
{6} All Tickets By Milestone (Including closed) (7842 matches)

A more complex example to show how to make advanced reports.

Results (6201 - 6300 of 7842)

(empty) (100 matches)

Ticket Summary Component Status Resolution Version Type Priority Owner Modified
#2579 Broken Multi Event Sponsorship Packages WordCamp Site & Plugins closed fixed defect (bug) low iandunn 05/24/2017
#2377 Add gettext to help tab titles in Remote CSS plugin. WordCamp Site & Plugins closed fixed defect (bug) normal iandunn 03/07/2017
#2229 Missing translation functions for budget-tool under "wordcamp-payments" plugin for WordCamp Site & Plugins closed fixed defect (bug) normal iandunn 02/21/2017
#2381 Improve button alignment in customizer of CampTix Badge Generator. WordCamp Site & Plugins closed fixed defect (bug) normal iandunn 02/21/2017
#2143 Internationalize WordCamp Dashboard Widgets plugin WordCamp Site & Plugins closed fixed defect (bug) low iandunn 01/13/2017
#2159 WordCamp Organizers: Add a custom taxonomy for teams WordCamp Site & Plugins closed fixed enhancement normal iandunn 11/11/2016
#1859 Allow Gravatar Email override for organizers WordCamp Site & Plugins closed maybelater enhancement normal iandunn 11/11/2016
#2213 Coming Soon page shows broken admin bar for logged in users WordCamp Site & Plugins closed fixed defect (bug) normal iandunn 11/11/2016
#1992 Add `author` support for Speaker and Session post types WordCamp Site & Plugins closed fixed enhancement low iandunn 09/29/2016
#1830 Invoice Meta Box in Sponsors - blank links WordCamp Site & Plugins closed fixed defect (bug) normal iandunn 09/29/2016
#1902 Hardcoded strings in the fonts plugin for the WordCamp Site & Plugins closed fixed defect (bug) normal iandunn 09/29/2016
#2080 Reimbursement dropdown item has extra pipe character WordCamp Site & Plugins closed fixed defect (bug) low iandunn 09/26/2016
#1848 Wrong link in "WordCamp Reminders" dashboard widget WordCamp Site & Plugins closed fixed defect (bug) normal iandunn 08/07/2016
#1791 Missing translation functions for payment-request WordCamp Site & Plugins closed fixed defect (bug) normal iandunn 07/02/2016
#1786 Hardcoded string in (metabox-sponsor-info.php) WordCamp Site & Plugins closed fixed defect (bug) normal iandunn 06/28/2016
#1774 Prefix CSS Flexbox does not work correctly WordCamp Site & Plugins closed fixed defect (bug) high iandunn 06/21/2016
#1659 Sort by "Time" broken in Sessions Custom Post Type WordCamp Site & Plugins closed fixed defect (bug) normal iandunn 04/28/2016
#1676 Misspelling on "Paymentt" with double T WordCamp Site & Plugins closed fixed defect (bug) normal iandunn 04/28/2016
#3493 CampTix: Poor UX when one ticket type is sold out WordCamp Site & Plugins closed reported-upstream enhancement high hlashbrooke 09/24/2020
#3442 Limit pagination for plugin search results Plugin Directory closed fixed defect (bug) normal gibrown 02/10/2018
#2780 Plugin Directory: Improve Readme Validator styling Plugin Directory closed fixed enhancement normal dufresnesteven 05/25/2020
#3000 More info about grunt patch Handbooks assigned defect (bug) normal dryanpress 06/02/2022
#3301 CampTix: Add field to mark contributor day attendees WordCamp Site & Plugins closed reported-upstream enhancement normal dryanpress 09/24/2020
#3283 Automate thumbnail and about on WordCamp Site & Plugins closed reported-upstream enhancement normal dryanpress 09/24/2020
#3176 Wrong source code in `_wp_image_editor_choose()` function Developer Hub closed fixed defect (bug) normal drewapicture 06/12/2018
#2937 Add WP-CLI to the homepage Developer Hub closed fixed enhancement normal drewapicture 07/13/2017
#1802 Restructure reference pages more logically and apply the TOC to allthethings Developer Hub closed fixed enhancement normal drewapicture 07/09/2016
#2127 enhancement: add an optional slug field for the video submission form reviewing enhancement low dd32 10/21/2019
#2631 Plugin Directory: No way to view Recently Updated plugins Plugin Directory closed fixed enhancement normal dd32 01/22/2024
#3511 Sometimes Status_Transitions::transition_post_status() stores the date as -62169984000 Plugin Directory closed fixed defect (bug) normal dd32 12/01/2023
#3474 Introduce `serve-happy` API endpoint API closed fixed task (blessed) normal dd32 10/09/2023
#1805 Plugin Directory: Indicate developer review replies on plugin pages Plugin Directory closed fixed enhancement normal dd32 11/17/2022
#2552 Support Forums: Bring "Also Viewing" Native Support Forums closed fixed enhancement normal dd32 02/18/2022
#2521 Expose `author_uri` in the API Theme Directory closed fixed enhancement normal dd32 02/25/2021
#3085 Unable to "Follow" or "Unfollow" Make Handbook pages Handbooks closed fixed defect (bug) normal dd32 06/30/2020
#2508 bbPress and Meta Trac should be able to change closed tickets resolution reason Trac closed fixed defect (bug) normal dd32 05/15/2020
#3162 Profiles: Strip shortcodes from Activity entries Profiles closed fixed defect (bug) normal dd32 05/05/2020
#2018 Add functionality to flag topics and replies NSFW Support Forums closed fixed enhancement normal dd32 05/04/2020
#3155 Add total number of waiting strings within a locale from /locale/slug/default Translate Site & Plugins closed fixed enhancement normal dd32 04/14/2020
#2854 On the Advanced View of a plugin the tabs list is missing Plugin Directory closed fixed defect (bug) normal dd32 04/02/2020
#3033 Change microcopy of "Submit changes" button Trac closed fixed enhancement normal dd32 03/25/2020
#2569 Support Forums: No visual indication for visited links Support Forums closed fixed defect (bug) normal dd32 03/19/2020
#1900 Whitelist links in the number of links that force topic/reply moderation Support Forums closed fixed defect (bug) normal dd32 03/17/2020
#3215 Zero themes shown on English variations of the Theme Directory Theme Directory closed fixed defect (bug) high dd32 02/21/2020
#2939 Themes older than 2 years cannot be found by an exact slug match Theme Directory closed fixed defect (bug) normal dd32 01/29/2020
#2768 Change plugin translation summary page link to, to be locale-specific Translate Site & Plugins closed fixed enhancement low dd32 12/05/2019
#2555 Slack: Update Trac bot to support threads Communication (Matrix, Slack, IRC) closed fixed defect (bug) low dd32 10/24/2019
#3224 Theme Trac: Updates to approved tickets should not create new tickets. Theme Review closed fixed enhancement high dd32 10/17/2019
#2729 Profiles: Notifications from plugin/theme forums should include the plugin/theme name Profiles closed fixed enhancement normal dd32 10/14/2019
#3192 Provide an API endpoint to fetch plugin checksums Plugin Directory closed fixed enhancement normal dd32 08/07/2019
#2290 Progress stats for the top 100 plugins and themes Translate Site & Plugins closed fixed enhancement normal dd32 03/28/2019
#2539 Usernames with a space do not work with mentions in trac Trac closed fixed defect (bug) high dd32 01/17/2019
#3317 Add new `coding-standards` focus to core Trac Trac closed fixed task (blessed) normal dd32 05/15/2018
#3513 FAQ links cause a file download dialog with mediawiki blurb within Codex closed fixed defect (bug) normal dd32 04/30/2018
#3046 page outdated General closed fixed task (blessed) high dd32 04/24/2018
#3528 Disable auto zoom in the Header Search Box on mobile General closed fixed defect (bug) normal dd32 04/10/2018
#3265 Serve auto-generated plugin icons via URL Plugin Directory closed fixed defect (bug) normal dd32 04/10/2018
#2844 Javascript Access to Meta API disallowed CORS policy API closed fixed defect (bug) normal dd32 04/04/2018
#3525 Rephrase wording in new about page, features section General closed fixed task (blessed) normal dd32 03/22/2018
#3523 Fix mobile nav menu for /plugins and /themes General closed fixed defect (bug) normal dd32 03/21/2018
#3502 Remove WordPress version dropdown from forums Support Forums closed fixed enhancement normal dd32 03/21/2018
#3414 Forums pagination breaks at page 100 Support Forums closed fixed defect (bug) low dd32 03/19/2018
#1628 Theme description is not always translated Theme Directory closed fixed defect (bug) normal dd32 02/01/2018
#1630 Open source themes info API endpoint API closed fixed task (blessed) normal dd32 01/30/2018
#3390 Account creation confirmation links don't always work Login & Authentication closed fixed defect (bug) normal dd32 01/24/2018
#3391 Password field on login page is shorter than all the other fields. Login & Authentication closed fixed defect (bug) normal dd32 01/18/2018
#3320 Install the latest Node.js 8.x LTS release on the "build" server General closed fixed task (blessed) normal dd32 01/17/2018
#3009 Multiple placeholders should be ordered. Expected '%1$s, %2$s', but got %s, %s. closed fixed defect (bug) normal dd32 01/12/2018
#3335 Plugin Checksum generation failing with filenames containing whitespace Plugin Directory closed fixed defect (bug) normal dd32 12/22/2017
#3337 Showcase loading different scripts Showcase closed fixed defect (bug) normal dd32 12/15/2017
#3328 Incomplete create wporg_events table query API closed fixed defect (bug) normal dd32 12/13/2017
#3276 Adding special keyword for themes with `holiday` tag Theme Review closed fixed enhancement normal dd32 11/21/2017
#3247 Latest release stuck at 4.8.1 on Polyglots Teams page Make (Get Involved) / P2 closed fixed defect (bug) normal dd32 11/07/2017
#2810 plugin_information API Missing Screenshot Captions Plugin Directory closed fixed defect (bug) normal dd32 05/04/2017
#2457 Plugin Directory: Fix a typo and clarify wording in the new plugin requests warning Plugin Directory closed fixed defect (bug) normal dd32 01/28/2017
#2443 no rDNS on Communication (Matrix, Slack, IRC) closed fixed defect (bug) normal dd32 01/27/2017
#2258 Last_updated should be the date the plugin version was last changed, not last updated Plugin Directory closed fixed defect (bug) normal dd32 11/21/2016
#1801 Code blocks are not preformatted Plugin Directory closed fixed defect (bug) normal dd32 11/21/2016
#1789 Videos in plugin description get cut off Plugin Directory closed fixed defect (bug) normal dd32 11/21/2016
#2130 Username not accepted when submitting a video closed fixed defect (bug) normal dd32 10/12/2016
#2093 Plugin Directory: "Tested up to" version should include minor releases Plugin Directory closed fixed defect (bug) normal dd32 10/07/2016
#1938 Correct translator comments in [wporg-plugin-upload] shortcode handler Plugin Directory closed fixed defect (bug) normal dd32 09/07/2016
#1916 Deleted reviews from old plugin directory are shown in new plugin directory Plugin Directory closed fixed defect (bug) high dd32 08/19/2016
#1577 Favorites Plugin Directory closed fixed task (blessed) normal dd32 06/22/2016
#3421 WP-CLI command reference generates duplicate posts Developer Hub closed fixed defect (bug) high danielbachhuber 02/05/2018
#3051 phpunit-test-reporter: Properly avoid a conflict with P2's welcome_box() Make (Get Involved) / P2 closed fixed defect (bug) normal danielbachhuber 08/18/2017
#2849 Add sessions list and other details to speaker pages WordCamp Site & Plugins closed reported-upstream enhancement low coreymckrill 09/24/2020
#1921 Session's date/time on session info page WordCamp Site & Plugins closed reported-upstream enhancement low coreymckrill 09/24/2020
#2923 Layout / Responsive issue on Opera for Android (Central Wordcamp) WordCamp Site & Plugins closed fixed defect (bug) low coreymckrill 04/15/2020
#2894 Admin Flags: Internationalise the post-status-change label WordCamp Site & Plugins closed fixed defect (bug) low coreymckrill 03/26/2020
#3003 Tagregator - Twitter resets settings randomly WordCamp Site & Plugins closed worksforme defect (bug) normal coreymckrill 03/25/2020
#3122 Documentation for prefilling coupon field in CampTix via query string WordCamp Site & Plugins closed fixed enhancement low coreymckrill 03/20/2020
#2886 Remove large chunks of HTML from translatable strings WordCamp Site & Plugins closed fixed defect (bug) lowest coreymckrill 03/26/2019
#2893 Admin Flags: Add Attendee filtering by Flag WordCamp Site & Plugins closed fixed enhancement normal coreymckrill 02/21/2019
#3087 News image on wordcamp central site overflows WordCamp Site & Plugins closed fixed defect (bug) normal coreymckrill 02/01/2019
#2851 Turn off Auto-Save for Un-named Vendor Payments and Reimbursement Drafts WordCamp Site & Plugins closed fixed defect (bug) high coreymckrill 02/22/2018
#3375 The schedule shortcode is echoeing an extra "1" WordCamp Site & Plugins closed fixed defect (bug) normal coreymckrill 01/12/2018
#3359 Gutenberg tweak breaks default "New post" link WordCamp Site & Plugins closed fixed defect (bug) normal coreymckrill 01/12/2018
#3200 Speaker Visa Letter wrong field labels for wcdocs WordCamp Site & Plugins closed fixed defect (bug) normal coreymckrill 10/18/2017
#2872 Remove "wp_custom_css_cb" compat fix WordCamp Site & Plugins closed fixed enhancement normal coreymckrill 10/10/2017
Note: See TracReports for help on using and creating reports.