
{6} All Tickets By Milestone (Including closed) (7879 matches)

A more complex example to show how to make advanced reports.

Results (4701 - 4800 of 7879)

(empty) (100 matches)

Ticket Summary Component Status Resolution Version Type Priority Owner Modified
#7803 Alignment or the presence of numbers General closed duplicate defect (bug) normal 10/14/2024
#7797 Broken link in application password integratrion guide article General closed fixed defect (bug) normal 10/10/2024
#5184 Homepage requests with a 'page' parameter should return a 404 General closed reported-upstream defect (bug) lowest 10/01/2024
#7787 add SVG into allowed html tags (kses) General closed invalid enhancement normal 09/30/2024
#7786 La mise à jour a échoué : Le téléchargement a échoué. Not Found General closed fixed defect (bug) normal 09/30/2024
#7771 Rendering arbitrary Tailwind CSS classes break in Gutenberg Block General closed invalid defect (bug) normal 09/12/2024
#7764 wp_kses missing style attribute for tr tags General closed invalid defect (bug) normal 09/06/2024
#7755 Meta Components ticket links returns 404 General closed fixed defect (bug) normal dd32 08/26/2024
#7306 Ofiicial Mastodon account General closed maybelater feature request normal 08/12/2024
#7740 Admin bar: A11y feedback General closed reported-upstream defect (bug) high 08/08/2024
#7723 Minimum PHP version incorrect as of WordPress 6.6 General closed fixed defect (bug) normal dd32 07/31/2024
#7712 Bug: Image attributes don't propogate to posts, pages, products, etc General closed invalid defect (bug) normal 07/09/2024
#7184 Link is wrong for Puneet on HeroPress for WordPress Remembers page. General closed fixed defect (bug) normal adamwood 06/20/2024
#6691 Links on don't open General closed wontfix defect (bug) high 06/17/2024
#5133 Don't load wp4.css on the homepage. General closed fixed enhancement normal 06/17/2024
#4112 Proposal to change the headings hierarchy in the Home page General closed worksforme defect (bug) normal 06/10/2024
#7175 User Meta for Memorial Accounts General closed fixed task (blessed) normal 05/29/2024
#7661 Selective Unsync Pattern General closed invalid enhancement normal 05/29/2024
#6649 Content overflow issue in responsive design General closed fixed defect (bug) low 05/28/2024
#6646 Needs to remove unused variable. General closed maybelater defect (bug) lowest 05/15/2024
#6671 unused variable removed. General closed maybelater defect (bug) lowest 05/15/2024
#7625 Documentation Link Redirect Issue on WordPress Meta Handbook General closed fixed defect (bug) high 05/07/2024
#7626 On button hover focus not working General closed duplicate defect (bug) normal 05/06/2024
#7571 Design issue : search suggestion have more space General closed fixed defect (bug) lowest dufresnesteven 04/17/2024
#7585 Jetpack: Your site URL is a known local development environment URL General closed reported-upstream defect (bug) lowest 04/14/2024
#268 Update Quantcast script to support https without SSL erros General closed fixed defect (bug) normal nacin 04/12/2024
#7570 Gravatar WordPress website verification not working General closed invalid defect (bug) normal 04/11/2024
#7478 Add option to deactivate glossary on pages General closed invalid feature request lowest 04/10/2024
#7546 Code 500 General closed invalid defect (bug) high 04/02/2024
#7447 Bullet Points Shown Twice in Lesson Quiz General closed reported-upstream defect (bug) normal 03/18/2024
#7517 Add a new Post from the editor General closed invalid feature request normal 03/14/2024
#7516 More Space in Bottom Area General closed fixed enhancement lowest 03/14/2024
#7498 Some 404 errors General closed reported-upstream defect (bug) normal 03/01/2024
#7497 The Featured Image is not showing error message for mismatch mine type. General closed invalid enhancement normal 02/29/2024
#7476 Font Collection JSON schema redirection General closed reported-upstream feature request normal 02/21/2024
#7458 Include Preact in WordPress 6.4 credits. General closed fixed defect (bug) normal dd32 02/12/2024
#7441 Host SVG image previews and JSON collection data for Google Fonts listed in the Font Library for Gutenberg 17.7 version. General closed fixed defect (bug) normal 02/06/2024
#7282 Host SVG image previews and JSON collection data for Google Fonts listed in the Font Library General closed fixed defect (bug) high 02/05/2024
#4233 Footer wordpress twitter id hover underline break General closed invalid enhancement high dd32 01/23/2024
#6891 Data erasure requests: Update important information about forum content General closed fixed defect (bug) normal dd32 01/22/2024
#7379 Suggestion for Update text From Privacy to Privacy Policy General closed invalid defect (bug) normal 12/17/2023
#7363 Raise the minimum required version of MySQL to 5.5.5 General closed fixed task (blessed) normal 12/14/2023
#150 Better 404 page for General closed fixed defect (bug) low 12/07/2023
#957 Create a community Code of Conduct General closed fixed enhancement normal 12/07/2023
#5968 Curate more #ILoveWP posts on testimonials webpage General closed reported-upstream task (blessed) normal 12/05/2023
#5958 improve Twitter #ILoveWP hashtag link on Testimonials page General closed invalid enhancement normal 12/05/2023
#6653 random bolded table cell borders General closed invalid defect (bug) normal 11/07/2023
#7324 Need to fix CSS issue in block for line height General closed duplicate defect (bug) normal 11/01/2023
#6618 Spacing Issue in donation form. General closed fixed defect (bug) normal 10/24/2023
#6623 Content overflow issue in responsive design General closed invalid enhancement normal 10/24/2023
#6462 Error displayed on General closed fixed defect (bug) normal 10/24/2023
#5477 Add CORS headers for responses from General closed fixed enhancement normal 10/24/2023
#7286 Icon are not aligned properly General closed invalid defect (bug) lowest 09/25/2023
#7002 Individual pattern translation General closed duplicate defect (bug) normal 09/24/2023
#7283 Patch version support in the stats endpoint General closed wontfix feature request normal 09/20/2023
#7264 Getting JS error on Preview button click General closed duplicate defect (bug) normal 09/08/2023
#7263 Next button text is missing General closed duplicate defect (bug) normal 09/08/2023
#7247 Images have lost proportions General closed invalid defect (bug) normal 09/02/2023
#7223 Add support for short Gutenberg Phase 3 url General closed fixed enhancement normal 08/21/2023
#7216 Sidebar position issue in any documentation detail page General closed reported-upstream defect (bug) lowest 08/17/2023
#7190 Incorrect link (to WP 6.2) in 6.3 release notes General closed fixed defect (bug) normal 08/09/2023
#7150 Make redirect to General closed reported-upstream feature request low 07/20/2023
#6654 Documenting the globals in various files into the General closed wontfix enhancement lowest 07/11/2023
#7127 WordPress profile name is showing as [1] General closed fixed defect (bug) high paulkevan 07/06/2023
#7125 One Contributor profile is showing twice General closed fixed defect (bug) normal 07/05/2023
#7118 Filter structure issue. General closed duplicate defect (bug) normal 07/04/2023
#7047 Fix homepage og image General closed fixed defect (bug) high paulkevan 06/28/2023
#7081 Remove hreflang tags from /hosting/ page General closed fixed defect (bug) low dd32 06/21/2023
#5709 redirects to the http:// version of Gravatar, rather than https:// General closed reported-upstream defect (bug) normal 05/24/2023
#6949 How to block the user if login from the cookies General closed invalid defect (bug) high 04/25/2023
#6532 WebAssembly WordPress demo page General closed fixed feature request normal 04/14/2023
#6875 "Receive notifications by email" feature getting unchecked intermittently General closed fixed defect (bug) high dd32 03/28/2023
#6866 superfly menu Skewed style submenu not working General closed invalid defect (bug) normal 03/18/2023
#6861 Search label is misplaced for the single page of donate. General closed duplicate defect (bug) normal 03/15/2023
#6856 Disabling Responsive Columns on Mobile General closed invalid defect (bug) normal 03/13/2023
#6855 WordPress Org Mobile responsive menu design not proper. General closed invalid enhancement normal 03/13/2023
#6840 Click to link counter General closed invalid feature request normal 03/07/2023
#6806 Input checkboxes are not displaying properly on mobile devices, They appear to be a bigger size. General closed invalid defect (bug) normal 02/24/2023
#6770 Don't enqueue zxcvbn.min.js when not needed General closed reported-upstream defect (bug) high 02/22/2023
#6794 page inner sub menu dropdown not working on mobile devices. General closed fixed defect (bug) normal 02/22/2023
#6780 Design break issue on website General closed reported-upstream defect (bug) normal 02/18/2023
#3559 About section: make heading sizes consistent General closed fixed defect (bug) normal mapk 02/18/2023
#5610 Update Google Fonts CSS General closed invalid task (blessed) lowest 02/17/2023
#5810 Enforce a trailing slash on user profile links General closed fixed defect (bug) lowest dd32 02/17/2023
#5345 Document indexing controls General closed fixed defect (bug) lowest 02/17/2023
#4898 Gutenberg pages lack localised title component General closed fixed defect (bug) lowest 02/17/2023
#5806 Remove legacy robots.txt disallow directives General closed fixed defect (bug) low 02/17/2023
#5638 Improve homepage screenshots markup General closed invalid enhancement normal 02/17/2023
#5290 Requests containing 'cat=-1' omit canonical (and hreflang) tags General closed fixed defect (bug) normal 02/17/2023
#4796 Improve profile sub-page titles when paginated General closed fixed defect (bug) normal 02/17/2023
#5024 Provide/verify access to * sites in Google Search Console. General closed fixed task (blessed) high 02/17/2023
#5458 Redirects should not trigger 429 responses, and rate limiting should be relaxed. General closed duplicate defect (bug) highest omg bbq 02/17/2023
#6755 Content overflow issue in Documentation page General closed duplicate defect (bug) normal 02/14/2023
#6751 l'éditeur a rencontré une erreur inattendue General closed invalid defect (bug) high 02/13/2023
#188 "Search" placeholder has too low contrast General closed fixed defect (bug) normal coffee2code 02/10/2023
#6713 Got errors with $src_url['path'] from wp-includes\l10n.php on login page. General closed invalid defect (bug) normal 01/26/2023
#6710 design break issue on mobile General closed duplicate defect (bug) normal 01/25/2023
#95 Update Privacy policy with list of sites General closed fixed task (blessed) lowest samuelsidler 01/03/2023
#6640 In wordpress Meetup page overlap issue is happen in responsive. General closed invalid defect (bug) normal 12/22/2022
#6637 White space issue in responsive General closed invalid defect (bug) normal 12/20/2022
Note: See TracReports for help on using and creating reports.