
{2} Active Tickets by Version (1001 matches)

This report shows how to color results by priority, while grouping results by version.

Last modification time, description and reporter are included as hidden fields for useful RSS export.

Results (901 - 1000 of 1001)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

(empty) (100 matches)

Ticket Summary Component Version Type Owner Status Created
#2884 Send notification if review is edited Support Forums enhancement new 06/19/2017
#2862 Forums: Merge wporg-bbp-* plugins into the main support forums plugin Support Forums enhancement new 06/14/2017
#2847 allow filtering of @since tax archive by the type of change Developer Hub enhancement new 06/02/2017
#2843 Slack: Add ?support Slackbot auto-response Communication (Matrix, Slack, IRC) enhancement new 05/31/2017
#2822 Support forum should have better styling on mobile (6.44′ screen) Support Forums enhancement new 05/11/2017
#2797 Plugins: Suggest related plugins when the current plugin hasn't been updated in two years Plugin Directory enhancement reopened 04/29/2017
#2754 Plugin directory search highlighting Plugin Directory feature request reopened 04/19/2017
#2753 Plugin directory search sorting and filtering Plugin Directory enhancement new 04/19/2017
#2738 Plugin Directory: Single line breaks in readme.txt should be ignored Plugin Directory defect (bug) tellyworth assigned 04/14/2017
#2699 Add a new role to the forums: plugin/theme support Support Forums enhancement Otto42 accepted 04/07/2017
#2686 Plugin Search: Search should also take into account the number of ratings Plugin Directory enhancement new 04/05/2017
#2666 Support Forums: Expose and enhance global plugin author views Support Forums enhancement new 03/31/2017
#2642 Better boosting for phrase matches (or add support for the user to specify a phrase) Plugin Directory enhancement new 03/29/2017
#2596 Add Default Text in Support form as a Template for Asking Good Support Questions Support Forums enhancement new 03/22/2017
#2565 Plugin Directory: Improve stats for developers Plugin Directory enhancement new 03/07/2017
#2538 Plugin Directory: Preview Readme Plugin Directory feature request tellyworth assigned 02/27/2017
#2537 Support Forums: Audit Log for Mod Actions Support Forums enhancement netweb accepted 02/27/2017
#2531 Broken link to mailing list on bbPress Trac Mailing Lists enhancement new 02/23/2017
#2517 locale banner shows an empty link General defect (bug) ocean90 assigned 02/19/2017
#2504 Forums: Replies from archived topics are still displayed in user profiles Support Forums defect (bug) new 02/14/2017
#2490 Forums should have a way to search for posts made by a particular user Support Forums defect (bug) new 02/09/2017
#2440 Trac links are automatically added even when `#NNN` reference has an existing link Make (Get Involved) / P2 defect (bug) pento assigned 01/25/2017
#2431 Create a public facing page to list all current external libraries Developer Hub enhancement new 01/24/2017
#2424 Add text of reviews to plugin search to improve search Plugin Directory enhancement new 01/23/2017
#2416 Plugin Search Should Autocorrect when few results Plugin Directory enhancement new 01/20/2017
#2388 Glossary rewrite broken for sites with multiple handbooks Handbooks defect (bug) new 01/15/2017
#2358 Make P2s: allow authors with existing moderated comments to upload files Make (Get Involved) / P2 enhancement pento assigned 01/06/2017
#2335 Automatically assign user set as admin for a new forum as a key master International Forums enhancement reopened 12/18/2016
#2320 Global stats for GlotPress to identify possible future GTE Translate Site & Plugins enhancement tellyworth accepted 12/08/2016
#2312 Automate theme reviewer badges Profiles enhancement new 12/06/2016
#2300 Plugin Directory: Hide some plugins from search Plugin Directory enhancement new 12/04/2016
#2289 Allow cmd/ctrl-enter to submit the comment form in Trac Trac enhancement SergeyBiryukov reopened 12/03/2016
#2273 Screenshot UI for plugin directory Plugin Directory enhancement ryelle assigned 11/28/2016
#2264 Change the default Twitter account in Rosetta local sites at .org International Sites (Rosetta) enhancement new 11/23/2016
#2224 Support Theme: Custom Display for Plugin/Theme reviews Support Forums enhancement new 11/10/2016
#2214 Forums: Automate Support badges Support Forums enhancement new 11/07/2016
#2207 GTEs should be able to mark PTE requests as resolved Make (Get Involved) / P2 enhancement new 11/03/2016
#2204 Forum RSS Feed Issues Support Forums defect (bug) SergeyBiryukov accepted 11/03/2016
#2197 Show reviews on the user profile page Profiles enhancement new 11/02/2016
#2192 Change the name of "invalid" ticket resolution Trac defect (bug) assigned 10/31/2016
#2184 Overall translation contributor stats for a locale Translate Site & Plugins enhancement new 10/26/2016
#2129 forum profiles should have a link to the profile enhancement new 10/11/2016
#2127 enhancement: add an optional slug field for the video submission form enhancement dd32 reviewing 10/11/2016
#2122 Introduce "watch later" functionality enhancement new 10/09/2016
#2107 Prevent posting 10k lines of logs in replies, recommend Pastebin or GitHub gists Support Forums enhancement tellyworth accepted 10/04/2016
#2082 Enable revisions on the front end for DevHub/HelpHub/Handbook pages HelpHub ( enhancement new 09/27/2016
#2008 and activity should appear on profiles Profiles enhancement new 09/09/2016
#2003 Open source all Rosetta mu-plugins as one plugin International Sites (Rosetta) task (blessed) new 09/08/2016
#1866 Add a basic "suggest an edit" workflow to the handbooks plugin Handbooks enhancement DrewAPicture accepted 07/29/2016
#1665 Rosetta release page embed uses placeholder text International Sites (Rosetta) defect (bug) new 04/13/2016
#1664 Display translated projects in profiles Profiles enhancement new 04/13/2016
#1629 Create archives for popular and recent videos and link to them from home page sections enhancement new 03/13/2016
#1608 Trac: Enhance uploading attachments Trac enhancement new 02/29/2016
#1563 Feature request: Ability to edit plugin slug Plugin Directory enhancement reopened 02/08/2016
#1510 Add full transcripts to videos on enhancement new 01/08/2016
#1502 Add redirects for URLs referenced in git-svn-id Trac enhancement new 12/30/2015
#1471 Streamline the process of checking waiting/fuzzy strings Translate Site & Plugins enhancement new 12/17/2015
#1456 Increase font sizes site-wide enhancement new 12/10/2015
#1455 Surfacing Related Content on WPTV enhancement new 12/10/2015
#1442 Sort event videos by event date instead of upload date enhancement new 12/07/2015
#1434 Create terms list pages enhancement new 12/03/2015
#1433 Mention WordCamp twitter in tweet when publishing new video enhancement new 12/03/2015
#1429 Implement JQuery autocomplete on fields of submit video form enhancement new 12/03/2015
#1424 Automate meta contributor badge assignment when receiving props Profiles defect (bug) coffee2code accepted 12/01/2015
#1381 Trac could have a "Thank You" button or link Trac enhancement new 11/05/2015
#1292 Display Events on Rosetta Sites International Sites (Rosetta) enhancement new 10/04/2015
#1278 Plugins Install API: Add ability to order results API enhancement tellyworth accepted 10/01/2015
#1218 Create new build (continuous/latest) that updates after each commit Version Control enhancement new 09/03/2015
#1181 Enhancement for Reviews/Ratings: Use a Rolling Time Frame for more current reviews Support Forums enhancement new 08/13/2015
#1156 ISO Language Code Tag to Improve API enhancement new 07/31/2015
#1139 Remember locale selection Translate Site & Plugins enhancement new 07/20/2015
#1119 Display multiple uploaded images to a ticket as a gallery Trac enhancement new 07/09/2015
#1078 Enable community-translator Translate Site & Plugins enhancement assigned 06/10/2015
#1077 Fix anchors in the bbPress & BuddyPress Codex theme so that anchors are not behind the toolbar defect (bug) assigned 06/09/2015
#1072 Plugins Directory Search for incomplete names API enhancement tellyworth reviewing 06/03/2015
#1044 Generate a list of translation contributors per release cycle Translate Site & Plugins enhancement new 05/22/2015
#988 Profiles: Assign badges to WPTV contributors Profiles enhancement new 04/09/2015
#987 Display WPTV videos on speaker and producer profiles Profiles enhancement assigned 04/09/2015
#969 Allow multiple screenshots Theme Directory enhancement new 03/22/2015
#929 Automate badge for training team Profiles enhancement coffee2code assigned 03/04/2015
#871 Inactive Profiles Need a Better Design Profiles enhancement reopened 02/16/2015
#815 Forums to Support Syntax Highlighting Support Forums enhancement tellyworth accepted 01/15/2015
#712 Bring the Showcase to Rosetta sites Showcase enhancement new 11/04/2014
#681 Community profile badges disappear for WordCamp organisers of two different WordCamps Profiles defect (bug) new 10/27/2014
#658 Internationalization DevHub Developer Hub enhancement new 10/14/2014
#649 Link to handbook for trac should be on the edit trac box Trac enhancement new 10/10/2014
#613 JSON output/endpoint(s) for Profiles enhancement new 09/18/2014
#527 Profiles: Badges should link to the corresponding team Profiles enhancement new 06/22/2014
#518 unify profiles Profiles enhancement assigned 06/17/2014
#499 Trac nav menus should be consistent across all Tracs Trac enhancement new 06/02/2014
#479 Add ability to browse activity history to profiles Profiles enhancement new 05/17/2014
#314 Opt-out of getting email notifications for Trac comments I leave Trac enhancement reopened 02/06/2014
#291 Bring core trac improvements to other trac instances (meta, bbPress, BuddyPress) Trac enhancement new 01/22/2014
#273 Keyboard navigation friendliness for Trac Trac defect (bug) reopened 01/10/2014
#215 Feature Request: Readme.txt generated tabs on theme pages Theme Directory enhancement new 10/25/2013
#174 Link to generally related functions/classes Developer Hub enhancement assigned 09/05/2013
#89 Add email notifications for new jobs on Jobs ( enhancement new 08/19/2013
#83 X account for Jobs ( enhancement coffee2code assigned 08/16/2013
#45 Theme repository - add changelog listing tab Theme Directory task (blessed) new 07/28/2013
#30 Make better theme test data for display in the theme directory. Theme Directory enhancement new 07/28/2013
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
Note: See TracReports for help on using and creating reports.