{6} All Tickets By Milestone (Including closed) (7808 matches)
A more complex example to show how to make advanced reports.
Results (2701 - 2800 of 7808)
(empty) (100 matches)
Ticket | Summary | Component | Status | Resolution | Version | Type | Priority | Owner | Modified |
#4739 | Signup flow needs tweaking to reduce unconfirmed accounts | Login & Authentication | closed | fixed | defect (bug) | normal | dd32 | 10/24/2019 | |
#4774 | Move lists.wordpress.org to HTTPS | Mailing Lists | closed | duplicate | defect (bug) | normal | 10/24/2019 | ||
#1209 | Reduce support questions being asked in Slack by adding a Featured box suggesting support options | Communication (Matrix, Slack, IRC) | closed | fixed | enhancement | normal | 10/24/2019 | ||
#4777 | Bug in your forum search function | Support Forums | closed | fixed | defect (bug) | normal | 10/23/2019 | ||
#4779 | Add Public Posts Preview plugin to Rosetta sites | International Sites (Rosetta) | closed | fixed | enhancement | normal | 10/23/2019 | ||
#4765 | Google user agent requests to plugins/search.php returns a raw 403 | Plugin Directory | closed | reported-upstream | defect (bug) | normal | 10/18/2019 | ||
#4665 | p2 Breathe theme comment form is broken on narrow screens | Make (Get Involved) / P2 | closed | fixed | defect (bug) | normal | coffee2code | 10/17/2019 | |
#4666 | P2 Breathe color contrast issues | Make (Get Involved) / P2 | closed | fixed | defect (bug) | normal | coffee2code | 10/17/2019 | |
#4687 | Make tags with fewer than 3 members should be noindex'd | Make (Get Involved) / P2 | closed | fixed | defect (bug) | normal | coffee2code | 10/17/2019 | |
#4202 | manually curated part of the code reference for wp_insert_post() contains at least 1 link to the Codex instead of the code reference | Developer Hub | closed | fixed | defect (bug) | normal | 10/17/2019 | ||
#4504 | Security docs in Plugins hanbook for developing in block editor context | Developer Hub | closed | reported-upstream | defect (bug) | normal | 10/17/2019 | ||
#4699 | Provide compatible WP core updates depending on server PHP version from API | API | closed | fixed | enhancement | normal | SergeyBiryukov | 10/17/2019 | |
#3849 | Support Theme: make blockquote legible | Support Forums | closed | fixed | enhancement | normal | netweb | 10/16/2019 | |
#4764 | The Incutio XML-RPC Library is a dead link | API | closed | fixed | defect (bug) | normal | 10/16/2019 | ||
#4741 | Set up 2020.wordpress.net | General | closed | fixed | enhancement | normal | kraftbj | 10/16/2019 | |
#4575 | HelpHub Plugin on ja Rosetta Site | HelpHub (wordpress.org/documentation) | closed | fixed | task (blessed) | normal | sergey | 10/16/2019 | |
#4624 | DevHub: Skip wp-includes/blocks from parsing | Developer Hub | closed | fixed | defect (bug) | normal | coffee2code | 10/15/2019 | |
#4761 | WordPress.tv sidebar's video thumbnails can't be loaded | WordPress.tv | closed | fixed | defect (bug) | normal | dd32 | 10/15/2019 | |
#4402 | Slides URL field in submit video form is cutting the URL | WordPress.tv | closed | fixed | defect (bug) | normal | dd32 | 10/14/2019 | |
#4614 | Can we get a security team badge? | Profiles | closed | fixed | defect (bug) | normal | 10/14/2019 | ||
#4714 | Empty profiles should be noindex'd | Profiles | closed | fixed | defect (bug) | normal | 10/09/2019 | ||
#4756 | Login page has grey border | Login & Authentication | closed | invalid | defect (bug) | normal | 10/04/2019 | ||
#4752 | Changelog not consistent between WordPress Admin and WP.org directory & Stable translations not updated | Plugin Directory | closed | worksforme | defect (bug) | normal | 10/03/2019 | ||
#4700 | HelpHub & Rosetta Site role conflict | HelpHub (wordpress.org/documentation) | closed | fixed | task (blessed) | normal | clorith | 10/02/2019 | |
#4728 | Add good-first-bug to the Workflow Keywords for Meta Trac | Trac | closed | invalid | defect (bug) | normal | 10/01/2019 | ||
#4723 | Modlook view vs. Modlook tags | Support Forums | closed | worksforme | defect (bug) | normal | 10/01/2019 | ||
#4749 | Community handbook for KidsCamp | Make (Get Involved) / P2 | closed | fixed | enhancement | normal | 10/01/2019 | ||
#4711 | The Community Weekly Updates post is no longer being automatically posted | Make (Get Involved) / P2 | closed | fixed | defect (bug) | normal | 10/01/2019 | ||
#4748 | Broken link in Backups page | HelpHub (wordpress.org/documentation) | closed | fixed | defect (bug) | normal | 09/27/2019 | ||
#4701 | Streamline access to the changelog content of plugin pages | Plugin Directory | closed | fixed | defect (bug) | normal | SergeyBiryukov | 09/27/2019 | |
#4638 | CampTix: Country Name Spelled Wrong | WordCamp Site & Plugins | closed | fixed | defect (bug) | normal | 09/27/2019 | ||
#4746 | Auto-posting to #core-privacy no longer works | Communication (Matrix, Slack, IRC) | closed | fixed | defect (bug) | normal | 09/26/2019 | ||
#4743 | Implement screenshots with lightbox on repository plugin page | Plugin Directory | closed | duplicate | enhancement | normal | 09/25/2019 | ||
#4745 | Add new theme review representative to the 'themereview' announce group | Communication (Matrix, Slack, IRC) | closed | fixed | enhancement | normal | SergeyBiryukov | 09/25/2019 | |
#4742 | Create Twenty Twenty support page | General | closed | fixed | task (blessed) | normal | 09/25/2019 | ||
#4734 | Allow alternative to Gravatar for Speaker Images | WordCamp Site & Plugins | closed | reported-upstream | enhancement | normal | 09/23/2019 | ||
#4740 | Link in role & capabilities page | Developer Hub | closed | worksforme | enhancement | normal | 09/23/2019 | ||
#4736 | Plugin review submitted without star ratings | Support Forums | closed | invalid | defect (bug) | normal | 09/22/2019 | ||
#4735 | Add Twenty Twenty Team to 'core-themes' channel announce group | Communication (Matrix, Slack, IRC) | closed | fixed | enhancement | normal | SergeyBiryukov | 09/20/2019 | |
#4733 | Some archive links of the localized sites don’t seem to work. | International Sites (Rosetta) | closed | fixed | defect (bug) | normal | 09/18/2019 | ||
#1515 | Adding more info in the email sent after theme is submitted | Theme Review | closed | worksforme | enhancement | normal | 09/11/2019 | ||
#1188 | New updated ticket process format | Theme Review | closed | maybelater | enhancement | normal | 09/11/2019 | ||
#4704 | Plugin Directory: Add notice that reviews will be in English | Plugin Directory | closed | fixed | defect (bug) | normal | SergeyBiryukov | 09/09/2019 | |
#4718 | Plugin Directory: Permanent closure check not correct | Plugin Directory | closed | fixed | defect (bug) | normal | SergeyBiryukov | 09/09/2019 | |
#4694 | Plugin Directory: More userfriendly language regarding plugin closures | Plugin Directory | closed | fixed | defect (bug) | normal | tellyworth | 09/07/2019 | |
#3717 | Include post date in the Reviews tab | Plugin Directory | closed | fixed | enhancement | normal | ck3lee | 09/07/2019 | |
#4726 | translation based on ip adress geolocation not appropriate | General | closed | invalid | defect (bug) | normal | 09/07/2019 | ||
#4725 | Textbox and buttons are not aligned properly | General | closed | invalid | defect (bug) | normal | 09/07/2019 | ||
#4720 | Missing title attribute on WordPress mobile website | Make (Get Involved) / P2 | closed | invalid | defect (bug) | normal | 09/07/2019 | ||
#4724 | Forums: Users Reply list includes posts on archived threads | Support Forums | closed | duplicate | defect (bug) | normal | 09/07/2019 | ||
#4722 | Issue found with WordPress Codex page | Codex | closed | fixed | defect (bug) | normal | 09/05/2019 | ||
#4472 | Improve BuddyPress Trac's header for mobile devices | buddypress.org | closed | fixed | enhancement | normal | johnjamesjacoby | 09/03/2019 | |
#4574 | HelpHub Plugin on fr_FR Rosetta Site | HelpHub (wordpress.org/documentation) | closed | fixed | task (blessed) | normal | sergey | 09/02/2019 | |
#4707 | Unclear definition of required plugin headers | Plugin Directory | closed | fixed | enhancement | normal | 08/30/2019 | ||
#4705 | cant login into my admin page | General | closed | invalid | defect (bug) | normal | 08/29/2019 | ||
#4157 | Add Tide Team Badge | Profiles | closed | fixed | defect (bug) | normal | coffee2code | 08/28/2019 | |
#4046 | WordCamp.org: meetups do have singular view | WordCamp Site & Plugins | closed | fixed | defect (bug) | normal | sippis | 08/23/2019 | |
#4500 | Add responsive embed support to WordCamp sites | WordCamp Site & Plugins | closed | fixed | enhancement | normal | iandunn | 08/22/2019 | |
#4698 | Wrong HelpHub URLs on Serbian Rosetta | HelpHub (wordpress.org/documentation) | closed | worksforme | defect (bug) | normal | 08/20/2019 | ||
#577 | credits API should return the correct version | API | closed | fixed | defect (bug) | normal | coffee2code | 08/20/2019 | |
#4671 | Bump ServeHappy PHP recommendation | API | closed | fixed | task (blessed) | normal | SergeyBiryukov | 08/20/2019 | |
#4693 | Plugin Directory: Add more trademark violations to the uploader | Plugin Directory | closed | fixed | defect (bug) | normal | SergeyBiryukov | 08/19/2019 | |
#4679 | Gutenberg page title swapping + defaults | General | closed | invalid | defect (bug) | normal | 08/16/2019 | ||
#4673 | "My url" in Core > My Patches is incorrect | Trac | closed | fixed | defect (bug) | normal | 08/15/2019 | ||
#4670 | Make WordPress Slack: add new accessibility-events channel | Communication (Matrix, Slack, IRC) | closed | fixed | enhancement | normal | tellyworth | 08/15/2019 | |
#4676 | Plugin Directory: Loosen slug/name usage | Plugin Directory | closed | fixed | defect (bug) | normal | SergeyBiryukov | 08/14/2019 | |
#4312 | Improvements to API block on reference home | Developer Hub | closed | fixed | enhancement | normal | coffee2code | 08/14/2019 | |
#4674 | Plugin Directory Submission Page | Plugin Directory | closed | fixed | defect (bug) | normal | SergeyBiryukov | 08/14/2019 | |
#4672 | WP.org Plugins api page parameter not working (api.wordpress.org) | API | closed | invalid | defect (bug) | normal | 08/12/2019 | ||
#4668 | Can I get my user name fixed on the trac committer list? | Trac | closed | fixed | defect (bug) | normal | SergeyBiryukov | 08/10/2019 | |
#4664 | Plugin Directory: Bad User and Trademarks | Plugin Directory | closed | fixed | enhancement | normal | SergeyBiryukov | 08/09/2019 | |
#4663 | Plugin Directory: Track Ownership | Plugin Directory | closed | fixed | enhancement | normal | SergeyBiryukov | 08/07/2019 | |
#4661 | W.org plugins directory displays wrong version in advanced view | Plugin Directory | closed | wontfix | defect (bug) | normal | 08/07/2019 | ||
#4662 | A security risk on W.org plugins repository - no checksum / authorization of plugin version reporting | Plugin Directory | closed | duplicate | enhancement | normal | 08/07/2019 | ||
#619 | Add Content-MD5 headers to downloads | Plugin Directory | closed | wontfix | enhancement | normal | 08/07/2019 | ||
#4660 | Update slack at here command for the design channel | Communication (Matrix, Slack, IRC) | closed | fixed | enhancement | normal | coffee2code | 08/07/2019 | |
#4633 | Handook on team site not show the sidebar in mobile | International Sites (Rosetta) | closed | worksforme | defect (bug) | normal | 08/07/2019 | ||
#4645 | WordPress News emails should contain Google Analytics tracking links | General | closed | maybelater | defect (bug) | normal | 08/05/2019 | ||
#4653 | Plugin Admin: Update Email Links | Plugin Directory | closed | fixed | defect (bug) | normal | SergeyBiryukov | 08/01/2019 | |
#4640 | Comments URL fragment identifier points to non existing page fragment | Make (Get Involved) / P2 | closed | duplicate | defect (bug) | normal | 07/31/2019 | ||
#4582 | Redirect for documentation change | Developer Hub | closed | fixed | defect (bug) | normal | coffee2code | 07/29/2019 | |
#4619 | Renamed site was not deleted from handbook | Handbooks | closed | fixed | defect (bug) | normal | coffee2code | 07/29/2019 | |
#4622 | Fix the developer helphub tables responsiveness issue | Developer Hub | closed | fixed | enhancement | normal | coffee2code | 07/29/2019 | |
#4623 | Error in documentation about Multisite | HelpHub (wordpress.org/documentation) | closed | fixed | defect (bug) | normal | 07/26/2019 | ||
#4594 | Continue to show meeting on make/meetings while meeting is happening. | Make (Get Involved) / P2 | closed | fixed | enhancement | normal | SergeyBiryukov | 07/24/2019 | |
#4603 | Prevent new reviews made on closed plugins | Plugin Directory | closed | fixed | enhancement | normal | SergeyBiryukov | 07/23/2019 | |
#4620 | I'm not able to approve my own translations | Translate Site & Plugins | closed | invalid | defect (bug) | normal | 07/23/2019 | ||
#4595 | Allow viewing meetings from make/meetings for a selected team | Make (Get Involved) / P2 | closed | fixed | enhancement | normal | SergeyBiryukov | 07/22/2019 | |
#4549 | Noindex'ing thin theme author indexes | Theme Directory | closed | fixed | defect (bug) | normal | dd32 | 07/22/2019 | |
#4616 | Change pickupimage SSL ot nonSSL (HTTPS to HTTP) | Theme Review | closed | fixed | defect (bug) | normal | otto | 07/21/2019 | |
#3876 | Update wporg-gp-customizations to generate translation files for each JS file. | Translate Site & Plugins | closed | fixed | enhancement | normal | ocean90 | 07/21/2019 | |
#4548 | Noindex empty support profile subpages | Support Forums | closed | wontfix | defect (bug) | normal | 07/19/2019 | ||
#4457 | Encoding issue in the Syntax Highlighter Evolved block | Handbooks | closed | fixed | defect (bug) | normal | coffee2code | 07/18/2019 | |
#4400 | Monaco font on the handbook on Chromium doesn't show underscores at 100% size | Handbooks | closed | fixed | defect (bug) | normal | coffee2code | 07/18/2019 | |
#4612 | Trac: Nav links are misplaced and invisible | Trac | closed | fixed | defect (bug) | normal | coffee2code | 07/18/2019 | |
#3854 | Multiple Attendees Lists Shortcodes Breaks the Page | WordCamp Site & Plugins | closed | fixed | defect (bug) | normal | 07/18/2019 | ||
#4609 | Please introduce a 'needs-copy-review' Workflow keyword | Trac | closed | fixed | enhancement | normal | SergeyBiryukov | 07/17/2019 | |
#4513 | Profiles header takes two lines instead of one | Profiles | closed | fixed | defect (bug) | normal | coffee2code | 07/17/2019 | |
#4605 | No link to Taiwan Sign up | Translate Site & Plugins | closed | reported-upstream | defect (bug) | normal | 07/15/2019 | ||
#4599 | Links for data export request and data erasure request at localised sites are not working | General | closed | fixed | defect (bug) | normal | 07/15/2019 |
See TracReports for help on using and creating reports.