
{6} All Tickets By Milestone (Including closed) (7786 matches)

A more complex example to show how to make advanced reports.

Results (5801 - 5900 of 7786)

(empty) (100 matches)

Ticket Summary Component Status Resolution Version Type Priority Owner Modified
#7747 Five for the Future contact page select box arrow issue Five For The Future closed fixed defect (bug) low 09/17/2024
#6631 Button padding produces horizontal scrolling issue and white space at very narrow widths Five For The Future closed fixed defect (bug) low 09/17/2024
#7775 The page has a small font size which is not properly visible Trac new defect (bug) low 09/17/2024
#7776 Possible redirect for Core Handbook "Philosophy" Handbooks closed fixed defect (bug) normal 09/17/2024
#6868 Make past meetings paler to ease calendar usage Make (Get Involved) / P2 new enhancement normal 09/17/2024
#7777 Update `phpunit-test-reporter` plugin to 0.2.0 Make (Get Involved) / P2 closed fixed defect (bug) normal dd32 09/18/2024
#7779 The search plugin field should not be blank. Plugin Directory closed maybelater defect (bug) low 09/18/2024
#7411 Add Courses section to Profiles Profiles closed fixed feature request normal 09/18/2024
#5008 Improve forum input fields' contrast and UI Support Forums closed fixed enhancement normal 09/19/2024
#6955 Design looks improper in responsive. Support Forums closed fixed defect (bug) normal 09/19/2024
#7316 Add Blue Checkmark | Plugin Support Topics Support Forums new enhancement normal 09/19/2024
#7659 Add Blue Checkmark | Plugin Support Topics Support Forums closed duplicate enhancement normal 09/19/2024
#7781 Validate the 'Requires' plugin header. Plugin Directory new defect (bug) low 09/20/2024
#7780 Documentation Update: Missing one important param Developer Hub closed reported-upstream enhancement normal 09/20/2024
#7782 Add block-variation detection Plugin Directory new enhancement normal 09/24/2024
#7405 Give plugin authors an easy way to run plugin-check on their pending submitted plugins Plugin Directory closed fixed enhancement normal 09/25/2024
#7773 Lowercase all tags Plugin Directory new enhancement normal 09/25/2024
#7687 Cognitive Accessibility Design issue: An email address should be linked using the “mailto” protocol [[mailto]] with prefilled “to”. General accepted defect (bug) high tellyworth 09/25/2024
#7784 Add Precommit Hook to WordPress Core SVN Version Control closed reported-upstream enhancement normal 09/25/2024
#7761 Add submitted date in Plugin Controls box Plugin Directory accepted enhancement normal tellyworth 09/26/2024
#7769 Live-Preview: load Playground in actual language Plugin Directory closed fixed enhancement normal 09/26/2024
#7706 Tours link lacks padding on smaller screens Make (Get Involved) / P2 new defect (bug) normal 09/29/2024
#7786 La mise à jour a échoué : Le téléchargement a échoué. Not Found General closed fixed defect (bug) normal 09/30/2024
#7787 add SVG into allowed html tags (kses) General closed invalid enhancement normal 09/30/2024
#7788 Allow to edit the ALT text Photo Directory new enhancement low 09/30/2024
#7778 Integrate Plugin Check into plugin submissions Plugin Directory new enhancement normal 10/01/2024
#7064 Reviews: Change from "forever editable" to "threaded" Support Forums new feature request normal 10/01/2024
#7789 Need to avoid extra white space and arrange content properly General new defect (bug) normal 10/01/2024
#5184 Homepage requests with a 'page' parameter should return a 404 General closed reported-upstream defect (bug) lowest 10/01/2024
#7783 Create a Releases page for every plugin. Plugin Directory new defect (bug) normal 10/02/2024
#6275 Flag files as optional in Plugin Checksums Plugin Directory new feature request normal 10/02/2024
#7763 New Core Committer (Bundled Themes): Carolina Nymark (@poena) Version Control closed fixed defect (bug) normal 10/02/2024
#7790 "All" Filter Redirecting to Main Plugins Page Instead of Block-Enabled Plugins Plugin Directory new defect (bug) normal 10/03/2024
#7791 Plugin page carousel sometimes has a JS error, causing screenshots to display massive General new defect (bug) normal 10/03/2024
#7785 Make refresh: Fix welcome box color Make (Get Involved) / P2 closed fixed defect (bug) normal adamwood 10/04/2024
#7792 TOR + VPN usage results in Too Many "429 Too Many Requests" Errors General closed reported-upstream defect (bug) normal 10/08/2024
#6511 Provide helpful plugin stats and insights Plugin Directory reopened feature request high 10/08/2024
#7793 Make the new login checkbox translatable Login & Authentication new defect (bug) high 10/09/2024
#7794 Error Occurs on First Load of WordPress Pattern Creation Page, but Reload Resolves the Issue Pattern Directory new defect (bug) normal 10/09/2024
#7513 Add "My favorites" functionality to the WordPress Photo Directory Photo Directory closed fixed feature request low coffee2code 10/09/2024
#7795 There is currently no option to switch the language back to English Learn ( closed invalid defect (bug) low 10/09/2024
#1585 Plugin Directory - i18n functions Plugin Directory closed wontfix defect (bug) normal 02/13/2016
#1588 Update Plugin Repo Sidebar Links Plugin Directory closed duplicate defect (bug) normal 02/15/2016
#1592 Review deleted but left comments and rating Plugin Directory closed fixed defect (bug) normal 02/18/2016
#1601 Permalink of a draft is not the full parent General closed invalid defect (bug) normal 02/24/2016
#1595 Link to the next page in handbooks without a "Table of Contents" menu Handbooks closed fixed enhancement normal coffee2code 02/24/2016
#1604 Plugin Stats: Wrong data Plugin Directory closed duplicate defect (bug) normal 02/27/2016
#1587 Users with a space in their username cannot log in via Login & Authentication closed fixed defect (bug) normal 02/27/2016
#1607 Broken link in Core handbook Make (Get Involved) / P2 closed fixed defect (bug) low 02/29/2016
#1610 Define GLOTPRESS_LOCALES_PATH in wp-config.php ( General closed invalid defect (bug) normal 02/29/2016
#1615 International characters broken in name displayed in Profiles closed worksforme defect (bug) normal 03/02/2016
#1590 Adding/editing a PTE on Rosetta site is very slow International Sites (Rosetta) closed fixed enhancement high 03/05/2016
#1620 Duplicate entries in the #meta-language-packs Slack channel Communication (Matrix, Slack, IRC) closed worksforme defect (bug) normal 03/07/2016
#1622 Lightbox Plugin Screenshots Plugin Directory closed wontfix enhancement high 03/08/2016
#1631 x-default hreflang tag is wrong General closed fixed defect (bug) normal 03/13/2016
#1626 Share buttons on plugin pages Plugin Directory closed wontfix enhancement normal 03/14/2016
#1633 theme card improvement Translate Site & Plugins closed duplicate enhancement normal 03/15/2016
#1634 Shortcode attributes get transferred to lowercase Codex closed fixed task (blessed) normal 03/16/2016
#1632 Remove link from function/hook/whatever title Developer Hub closed fixed defect (bug) normal coffee2code 03/18/2016
#1637 Plugins API query_plugins request doesn't respect 'fields' argument Plugin Directory closed invalid defect (bug) normal 03/18/2016
#1640 Code Reference: more spacing in the parameters section Developer Hub closed fixed defect (bug) normal coffee2code 03/22/2016
#1627 i18n on Developer Hub closed fixed defect (bug) normal coffee2code 03/23/2016
#1647 Improve deprecation notice banner text generation. Developer Hub closed fixed defect (bug) normal coffee2code 03/25/2016
#1644 remove redundant padding on devhub homepage Developer Hub closed fixed defect (bug) normal coffee2code 03/25/2016
#1662 Links to third party libraries out of date API closed fixed task (blessed) normal Otto42 04/12/2016
#1663 Phantom fuzzy strings in contributors table Translate Site & Plugins closed duplicate defect (bug) normal ocean90 04/15/2016
#1648 Permalinks are wrong when using the plain permalink structure Developer Hub closed fixed defect (bug) normal coffee2code 04/15/2016
#1680 Update background colors for the header Jobs ( closed fixed enhancement normal coffee2code 04/22/2016
#1569 Submit Plugin Plugin Directory closed fixed enhancement normal 04/27/2016
#1676 Misspelling on "Paymentt" with double T WordCamp Site & Plugins closed fixed defect (bug) normal iandunn 04/28/2016
#1659 Sort by "Time" broken in Sessions Custom Post Type WordCamp Site & Plugins closed fixed defect (bug) normal iandunn 04/28/2016
#1683 “My Favorites” link in the top right corner don’t open your profile page on the “Favorites” tab directly Plugin Directory closed fixed defect (bug) normal 04/29/2016
#1681 change german translation a bit General closed invalid enhancement low 05/01/2016
#1685 Use the new jobs endpoint for theme imports Translate Site & Plugins closed fixed enhancement normal ocean90 05/02/2016
#1684 Add en_CA to sites WordCamp Site & Plugins closed fixed enhancement low 05/02/2016
#1687 Update Developer Resources: Dashicons General closed fixed enhancement normal coffee2code 05/04/2016
#1694 Prevent HTML entities in ticket notifications Communication (Matrix, Slack, IRC) closed fixed defect (bug) normal 05/07/2016
#1697 Invalid json data on WordCamp JSON API WordCamp Site & Plugins closed fixed defect (bug) normal 05/07/2016
#1704 Inconsistent results in Translation Consistency view Translate Site & Plugins closed fixed defect (bug) normal ocean90 05/11/2016
#1699 #meta-newtickets channel doesn't exist Communication (Matrix, Slack, IRC) closed fixed defect (bug) normal ocean90 05/11/2016
#1705 Update GlotPress link on the Polyglots P2 Make (Get Involved) / P2 closed fixed defect (bug) normal 05/11/2016
#1701 Update trac-security.js Trac closed fixed enhancement normal ocean90 05/13/2016
#1621 Add WordPress Trac alias to InterTrac config Trac closed fixed enhancement normal ocean90 05/13/2016
#1710 Broken Link in Trac Prefs Trac closed fixed defect (bug) normal ocean90 05/14/2016
#1713 Error With support Section Support Forums closed fixed defect (bug) normal 05/17/2016
#1712 Meetings: Add validation for date/time inputs Make (Get Involved) / P2 closed fixed defect (bug) high Otto42 05/18/2016
#1716 No Option to Close/Disable plugins Plugin Directory closed invalid enhancement normal 05/19/2016
#1723 Add support for Youtube, Vimeo & VideoPress Plugin Directory closed fixed task (blessed) normal 05/19/2016
#1725 About testimonials embeds overlaid General closed fixed defect (bug) normal Otto42 05/20/2016
#1666 Add 'fixed-major' keyword to Workflow Keywords dropdown Trac closed fixed defect (bug) normal ocean90 05/23/2016
#1730 Fix auto-linking of inline @see tags for dynamic hooks. Developer Hub closed fixed defect (bug) normal coffee2code 05/24/2016
#1693 Template tags for use in themes Handbooks closed fixed enhancement normal coffee2code 05/24/2016
#1732 Email plugin authors for all new support tickets Plugin Directory closed worksforme enhancement normal 05/25/2016
#1731 Fix notice for function wporg_is_handbook on single post pages Handbooks closed fixed defect (bug) normal coffee2code 05/26/2016
#1667 Upgrade to GlotPress 2.0 Translate Site & Plugins closed fixed task (blessed) high 05/28/2016
#1737 Webservice/endpoint to fetch user profile badges Profiles closed duplicate defect (bug) normal 05/30/2016
#1736 Webservice/endpoint to fetch user profile plugins Profiles closed duplicate enhancement normal 05/30/2016
#1738 The list of required CSS classes is hard to find Handbooks closed fixed defect (bug) normal 05/30/2016
#1733 The search filters are broken. Developer Hub closed fixed defect (bug) normal coffee2code 05/31/2016
#1735 Dissolve the directory Translate Site & Plugins closed fixed task (blessed) normal ocean90 05/31/2016
Note: See TracReports for help on using and creating reports.