
{6} All Tickets By Milestone (Including closed) (7901 matches)

A more complex example to show how to make advanced reports.

Results (1501 - 1600 of 7901)

(empty) (100 matches)

Ticket Summary Component Status Resolution Version Type Priority Owner Modified
#7413 In handbooks, allow for tables to have sticky columns and rows Handbooks closed fixed feature request low coffee2code 05/16/2024
#7640 Notices due to Jetpack Stats direct inclusion Translate Site & Plugins closed fixed defect (bug) low akirk 05/16/2024
#6170 Ignore blocks with variables in the name. Plugin Directory closed fixed defect (bug) normal 05/16/2024
#7251 Add a Preview in Playground button to the plugin directory Plugin Directory closed fixed defect (bug) normal tellyworth 05/16/2024
#7233 make the join link more prominent Communication (Matrix, Slack, IRC) closed fixed enhancement normal 05/15/2024
#6948 404 — File not found. HelpHub ( closed fixed defect (bug) normal 05/15/2024
#7221 After download, link Get Involved to /Contribute Make (Get Involved) / P2 closed fixed enhancement normal coffee2code 05/15/2024
#7492 Button Alignment Issue on Small/Mobile Device Theme Directory closed fixed defect (bug) lowest coffee2code 05/14/2024
#7162 Can't undo favorite theme on mobile Theme Directory closed fixed defect (bug) normal coffee2code 05/13/2024
#7638 Make/Meta search input outside bounds of responsive menu Make (Get Involved) / P2 closed fixed defect (bug) normal coffee2code 05/13/2024
#7146 underline links (in text widgets) in sidebar for accessibility Make (Get Involved) / P2 closed fixed enhancement normal coffee2code 05/13/2024
#7620 The issue of blurry images in the WordPress repository within plugins on the internal page. Plugin Directory closed fixed defect (bug) normal dufresnesteven 05/10/2024
#6617 Replace plugin page banner markup Plugin Directory closed fixed enhancement low dufresnesteven 05/10/2024
#7169 Add `php-compatibility` focus to Core's Trac to identify PHP incompatibility Trac closed fixed enhancement normal SergeyBiryukov 05/10/2024
#6123 Tables in Make handbooks not responsive Make (Get Involved) / P2 closed fixed defect (bug) low 05/10/2024
#7594 Add Hover effect on link Make (Get Involved) / P2 closed fixed enhancement lowest coffee2code 05/09/2024
#7243 Make WordPress / Core > posts > table display > improve responsiveness Make (Get Involved) / P2 closed fixed defect (bug) normal 05/09/2024
#7070 Character entities (>) instead of an actual html tag (>) on Automated Testing handbook Make (Get Involved) / P2 closed fixed defect (bug) normal 05/09/2024
#6457 (design/css) o2 dropdown (...) item isn't aligned middle & looks slightly broken when only one menu item Make (Get Involved) / P2 closed fixed defect (bug) normal 05/09/2024
#6867 Increase minimum font size to 12px with default browser settings Make (Get Involved) / P2 closed fixed defect (bug) normal coffee2code 05/08/2024
#6547 On clicking on the title of the handbook page in mobile and tablet size, a horizontal line is overlapping above the title. Handbooks closed fixed defect (bug) normal coffee2code 05/08/2024
#6458 Invalid link on page Make (Get Involved) / P2 closed fixed defect (bug) normal 05/08/2024
#5533 Make blogs rss feed in Feedly shows glossary tooltips inline Make (Get Involved) / P2 closed fixed defect (bug) normal 05/08/2024
#6117 In WordPress Plugin Directory has plugin active tab issue in responsive Plugin Directory closed fixed defect (bug) normal 05/08/2024
#6769 Plugin pages should prewarm Plugin Directory closed fixed enhancement normal dd32 05/08/2024
#7380 Allow plugin reviewers to test newly submitted plugins in Playground Plugin Directory closed fixed enhancement normal dd32 05/08/2024
#7598 Plugin Review Submissions - Allow authors to add comments about their new plugin version uploads Plugin Directory closed fixed enhancement low 05/08/2024
#7631 Update Credits for WordPress 6.5.3 API closed fixed enhancement normal coffee2code 05/07/2024
#7625 Documentation Link Redirect Issue on WordPress Meta Handbook General closed fixed defect (bug) high 05/07/2024
#7622 Interactivity API: New Component proposal Trac closed fixed defect (bug) normal dd32 05/07/2024
#7544 Improve Responsive Design Make (Get Involved) / P2 closed fixed defect (bug) lowest coffee2code 05/06/2024
#7252 Background content should not be scrollable while the secondary menu is opened. Make (Get Involved) / P2 closed fixed defect (bug) normal coffee2code 05/06/2024
#7623 Slack: Display Gutenberg repo merges in #core Communication (Matrix, Slack, IRC) closed fixed feature request normal 05/02/2024
#5667 Plugin Directory: Require more complex confirmation before self-closing a plugin Plugin Directory closed fixed enhancement normal dd32 05/01/2024
#4621 Add support for 'Tested up to' header in the main plugin file Plugin Directory closed fixed enhancement normal dd32 05/01/2024
#20 Possible for user's to break layout when adding forum posts Support Forums closed fixed defect (bug) normal SergeyBiryukov 05/01/2024
#7618 Indented List Items breaking all parent list items Support Forums closed fixed defect (bug) normal dd32 05/01/2024
#6153 In accessibility page, Show Welcome Box issue. Make (Get Involved) / P2 closed fixed defect (bug) low 04/30/2024
#6374 Update Openverse symbol and color Make (Get Involved) / P2 closed fixed enhancement normal ryelle 04/30/2024
#6712 Remove the Image block from Reviews Block Editor Support Forums closed fixed defect (bug) normal dd32 04/30/2024
#4730 unbalanced HTML in Plugins Home page Plugin Directory closed fixed defect (bug) normal 04/30/2024
#6800 Horizontal scrolling at 737px or below Plugin Directory closed fixed defect (bug) low 04/30/2024
#6409 Heading alignment issue in Responsive devices Plugin Directory closed fixed defect (bug) low 04/30/2024
#6954 Remove excessive automatic hyphenation Plugin Directory closed fixed defect (bug) normal 04/30/2024
#7609 Google Forms Shortcode Not Displaying in Documentation WordCamp Site & Plugins closed fixed defect (bug) normal 04/30/2024
#6839 Allow option for anonymous posting by moderators Support Forums closed fixed enhancement high 04/29/2024
#7141 Huge Emojis in Support Forum Support Forums closed fixed defect (bug) high dd32 04/29/2024
#6627 Support icons/banners by language - 2 Plugin Directory closed fixed defect (bug) normal dd32 04/29/2024
#6921 Prepare for Plugin Dependencies Plugin Directory closed fixed defect (bug) normal 04/29/2024
#7372 Update credits for 6.3 API closed fixed defect (bug) normal SergeyBiryukov 04/27/2024
#6907 Design issue of menu in mobile at 320px Swag Store ( closed fixed defect (bug) normal 04/23/2024
#6906 White space issue in responsive at 320px. Swag Store ( closed fixed defect (bug) normal 04/23/2024
#5470 Responsive layout issue in WordPress swag store's single product page Swag Store ( closed fixed defect (bug) normal 04/23/2024
#7563 Create repo @WordPress/contributor-handbook Version Control closed fixed enhancement normal 04/23/2024
#7369 Star rating info content outside the box and overlaping closed fixed defect (bug) normal mrfoxtalbot 04/22/2024
#4275 Reviews that are moderated, do not keep their ratings Support Forums closed fixed defect (bug) normal dd32 04/22/2024
#7606 The icons on the link toolbar popup appear too small. Support Forums closed fixed enhancement high dd32 04/22/2024
#7603 Image blocks collide with action links in pending views Support Forums closed fixed defect (bug) normal adamwood 04/22/2024
#7597 Plugin Review Submission - Change the date for new version uploads Plugin Directory closed fixed defect (bug) high dd32 04/19/2024
#7475 Search Button is not visible in Responsive screen size Support Forums closed fixed defect (bug) normal 04/19/2024
#7435 Extend Support & Forum threads content max-width to 1160px to match developer & documentation Support Forums closed fixed enhancement normal 04/19/2024
#6608 Enable Blocks for the Support Forums editor Support Forums closed fixed defect (bug) high 04/19/2024
#7566 Notify Plugin or Theme developer of support requests Support Forums closed fixed enhancement normal dd32 04/18/2024
#6703 Block editor prevents emojis in reviews Support Forums closed fixed defect (bug) normal 04/18/2024
#6964 Add some calming comment about spurious IMG tags from emojis leading to "links in reviews" Support Forums closed fixed defect (bug) normal dd32 04/18/2024
#7037 Image upload issue on support comment box Support Forums closed fixed defect (bug) normal 04/18/2024
#7580 Please make reported topic reports look less like a normal reply Support Forums closed fixed defect (bug) normal adamwood 04/18/2024
#7571 Design issue : search suggestion have more space General closed fixed defect (bug) lowest dufresnesteven 04/17/2024
#7590 Design issue: On hover button text is not visible Make (Get Involved) / P2 closed fixed defect (bug) lowest 04/16/2024
#7586 User report template needs spacing around avatar Support Forums closed fixed defect (bug) normal adamwood 04/16/2024
#6059 Display style variations for block themes in the theme directory Theme Directory closed fixed enhancement normal 04/16/2024
#7582 Support Forums: Search Engine, in new Theme, does not return any results Support Forums closed fixed defect (bug) high adamwood 04/15/2024
#7584 Hide replies history from non-moderators on special @moderator account Support Forums closed fixed defect (bug) normal dd32 04/15/2024
#7575 Reduce font size for forum quote block Support Forums closed fixed defect (bug) normal adamwood 04/12/2024
#7553 Website Redesign / Plugin Directory / A11y / block level card link Plugin Directory closed fixed defect (bug) normal dufresnesteven 04/12/2024
#4117 Proposal to change the headings hierarchy in the Support section Support Forums closed fixed defect (bug) normal adamwood 04/12/2024
#268 Update Quantcast script to support https without SSL erros General closed fixed defect (bug) normal nacin 04/12/2024
#7572 No plugin/theme-specific support forum search form in new theme Support Forums closed fixed defect (bug) high adamwood 04/12/2024
#6880 Persistent plugin author notifications Plugin Directory closed fixed enhancement low 04/11/2024
#7543 New Theme Lacks Different Badge Colors for Moderators vs. Plugin/Theme Support Support Forums closed fixed enhancement normal 04/11/2024
#7562 Access to team meetings CPT Make (Get Involved) / P2 closed fixed enhancement low 04/11/2024
#7560 Plugin listing page - plugin 'tested up to' word wrap issue. Plugin Directory closed fixed defect (bug) lowest 04/11/2024
#7564 Forum pages do not show moderated content correctly Support Forums closed fixed defect (bug) high adamwood 04/11/2024
#6384 Image captions in are not working properly Make (Get Involved) / P2 closed fixed defect (bug) normal coffee2code 04/10/2024
#7567 Broken Link in Contribute handbook page Make (Get Involved) / P2 closed fixed defect (bug) low 04/10/2024
#7404 editor post area for request PTE is not visible in mobile device Make (Get Involved) / P2 closed fixed defect (bug) normal coffee2code 04/10/2024
#7568 The Likes widget is not vertically aligned with Reply and Follow buttons Make (Get Involved) / P2 closed fixed defect (bug) low coffee2code 04/10/2024
#4007 Support Forums: Improve the look and usability of Forums page Support Forums closed fixed defect (bug) normal 04/10/2024
#7400 In Responsive 768px size the design of the review section is not proper Support Forums closed fixed defect (bug) low coffee2code 04/09/2024
#5653 Plugin Directory: Track reasons for Rejection Plugin Directory closed fixed enhancement normal 04/09/2024
#7559 Inconsistent warning message when there are ignored header tags Plugin Directory closed fixed defect (bug) normal dd32 04/09/2024
#7557 Developer Resources home page link layouts broken in Safari Developer Hub closed fixed defect (bug) normal 04/09/2024
#7550 Website Redesign / Plugin Directory / A11y / links in content should be underlined Plugin Directory closed fixed defect (bug) normal dufresnesteven 04/08/2024
#7469 Update plugin list item design in plugin directory. Plugin Directory closed fixed enhancement normal 04/08/2024
#7551 Website Redesign / Plugin Directory / A11y / favorite link animation Plugin Directory closed fixed defect (bug) normal dufresnesteven 04/04/2024
#7552 Website Redesign / Plugin Directory / A11y / focus state on FAQ accordion Plugin Directory closed fixed defect (bug) normal dufresnesteven 04/04/2024
#7549 Website Redesign / Plugin Directory / A11y / plugin tabs insufficient contrast Plugin Directory closed fixed defect (bug) normal dufresnesteven 04/04/2024
#7534 Plugin Directory: add a browse view for preview-enabled plugins Plugin Directory closed fixed enhancement normal tellyworth 04/03/2024
#7529 New Theme Lacks Different Color for Visited Links Support Forums closed fixed enhancement normal 04/03/2024
#7548 Update releases roadmap after 6.5 Site closed fixed enhancement high 04/03/2024
Note: See TracReports for help on using and creating reports.