
{6} All Tickets By Milestone (Including closed) (7899 matches)

A more complex example to show how to make advanced reports.

Results (5001 - 5100 of 7899)

(empty) (100 matches)

Ticket Summary Component Status Resolution Version Type Priority Owner Modified
#1374 Plugin Translation Editors are shown as if they are validator of core API closed duplicate defect (bug) normal 11/03/2015
#1273 Handbook chapters list doesn't collapse on small screens Handbooks closed duplicate defect (bug) normal 10/29/2015
#315 add search box to each plugin´s support forum to search within existing support threads only Support Forums closed duplicate enhancement normal 10/25/2015
#1354 Translation teams page shows the wrong contributors Translate Site & Plugins closed duplicate defect (bug) normal 10/23/2015
#1227 Trac: Add needs-screenshots to workflow keyboards Trac closed duplicate enhancement normal 10/09/2015
#1316 Display active installs for plugins on a user's profile page Profiles closed duplicate enhancement low 10/07/2015
#1301 Meta Trac Notifications Trac closed duplicate enhancement low 10/06/2015
#1295 Link from speaker-site doesn't work WordCamp Site & Plugins closed duplicate enhancement normal 10/06/2015
#1286 An option to add new users to Rosetta sites without sending an invitation International Sites (Rosetta) closed duplicate enhancement normal 10/02/2015
#1205 Make responsive Browse Happy closed duplicate enhancement normal 10/02/2015
#1264 Localised plugin directory titles Plugin Directory closed duplicate defect (bug) normal 09/30/2015
#1249 Add WPTV badge to dotorg user profiles Profiles closed duplicate defect (bug) normal 09/24/2015
#1244 Inconsistent style.css references in Theme Directory strings Theme Directory closed duplicate defect (bug) normal 09/22/2015
#641 Display language download counts public General closed duplicate enhancement low 09/22/2015
#1222 Default locale for translators Translate Site & Plugins closed duplicate enhancement normal 09/07/2015
#1176 Kvetch! Not Loading Random General closed duplicate defect (bug) normal 08/12/2015
#1159 Latest Plugins Plugin Directory closed duplicate enhancement normal 08/03/2015
#1140 "Pending" forum reply in stats, but not in topic International Forums closed duplicate defect (bug) high netweb 07/23/2015
#1136 Forums theme: Responsive design improvements for International Forums International Forums closed duplicate defect (bug) normal 07/18/2015
#1013 OpenGraph for Themes and Plugins Plugin Directory closed duplicate enhancement normal 06/22/2015
#1053 Download stats shortcode for locale versions International Sites (Rosetta) closed duplicate enhancement normal 05/27/2015
#1022 cyrillic characters not displaying properly in profiles activity Profiles closed duplicate defect (bug) normal 05/09/2015
#1000 Emoji stripped from comments when edited on mobile Trac closed duplicate defect (bug) normal 04/25/2015
#415 Update WordPress logo used in og:image element to improve social media distribution General closed duplicate enhancement normal 03/26/2015
#963 Plugin directory: Missing pagination in certain search views Plugin Directory closed duplicate defect (bug) normal 03/18/2015
#144 Search support threads for a particular theme/plugin Support Forums closed duplicate enhancement low 03/04/2015
#931 User plugin inconsistency General closed duplicate defect (bug) normal 03/04/2015
#930 Theme Directory UI Update Feedback Theme Directory closed duplicate enhancement normal 03/04/2015
#910 Adding a way to "favorite" themes Theme Directory closed duplicate enhancement normal 03/01/2015
#906 Reintroduce a link to the developer's theme demo Theme Directory closed duplicate defect (bug) normal 02/27/2015
#884 /wp-admin/options-general.php (compat.php on line 30) General closed duplicate defect (bug) normal 02/25/2015
#587 Invalid MIME Type at Plugin Directory closed duplicate defect (bug) normal 02/25/2015
#856 Double check filter results Theme Directory closed duplicate defect (bug) normal 02/09/2015
#759 Keyboard shortcut causing Windows task manager to open Make (Get Involved) / P2 closed duplicate defect (bug) normal 01/23/2015
#818 Add plugin version to plugin reviews Plugin Directory closed duplicate enhancement low 01/16/2015
#770 Increase the font size of input, select and textarea elements from 11px to 14px Trac closed duplicate defect (bug) normal 12/11/2014
#730 the dashboard is in english International Sites (Rosetta) closed duplicate defect (bug) normal 11/16/2014
#722 Add clickability/tooltip to profile badges Profiles closed duplicate enhancement normal 11/09/2014
#494 View all hooks available in a function Developer Hub closed duplicate enhancement normal 11/01/2014
#680 Polyglots badge on validators profiles Profiles closed duplicate defect (bug) normal 10/27/2014
#675 Link to see whole file from patch Trac closed duplicate enhancement normal 10/26/2014
#669 Favicon is not optimized for retina/HD on General closed duplicate defect (bug) normal 10/24/2014
#657 Search bar is not universally present Developer Hub closed duplicate enhancement normal 10/14/2014
#655 Plugin name in Russian in readme.txt Profiles closed duplicate defect (bug) normal 10/13/2014
#650 Invalid Unicode characters at the bottom of Ticket Properties page General closed duplicate defect (bug) normal 10/10/2014
#617 Inaccessible Profile Icons Have No Text Alternative Profiles closed duplicate defect (bug) normal 09/22/2014
#608 Redirect theme and plugin editor function reference to API closed duplicate defect (bug) normal 09/17/2014
#597 Display plugin icons on profile pages Profiles closed duplicate enhancement normal 09/04/2014
#569 Handbook: Bad character encoding in Trac article Make (Get Involved) / P2 closed duplicate defect (bug) normal 07/27/2014
#570 "WordPress Plugins » Most Popular" not working beyond page 99 Plugin Directory closed duplicate defect (bug) normal 07/27/2014
#563 Redirect Developer Hub closed duplicate enhancement normal 07/19/2014
#539 Add search bar to interior pages on Developer Hub closed duplicate enhancement normal 06/29/2014
#480 Require a support thread to be submitted when marking a plugin as "Broken" Plugin Directory closed duplicate enhancement normal 06/27/2014
#525 User profile page: Permalinks for "Plugins" and another tabs Profiles closed duplicate enhancement normal 06/21/2014
#483 Mixed content warnings on theme pages cause preview to redirect to new page Theme Directory closed duplicate defect (bug) normal 06/18/2014
#462 Responsive fixes for General closed duplicate defect (bug) normal 05/09/2014
#454 Code Reference: Source code links Developer Hub closed duplicate enhancement normal 05/04/2014
#444 Layout of theme- and plugin-pages broken in smaller windows General closed duplicate defect (bug) normal 04/25/2014
#389 Plugins: Approved email for hosting needs to be updated to reference https Plugin Directory closed duplicate defect (bug) normal 03/06/2014
#368 Responsive General closed duplicate enhancement normal 02/24/2014
#279 responsive formatting hides page content below menu Plugin Directory closed duplicate defect (bug) normal 02/22/2014
#357 Add minimal support to the WordCamp Base theme to allow CSS overrides to be fully responsive WordCamp Site & Plugins closed duplicate enhancement normal 02/21/2014
#179 Create strong IA/hierarchy for code reference Developer Hub closed duplicate enhancement high 02/16/2014
#301 No cc field on meta.trac Trac closed duplicate defect (bug) normal 02/03/2014
#236 Bullets in dropdown menus General closed duplicate defect (bug) normal 12/03/2013
#190 Restore attachments open by default on Core Trac Trac closed duplicate defect (bug) normal 09/11/2013
#154 Trac is super narrow on Mobile Safari (iOS) Trac closed duplicate defect (bug) low 09/05/2013
#55 Registration for Support Forums is in plain text (not checkbox) Support Forums closed duplicate defect (bug) low 07/31/2013
#41 Add "Related" links to support forum posts General closed duplicate enhancement low 07/28/2013
#314 Opt-out of getting email notifications for Trac comments I leave Trac reopened enhancement low 05/22/2024
#1077 Fix anchors in the bbPress & BuddyPress Codex theme so that anchors are not behind the toolbar assigned defect (bug) low 01/23/2024
#5483 Force-enable release confirmations for high-target plugins Plugin Directory new enhancement highest omg bbq 07/05/2024
#5555 Introduce deploy keys for SVN Plugin Directory new feature request highest omg bbq 07/05/2024
#5744 For plugins using release confirmation, email confirmation is not required to add/remove committers. Plugin Directory new feature request highest omg bbq 07/05/2024
#7235 Props page credits people who have gotten unprops General new defect (bug) highest omg bbq 04/22/2024
#30 Make better theme test data for display in the theme directory. Theme Directory new enhancement high 04/12/2023
#83 X account for Jobs ( assigned enhancement high coffee2code 02/12/2024
#89 Add email notifications for new jobs on Jobs ( new enhancement high 12/17/2023
#215 Feature Request: Readme.txt generated tabs on theme pages Theme Directory new enhancement high 12/18/2023
#291 Bring core trac improvements to other trac instances (meta, bbPress, BuddyPress) Trac new enhancement high 03/04/2022
#518 unify profiles Profiles assigned enhancement high 07/03/2024
#969 Allow multiple screenshots Theme Directory new enhancement high 10/19/2022
#1429 Implement JQuery autocomplete on fields of submit video form new enhancement high 05/13/2022
#1456 Increase font sizes site-wide new enhancement high 01/15/2024
#3594 Email notifications not sent for updates to watched tickets and still sent for blocked tickets Trac new defect (bug) high 04/05/2023
#3674 Forums: pending replies do not send notification after reviewed Support Forums new defect (bug) high 09/29/2022
#3933 Optimize fonts for Persian language General reopened enhancement high 04/23/2024
#4228 Gutenberg theme: Remove reliance upon the plugin General new task (blessed) high 03/21/2019
#4875 Add bulk suspension and reinstating admin tool for themes Theme Directory new enhancement high 01/28/2020
#5047 Add check to forum subscriptions if the account is "Blocked" or "Spectator" Support Forums new defect (bug) high 02/18/2022
#5093 Proposal to allow users to remove URLs that they have added to their posts in the support forums Support Forums reviewing enhancement high SergeyBiryukov 05/29/2024
#5104 Relax request limits on Showcase URLs Showcase new defect (bug) high 07/14/2021
#5105 Remove bot blocking (403 responses) on * sites. Trac new defect (bug) high 07/14/2021
#5168 Noindex stale plugin peripherals Support Forums reviewing defect (bug) high tellyworth 05/04/2023
#5190 Plugin images/screenshots should be lazy-loaded Plugin Directory new defect (bug) high 06/09/2023
#5207 Improve heuristics for detecting block assets Plugin Directory assigned enhancement high coreymckrill 05/16/2024
#5322 Paginated states of topics should append a trailing slash Support Forums accepted defect (bug) high tellyworth 04/29/2024
#5587 Skip sanitization of code snippets in forum replies email notifications Support Forums new defect (bug) high 08/10/2023
#5618 Require ToS/Privacy at login and record acceptance Login & Authentication accepted enhancement high dd32 12/19/2024
#5708 Allow only moderators to remove modlook tag Support Forums new defect (bug) high 08/22/2024
Note: See TracReports for help on using and creating reports.