
{2} Active Tickets by Version (997 matches)

This report shows how to color results by priority, while grouping results by version.

Last modification time, description and reporter are included as hidden fields for useful RSS export.

Results (601 - 700 of 997)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

(empty) (100 matches)

Ticket Summary Component Version Type Owner Status Created
#5672 Currently if author changes his http -> https if a translation contains a https but the translation does not have it, the translation will be fuzzed. Translate Site & Plugins enhancement new 03/24/2021
#5671 If an original line does not contain a dot at the end of the line but the translation does, the record will be fuzzed Translate Site & Plugins enhancement new 03/24/2021
#5668 Add an 'empty' robots.txt file to General defect (bug) dd32 accepted 03/19/2021
#5666 Contributed Plugins/Themes security advisory news feed General defect (bug) new 03/18/2021
#5665 Add support for comma separated revision numbers on Make blogs Make (Get Involved) / P2 defect (bug) new 03/16/2021
#5661 Standardise Rosetta homepage pre-footers Showcase defect (bug) new 03/15/2021
#5659 Fix bulk action to reject suggestions for CLPTE Translate Site & Plugins defect (bug) new 03/12/2021
#5655 Log who made changes to Polyglots caps International Sites (Rosetta) defect (bug) new 03/11/2021
#5652 Plugin Readme Header Spec Update Plugin Directory enhancement new 03/08/2021
#5641 Add history log for themes status adjustments Theme Directory enhancement new 02/26/2021
#5637 Email alert to plugin committer when security scanner triggers a change Plugin Directory enhancement dd32 accepted 02/25/2021
#5635 Theme Directory: Introduce UI for managing theme support reps Theme Directory task (blessed) new 02/24/2021
#5629 Track "report this topic" reports Support Forums defect (bug) new 02/18/2021
#5625 Rosetta websites: Wrong release dates in versions download archive pages International Sites (Rosetta) defect (bug) new 02/17/2021
#5624 Currently if a translator suggests a new translation, it is not visible to see directly that an existing translation is present Translate Site & Plugins enhancement new 02/17/2021
#5623 Blocks list incorrect on plugin directory page Plugin Directory defect (bug) new 02/17/2021
#5622 When a non PTE or GTE suggests an already present string, he cannot reject his own string directly General enhancement new 02/17/2021
#5621 Don't warn on numbered placeholders <=> non-numbered placeholders Translate Site & Plugins defect (bug) new 02/17/2021
#5620 Add link to view=all for moderators Support Forums enhancement new 02/16/2021
#5618 Require ToS/Privacy at login and record acceptance Login & Authentication enhancement dd32 accepted 02/12/2021
#5601 Idea: Add a Gutenberg icon page General defect (bug) new 02/05/2021
#5598 Broken links to usability tests in Test Team handbook Handbooks defect (bug) ironprogrammer assigned 02/02/2021
#5592 PR's/patches on Trac or Github doesn't make your profile "public" Profiles enhancement new 02/01/2021
#5587 Skip sanitization of code snippets in forum replies email notifications Support Forums defect (bug) new 01/27/2021
#5581 Consolidating setup of local Dev environment documentation and testing instructions. General task (blessed) new 01/20/2021
#5567 Adapt the page title on filtered plugin review archives Support Forums defect (bug) new 01/08/2021
#5563 I a translation file is imported that contains wrong placeholders the line is not rejected. Translate Site & Plugins enhancement new 01/06/2021
#5561 Update voice count after user is blocked Support Forums enhancement new 12/30/2020
#5557 Add a hovering button to join slack community in Make Blog Network Make (Get Involved) / P2 enhancement new 12/23/2020
#5555 Introduce deploy keys for SVN Plugin Directory feature request new 12/19/2020
#5554 Main Theme: Cookies table not responsive Site defect (bug) new 12/18/2020
#5552 Allow mods to hide moderator badge Support Forums enhancement new 12/18/2020
#5548 A more inclusive commenting policy for P2 Make (Get Involved) / P2 enhancement new 12/15/2020
#5542 Add a way to convert theme reports to support forum posts Theme Directory enhancement new 12/11/2020
#5539 Create an "Ask a Question About WordPress" page General defect (bug) new 12/10/2020
#5536 Ask for the Plugin or Theme that a support thread belongs to in the Create Topic form Support Forums enhancement new 12/09/2020
#5535 Allow moving threads into the Plugin/Theme support forums Support Forums enhancement new 12/09/2020
#5529 Alter trac robots.txt Trac defect (bug) new 12/03/2020
#5523 Noindex archives defect (bug) new 12/03/2020
#5519 301 redirects for new titles in HelpHub HelpHub ( enhancement new 12/01/2020
#5510 Translation of the "Topics" string not taken into account in the French handbook Handbooks defect (bug) new 11/16/2020
#5509 Notify users of changes to plugin ownership Plugin Directory feature request new 11/16/2020
#5506 Add version validation to Release tooling Site defect (bug) new 11/13/2020
#5494 Make page of closed theme similar to page of closed plugin Theme Directory enhancement new 11/01/2020
#5487 Unpublished (Pending) HelpHub articles should redirect to english version for not editors HelpHub ( defect (bug) new 10/26/2020
#5486 Activate setting "user must be logged-in" to comment on rosetta and /team sites International Sites (Rosetta) task (blessed) new 10/26/2020
#5484 Add a "Tag and release" button Plugin Directory feature request new 10/26/2020
#5483 Force-enable release confirmations for high-target plugins Plugin Directory enhancement new 10/26/2020
#5478 Add brotli compression to emoji image files General enhancement new 10/18/2020
#5473 Update one line of copy on Site defect (bug) new 10/13/2020
#5471 Add Serbian Latin locale with transliteration of Serbian Cyrillic locale Translate Site & Plugins task (blessed) ocean90 reopened 10/11/2020
#5464 Plugin Directory: Prevent SVN uploads of animated banners and icons Plugin Directory enhancement new 10/07/2020
#5463 Create a weekly post for Component Maintainers status updates on the Core blog Make (Get Involved) / P2 enhancement new 10/06/2020
#5462 Add signposting to the end of truncated pagination General enhancement new 10/05/2020
#5459 Locale Banner should suggest user locale on localised pages Plugin Directory defect (bug) new 10/02/2020
#5456 Profiles: Show the number of WordPress releases with user's contributions Profiles enhancement new 09/28/2020
#5455 HelpHub: Correct post type and taxonomy labels HelpHub ( defect (bug) new 09/28/2020
#5453 Allow users to view their props launched in a release Trac defect (bug) new 09/26/2020
#5449 Add a favicon to Trac defect (bug) new 09/24/2020
#5445 Make the Planet a hub for fantastic WP community content Planet ( enhancement iandunn accepted 09/22/2020
#5426 Improve the plugin repository's Support tab. Plugin Directory defect (bug) new 09/06/2020
#5418 Remove link to "About Cookies" from Cookie Policy Page General defect (bug) new 09/04/2020
#5410 Categories not displayed on the page of the video enhancement new 09/02/2020
#5387 Twitter Card Not Found HelpHub ( defect (bug) new 08/21/2020
#5383 Trac: Merge "Text Changes" component with the "ui-copy" focus Trac task (blessed) new 08/20/2020
#5381 Prevent broken internal links in plugin readme content Plugin Directory defect (bug) new 08/20/2020
#5374 Block trac ticket submissions with inappropriate language Trac enhancement new 08/12/2020
#5368 top 200 pluginlist does not show "waiting" proposals for dev Translate Site & Plugins defect (bug) new 08/12/2020
#5363 Upgrade Markdown library Plugin Directory defect (bug) new 08/10/2020
#5359 Misc 404s / broken links should be 301'd and/or corrected General defect (bug) new 08/06/2020
#5358 Warn on plugin upload if text domain and plugin slug don't match Plugin Directory enhancement new 08/05/2020
#5349 List of all videos with a subtitle enhancement new 08/03/2020
#5347 Add a robots.txt file to Mailing Lists defect (bug) new 08/03/2020
#5343 SVN: Update precommit hooks to block 'compressed' files. Plugin Directory enhancement Otto42 accepted 07/29/2020
#5340 Flag translation suggestions as low quality Translate Site & Plugins enhancement new 07/28/2020
#5339 Add new sorting filters to Plugins tab in the Translate WordPress dashboard Translate Site & Plugins enhancement new 07/25/2020
#5328 Support and Article URLs should 301 to lowercase Support Forums defect (bug) new 07/21/2020
#5326 Adding a tag Free / Freemium Plugin Directory feature request new 07/21/2020
#5322 Paginated states of topics should append a trailing slash Support Forums defect (bug) tellyworth accepted 07/21/2020
#5296 Send slack notification when a ticket component changes Communication (Matrix, Slack, IRC) enhancement new 07/01/2020
#5289 Remove Core from the channels that are auto-joined on Slack Communication (Matrix, Slack, IRC) defect (bug) new 06/26/2020
#5275 Smarter nightly refreshing General enhancement new 06/17/2020
#5264 List /support/ forum keymasters, moderators and HelpHub roles on locale team pages. Make (Get Involved) / P2 enhancement new 06/11/2020
#5258 Handbook: Show published date and last updated date below the title Handbooks enhancement new 06/07/2020
#5251 Faulty links redirect to random pages HelpHub ( defect (bug) new 06/04/2020
#5246 "Make" meetings need to filter for start_date and end_date Make (Get Involved) / P2 defect (bug) new 06/02/2020
#5245 "Make" meetings: Make it easier to plan a one-time meeting Make (Get Involved) / P2 enhancement new 06/02/2020
#5241 Soft 404s with order params General defect (bug) new 05/31/2020
#5238 Remove or block the support forum for the defunct "Ask Questions" plugin Support Forums defect (bug) dd32 assigned 05/28/2020
#5235 Add 'HelpHub Contributor' role for on-boarding users. HelpHub ( enhancement new 05/27/2020
#5233 Add an easy way to hide forums sections from localized helphub sites that don’t use forum feature HelpHub ( defect (bug) new 05/27/2020
#5232 Add flagged user view Support Forums enhancement new 05/27/2020
#5231 Increase visibility of "old" plugins in Search Indexes Plugin Directory defect (bug) new 05/26/2020
#5220 Handbook Editor Permissions Developer Hub enhancement new 05/19/2020
#5216 Accessibility: Text Changes, change ERROR to Error General enhancement new 05/16/2020
#5211 Update button styles to match WP 5.3 General defect (bug) new 05/13/2020
#5207 Improve heuristics for detecting block assets Plugin Directory enhancement coreymckrill assigned 05/12/2020
#5203 Stats for active plugins/themes per locale Translate Site & Plugins enhancement new 05/09/2020
#5190 Plugin images/screenshots should be lazy-loaded Plugin Directory defect (bug) new 05/01/2020
#5175 Plugin Directory: End Support for 'asset' files outside of the assets folder Plugin Directory enhancement new 04/27/2020
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Note: See TracReports for help on using and creating reports.