
{6} All Tickets By Milestone (Including closed) (7894 matches)

A more complex example to show how to make advanced reports.

Results (4401 - 4500 of 7894)

(empty) (100 matches)

Ticket Summary Component Status Resolution Version Type Priority Owner Modified
#6850 "Developer Resources" detail pages layout breaking on mobile screens Site closed duplicate defect (bug) normal 03/13/2023
#6854 Spacing Issue in "Filter Options box" new defect (bug) normal 03/13/2023
#6855 WordPress Org Mobile responsive menu design not proper. General closed invalid enhancement normal 03/13/2023
#6856 Disabling Responsive Columns on Mobile General closed invalid defect (bug) normal 03/13/2023
#6857 Spacing Issue in "Filter Options box" new defect (bug) normal 03/14/2023
#6861 Search label is misplaced for the single page of donate. General closed duplicate defect (bug) normal 03/15/2023
#6862 Add support for component Slack channels Make (Get Involved) / P2 new enhancement normal 03/15/2023
#6859 Content overflow issue Showcase closed invalid defect (bug) normal 03/15/2023
#3935 Language specific screenshots Plugin Directory closed fixed enhancement normal 03/16/2023
#6863 Hosting Team Weekly Chat and Photo Directory Team Meeting link showing 404 Make (Get Involved) / P2 closed invalid feature request normal 03/16/2023
#6866 superfly menu Skewed style submenu not working General closed invalid defect (bug) normal 03/18/2023
#6869 Add announce to training team coffee hour host Communication (Matrix, Slack, IRC) closed invalid defect (bug) normal psykro 03/20/2023
#211 Credits API: (groups - props - placeholders) wrong value for version API closed invalid defect (bug) normal 03/21/2023
#6845 Add Brave browser to Browse Happy closed fixed enhancement high coffee2code 03/22/2023
#6876 New Committer - March 2023 Version Control closed fixed defect (bug) normal 03/22/2023
#165 Add new status for support threads: "awaiting user's verification for resolution" Support Forums closed wontfix enhancement low 03/22/2023
#3954 Support Forums: Add counters to moderation links Support Forums accepted enhancement normal SergeyBiryukov 03/22/2023
#4176 Request for a URL field on support forum replies Support Forums new enhancement normal 03/22/2023
#4412 Invalid paginated support topic requests should return a 404 Support Forums new defect (bug) normal 03/22/2023
#4576 Support Forums: Add Topic Notes for Moderators and Plugin/Theme Support Role Support Forums new enhancement normal 03/22/2023
#3712 Identify unresolved topics when the last reply is from a support role Support Forums new enhancement normal 03/22/2023
#5985 Accessibility: Use caption in ALT text for single photos Photo Directory closed fixed enhancement normal coffee2code 03/22/2023
#6879 List recent commits to plugin Plugin Directory closed fixed enhancement normal dd32 03/23/2023
#6881 Accessibility issues in Make blog comment fields Make (Get Involved) / P2 new defect (bug) normal 03/23/2023
#3931 Current issue and proposal about "support mails" (individually and subscribe) - Forum mails Support Forums new enhancement normal 03/23/2023
#6883 page inner sub menu dropdown not working on mobile devices and two time logo title display.. Site closed fixed defect (bug) normal 03/24/2023
#6887 Need to space between text area and submit button on the page. Site closed invalid defect (bug) normal 03/24/2023
#6882 Documentation images are not responsive in small viewports HelpHub ( new defect (bug) normal 03/24/2023
#6890 PTE access if assigned is not active for CLPTE's Translate Site & Plugins new defect (bug) normal 03/24/2023
#6892 logo overlapping issue on inner page Codex closed duplicate defect (bug) normal 03/25/2023
#6870 pages logo is not show proper. Codex closed duplicate defect (bug) low 03/25/2023
#6576 WordPress org logo overlap with subtitle Codex closed duplicate defect (bug) normal 03/25/2023
#6274 In header of Codex pages the image is displaying in black. Codex closed duplicate defect (bug) normal 03/25/2023
#6884 Table design not responsive on the page. Site closed wontfix defect (bug) normal 03/26/2023
#219 Enable MP6 network-wide WordCamp Site & Plugins closed fixed task (blessed) normal 03/27/2023
#6893 Function reference docs parser or template show parameter twice Developer Hub new defect (bug) normal 03/27/2023
#6896 The feature request for the plugin page is to add a pop-up lightbox for the screenshots section, which will allow users to view all images using next and previous arrow buttons instead of opening the media image directly. Plugin Directory closed duplicate enhancement normal 03/28/2023
#6875 "Receive notifications by email" feature getting unchecked intermittently General closed fixed defect (bug) high dd32 03/28/2023
#4867 Add feeds for plugin support forum topic replies Support Forums new enhancement normal 03/29/2023
#5146 All Recent Topics RSS Feed returns topics from plugins and themes, not the general forums Support Forums reopened defect (bug) normal 03/29/2023
#5100 Replace all instances that matches the OP's domain name as contained in "the link I need help with" in the content of their post and any follow-up posts with "" Support Forums closed wontfix defect (bug) normal 03/29/2023
#5232 Add flagged user view Support Forums new enhancement normal 03/29/2023
#5006 Mark support helpful/reactions Support Forums new enhancement normal 03/29/2023
#6899 "Schedule changes" option missing in the documentation Site closed worksforme defect (bug) normal 03/29/2023
#6902 Starting newlines aren't visible in the translation editor Translate Site & Plugins new defect (bug) normal 03/29/2023
#6903 Bulk plugin closure / re-open Plugin Directory closed fixed defect (bug) normal dd32 03/31/2023
#6049 incorrectly shows Template: Cover Theme Directory closed fixed defect (bug) normal dd32 03/31/2023
#6909 Internal Messaging Between Users (and how to gate it) Profiles new feature request normal 04/03/2023
#6864 Method for bypassing "Name is in use" upload block Plugin Directory closed fixed enhancement normal 04/03/2023
#6912 Simplify the navigation menu Photo Directory new feature request normal 04/03/2023
#6411 Advanced Administration - New DevHub Handbook Developer Hub closed fixed enhancement normal 04/04/2023
#5229 Support forums: expanded code still has scrollbar Support Forums closed wontfix defect (bug) normal 04/05/2023
#5238 Remove or block the support forum for the defunct "Ask Questions" plugin Support Forums assigned defect (bug) normal dd32 04/05/2023
#5328 Support and Article URLs should 301 to lowercase Support Forums new defect (bug) normal 04/05/2023
#5535 Allow moving threads into the Plugin/Theme support forums Support Forums new enhancement normal 04/05/2023
#5536 Ask for the Plugin or Theme that a support thread belongs to in the Create Topic form Support Forums new enhancement normal 04/05/2023
#5620 Add link to view=all for moderators Support Forums new enhancement normal 04/05/2023
#5629 Track "report this topic" reports Support Forums new defect (bug) normal 04/05/2023
#5688 Preventative measures for forum users sharing e-mail addresses Support Forums new defect (bug) normal 04/05/2023
#5696 Add link to create new topic for closed topics Support Forums new enhancement normal 04/05/2023
#3999 Add link/button to create new topic near "reply form" Support Forums reviewing enhancement normal SergeyBiryukov 04/05/2023
#6872 Update API page for Version Check to show Release Candidates Site closed maybelater enhancement low 04/05/2023
#3594 Email notifications not sent for updates to watched tickets and still sent for blocked tickets Trac new defect (bug) high 04/05/2023
#6917 Add a comment field under published photos Photo Directory closed maybelater enhancement normal 04/06/2023
#6919 Add Advanced Admin handbook to the landing page Developer Hub closed fixed enhancement normal 04/06/2023
#6388 New template for HelpHub HelpHub ( closed fixed enhancement normal 04/06/2023
#5466 Change the way time is displayed when it has been converted to local time zone Site closed fixed defect (bug) normal 04/06/2023
#6923 Profile badge not showing Profiles closed invalid feature request normal 04/07/2023
#5561 Update voice count after user is blocked Support Forums new enhancement normal 04/07/2023
#6924 Adding redirection to old articles in HelpHub to new handbook in DevHub Developer Hub closed reported-upstream enhancement high 04/07/2023
#3922 "How to create a WordPress business website" landing page on General new defect (bug) normal 04/11/2023
#300 Email notifications for all new Trac tickets Trac closed fixed enhancement normal nacin 04/11/2023
#30 Make better theme test data for display in the theme directory. Theme Directory new enhancement high 04/12/2023
#5717 Support Forums: Improve topic report functionality Support Forums new task (blessed) normal 04/12/2023
#5718 Support Forums: Introduce direct moderator replies Support Forums new enhancement normal 04/12/2023
#5723 Support Forums: Flagged users shouldn't set certain topic status options Support Forums new defect (bug) normal 04/12/2023
#5730 Support Forums: Better UX for flagged users updating reviews Support Forums new defect (bug) normal 04/12/2023
#5734 Support Forums: Documentation and Direction for flagged accounts Support Forums new task (blessed) normal 04/12/2023
#5748 Block ability to add links in reviews Support Forums reopened enhancement normal dd32 04/12/2023
#5759 Support Forums: Improve local environment support Support Forums new enhancement normal 04/12/2023
#5877 Create Review - UX improvements along the entire user journey Support Forums new enhancement normal 04/12/2023
#5376 Add Trending tab on a weekly basis Theme Directory closed invalid enhancement low 04/12/2023
#6600 Update Language Suggest text Site closed fixed defect (bug) normal ryelle 04/12/2023
#6097 Need a Quick Way to Copy Attribution Info Photo Directory closed fixed enhancement normal coffee2code 04/12/2023
#6930 Another special page from documentation that links from WP admin HelpHub ( closed reported-upstream defect (bug) normal 04/13/2023
#6932 Photo Directory images not marked as "photograph" on Openverse Photo Directory closed reported-upstream defect (bug) normal 04/13/2023
#6532 WebAssembly WordPress demo page General closed fixed feature request normal 04/14/2023
#6934 Search not returning obvious matches Photo Directory closed fixed defect (bug) normal Otto42 04/14/2023
#202 Styling of page Make (Get Involved) / P2 closed fixed defect (bug) normal 04/17/2023
#6772 Paginated homepage states should 301 to the root General new defect (bug) normal 04/17/2023
#6768 Investigate broken 'jobs page' URLs Site new defect (bug) low 04/17/2023
#4195 Add block editor template for the helphub_version post type HelpHub ( reviewing enhancement normal SergeyBiryukov 04/17/2023
#6937 Empty make forums should be noindex'd Make (Get Involved) / P2 closed fixed defect (bug) lowest 04/18/2023
#6936 Changeset URLs lack canonical URLs Trac closed fixed defect (bug) low dd32 04/18/2023
#6173 Add ALT text field to upload form Photo Directory closed fixed enhancement normal 04/19/2023
#6797 Add an ability to translate strings for exact post/page/article Translate Site & Plugins new feature request normal 04/19/2023
#6933 Theme Page - Active installations counts are wrong Theme Directory closed fixed defect (bug) normal dd32 04/20/2023
#6940 Changes requested add link in email Translate Site & Plugins new enhancement normal 04/20/2023
#6941 Outdated plugin needs to be deleted Site closed invalid defect (bug) normal 04/21/2023
#6810 Provide an API endpoint to fetch theme checksums Theme Directory new feature request normal 04/23/2023
Note: See TracReports for help on using and creating reports.