
{6} All Tickets By Milestone (Including closed) (7906 matches)

A more complex example to show how to make advanced reports.

Results (5001 - 5100 of 7906)

(empty) (100 matches)

Ticket Summary Component Status Resolution Version Type Priority Owner Modified
#5852 Adding Pronouns field on the profile Profiles closed maybelater enhancement low 11/09/2022
#6368 In WordPress plugin directory shows unequal height of plugin card box Plugin Directory closed maybelater defect (bug) lowest 11/01/2022
#6222 Remove zip files from downloads server for permanently closed plugins. Plugin Directory closed maybelater defect (bug) low 11/01/2022
#5950 Timestamp URL for wptv videos closed maybelater enhancement normal 08/15/2022
#6416 Notify parties when forum post/review is modified. Support Forums closed maybelater feature request normal 07/20/2022
#6397 Update Twenty Ten `Tested up to` values Theme Directory closed maybelater defect (bug) low 07/12/2022
#6375 Create Ability To Sort Plugin Directory Plugin Directory closed maybelater enhancement highest omg bbq 06/26/2022
#5228 Consistency tool: create wildcard search option Translate Site & Plugins closed maybelater enhancement low 05/16/2022
#5922 Plugin/Theme should show their CSS & JS dependencies sizes Plugin Directory closed maybelater feature request normal 03/30/2022
#6184 enhancement: Allow uploaders to update image titles Photo Directory closed maybelater enhancement normal 03/13/2022
#5974 Add linode to list of trademarks General closed maybelater task (blessed) normal Ipstenu 12/06/2021
#5939 Plugin Directory: Trademark use of Meta Plugin Directory closed maybelater enhancement normal 11/03/2021
#1082 Rebranding WordCamp Central WordCamp Site & Plugins closed maybelater enhancement low hugobaeta 10/06/2021
#5873 Meaningless query Translate Site & Plugins closed maybelater defect (bug) normal 08/23/2021
#5805 Need to introduce Staged Rollouts for the Plugin and Theme Repository Plugin Directory closed maybelater enhancement normal 08/05/2021
#5786 add a link to the release announcement posts for each version on Developer Hub closed maybelater enhancement normal 07/19/2021
#5338 "Topic tag" templates should be noindexed Support Forums closed maybelater defect (bug) normal 01/19/2021
#5310 Improve Server Performance - globally Site closed maybelater defect (bug) normal 11/06/2020
#5120 Add "created date" to support forum archive Support Forums closed maybelater enhancement normal 11/05/2020
#5399 Post the commit messages to tickets marked as duplicate Trac closed maybelater enhancement normal 09/17/2020
#5401 Left side menu not working same as top menu General closed maybelater defect (bug) normal 09/16/2020
#5408 Make Components table not responsive Make (Get Involved) / P2 closed maybelater defect (bug) normal 09/16/2020
#5366 Investigate wp-admin timeouts during publish and edit actions Support Forums closed maybelater defect (bug) low 08/13/2020
#5371 Too much empty space after description Learn ( closed maybelater enhancement normal 08/12/2020
#4655 Reports: Relevant Meetup and WordCamp links in listings WordCamp Site & Plugins closed maybelater defect (bug) normal 08/06/2020
#4590 Call for sponsors default form content WordCamp Site & Plugins closed maybelater enhancement normal 08/06/2020
#1476 Images are not centralized or are breaking the layout Trac closed maybelater enhancement normal 07/01/2020
#5288 Add "Related" tab on the "Plugin" single page Plugin Directory closed maybelater enhancement normal 06/26/2020
#4079 Remote CSS - Allow domain WordCamp Site & Plugins closed maybelater enhancement normal 06/12/2020
#4059 RSS feed for (new) meetups WordCamp Site & Plugins closed maybelater enhancement normal 06/12/2020
#5197 Install still isn't a noun Profiles closed maybelater defect (bug) low 06/12/2020
#4243 Clarify Payment Gateway Account Settings for CampTix WordCamp Site & Plugins closed maybelater enhancement normal coreymckrill 06/11/2020
#4082 Events tracker: show date for latest log note WordCamp Site & Plugins closed maybelater defect (bug) normal 06/11/2020
#4003 Copy Previous Year's Budget (or Export/Import Line Items) WordCamp Site & Plugins closed maybelater enhancement normal 05/28/2020
#4070 Consolidate 301 redirects from legacy URL structures General closed maybelater enhancement low 05/13/2020
#3540 Add Category Navigation on /theme/ and /plugins/ that Google can follow more efficiently. General closed maybelater enhancement normal 05/12/2020
#3721 Marking session types as `Contributor Events` WordCamp Site & Plugins closed maybelater defect (bug) normal 04/30/2020
#3609 Improve design of "Upgrading PHP" support page General closed maybelater enhancement normal 04/06/2020
#4177 Changes to the Meetup organizer application form WordCamp Site & Plugins closed maybelater defect (bug) normal 04/02/2020
#350 Search enhancements: filtering and add'l details Trac closed maybelater enhancement normal 03/25/2020
#603 Translatable slug in WordCamp Custom Post Types WordCamp Site & Plugins closed maybelater enhancement low 03/19/2020
#1512 CampTix Setup Tab URLs break with double slash at start of REQUEST_URI WordCamp Site & Plugins closed maybelater defect (bug) low 02/06/2020
#1403 Convert back-compat filters to skip-feature flags WordCamp Site & Plugins closed maybelater task (blessed) low iandunn 02/06/2020
#1361 Provided Attended/Not Attended Counts WordCamp Site & Plugins closed maybelater enhancement low 02/06/2020
#4529 Reactions on Support Forum Replies Support Forums closed maybelater enhancement normal 02/04/2020
#1324 Allow Thread Author and Plugin/Theme Owner to mark correct answer Support Forums closed maybelater enhancement normal 02/04/2020
#5000 Auto QA plugins - no QA time wasted on our tiny issues during dev Plugin Directory closed maybelater enhancement normal 02/03/2020
#4682 Make / core author archives should show excerpts Make (Get Involved) / P2 closed maybelater enhancement lowest 01/17/2020
#3643 Add a new badge for Trusted Theme Authors Profiles closed maybelater enhancement high 01/14/2020
#4881 Add recaptcha (v3) to 'edit profile' pages Profiles closed maybelater enhancement high 01/06/2020
#880 Reintroduce total theme count and downloads to header of landing page Theme Directory closed maybelater enhancement normal 12/19/2019
#1164 Support for adding Google Analytics code on WordCamp websites WordCamp Site & Plugins closed maybelater enhancement normal 11/12/2019
#4801 Template partials should not be publicly accessible General closed maybelater defect (bug) low 11/03/2019
#4715 Delete misc spam profiles Profiles closed maybelater defect (bug) lowest 10/15/2019
#1188 New updated ticket process format Theme Review closed maybelater enhancement normal 09/11/2019
#3822 Plugin Admin: Redesign Author Cards Plugin Directory closed maybelater enhancement low 08/19/2019
#4645 WordPress News emails should contain Google Analytics tracking links General closed maybelater defect (bug) normal 08/05/2019
#1152 Open source Profiles theme Profiles closed maybelater task (blessed) high 05/27/2019
#4268 Documentation Change closed maybelater enhancement lowest 05/03/2019
#4269 Coding standards: Need to use numeric values instead of keywords in CSS. General closed maybelater defect (bug) normal 05/03/2019
#4381 Send a email when a speaker apply to a call for speakers WordCamp Site & Plugins closed maybelater enhancement normal 04/14/2019
#1387 Add stats/filters to the project overview page Translate Site & Plugins closed maybelater enhancement normal 03/24/2019
#4290 Provide new files in full on Changesets in Trac to match the view of Diffs Trac closed maybelater enhancement normal 03/18/2019
#4097 Link the counts for Translated/Suggested/Fuzzy under Translation Contributors on project homepage Translate Site & Plugins closed maybelater enhancement lowest 03/01/2019
#3988 Alter hreflang behaviour on plugin pages Plugin Directory closed maybelater defect (bug) high joostdevalk 02/22/2019
#4138 PROPOSAL: Maintain a blacklist of obviously nefarious traffic sources General closed maybelater defect (bug) low 02/12/2019
#620 activity should appear on profiles Profiles closed maybelater enhancement normal DrewAPicture 01/23/2019
#721 Allow to act as a oAuth Provider API closed maybelater enhancement normal 01/23/2019
#4029 Missing Coding Standards - Core Function Files Theme Directory closed maybelater defect (bug) normal 12/21/2018
#3993 Add "badges" next to team members usernames in Trac Trac closed maybelater enhancement normal 12/13/2018
#3963 Plugin names have too little "weight" in the search algorithm Plugin Directory closed maybelater enhancement normal 12/13/2018
#557 Provide a mechanism to search for aliases of dynamic hooks Developer Hub closed maybelater enhancement normal 11/29/2018
#644 Allow content to be be added to a plugin's 'Developers' page via readme.txt Plugin Directory closed maybelater enhancement normal 11/29/2018
#1358 Allow users to filter out themes that upsell or have features locked Theme Directory closed maybelater enhancement normal 10/17/2018
#77 Setup two-factor authentication for privileged WordPress accounts Login & Authentication closed maybelater enhancement high 10/11/2018
#3646 Automate WordCamp attendee allergy and special-accommodations reminder fwd:s WordCamp Site & Plugins closed maybelater enhancement low 09/27/2018
#3766 Add active installs and total string count to the plugin/theme box Translate Site & Plugins closed maybelater enhancement normal 09/04/2018
#1338 Make Plugin Authors automatically Translation Editors for their own plugins for native languages Plugin Directory closed maybelater enhancement normal 09/04/2018
#3601 Wrong detection of localizable method in case of class Translate Site & Plugins closed maybelater defect (bug) normal 08/21/2018
#3707 Available language message on the front is different compared to the plugin page. General closed maybelater defect (bug) normal 07/11/2018
#168 Display inline status changes in support forum threads Support Forums closed maybelater enhancement low 07/10/2018
#833 Add a random survey feature to the forums Support Forums closed maybelater enhancement normal 06/17/2018
#1414 Translate: Create a project for "Front end" Translate Site & Plugins closed maybelater enhancement lowest 06/16/2018
#455 It's hard to grok a huge discussion on a trac ticket Trac closed maybelater enhancement normal 06/13/2018
#367 Dynamic milestone notifications Trac closed maybelater enhancement low 06/13/2018
#3614 Needs Multilingual support for CampTix WordCamp Site & Plugins closed maybelater defect (bug) normal 05/11/2018
#3605 Speaker application form for WordCamps blocked when not logged in WordCamp Site & Plugins closed maybelater enhancement high 05/04/2018
#143 Add support to request topics through the WordPress API Support Forums closed maybelater enhancement low 03/09/2018
#1162 Ability to notify or contact plugin/theme authors and visa versa Translate Site & Plugins closed maybelater enhancement low 02/25/2018
#829 Missing functionality from Slack Logs Communication (Matrix, Slack, IRC) closed maybelater defect (bug) normal pento 02/21/2018
#1046 Make/core Component Pages: hide tickets reported by component maintainers in unresponded-to tickets list Make (Get Involved) / P2 closed maybelater enhancement normal 02/16/2018
#1435 Display WordCamp information on WordCamp archive closed maybelater enhancement normal 02/16/2018
#879 show a notification in Slack when a support topic is marked with modlook or dupe Communication (Matrix, Slack, IRC) closed maybelater enhancement normal 02/16/2018
#391 Change Jobs home page to list All Openings in descending order Jobs ( closed maybelater enhancement normal 02/16/2018
#1166 Theme directory search resets the load of new elements under certain circumstances Theme Directory closed maybelater defect (bug) low 02/06/2018
#1291 Slack security Communication (Matrix, Slack, IRC) closed maybelater enhancement normal 02/01/2018
#204 Balance the learn more link with the chat times on homepage Make (Get Involved) / P2 closed maybelater enhancement normal 01/31/2018
#1075 Log search queries from the theme and plugin API API closed maybelater enhancement normal dd32 01/31/2018
#1384 Turn into a single-project repository (remove /sites/) Version Control closed maybelater defect (bug) normal 01/18/2018
#101 Localized version stats International Sites (Rosetta) closed maybelater enhancement low 01/17/2018
Note: See TracReports for help on using and creating reports.