
{6} All Tickets By Milestone (Including closed) (7879 matches)

A more complex example to show how to make advanced reports.

Results (5301 - 5400 of 7879)

(empty) (100 matches)

Ticket Summary Component Status Resolution Version Type Priority Owner Modified
#1186 "Tickets I've Participated In" report only shows non-closed tickets Trac closed fixed enhancement normal 10/18/2015
#509 Add firehose subscription to Trac Notifications page Trac closed wontfix enhancement normal 10/18/2015
#1030 Make Trac ticket page responsive Trac closed fixed defect (bug) normal 10/18/2015
#1342 Plugin directory cuts out HTML <tags> in readme.txt indended to be part of text Plugin Directory closed invalid defect (bug) normal 10/18/2015
#1333 No notifications by default for bbPress Trac Trac closed fixed defect (bug) normal 10/17/2015
#801 Display svgs inline on trac Trac closed fixed enhancement normal nacin 10/17/2015
#1045 Make timestamp formats follow ISO 8601 for dates Trac closed wontfix enhancement normal 10/17/2015
#1231 Security Czar trac title Trac closed fixed defect (bug) normal nacin 10/17/2015
#1224 Trac title for component maintainers Trac closed fixed enhancement normal 10/17/2015
#384 Add plugins, themes and GlotPress Trac's to InterTrac Trac closed fixed enhancement normal nacin 10/17/2015
#1337 Return Reply button for ticket mentions in Slack Trac closed fixed defect (bug) normal nacin 10/17/2015
#1270 Plugin Directory - localize update date Plugin Directory closed fixed defect (bug) normal 10/15/2015
#1294 Plugin Directory - RTL pagination in search results Plugin Directory closed fixed defect (bug) normal coffee2code 10/13/2015
#1311 Add "app" to the .org intro paragraph. General closed fixed enhancement normal coffee2code 10/13/2015
#1321 Retire Meetups Forum Support Forums closed fixed enhancement normal coffee2code 10/13/2015
#1331 Wordcamp Site(s) connection error on Chrome with Alexa Traffic Rank extension WordCamp Site & Plugins closed invalid defect (bug) normal 10/12/2015
#1326 Trac: Move JS logic for contributor labels into wp-trac.js Trac closed fixed defect (bug) normal ocean90 10/12/2015
#1232 Use "ticket" instead of "bug report" in Core Trac ticket notes Trac closed fixed defect (bug) normal nacin 10/11/2015
#1330 Add context to plugin directory string Plugin Directory closed fixed enhancement normal 10/11/2015
#1328 drop-down menus in WordCamp Meta Theme "WordCamp Base Redux" Main Menu do not work. WordCamp Site & Plugins closed invalid defect (bug) normal 10/11/2015
#1325 Adding link and notification to @username in support posts Support Forums closed wontfix enhancement normal 10/09/2015
#1227 Trac: Add needs-screenshots to workflow keyboards Trac closed duplicate enhancement normal 10/09/2015
#1318 New workflow keywords Trac closed fixed task (blessed) normal drewapicture 10/09/2015
#1093 buddypress trac - grant permissions to members of the "gardeners" user group Trac closed fixed enhancement normal 10/08/2015
#1319 Add @rmccue to #core commiters list and #core Trac title Trac closed fixed defect (bug) normal drewapicture 10/08/2015
#1317 Make WordPress Core Comments appearing in wrong order Make (Get Involved) / P2 closed invalid defect (bug) normal 10/08/2015
#1289 Accessibility of Read More Link in WordCamp Base Redux v2 WordCamp Site & Plugins closed fixed enhancement normal iandunn 10/07/2015
#192 Fix notices in WordCamp notices WordCamp Site & Plugins closed fixed defect (bug) normal 10/07/2015
#1295 Link from speaker-site doesn't work WordCamp Site & Plugins closed duplicate enhancement normal 10/06/2015
#1296 Base WordCamp Redux Theme Does Not Support or Output the slide URL within the theme WordCamp Site & Plugins closed fixed defect (bug) normal iandunn 10/06/2015
#1290 Standardize the user login form on all sites headlines General closed wontfix enhancement normal 10/05/2015
#497 Increase font size in Trac inputs Trac closed fixed enhancement normal DrewAPicture 10/02/2015
#1281 Project search box on mobile Translate Site & Plugins closed fixed defect (bug) normal samuelsidler 10/02/2015
#1288 Minor typo in SVN docs breaks two links Handbooks closed fixed defect (bug) normal coffee2code 10/02/2015
#1203 Checkbox to force sign in to to submit on defeault WordCamp Call for Speakers form WordCamp Site & Plugins closed maybelater enhancement normal 10/02/2015
#1286 An option to add new users to Rosetta sites without sending an invitation International Sites (Rosetta) closed duplicate enhancement normal 10/02/2015
#1205 Make responsive Browse Happy closed duplicate enhancement normal 10/02/2015
#1279 Plugin Directory - plugin notice banner msg Plugin Directory closed fixed defect (bug) normal 10/01/2015
#1275 Theme Directory - theme description is not localized Theme Directory closed fixed defect (bug) normal ocean90 10/01/2015
#1272 Theme Directory - theme action btns Theme Directory closed fixed defect (bug) normal ocean90 09/30/2015
#1267 Theme development links should be translatable Theme Directory closed fixed defect (bug) normal ocean90 09/30/2015
#1271 Theme Directory - sidebar issues on small devices Theme Directory closed fixed defect (bug) normal ocean90 09/30/2015
#1263 Plugin Directory - Languages strings Plugin Directory closed wontfix defect (bug) normal 09/30/2015
#1265 No way to remove Oxford comma in Plugin Directory translation Plugin Directory closed fixed defect (bug) normal 09/30/2015
#1276 Make outdated plugin notice translatable Plugin Directory closed fixed defect (bug) normal 09/30/2015
#1264 Localised plugin directory titles Plugin Directory closed duplicate defect (bug) normal 09/30/2015
#1255 Plugin Directory (RTL) Sidebar Plugin Directory closed fixed defect (bug) normal 09/29/2015
#1252 Plugin Directory Screenshots in local RTL view Plugin Directory closed fixed defect (bug) normal ocean90 09/29/2015
#1247 At sign/arroba in Username causes Trac Profile link to fail Trac closed invalid defect (bug) normal 09/29/2015
#1260 Forum site GlotPress not supported. (word that can not be translated) Support Forums closed fixed defect (bug) normal 09/28/2015
#1253 RTL plugin repo - download btn and favorite link Plugin Directory closed fixed defect (bug) normal 09/28/2015
#1019 Jetpack Sharing module passes random image to Facebook WordCamp Site & Plugins closed fixed defect (bug) normal iandunn 09/28/2015
#1256 Plugin Directory (RTL) Sidebar margin Plugin Directory closed fixed defect (bug) normal ocean90 09/28/2015
#1254 Trac Notifications: improve tense for "subscribe" in trac_notifications_box_render() Trac closed fixed enhancement normal drewapicture 09/27/2015
#1251 DevHub: Add support for inline @see and @link tags in return descriptions Developer Hub closed fixed enhancement normal drewapicture 09/27/2015
#1249 Add WPTV badge to dotorg user profiles Profiles closed duplicate defect (bug) normal 09/24/2015
#1241 Change "Details" label to "Teams" on the Polyglots /team page Make (Get Involved) / P2 closed fixed enhancement normal ocean90 09/24/2015
#1058 Improve theme directory translation strings Theme Directory closed fixed defect (bug) normal ocean90 09/24/2015
#1248 DevHub: Summary and Description labels in Parsed Content are reversed Developer Hub closed fixed defect (bug) normal drewapicture 09/24/2015
#486 Email a user when their name comes up in trac comments Trac closed fixed enhancement normal 09/23/2015
#1244 Inconsistent style.css references in Theme Directory strings Theme Directory closed duplicate defect (bug) normal 09/22/2015
#1243 Both "Theme Style Sheet" links should be translatable Theme Directory closed fixed defect (bug) normal samuelsidler 09/22/2015
#388 Plugins: "How to Use Subversion" needs to be updated for https Plugin Directory closed fixed defect (bug) normal 09/22/2015
#322 Single code reference pages need the correct page template applied Developer Hub closed fixed defect (bug) normal Rarst 09/21/2015
#665 Missing plural forms in Rosetta Forums project Translate Site & Plugins closed fixed defect (bug) normal 09/18/2015
#1091 Refresh design of Language and Project Portal Translate Site & Plugins closed fixed task (blessed) normal 09/17/2015
#1031 Allow plugin and theme authors to import PO files Translate Site & Plugins closed wontfix enhancement normal 09/17/2015
#1021 Searching for theme slugs does not return the theme using that slug Theme Directory closed fixed defect (bug) normal dd32 09/17/2015
#1233 DevHub: Make explanations editing UIs accessible again Developer Hub closed fixed defect (bug) normal drewapicture 09/15/2015
#1230 Active installs count and graph not matching Plugin Directory closed invalid defect (bug) normal 09/11/2015
#1219 Add make/flow posts to component pages Make (Get Involved) / P2 closed fixed defect (bug) normal ocean90 09/10/2015
#1222 Default locale for translators Translate Site & Plugins closed duplicate enhancement normal 09/07/2015
#1212 New committers need Trac titles Trac closed fixed defect (bug) normal ocean90 09/07/2015
#802 Requirements page should recommend supported and secure PHP and MySQL versions General closed fixed enhancement normal 09/07/2015
#1216 Parsing readme files fails on code blocks starting with `# Plugin Directory closed wontfix defect (bug) normal 09/05/2015
#1220 Add Two-Factor plugin to the beta plugins page Plugin Directory closed fixed defect (bug) normal 09/03/2015
#1217 404 on homepage Developer Hub closed fixed defect (bug) normal 09/03/2015
#1214 Forum HTML issue Support Forums closed wontfix defect (bug) normal 09/01/2015
#519 Profiles: Assign Polyglots badge to locale contributors Profiles closed fixed enhancement normal ocean90 09/01/2015
#971 CSS overflow on plugin reviews Plugin Directory closed worksforme defect (bug) normal 08/31/2015
#1211 Tickets to Close Only Show When No Milestone Trac closed fixed defect (bug) normal 08/31/2015
#1210 Password appears in the User name field General closed invalid defect (bug) normal 08/31/2015
#682 Character issue on Activity tab. Profiles closed fixed defect (bug) normal coffee2code 08/27/2015
#1204 Update WordPress core Trac report 23 to easily discover "Popular Tickets" Trac closed fixed defect (bug) normal 08/27/2015
#1199 DevHub: Fix attach/detach ticket flow Developer Hub closed fixed defect (bug) normal coffee2code 08/24/2015
#1200 Add hungarian to available languages list closed fixed enhancement normal obenland 08/24/2015
#1198 Plugins/themes API should report available tags API closed worksforme enhancement normal 08/22/2015
#1189 4.4 release Slack channel announcement permissions for wonderboymusic Communication (Matrix, Slack, IRC) closed fixed defect (bug) normal 08/21/2015
#1197 VideoPress shortcodes have stopped working International Sites (Rosetta) closed fixed defect (bug) normal 08/21/2015
#1195 admin bar links to the wrong forum International Forums closed fixed enhancement normal 08/20/2015
#1196 Update Developer Resources: Dashicons Developer Hub closed fixed enhancement normal ocean90 08/20/2015
#1193 Verify Checksums API Fails for WP 3.9 with en_CA locale API closed invalid defect (bug) normal 08/20/2015
#996 Add Slack usernames to PolyGlots translation teams profiles Translate Site & Plugins closed fixed enhancement normal ocean90 08/19/2015
#1191 Add description next to the translation contributors names on a team's page Translate Site & Plugins closed fixed enhancement normal ocean90 08/19/2015
#1068 Plugin Directory - the form to add plugins needs RTL Plugin Directory closed fixed defect (bug) normal 08/15/2015
#1174 'Ideas' Star Rating Not Functional General closed fixed defect (bug) normal coffee2code 08/13/2015
#1179 Expand/Collapse full source code links don't work on comments list Developer Hub closed fixed defect (bug) normal coffee2code 08/13/2015
#1146 User Favorites Theme Directory closed fixed defect (bug) normal 08/13/2015
#1090 Upgrade to latest version of VideoPress closed fixed enhancement normal 08/13/2015
#835 Update text for letter to Host with better text General closed fixed enhancement normal 08/12/2015
Note: See TracReports for help on using and creating reports.