
{6} All Tickets By Milestone (Including closed) (7901 matches)

A more complex example to show how to make advanced reports.

Results (701 - 800 of 7901)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18

(empty) (100 matches)

Ticket Summary Component Status Resolution Version Type Priority Owner Modified
#4912 Central WordCamp - WordCamp Organizer Application for is not mobile friendly WordCamp Site & Plugins closed reported-upstream defect (bug) normal 09/24/2020
#4893 Add id to organizer block WordCamp Site & Plugins closed reported-upstream enhancement normal 09/24/2020
#4757 Add city@wordcamp dot org as a recipient of invoice emails WordCamp Site & Plugins closed reported-upstream enhancement normal 09/24/2020
#4710 WordCamp CampTix invoices plugin WordCamp Site & Plugins closed reported-upstream defect (bug) normal 09/24/2020
#4690 WordCamp: It should be easier to find out if you bought a ticket for a WordCamp WordCamp Site & Plugins closed reported-upstream defect (bug) normal 09/24/2020
#4675 Profile activity: WordCamp year shown twice WordCamp Site & Plugins closed reported-upstream defect (bug) normal 09/24/2020
#4642 Support site logo for sharing image WordCamp Site & Plugins closed reported-upstream enhancement normal 09/24/2020
#4636 Remove global sponsor details from flagship event sites WordCamp Site & Plugins closed reported-upstream enhancement normal 09/24/2020
#4569 WordCamp: Improve individual session and speaker pages WordCamp Site & Plugins closed reported-upstream enhancement normal 09/24/2020
#4568 WordCamps: Render session information in page template WordCamp Site & Plugins closed reported-upstream enhancement normal 09/24/2020
#4524 Gitlab support for remote css WordCamp Site & Plugins closed reported-upstream task (blessed) normal 09/24/2020
#4439 Site cloner design review WordCamp Site & Plugins closed reported-upstream defect (bug) normal 09/24/2020
#4438 WordCamp Docs plugin review WordCamp Site & Plugins closed reported-upstream defect (bug) normal 09/24/2020
#4437 Review of personalized schedule tool WordCamp Site & Plugins closed reported-upstream defect (bug) normal 09/24/2020
#4436 Review of WordCamp reports WordCamp Site & Plugins closed reported-upstream defect (bug) normal 09/24/2020
#4435 Personalized schedule builder review WordCamp Site & Plugins closed reported-upstream defect (bug) normal 09/24/2020
#4434 WordCamp application status review WordCamp Site & Plugins closed reported-upstream defect (bug) normal 09/24/2020
#4433 CampTix review WordCamp Site & Plugins closed reported-upstream defect (bug) normal 09/24/2020
#4432 Review budget plugin WordCamp Site & Plugins closed reported-upstream defect (bug) normal 09/24/2020
#4392 Add a way to declare a custom color palette in Gutenberg WordCamp Site & Plugins closed reported-upstream enhancement normal 09/24/2020
#4390 Hide duplicates on WordCamp attendees page WordCamp Site & Plugins closed reported-upstream enhancement normal 09/24/2020
#4389 Register custom block styles on WordCamp sites WordCamp Site & Plugins closed reported-upstream enhancement normal 09/24/2020
#4375 Escape character should close Attendance UI modal WordCamp Site & Plugins closed reported-upstream enhancement normal 09/24/2020
#4374 Automatically disable Attendance UI after event ends WordCamp Site & Plugins closed reported-upstream enhancement normal 09/24/2020
#4353 Central API : username not exposed WordCamp Site & Plugins closed reported-upstream enhancement normal 09/24/2020
#4351 Central: harmonize trailing slash for WordCamp website URL WordCamp Site & Plugins closed reported-upstream enhancement normal 09/24/2020
#4302 Vendor payment request form: add field for reference number WordCamp Site & Plugins closed reported-upstream defect (bug) normal 09/24/2020
#4274 Sponsor notification when sponsorship is received WordCamp Site & Plugins closed reported-upstream enhancement normal 09/24/2020
#4241 Apostrophe in WordCamp payment notes being emailed as ' WordCamp Site & Plugins closed reported-upstream defect (bug) normal 09/24/2020
#4162 CampTix QR Code Feature WordCamp Site & Plugins closed reported-upstream enhancement normal 09/24/2020
#4054 Create public version of WordCamp Details report WordCamp Site & Plugins closed reported-upstream enhancement normal 09/24/2020
#4048 WordCamps with non-public statuses are exposed in REST API WordCamp Site & Plugins closed reported-upstream defect (bug) normal sippis 09/24/2020
#4011 Correct Twitter URL and hashtag in email to global sponsors WordCamp Site & Plugins closed reported-upstream defect (bug) normal 09/24/2020
#3989 WordCamp Post Type: Add optional fields for details about events/sessions for kids WordCamp Site & Plugins closed reported-upstream enhancement normal 09/24/2020
#3964 Warn organizers that CampTix doesn't work on multiple pages WordCamp Site & Plugins closed reported-upstream defect (bug) normal 09/24/2020
#3862 Changes to WordCamp attendee life-threatening allergy and special accommodations notifications WordCamp Site & Plugins closed reported-upstream enhancement normal 09/24/2020
#3835 defect: Some CTP list views have wide whitespace on narrow screen WordCamp Site & Plugins closed reported-upstream defect (bug) normal 09/24/2020
#3784 i18n: numbered placeholders for notify_applicant_application_received WordCamp Site & Plugins closed reported-upstream defect (bug) normal vedjain 09/24/2020
#3740 cancelled camps visible with URL WordCamp Site & Plugins closed reported-upstream defect (bug) normal sippis 09/24/2020
#1443 Fonts-Plugin: Allow fonts from other sources than Typekit, Google and BoostrapCDN WordCamp Site & Plugins closed reported-upstream enhancement normal 09/24/2020
#1116 Site Cloner: Prime mShots cache WordCamp Site & Plugins closed reported-upstream enhancement normal 09/24/2020
#1114 Site Cloner: Confirm dialog is displayed when switching sites WordCamp Site & Plugins closed reported-upstream defect (bug) normal 09/24/2020
#1112 Site Cloner: Scale to support hundreds of sites WordCamp Site & Plugins closed reported-upstream enhancement normal 09/24/2020
#1111 Site Cloner: Add support for importing relevant Customizer settings WordCamp Site & Plugins closed reported-upstream enhancement normal 09/24/2020
#1110 Site Cloner: Add support for importing widgets WordCamp Site & Plugins closed reported-upstream enhancement normal 09/24/2020
#1109 Site Cloner: Add support for importing menus WordCamp Site & Plugins closed reported-upstream enhancement normal vedjain 09/24/2020
#1074 Gracefully handle unrefundable ticket refund attempts WordCamp Site & Plugins closed reported-upstream defect (bug) normal 09/24/2020
#221 Open-Source WordCamp Site & Plugins closed reported-upstream task (blessed) normal iandunn 09/24/2020
#4803 Add Yoast SEO to WordCamp sites WordCamp Site & Plugins closed reported-upstream defect (bug) high joostdevalk 09/24/2020
#4108 Update CSS sanitization safelist to support variables WordCamp Site & Plugins closed reported-upstream enhancement high 09/24/2020
#5397 Remove resolved/unresolved links from individual Make posts Make (Get Involved) / P2 closed reported-upstream defect (bug) high 09/16/2020
#5429 PHP Coding Standards - Yoda Conditionals - Absolute Phrasing Developer Hub closed reported-upstream enhancement normal 09/11/2020
#4925 has a mix of Canceled and Cancelled WordCamp Site & Plugins closed reported-upstream defect (bug) normal 09/03/2020
#5385 Make P2 checkboxes disappear on search result page Make (Get Involved) / P2 closed reported-upstream defect (bug) low 08/21/2020
#5377 Plural form with missing plural translation results in blank string Translate Site & Plugins closed reported-upstream defect (bug) normal 08/18/2020
#4943 Themes team icon missing on pledge profile Five For The Future closed reported-upstream enhancement normal 08/14/2020
#5367 Link from profile back to 5-future Five For The Future closed reported-upstream enhancement normal 08/13/2020
#5372 Form is not made for typos Learn ( closed reported-upstream enhancement normal 08/13/2020
#5373 Breadcrumbs not always shown Learn ( closed reported-upstream defect (bug) normal 08/13/2020
#5318 @see in a DocBlock that is a reference to a hook incorrectly interpreted as a reference to a function Developer Hub closed reported-upstream defect (bug) normal 07/16/2020
#5305 Paginated states of the homepage(s) should 301 General closed reported-upstream defect (bug) lowest 07/06/2020
#5293 Translation: Strings in JavaScript files are always pointed to index.js without comments to translators. Translate Site & Plugins closed reported-upstream enhancement normal 06/28/2020
#5221 Plugin directory: i18n of max file size for upload Plugin Directory closed reported-upstream enhancement normal 05/19/2020
#5193 Forum Profile: The Language field doesn't save changes Support Forums closed reported-upstream defect (bug) normal 05/05/2020
#3836 Ticket-Tools: filter for email to attendees WordCamp Site & Plugins closed reported-upstream enhancement normal 04/30/2020
#2846 Shortcodes in Plugin Description aren't handled in the 'View Details' popup Plugin Directory closed reported-upstream defect (bug) normal 03/31/2020
#5113 5FF Pledges template omits canonical URL tags General closed reported-upstream defect (bug) lowest 03/24/2020
#5114 5FF search results template should be noindex'd General closed reported-upstream defect (bug) lowest 03/24/2020
#4155 Allow comment editing in o2 Make (Get Involved) / P2 closed reported-upstream enhancement low 03/24/2020
#4808 "Login to Reply" buttons should have a "nofollow" rel attribute Make (Get Involved) / P2 closed reported-upstream enhancement low 03/24/2020
#4217 P2: Please add possibility to mark comments as spam in frontend Make (Get Involved) / P2 closed reported-upstream enhancement normal 03/24/2020
#5111 Large amounts of JavaScript on make network Make (Get Involved) / P2 closed reported-upstream defect (bug) normal 03/23/2020
#4905 Glossary import reference link no longer valid Translate Site & Plugins closed reported-upstream defect (bug) normal 03/23/2020
#3916 Code Reference search URL is changed to link to Home Support Forums closed reported-upstream defect (bug) normal 03/23/2020
#5026 Add image lazy loading to Five for the Future pages General closed reported-upstream defect (bug) lowest 02/11/2020
#4874 Broken link in block templates docs General closed reported-upstream defect (bug) normal 02/06/2020
#4989 and other sites say username and password are empty after successful login and math test Login & Authentication closed reported-upstream defect (bug) normal 02/06/2020
#637 Add sync for with Github Version Control closed reported-upstream defect (bug) normal dd32 01/15/2020
#4954 CC License Link Broken Developer Hub closed reported-upstream defect (bug) normal 01/10/2020
#4953 Found a broken link Developer Hub closed reported-upstream defect (bug) normal 01/10/2020
#4941 Pagination on the plugins search page breaks for the tag 'rss' Plugin Directory closed reported-upstream defect (bug) normal 01/07/2020
#4907 Links to Codex inside WP5.3 HelpHub ( closed reported-upstream enhancement normal 12/15/2019
#4879 Weird error message when using an incorrect password to upload a patch over XML-RPC Trac closed reported-upstream defect (bug) normal 12/11/2019
#4768 P2/O2: During backend editing impossible to handle post from user without role Make (Get Involved) / P2 closed reported-upstream defect (bug) normal 12/07/2019
#4884 Support Article links to restricted access page HelpHub ( closed reported-upstream defect (bug) normal 11/30/2019
#4871 Translate platform fails to import Translators' comments that don't start in first line of comments Translate Site & Plugins closed reported-upstream defect (bug) normal 11/24/2019
#4641 Can't send notification message to just people that attended WordCamp WordCamp Site & Plugins closed reported-upstream defect (bug) normal 11/13/2019
#4805 Single line code samples don't show underscores Support Forums closed reported-upstream defect (bug) normal 11/06/2019
#4409 Mixed/uppercase requests should 301 to lowercase General closed reported-upstream defect (bug) high 11/04/2019
#4822 Add canonical to 5ftf pages General closed reported-upstream enhancement normal 11/03/2019
#4820 `is_500` and `is_offline` missing from the VVV meta environment. WordCamp Site & Plugins closed reported-upstream defect (bug) normal 11/03/2019
#4786 Improve email for "WordPress X.X is imminent! Are your plugins ready?" Plugin Directory closed reported-upstream enhancement low 10/25/2019
#4775 Various 'make' legacy 302s Make (Get Involved) / P2 closed reported-upstream defect (bug) low 10/24/2019
#4765 Google user agent requests to plugins/search.php returns a raw 403 Plugin Directory closed reported-upstream defect (bug) normal 10/18/2019
#4504 Security docs in Plugins hanbook for developing in block editor context Developer Hub closed reported-upstream defect (bug) normal 10/17/2019
#4734 Allow alternative to Gravatar for Speaker Images WordCamp Site & Plugins closed reported-upstream enhancement normal 09/23/2019
#4605 No link to Taiwan Sign up Translate Site & Plugins closed reported-upstream defect (bug) normal 07/15/2019
#4598 WordPress Plugin Details General closed reported-upstream defect (bug) normal 07/10/2019
#4511 Translation is duplicated in the tooltip Translate Site & Plugins closed reported-upstream defect (bug) normal 06/18/2019
#4496 Make "Save" and "Approve" the same Translate Site & Plugins closed reported-upstream enhancement normal 06/04/2019
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Note: See TracReports for help on using and creating reports.