
{2} Active Tickets by Version (1000 matches)

This report shows how to color results by priority, while grouping results by version.

Last modification time, description and reporter are included as hidden fields for useful RSS export.

Results (501 - 600 of 1000)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

(empty) (100 matches)

Ticket Summary Component Version Type Owner Status Created
#7714 Add informational section on the theme single for themes with Accessibility Ready tag describing what that means Theme Directory enhancement new 07/11/2024
#7715 Add accessibility information section on theme single in Theme Directory Theme Directory enhancement new 07/11/2024
#7748 Add Approve button to Categories: in the Submitted video section enhancement new 08/16/2024
#7752 Add a link for "reports replied to" Support Forums enhancement new 08/22/2024
#7756 Closed plugin not really closed Plugin Directory enhancement new 08/26/2024
#7757 Make a smaller content box Photo Directory enhancement coffee2code reopened 08/26/2024
#7759 Ability to report a photo Photo Directory enhancement new 08/29/2024
#7760 Change Blocks Listing Design for better experience Plugin Directory enhancement new 08/30/2024
#7773 Lowercase all tags Plugin Directory enhancement new 09/13/2024
#7778 Integrate Plugin Check into plugin submissions Plugin Directory enhancement new 09/18/2024
#7782 Add block-variation detection Plugin Directory enhancement new 09/22/2024
#7800 Information about the (green) hosting of Site enhancement new 10/11/2024
#7801 Plugin submission: Improve "Waiting time" message, Plugin Directory enhancement new 10/12/2024
#7805 Add Screenshot Upload to forums Support Forums enhancement new 10/15/2024
#7816 Display a special banner for very old, obsolete plugins Plugin Directory enhancement new 10/30/2024
#7817 Add OperaGX to the list of permitted browsers Browse Happy enhancement new 11/01/2024
#7854 Add Javascript validation to Photo Directory submissions Photo Directory enhancement new 12/12/2024
#7867 New User Checks: If someone is registering from a WordCamp/Event site, don't be as aggressive on checks Profiles enhancement new 12/20/2024
#7879 The page content needs update. Site enhancement new 01/06/2025
#7882 Users Can Unknowingly Subscribe to Plugin Developer Updates Plugin Directory enhancement new 01/07/2025
#7883 Disable membership requests Profiles enhancement new 01/08/2025
#7909 Configure #core-build-test-tools in Core Trac Communication (Matrix, Slack, IRC) enhancement dd32 accepted 02/12/2025
#7910 Show excerpt only on Planet feeds Planet ( enhancement new 02/12/2025
#314 Opt-out of getting email notifications for Trac comments I leave Trac enhancement reopened 02/06/2014
#815 Forums to Support Syntax Highlighting Support Forums enhancement tellyworth accepted 01/15/2015
#871 Inactive Profiles Need a Better Design Profiles enhancement reopened 02/16/2015
#929 Automate badge for training team Profiles enhancement coffee2code assigned 03/04/2015
#1044 Generate a list of translation contributors per release cycle Translate Site & Plugins enhancement new 05/22/2015
#1139 Remember locale selection Translate Site & Plugins enhancement new 07/20/2015
#1181 Enhancement for Reviews/Ratings: Use a Rolling Time Frame for more current reviews Support Forums enhancement new 08/13/2015
#2107 Prevent posting 10k lines of logs in replies, recommend Pastebin or GitHub gists Support Forums enhancement tellyworth accepted 10/04/2016
#2127 enhancement: add an optional slug field for the video submission form enhancement dd32 reviewing 10/11/2016
#2300 Plugin Directory: Hide some plugins from search Plugin Directory enhancement new 12/04/2016
#2822 Support forum should have better styling on mobile (6.44′ screen) Support Forums enhancement new 05/11/2017
#3024 Support Forums: Introduce a Recount Replies action for topics Support Forums enhancement new 08/05/2017
#3275 easy link "my tickets" needed Trac enhancement new 11/19/2017
#3321 Remove active duplicates from Events API Events API enhancement new 12/11/2017
#3868 Option to download Theme, Plugin and REST API Handbooks together with WP-CLI Commands and Code Reference as PDF Handbooks enhancement new 10/11/2018
#3992 Gutenberg Theme: Add old-browser fallback General enhancement new 12/11/2018
#4281 Minify wp4.css General enhancement new 03/15/2019
#4506 i18n: Create list with CL-PTE's and their respective projects Translate Site & Plugins enhancement new 06/11/2019
#4522 Glossary Landingpage General enhancement new 06/20/2019
#4669 Generate theme screenshot from the demo preview Theme Directory enhancement new 08/11/2019
#4750 Add Contributors & Developers section to theme single page Theme Directory enhancement new 10/01/2019
#4755 Establish browser requirements General enhancement reopened 10/03/2019
#5138 Showcase: add more fields to submission form to be used as filters in showcase later on Showcase enhancement new 04/07/2020
#5462 Add signposting to the end of truncated pagination General enhancement new 10/05/2020
#5552 Allow mods to hide moderator badge Support Forums enhancement new 12/18/2020
#5557 Add a hovering button to join slack community in Make Blog Network Make (Get Involved) / P2 enhancement new 12/23/2020
#5693 Allow themes to re-use a rejected slug Theme Directory enhancement new 04/06/2021
#5841 Make it easier to copy from the other languages without it copying the string. Translate Site & Plugins enhancement new 07/26/2021
#5903 Warn when a plugin tag is made, but never released Plugin Directory enhancement new 09/14/2021
#6053 Display friendly page on 404 of plugin/theme projects Translate Site & Plugins enhancement new 01/27/2022
#6122 Allow for retraction before moderation Photo Directory enhancement new 02/18/2022
#6415 Add a link to the overview page to the menu bar of meta trac Trac enhancement new 07/20/2022
#6464 Enable shortlinks for custom post types for Site enhancement new 08/31/2022
#6763 Update robots.txt (and rosetta variations) General enhancement reopened 02/17/2023
#6766 Update to prevent spam attacks General enhancement new 02/17/2023
#6853 Request more information on Plugin submission Plugin Directory enhancement new 03/13/2023
#7161 Remove auto-closure from support from threads and add warning if thread is old instead Support Forums enhancement new 07/28/2023
#7255 Add a one-off "I have read the guidelines" checkbox before posting for the first time Support Forums enhancement new 09/07/2023
#7312 Improve homepage SEO enhancement new 10/19/2023
#7403 Plugin Directory: Field on plugin info page for GDPR data collection Privacy Plugin Directory enhancement reopened 01/11/2024
#7538 Instead Feed page , its showing HTML Support Forums enhancement new 03/28/2024
#7788 Allow to edit the ALT text Photo Directory enhancement new 09/30/2024
#7872 Change CSS thumbnail aspect ratio to 3/2 Photo Directory enhancement new 12/30/2024
#1119 Display multiple uploaded images to a ticket as a gallery Trac enhancement new 07/09/2015
#1381 Trac could have a "Thank You" button or link Trac enhancement new 11/05/2015
#1502 Add redirects for URLs referenced in git-svn-id Trac enhancement new 12/30/2015
#2862 Forums: Merge wporg-bbp-* plugins into the main support forums plugin Support Forums enhancement new 06/14/2017
#4950 Links in Trac tickets should be nofollow'd Trac enhancement dd32 reopened 01/09/2020
#5780 Defer and move navigation.js General enhancement new 06/23/2021
#6297 Video upload content Cutting Off in small viewport size enhancement new 04/28/2022
#6300 Need left side spacing hero title in small viewport size enhancement new 05/03/2022
#6317 Table text cutting Off Translate Site & Plugins enhancement new 05/19/2022
#6648 Unnecessary horizontal scroller on the Mercantile login page Swag Store ( enhancement new 12/25/2022
#6729 Enhancement suggestion in Comment form at the bottom of the page HelpHub ( enhancement new 02/02/2023
#7446 Improved Search Bar Filter Design in responsive General enhancement new 02/07/2024
#7592 Improve the button design Swag Store ( enhancement new 04/17/2024
#7617 Search for translated text in different locale Plugin Directory enhancement new 04/30/2024
#7629 Allow changing the Closure reason Plugin Directory enhancement new 05/07/2024
#7716 Need clear definition of Explicit Consent for Plugin Guidelines Plugin Directory enhancement reopened 07/13/2024
#7844 Update Plugin's Advanced Options heading to add ID Plugin Directory enhancement new 12/03/2024
#7235 Props page credits people who have gotten unprops General defect (bug) new 08/24/2023
#2504 Forums: Replies from archived topics are still displayed in user profiles Support Forums defect (bug) new 02/14/2017
#3594 Email notifications not sent for updates to watched tickets and still sent for blocked tickets Trac defect (bug) new 04/27/2018
#3674 Forums: pending replies do not send notification after reviewed Support Forums defect (bug) new 06/20/2018
#5047 Add check to forum subscriptions if the account is "Blocked" or "Spectator" Support Forums defect (bug) new 02/21/2020
#5104 Relax request limits on Showcase URLs Showcase defect (bug) new 03/20/2020
#5105 Remove bot blocking (403 responses) on * sites. Trac defect (bug) new 03/20/2020
#5168 Noindex stale plugin peripherals Support Forums defect (bug) tellyworth reviewing 04/24/2020
#5190 Plugin images/screenshots should be lazy-loaded Plugin Directory defect (bug) new 05/01/2020
#5322 Paginated states of topics should append a trailing slash Support Forums defect (bug) tellyworth accepted 07/21/2020
#5587 Skip sanitization of code snippets in forum replies email notifications Support Forums defect (bug) new 01/27/2021
#5708 Allow only moderators to remove modlook tag Support Forums defect (bug) new 04/20/2021
#5859 Improve video thumbnail images defect (bug) new 08/11/2021
#6326 Need to synchronize authors' lists on Rosetta sites International Sites (Rosetta) defect (bug) new 05/25/2022
#6443 /page/2/ being adding to reply links incorrectly Support Forums defect (bug) new 08/14/2022
#6515 Forums: Add ability to sort unresolved threads Support Forums defect (bug) new 10/04/2022
#6591 Add Note or Feedback comment Add/Editor not working Developer Hub defect (bug) new 11/23/2022
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Note: See TracReports for help on using and creating reports.