are not behind the toolbar low defect (bug) assigned 06/09/2015
#3881 Handbooks: warn if user is modifying page and causing status change from published to pending Handbooks low defect (bug) new 10/22/2018
#3962 Tracbot: Delete slack posts when the related trac ticket is deleted. Communication (Matrix, Slack, IRC) low defect (bug) new 11/27/2018
#4289 Delete placeholder pages International Sites (Rosetta) low defect (bug) ocean90 accepted 03/15/2019
#4649 Remove content hiding mechanism on Make (Get Involved) / P2 low defect (bug) reopened 08/01/2019
#4683 Make / Polyglots locale filters International Sites (Rosetta) low defect (bug) new 08/16/2019
#4684 Trac 'reports' crawl and indexing controls Trac low defect (bug) new 08/16/2019
#4744 Promote local WordCamp on a Rosetta site by showing a banner International Sites (Rosetta) low defect (bug) new 09/25/2019
#5251 Faulty links redirect to random pages HelpHub ( low defect (bug) new 06/04/2020
#5359 Misc 404s / broken links should be 301'd and/or corrected General low defect (bug) new 08/06/2020
#5363 Upgrade Markdown library Plugin Directory low defect (bug) new 08/10/2020
#5381 Prevent broken internal links in plugin readme content Plugin Directory low defect (bug) new 08/20/2020
#5523 Noindex archives low defect (bug) new 12/03/2020
#5621 Don't warn on numbered placeholders <=> non-numbered placeholders Translate Site & Plugins low defect (bug) new 02/17/2021
#5661 Standardise Rosetta homepage pre-footers Showcase low defect (bug) new 03/15/2021
#5724 Slack: /here command strips out hyperlinked text Communication (Matrix, Slack, IRC) low defect (bug) new 04/30/2021
#5755 Support Change Password UI needs work Support Forums low defect (bug) new 05/28/2021
#5807 images shouldn't use and similar Showcase low defect (bug) new 07/05/2021
#5845 Some locales appears twice in the dropdown menu in the consistency tool Translate Site & Plugins low defect (bug) reopened 07/28/2021
#6108 Add automated guideline checks and constant feedback to plugin authors about it Plugin Directory low defect (bug) new 02/16/2022
#6370 Header & Footer broken on Plugins Trac Trac low defect (bug) new 06/20/2022
#6602 Comment previews can be inaccurate when they contain back slashes. Make (Get Involved) / P2 low defect (bug) new 11/28/2022
#6631 Button padding produces horizontal scrolling issue and white space at very narrow widths Five For The Future low defect (bug) new 12/16/2022
#6706 site's footer and header container size does not the same. low defect (bug) new 01/24/2023
#6748 Content overflow issue in the Get Involved section WordCamp Site & Plugins low defect (bug) new 02/10/2023
#6768 Investigate broken 'jobs page' URLs Site low defect (bug) new 02/17/2023
#6773 Remove interstitial tags redirect Site low defect (bug) new 02/17/2023
#6926 Paragraph and Image are aligned inline HelpHub ( low defect (bug) new 04/07/2023
#6967 Unwanted console error of 'ajax' Make (Get Involved) / P2 low defect (bug) new 05/02/2023
#7496 In news Details pages, link on email social button goes blank. Site low defect (bug) new 02/29/2024
#7643 Follow Button not working properly Make (Get Involved) / P2 low defect (bug) new 05/17/2024
#7658 Plugin Preview on Playground: Edit plugin notice pointing to enable the preview on the Advanced tab Plugin Directory low defect (bug) dd32 assigned 05/27/2024
#7668 Broken link to VVV howto Handbooks low defect (bug) new 06/08/2024
#7698 In Responsive view, input box is going out of screen(not proper layout) Plugin Directory low defect (bug) new 07/04/2024
#7747 Five for the Future contact page select box arrow issue Five For The Future low defect (bug) new 08/12/2024
#4184 Add a robots.txt disallow all rule to Version Control lowest defect (bug) Otto42 accepted 02/18/2019
#4546 Invalid date format requests to News URLs should 301 redirect General lowest defect (bug) new 06/26/2019
#4685 Disallow /changeset in Trac lowest defect (bug) new 08/16/2019
#4897 Gutenberg page omits hreflang tags General lowest defect (bug) new 12/09/2019
#5347 Add a robots.txt file to Mailing Lists lowest defect (bug) new 08/03/2020
#5449 Add a favicon to Trac lowest defect (bug) new 09/24/2020
#5567 Adapt the page title on filtered plugin review archives Support Forums lowest defect (bug) new 01/08/2021
#5668 Add an 'empty' robots.txt file to General lowest defect (bug) dd32 accepted 03/19/2021
#5809 Remove resolved/unresolved links from individual Make tags Make (Get Involved) / P2 lowest defect (bug) new 07/05/2021
#5935 Add Google Tag Manager to General lowest defect (bug) assigned 10/22/2021
#6245 pagination wraps to multiple lines in mobile lowest defect (bug) new 04/01/2022
#6412 UI issue on Latest tickets page. Trac lowest defect (bug) new 07/19/2022
#6777 Remove Google Fonts hints where not used General lowest defect (bug) new 02/17/2023
#6858 Margin and padding issue on WordPress donate website Site lowest defect (bug) new 03/14/2023
#6986 In Responsive the Latest Video and Popular Video Section not looks Proper lowest defect (bug) reopened 05/15/2023
#6997 In Menu there should be hover effect to looks good lowest defect (bug) new 05/18/2023
#7043 Logged In as {userid} is sticked to menu Trac lowest defect (bug) new 06/08/2023
#7214 Inactive theme translation projects string not accurate for old themes. Translate Site & Plugins lowest defect (bug) new 08/17/2023
#7225 Page Break in Mobile Responsive View Translate Site & Plugins lowest defect (bug) new 08/21/2023
#7344 In Responsive 768px size there is no space between content Trac lowest defect (bug) new 11/09/2023
#7349 In resposive view, shortlink menu button not working properly Site lowest defect (bug) new 11/16/2023
#7356 Excessive space in footer HelpHub ( lowest defect (bug) new 11/29/2023
#7359 Profile Website Links Simply Reload Profile When Openned in a new tab in Safari Only Profiles lowest defect (bug) new 12/05/2023
#7418 Make Design Proper Profiles lowest defect (bug) new 01/21/2024
#7423 Trac headers congested / small Trac lowest defect (bug) new 01/25/2024
#7429 In Responsive mobile size the text is overlapping Support Forums lowest defect (bug) new 02/01/2024
#7459 Enabling #enable-experimental-web-platform-features in Chromium breaks custom queries Trac lowest defect (bug) new 02/09/2024
#7470 In ticket details pages, Spacing issue between button in responsive view. Trac lowest defect (bug) new 02/15/2024
#7484 In ticking Listing Page, Custom query result content layout is not proper Trac lowest defect (bug) new 02/22/2024
#7491 Improved Design of the Dropdown General lowest defect (bug) new 02/26/2024
#7501 In Responsive view, preview section taking on half of screen width Trac lowest defect (bug) new 03/01/2024
#7541 In Mobile device the Filter Button does not have space Translate Site & Plugins lowest defect (bug) new 03/29/2024
#7589 Design Issue: Underlines in submenu of polyglot sub page Translate Site & Plugins lowest defect (bug) new 04/16/2024
#7604 Playground Preview button in plugin directory doesn't always work if you have Release Confirmation active Plugin Directory lowest defect (bug) new 04/20/2024
#7624 In support forum , Page navigation issue Support Forums lowest defect (bug) new 05/03/2024
#7649 Wrong Url Redirection in Breadcrums Translate Site & Plugins lowest defect (bug) new 05/21/2024
#7691 Strict comparison operator missing with post get_post_type() check Jobs ( lowest defect (bug) new 06/30/2024
#7692 Missing Escaping, Strict Check, and PHPCS Issues in Multiple Files of Jobs ( lowest defect (bug) assigned 06/30/2024
#7705 In Responsive the search icon and hamburger icon are not at proper place Make (Get Involved) / P2 lowest defect (bug) new 07/05/2024
#7735 wrong content type in error response on API lowest defect (bug) new 08/02/2024
#7767 Responsive problem with the Max-Width: 480px in the topic page of the Persian support forum Support Forums lowest defect (bug) new 09/08/2024
#5483 Force-enable release confirmations for high-target plugins Plugin Directory highest omg bbq enhancement new 10/26/2020
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