
{2} Active Tickets by Version (997 matches)

This report shows how to color results by priority, while grouping results by version.

Last modification time, description and reporter are included as hidden fields for useful RSS export.

Results (101 - 200 of 997)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

(empty) (100 matches)

Ticket Summary Component Version Type Owner Status Created
#7298 Add emoji reaction to trac comments Trac defect (bug) new 10/06/2023
#4867 Add feeds for plugin support forum topic replies Support Forums enhancement new 11/21/2019
#3329 Add filter to on Plugins/Themes listing to order by last activity date Translate Site & Plugins enhancement new 12/13/2017
#5232 Add flagged user view Support Forums enhancement new 05/27/2020
#1510 Add full transcripts to videos on enhancement new 01/08/2016
#6310 Add gp-translation-helpers for the Reject with Feedback Feature Translate Site & Plugins enhancement new 05/11/2022
#5641 Add history log for themes status adjustments Theme Directory enhancement new 02/26/2021
#5962 Add indication of the fact that the translation has been imported Translate Site & Plugins enhancement new 11/24/2021
#7714 Add informational section on the theme single for themes with Accessibility Ready tag describing what that means Theme Directory enhancement new 07/11/2024
#4525 Add insights to the plugin language packs page Translate Site & Plugins enhancement tellyworth reviewing 06/22/2019
#7021 Add keywords to the documentation: has-testing-info, needs-testing-info, add-to-field-guide, needs-user-docs Handbooks enhancement new 05/29/2023
#5696 Add link to create new topic for closed topics Support Forums enhancement new 04/08/2021
#5620 Add link to view=all for moderators Support Forums enhancement new 02/16/2021
#3999 Add link/button to create new topic near "reply form" Support Forums enhancement SergeyBiryukov reviewing 12/13/2018
#7297 Add locale mapping to DeePL API requests General defect (bug) amieiro assigned 10/06/2023
#5895 Add markdown validation to the readme validator Plugin Directory feature request new 09/10/2021
#7426 Add minimum word count for description Photo Directory defect (bug) new 01/29/2024
#6582 Add new field in listing of projects Translate Site & Plugins enhancement new 11/20/2022
#3423 Add new functionality for editor/locale requests Translate Site & Plugins task (blessed) new 02/06/2018
#5339 Add new sorting filters to Plugins tab in the Translate WordPress dashboard Translate Site & Plugins enhancement new 07/25/2020
#6549 Add notifications for Publish/reject of video submissions feature request new 10/24/2022
#7569 Add official "Team Reps" list in code / automate team rep access Make (Get Involved) / P2 feature request new 04/11/2024
#6534 Add option to delete or request to delete photo Photo Directory feature request new 10/12/2022
#5731 Add performance index to each theme and plugin in the repository General enhancement new 05/09/2021
#1502 Add redirects for URLs referenced in git-svn-id Trac enhancement new 12/30/2015
#6642 Add rel-me to profile links Profiles enhancement new 12/22/2022
#5462 Add signposting to the end of truncated pagination General enhancement new 10/05/2020
#6610 Add smooth scroll to the page for jumping another section Site enhancement new 12/03/2022
#3240 Add speaker's social media handle to video link enhancement new 11/01/2017
#5665 Add support for comma separated revision numbers on Make blogs Make (Get Involved) / P2 defect (bug) new 03/16/2021
#6862 Add support for component Slack channels Make (Get Involved) / P2 enhancement new 03/15/2023
#2424 Add text of reviews to plugin search to improve search Plugin Directory enhancement new 01/23/2017
#7834 Add translation API support for DeeplX Translate Site & Plugins feature request new 11/27/2024
#3178 Add user-friendly explanations of current workflow keywords on a ticket Trac enhancement new 10/03/2017
#6401 Add verification for the user names in the "Props" in commit messages Version Control enhancement new 07/11/2022
#5506 Add version validation to Release tooling Site defect (bug) new 11/13/2020
#3878 Adding Badges for WordCamp Volunteers and Attendees Profiles enhancement new 10/20/2018
#5326 Adding a tag Free / Freemium Plugin Directory feature request new 07/21/2020
#7799 Adding multiple tags separated by commas in support forum only produces the first tag and cannot be updated for more Support Forums defect (bug) new 10/10/2024
#6023 Adding theme upload page link in Trac ticket Theme Directory enhancement new 01/18/2022
#6271 Admin actions bumps last updated date Theme Directory defect (bug) new 04/12/2022
#3158 Advanced Search Filtering Keywords Developer Hub enhancement new 09/22/2017
#7856 Alignment Issues in Menu on Responsive Devices Support Forums defect (bug) new 12/13/2024
#7304 Alignment issue on all tickets listing pages. Trac defect (bug) new 10/16/2023
#5146 All Recent Topics RSS Feed returns topics from plugins and themes, not the general forums Support Forums defect (bug) reopened 04/14/2020
#5911 Allow 'contributors' that can edit published handbook pages to edit them without review Handbooks defect (bug) new 09/22/2021
#6485 Allow GTE's to manually release language pack for project Translate Site & Plugins feature request new 09/14/2022
#7177 Allow Seemingly Anonymous forum post Edits Support Forums enhancement new 08/04/2023
#5875 Allow XML configuration examples in WP core handbook Make (Get Involved) / P2 defect (bug) new 08/24/2021
#6086 Allow ZIP Uploads for plugin updates Plugin Directory feature request new 02/07/2022
#7629 Allow changing the Closure reason Plugin Directory enhancement new 05/07/2024
#2289 Allow cmd/ctrl-enter to submit the comment form in Trac Trac enhancement SergeyBiryukov reopened 12/03/2016
#7055 Allow filtering of the WordPress profile activity stream Profiles feature request new 06/13/2023
#3236 Allow for beta channels for plugins and themes Plugin Directory feature request new 10/30/2017
#6122 Allow for retraction before moderation Photo Directory enhancement new 02/18/2022
#7632 Allow images in plugin and theme pages Plugin Directory feature request new 05/08/2024
#5552 Allow mods to hide moderator badge Support Forums enhancement new 12/18/2020
#5535 Allow moving threads into the Plugin/Theme support forums Support Forums enhancement new 12/09/2020
#6588 Allow multiple changes on one topic edit Support Forums defect (bug) new 11/22/2022
#969 Allow multiple screenshots Theme Directory enhancement new 03/22/2015
#5708 Allow only moderators to remove modlook tag Support Forums defect (bug) new 04/20/2021
#7167 Allow plugin/theme autor to opt-out of Translate Site & Plugins feature request new 08/01/2023
#3505 Allow plugin/theme reps to respond to reviews at any time Support Forums enhancement new 03/11/2018
#3507 Allow pre-defined page slug translations International Sites (Rosetta) task (blessed) new 03/12/2018
#3880 Allow redefining or augmenting information in the "INTERESTED IN DEVELOPMENT?" section Plugin Directory defect (bug) new 10/22/2018
#7641 Allow specifying `Tested up to` without changing the plugin Plugin Directory feature request new 05/16/2024
#3043 Allow team reps to assign contributor badges Profiles enhancement coffee2code assigned 08/15/2017
#5693 Allow themes to re-use a rejected slug Theme Directory enhancement new 04/06/2021
#7788 Allow to edit the ALT text Photo Directory enhancement new 09/30/2024
#2947 Allow uploading and embedding of video files to Trac Trac enhancement new 07/10/2017
#7762 Allow user to filter his own topics on a plugin or theme forum on Support Forums feature request new 08/31/2024
#5453 Allow users to view their props launched in a release Trac defect (bug) new 09/26/2020
#6553 Alphabetically sort the Workflow Keywords dropdown Trac enhancement new 10/28/2022
#7672 Alter sensitive data replacement mechanism Support Forums defect (bug) new 06/13/2024
#5529 Alter trac robots.txt Trac defect (bug) new 12/03/2020
#6977 Archive of taxonomy page should display the excerpt enhancement new 05/09/2023
#5536 Ask for the Plugin or Theme that a support thread belongs to in the Create Topic form Support Forums enhancement new 12/09/2020
#7651 Auto posted announcements in Slack when users are awarded badges Communication (Matrix, Slack, IRC) feature request new 05/23/2024
#929 Automate badge for training team Profiles enhancement coffee2code assigned 03/04/2015
#1424 Automate meta contributor badge assignment when receiving props Profiles defect (bug) coffee2code accepted 12/01/2015
#3986 Automate regional WordCamps in the Upcoming Events dashboard widget Events API enhancement new 12/09/2018
#2312 Automate theme reviewer badges Profiles enhancement new 12/06/2016
#7132 Automatic translation for exact strings Translate Site & Plugins feature request new 07/11/2023
#2335 Automatically assign user set as admin for a new forum as a key master International Forums enhancement reopened 12/18/2016
#6410 Automatically grant "Core Performance Contributor" badge based on GitHub contributions Profiles feature request new 07/18/2022
#4697 Backfill Credits API data for older releases API enhancement new 08/20/2019
#2642 Better boosting for phrase matches (or add support for the user to specify a phrase) Plugin Directory enhancement new 03/29/2017
#5748 Block ability to add links in reviews Support Forums enhancement dd32 reopened 05/25/2021
#5374 Block trac ticket submissions with inappropriate language Trac enhancement new 08/12/2020
#5934 Blocking User from Signup Does not Fully Document in profile General defect (bug) dd32 accepted 10/21/2021
#5623 Blocks list incorrect on plugin directory page Plugin Directory defect (bug) new 02/17/2021
#7884 Break structure on hover on "ticket #1885" Make (Get Involved) / P2 defect (bug) reopened 01/08/2025
#291 Bring core trac improvements to other trac instances (meta, bbPress, BuddyPress) Trac enhancement new 01/22/2014
#712 Bring the Showcase to Rosetta sites Showcase enhancement new 11/04/2014
#7668 Broken link to VVV howto Handbooks defect (bug) new 06/08/2024
#2531 Broken link to mailing list on bbPress Trac Mailing Lists enhancement new 02/23/2017
#5598 Broken links to usability tests in Test Team handbook Handbooks defect (bug) ironprogrammer assigned 02/02/2021
#5141 Add link of developer pages to the main navigation enhancement new 04/09/2020
#3389 Build Elasticsearch Index: Developer Hub Developer Hub task (blessed) gibrown assigned 01/17/2018
#3388 Build Elasticsearch Index: Support Forums Support Forums task (blessed) gibrown assigned 01/17/2018
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Note: See TracReports for help on using and creating reports.