
{6} All Tickets By Milestone (Including closed) (7877 matches)

A more complex example to show how to make advanced reports.

Results (1401 - 1500 of 7877)

(empty) (100 matches)

Ticket Summary Component Status Resolution Version Type Priority Owner Modified
#4077 Profiles should enforce a trailing slash via a 301 redirect Profiles closed fixed defect (bug) lowest 01/18/2019
#4022 I have found a summary correction on wporg-profiles-activity-handler.php file. Profiles closed wontfix defect (bug) lowest 12/21/2018
#3686 Theme Trac Browser: Redirection problem in 'visit' option. Trac closed fixed defect (bug) lowest 08/01/2018
#1414 Translate: Create a project for "Front end" Translate Site & Plugins closed maybelater enhancement lowest 06/16/2018
#22 Button on list unsubscribe page looks bad General closed fixed defect (bug) lowest 04/30/2018
#229 Rosetta API API closed wontfix enhancement lowest 04/13/2018
#124 Create a proper plugin API API closed worksforme enhancement lowest 01/24/2018
#149 Forums should expose accesskeys Support Forums closed wontfix enhancement lowest 01/17/2018
#126 Android honeycomb browser gets detected as old version of Safari Browse Happy closed fixed defect (bug) lowest 09/21/2017
#1280 <title> tags on Translate Site & Plugins closed wontfix defect (bug) lowest 05/14/2017
#141 Attach image(s) to support topics/replies Support Forums closed fixed enhancement lowest 01/20/2017
#630 Improve the design of the callout boxes (shortcodes) Handbooks closed fixed task (blessed) lowest coffee2code 02/09/2016
#23 Improve UTF handling of Mass Emails plugin General closed fixed defect (bug) lowest coffee2code 02/03/2016
#1546 WordCamp Coming Soon Page Widget: "Subscribe for Updates" is not translatable WordCamp Site & Plugins closed fixed defect (bug) lowest iandunn 01/29/2016
#1532 Add vertical scrollbar to html tag to avoid page jumps General closed fixed enhancement lowest ocean90 01/27/2016
#1527 Extra apostrophe in a comment in wporg-login/functions.php Login & Authentication closed fixed defect (bug) lowest coffee2code 01/22/2016
#1519 OpenGraph tags aren't capital P'd, dangit Plugin Directory closed fixed defect (bug) lowest 01/18/2016
#1238 Stats: General design improvements Translate Site & Plugins closed fixed enhancement lowest 11/18/2015
#410 BuddyPress/bbPress Trac attachment links displayed as blocks closed fixed defect (bug) lowest johnjamesjacoby 10/27/2015
#1208 Weird characters in account name Profiles closed fixed defect (bug) lowest coffee2code 08/27/2015
#52 Safari needs a "Like" button Browse Happy closed invalid enhancement lowest 08/26/2015
#109 Redirect visitors from plugin admin URL to plugin URL if user not admin Plugin Directory closed fixed defect (bug) lowest coffee2code 03/10/2015
#180 Ability to submit examples on function pages Developer Hub closed fixed enhancement lowest coffee2code 10/02/2014
#436 Remove "Flag Unresolved" from handbook pages Handbooks closed fixed defect (bug) lowest coffee2code 07/30/2014
#573 Strict Standards: Only variables should be assigned by reference in mu-plugins/roles/rosetta-roles.php on line 37 International Sites (Rosetta) closed fixed defect (bug) lowest iandunn 07/27/2014
#559 Favorites page missing a </div> Support Forums closed fixed defect (bug) lowest 07/13/2014
#370 Add source icons to Tagregator WordCamp Site & Plugins closed fixed enhancement lowest 07/03/2014
#133 Hovercards visually broken Make (Get Involved) / P2 closed worksforme defect (bug) lowest 05/23/2014
#67 Remove unused plugins/themes from server General closed invalid enhancement lowest 02/12/2014
#127 Better management of the emails trac sends Trac closed fixed enhancement lowest 02/05/2014
#163 "Login" button on profile page not vertically aligned Profiles closed fixed defect (bug) lowest 10/04/2013
#64 Add sandbox ID to the Make theme header General closed invalid enhancement lowest iandunn 08/19/2013
#15 Action links on top of content Make (Get Involved) / P2 closed fixed defect (bug) lowest 07/01/2013
#27 Provide an option for adding multiple theme authors Theme Directory reopened enhancement normal Otto42 03/12/2021
#45 Theme repository - add changelog listing tab Theme Directory new task (blessed) normal 01/03/2025
#273 Keyboard navigation friendliness for Trac Trac reopened defect (bug) normal 01/24/2018
#479 Add ability to browse activity history to profiles Profiles new enhancement normal 05/16/2022
#499 Trac nav menus should be consistent across all Tracs Trac new enhancement normal 01/23/2019
#527 Profiles: Badges should link to the corresponding team Profiles new enhancement normal 02/12/2024
#613 JSON output/endpoint(s) for Profiles new enhancement normal 08/05/2021
#658 Internationalization DevHub Developer Hub new enhancement normal 11/09/2020
#681 Community profile badges disappear for WordCamp organisers of two different WordCamps Profiles new defect (bug) normal 06/07/2021
#712 Bring the Showcase to Rosetta sites Showcase new enhancement normal 03/06/2020
#987 Display WPTV videos on speaker and producer profiles Profiles assigned enhancement normal 01/06/2025
#988 Profiles: Assign badges to WPTV contributors Profiles new enhancement normal 06/21/2018
#1078 Enable community-translator Translate Site & Plugins assigned enhancement normal 01/23/2024
#1156 ISO Language Code Tag to Improve API new enhancement normal 11/25/2020
#1218 Create new build (continuous/latest) that updates after each commit Version Control new enhancement normal 01/23/2024
#1292 Display Events on Rosetta Sites International Sites (Rosetta) new enhancement normal 11/28/2023
#1424 Automate meta contributor badge assignment when receiving props Profiles accepted defect (bug) normal coffee2code 09/01/2017
#1433 Mention WordCamp twitter in tweet when publishing new video new enhancement normal 04/14/2021
#1434 Create terms list pages new enhancement normal 06/20/2019
#1442 Sort event videos by event date instead of upload date new enhancement normal 11/25/2020
#1471 Streamline the process of checking waiting/fuzzy strings Translate Site & Plugins new enhancement normal 06/12/2018
#1510 Add full transcripts to videos on new enhancement normal 01/23/2024
#1563 Feature request: Ability to edit plugin slug Plugin Directory reopened enhancement normal 03/15/2024
#3570 e-mail notification for new posts in pending/spam in support forum Support Forums new enhancement normal 03/08/2023
#3576 Content Limitations - custom CSS and aria-label International Sites (Rosetta) new enhancement normal 04/17/2018
#3577 Add Dictonary for Captioner on WordPress Events Handbooks new enhancement normal 03/19/2021
#3592 Dashboard Event Widget: Display 5 meetups instead of 3 Events API new enhancement normal 01/22/2020
#3593 Centralize GitHub Markdown importer Handbooks new enhancement normal 02/13/2019
#3603 Send email to comment authors when a comment is deleted or approved. Developer Hub new enhancement normal 07/18/2022
#3619 Explain what are non-support topics Support Forums new enhancement normal 03/08/2023
#3633 Moderator tool: Help spot sock puppets Support Forums assigned enhancement normal 03/08/2023
#3651 Update core checksum endpoint to output sha256 hashes API new enhancement normal 05/13/2020
#3699 Deprecated methods/functions/classes/hooks should be included in the @since tax archive for the version they were deprecated in Developer Hub new enhancement normal 10/29/2018
#3712 Identify unresolved topics when the last reply is from a support role Support Forums new enhancement normal 03/22/2023
#3733 Dsiaplay current browser version in Browse Happy Browse Happy new enhancement normal 06/30/2021
#3739 Field for P2 post deadline and list of deadlines coming up Make (Get Involved) / P2 new enhancement normal 04/02/2019
#3741 Show percentages in legend on Stats page General new enhancement normal 04/17/2020
#3743 On Make WP blog the 'Follow' action removes syntax highlighting on code snippets Make (Get Involved) / P2 new defect (bug) normal 03/24/2020
#3744 Content Submission for Dot Org: How to Get Help With WordPress General new task (blessed) normal 08/07/2018
#3751 create shortcode for formatting tickets in make/core release posts Make (Get Involved) / P2 new enhancement normal 08/07/2018
#3758 Update General new task (blessed) normal 02/17/2023
#3774 Create a Blog Page on General assigned enhancement normal ryelle 02/17/2023
#3781 The Views for 'My @Mentions' and 'My Posts' give 'Page Not Found' message which is misleading Make (Get Involved) / P2 new defect (bug) normal 09/12/2018
#3802 Meetup organizer handbook need to absorb quizzes section. Handbooks new enhancement normal 05/16/2024
#3845 Linting for Plugin Submissions + Filters for Plugin Directory Searching Plugin Directory new feature request normal 04/30/2024
#3848 WordPress Plugin: Remove contributors & developers block Plugin Directory new enhancement normal 10/26/2018
#3858 Fix/add select2 support to HelpHub Contributors module HelpHub ( reviewing defect (bug) normal netweb 10/30/2018
#3863 Make plugin dependencies (suggestions) clearer in Themes Directory Theme Directory new enhancement normal 07/07/2022
#3867 Refreshing Core Patches Trac new enhancement normal 06/07/2021
#3878 Adding Badges for WordCamp Volunteers and Attendees Profiles new enhancement normal 07/05/2024
#3880 Allow redefining or augmenting information in the "INTERESTED IN DEVELOPMENT?" section Plugin Directory new defect (bug) normal 11/29/2018
#3890 Trac: Increase preview file size limit Trac new enhancement normal 10/30/2018
#3891 Translate: Allow locale-specific rules Translate Site & Plugins new enhancement normal 01/12/2023
#3895 Get Involved ( sites user audit Make (Get Involved) / P2 new task (blessed) normal 10/31/2018
#3922 "How to create a WordPress business website" landing page on General new defect (bug) normal 04/11/2023
#3930 In the main menu, the submenu nav-submenu doesn't visually open by keyboard in mobile view General new defect (bug) normal 02/17/2023
#3931 Current issue and proposal about "support mails" (individually and subscribe) - Forum mails Support Forums new enhancement normal 03/23/2023
#3937 Feature request: Add standardized field for git/svn repo on plugin pages Plugin Directory new feature request normal 12/01/2024
#3954 Support Forums: Add counters to moderation links Support Forums accepted enhancement normal SergeyBiryukov 03/22/2023
#3986 Automate regional WordCamps in the Upcoming Events dashboard widget Events API new enhancement normal 10/17/2019
#3995 W3C CSS validator patchs for all sites in meta General new defect (bug) normal 03/13/2020
#3999 Add link/button to create new topic near "reply form" Support Forums reviewing enhancement normal SergeyBiryukov 04/05/2023
#4001 When searching projects relevancy should come into account as '100% Translated projects' end up at the end Translate Site & Plugins new enhancement normal 02/18/2019
#4096 Redesign /mobile/ General assigned defect (bug) normal sjardo 08/05/2021
#4110 Consider to audit the headings hierarchy across the .org network General new defect (bug) normal 04/15/2020
#4111 Consider to audit the focus style across the .org network General new defect (bug) normal 09/02/2024
#4119 Proposal to change the headings hierarchy in the Getting Involved (Make) section Make (Get Involved) / P2 new defect (bug) normal 04/16/2020
Note: See TracReports for help on using and creating reports.