
{6} All Tickets By Milestone (Including closed) (7894 matches)

A more complex example to show how to make advanced reports.

Results (4901 - 5000 of 7894)

(empty) (100 matches)

Ticket Summary Component Status Resolution Version Type Priority Owner Modified
#5523 Noindex archives new defect (bug) low 12/03/2020
#5552 Allow mods to hide moderator badge Support Forums new enhancement low 06/13/2023
#5557 Add a hovering button to join slack community in Make Blog Network Make (Get Involved) / P2 new enhancement low 02/03/2021
#5621 Don't warn on numbered placeholders <=> non-numbered placeholders Translate Site & Plugins new defect (bug) low 03/02/2021
#5661 Standardise Rosetta homepage pre-footers Showcase new defect (bug) low 03/16/2021
#5693 Allow themes to re-use a rejected slug Theme Directory new enhancement low 04/07/2021
#5724 Slack: /here command strips out hyperlinked text Communication (Matrix, Slack, IRC) new defect (bug) low 05/05/2021
#5755 Support Change Password UI needs work Support Forums new defect (bug) low 05/28/2021
#5807 images shouldn't use and similar Showcase new defect (bug) low 07/06/2021
#5841 Make it easier to copy from the other languages without it copying the string. Translate Site & Plugins new enhancement low 07/26/2021
#5903 Warn when a plugin tag is made, but never released Plugin Directory new enhancement low 04/29/2024
#6053 Display friendly page on 404 of plugin/theme projects Translate Site & Plugins new enhancement low 01/28/2022
#6108 Add automated guideline checks and constant feedback to plugin authors about it Plugin Directory new defect (bug) low 05/17/2024
#6122 Allow for retraction before moderation Photo Directory new enhancement low 03/17/2022
#6370 Header & Footer broken on Plugins Trac Trac new defect (bug) low 05/01/2024
#6415 Add a link to the overview page to the menu bar of meta trac Trac new enhancement low 07/20/2022
#6464 Enable shortlinks for custom post types for Site new enhancement low 08/31/2022
#6602 Comment previews can be inaccurate when they contain back slashes. Make (Get Involved) / P2 new defect (bug) low 11/28/2022
#6706 site's footer and header container size does not the same. new defect (bug) low 12/05/2023
#6723 Require source and map files for JS Plugin Directory reopened feature request low 04/29/2024
#6748 Content overflow issue in the Get Involved section WordCamp Site & Plugins new defect (bug) low 11/16/2023
#6763 Update robots.txt (and rosetta variations) General reopened enhancement low 01/09/2024
#6766 Update to prevent spam attacks General new enhancement low 02/18/2023
#6768 Investigate broken 'jobs page' URLs Site new defect (bug) low 04/17/2023
#6773 Remove interstitial tags redirect Site new defect (bug) low 02/20/2023
#6853 Request more information on Plugin submission Plugin Directory new enhancement low 04/19/2024
#6926 Paragraph and Image are aligned inline HelpHub ( new defect (bug) low 11/27/2023
#6967 Unwanted console error of 'ajax' Make (Get Involved) / P2 new defect (bug) low 11/27/2023
#7161 Remove auto-closure from support from threads and add warning if thread is old instead Support Forums new enhancement low 10/17/2023
#7255 Add a one-off "I have read the guidelines" checkbox before posting for the first time Support Forums new enhancement low 05/17/2024
#7312 Improve homepage SEO new enhancement low 10/19/2023
#7403 Plugin Directory: Field on plugin info page for GDPR data collection Privacy Plugin Directory reopened enhancement low 04/29/2024
#7496 In news Details pages, link on email social button goes blank. Site new defect (bug) low 02/29/2024
#7531 Hook automatic documentation Plugin Directory new feature request low 04/12/2024
#7538 Instead Feed page , its showing HTML Support Forums new enhancement low 03/28/2024
#7569 Add official "Team Reps" list in code / automate team rep access Make (Get Involved) / P2 new feature request low 04/18/2024
#7593 Remove the non-block editor Support Forums new task (blessed) low 06/10/2024
#7643 Follow Button not working properly Make (Get Involved) / P2 new defect (bug) low 05/29/2024
#7658 Plugin Preview on Playground: Edit plugin notice pointing to enable the preview on the Advanced tab Plugin Directory assigned defect (bug) low dd32 05/27/2024
#7668 Broken link to VVV howto Handbooks new defect (bug) low 07/19/2024
#7698 In Responsive view, input box is going out of screen(not proper layout) Plugin Directory new defect (bug) low 07/04/2024
#7781 Validate the 'Requires' plugin header. Plugin Directory new defect (bug) low 09/20/2024
#7788 Allow to edit the ALT text Photo Directory new enhancement low 09/30/2024
#7872 Change CSS thumbnail aspect ratio to 3/2 Photo Directory new enhancement low 12/30/2024
#7890 Button alignment issue on the submit plugin page. Plugin Directory new defect (bug) low 01/23/2025
#7897 The tooltip is being partially hidden or cut off at the top. Make (Get Involved) / P2 new defect (bug) low 02/02/2025
#5845 Some locales appears twice in the dropdown menu in the consistency tool Translate Site & Plugins closed fixed defect (bug) low 12/26/2024
#6929 Add a "Last modified" date on glossary page and not only per row Translate Site & Plugins closed wontfix feature request low 12/26/2024
#7858 Responsive Design Issue: Page Displays Scrollbar and Blank Space Handbooks closed fixed defect (bug) low 12/18/2024
#7826 Provide /here access for zunaid321 on #hosting Communication (Matrix, Slack, IRC) closed fixed enhancement low coffee2code 11/20/2024
#7747 Five for the Future contact page select box arrow issue Five For The Future closed fixed defect (bug) low 11/19/2024
#7818 Style issue at plugin advanced view page download button. Plugin Directory closed fixed enhancement low 11/13/2024
#5030 WordCamp activity in Profiles shouldn't say "coming up on [date]" for past dates Profiles closed fixed defect (bug) low dd32 10/21/2024
#7798 Remove the "banned from logging in" from memorial profiles. Profiles closed wontfix enhancement low 10/11/2024
#7796 Create admin dashboard widget for rejection stats Photo Directory closed fixed enhancement low coffee2code 10/09/2024
#7795 There is currently no option to switch the language back to English Learn ( closed invalid defect (bug) low 10/09/2024
#7513 Add "My favorites" functionality to the WordPress Photo Directory Photo Directory closed fixed feature request low coffee2code 10/09/2024
#7779 The search plugin field should not be blank. Plugin Directory closed maybelater defect (bug) low 09/18/2024
#6631 Button padding produces horizontal scrolling issue and white space at very narrow widths Five For The Future closed fixed defect (bug) low 09/17/2024
#7766 `span.time-ago` line-height appears misaligned in Safari Trac closed fixed defect (bug) low dd32 09/09/2024
#6039 Functions broken links at plugin editor API closed wontfix enhancement low 07/29/2024
#7731 Unable to upload photo to the WordPress photo directory due to HTTP ERROR 500 Photo Directory closed invalid defect (bug) low 07/29/2024
#7725 Blank dot issue in meta block post Make (Get Involved) / P2 closed invalid defect (bug) low 07/19/2024
#7697 Google Podcasts is deprecated - WP Briefing Site closed fixed enhancement low 07/03/2024
#7599 Forums: Underlined Text Not Rendered Support Forums closed fixed defect (bug) low dd32 06/13/2024
#6649 Content overflow issue in responsive design General closed fixed defect (bug) low 05/28/2024
#7608 View Cart Design not looks good Swag Store ( closed invalid defect (bug) low 05/27/2024
#6878 Allow plugin slug changes during approval-stage Plugin Directory closed fixed enhancement low dd32 05/17/2024
#7413 In handbooks, allow for tables to have sticky columns and rows Handbooks closed fixed feature request low coffee2code 05/16/2024
#7640 Notices due to Jetpack Stats direct inclusion Translate Site & Plugins closed fixed defect (bug) low akirk 05/16/2024
#7639 plugin name can break support forum search Support Forums closed maybelater enhancement low 05/16/2024
#7377 In Responsive view, Content is going out of layout(not proper layout) HelpHub ( closed worksforme defect (bug) low 05/15/2024
#6617 Replace plugin page banner markup Plugin Directory closed fixed enhancement low dufresnesteven 05/10/2024
#6123 Tables in Make handbooks not responsive Make (Get Involved) / P2 closed fixed defect (bug) low 05/10/2024
#7598 Plugin Review Submissions - Allow authors to add comments about their new plugin version uploads Plugin Directory closed fixed enhancement low 05/08/2024
#7314 accessibility of svg image in footer Global Header/Footer closed duplicate enhancement low 05/07/2024
#6153 In accessibility page, Show Welcome Box issue. Make (Get Involved) / P2 closed fixed defect (bug) low 04/30/2024
#6800 Horizontal scrolling at 737px or below Plugin Directory closed fixed defect (bug) low 04/30/2024
#6409 Heading alignment issue in Responsive devices Plugin Directory closed fixed defect (bug) low 04/30/2024
#7616 .xyz domains error in profile edit form Profiles closed invalid enhancement low 04/29/2024
#6880 Persistent plugin author notifications Plugin Directory closed fixed enhancement low 04/11/2024
#7562 Access to team meetings CPT Make (Get Involved) / P2 closed fixed enhancement low 04/11/2024
#7567 Broken Link in Contribute handbook page Make (Get Involved) / P2 closed fixed defect (bug) low 04/10/2024
#7568 The Likes widget is not vertically aligned with Reply and Follow buttons Make (Get Involved) / P2 closed fixed defect (bug) low coffee2code 04/10/2024
#7400 In Responsive 768px size the design of the review section is not proper Support Forums closed fixed defect (bug) low coffee2code 04/09/2024
#5454 Forum profiles: Limit "Edit" link Support Forums closed fixed defect (bug) low coffee2code 04/02/2024
#5680 Support Theme: Improve single topic mobile view (take 2) Support Forums closed fixed defect (bug) low coffee2code 04/01/2024
#7527 In Responsive Page Submenu, there is spacing issue and no close button Showcase closed fixed defect (bug) low 03/28/2024
#6146 Button overlapping in mobile device Handbooks closed fixed defect (bug) low 03/27/2024
#7486 found some spelling mistakes Handbooks closed fixed defect (bug) low 03/27/2024
#7205 Design of the search bar in Support forum is broken Support Forums closed fixed defect (bug) low coffee2code 03/25/2024
#7394 In support Page, Text is overlapping on search bar Input Support Forums closed duplicate defect (bug) low 03/20/2024
#7140 Slackbot to generate a ping when Plugin Review team sends initial review email Plugin Directory closed wontfix enhancement low 02/12/2024
#4071 should enforce HTTPS Planet ( closed duplicate defect (bug) low 02/05/2024
#4292 Add canonical to homepage Planet ( closed fixed enhancement low 02/05/2024
#5324 Plugin URLs should 301 to lowercase Plugin Directory closed fixed defect (bug) low dd32 01/22/2024
#6716 Search text and buttons are not displaying properly and are sticky. Make (Get Involved) / P2 closed fixed defect (bug) low 01/10/2024
#7229 Display the theme contributor name. Theme Directory closed duplicate enhancement low 01/10/2024
#6737 Margin and padding issue at 768px Make (Get Involved) / P2 closed duplicate defect (bug) low 01/08/2024
#7383 Readme parser failing to correctly parse multilevel lists Plugin Directory closed fixed defect (bug) low dd32 12/21/2023
Note: See TracReports for help on using and creating reports.