
{6} All Tickets By Milestone (Including closed) (7904 matches)

A more complex example to show how to make advanced reports.

Results (5501 - 5600 of 7904)

(empty) (100 matches)

Ticket Summary Component Status Resolution Version Type Priority Owner Modified
#7029 Menu Design is not proper Codex closed wontfix defect (bug) lowest 06/15/2023
#7058 Notification term minimum letters Profiles closed wontfix enhancement normal 06/14/2023
#6889 Spacing issue between listings. Plugin Directory closed wontfix defect (bug) lowest 06/12/2023
#7010 Unauthorized Swag Ordering via Guest User Checkout Swag Store ( closed wontfix defect (bug) high 06/09/2023
#4538 The merchandise store subdomain is missing Google Tag Manager Swag Store ( closed wontfix defect (bug) high 05/25/2023
#4627 Noindex search results on Merch site Swag Store ( closed wontfix defect (bug) normal 05/25/2023
#4628 Merch site archive pages should use canonical URL tags Swag Store ( closed wontfix defect (bug) low 05/25/2023
#4629 'Page 0' requests on the merch site should 301 Swag Store ( closed wontfix defect (bug) lowest 05/25/2023
#6980 There is some console error. Make (Get Involved) / P2 closed wontfix defect (bug) lowest 05/11/2023
#696 Add markdown support to support forum editor Support Forums closed wontfix enhancement normal 05/06/2023
#5229 Support forums: expanded code still has scrollbar Support Forums closed wontfix defect (bug) normal 04/05/2023
#5100 Replace all instances that matches the OP's domain name as contained in "the link I need help with" in the content of their post and any follow-up posts with "" Support Forums closed wontfix defect (bug) normal 03/29/2023
#6884 Table design not responsive on the page. Site closed wontfix defect (bug) normal 03/26/2023
#165 Add new status for support threads: "awaiting user's verification for resolution" Support Forums closed wontfix enhancement low 03/22/2023
#6798 The design of the page is breaking in mobile size because of the form. Showcase closed wontfix defect (bug) normal 02/23/2023
#6692 The development table's header not displaying on responsive devices Jobs ( closed wontfix defect (bug) normal 01/31/2023
#6424 Possible css conflicts in pattern preview of themes directory Theme Directory closed wontfix defect (bug) normal 12/20/2022
#6537 Add option to view the under moderation photo queue Photo Directory closed wontfix feature request normal 11/10/2022
#6114 Excluded/not-displayed tags get returned in API & used for search Plugin Directory closed wontfix defect (bug) normal 10/31/2022
#6528 Design break in the responsive view. Codex closed wontfix defect (bug) normal 10/12/2022
#6506 The width of the box of Pygments syntax highlighter is small on a mobile screen size Trac closed wontfix defect (bug) lowest 09/29/2022
#6501 Inconsistent button padding into the "join the moderation team" form Photo Directory closed wontfix defect (bug) normal 09/28/2022
#6218 Use a consistent color in wp.,org header Global Header/Footer closed wontfix enhancement normal 09/05/2022
#6467 Changing the wording in the new navigation for documentation Make (Get Involved) / P2 closed wontfix defect (bug) normal 09/02/2022
#114 Add a wp-org-parent theme that child themes can inherit the global header and footer from. General closed wontfix enhancement low 08/04/2022
#5837 Change wporg-themes background color to #fff to match other themes. Theme Directory closed wontfix enhancement normal 07/04/2022
#6354 overflow issue in responsive Trac closed wontfix defect (bug) lowest 06/07/2022
#6334 Stable check API major versions don't match the download zip API closed wontfix feature request normal 05/29/2022
#9 Option to show own email address to others via profile Profiles closed wontfix enhancement lowest 05/26/2022
#6318 Version number not sorted appropriately Version Control closed wontfix defect (bug) normal 05/20/2022
#6308 Images are not showing proper in responsive Site closed wontfix defect (bug) normal 05/10/2022
#5943 When you create a glossary in a project, it stays for one set. Translate Site & Plugins closed wontfix enhancement normal 04/12/2022
#6269 Text overlapping above attachment file Trac closed wontfix defect (bug) lowest 04/12/2022
#6266 Design not looks proper in responsive. Trac closed wontfix defect (bug) low 04/12/2022
#6263 Edit icon not in center aligned Make (Get Involved) / P2 closed wontfix defect (bug) normal 04/08/2022
#6254 The alignment of the submit button of the form is not proper in mobile size. closed wontfix defect (bug) normal 04/06/2022
#6252 white space coming due to the anchor tag at the title of the components section Trac closed wontfix enhancement normal 04/05/2022
#6191 Automatically prompt for review once a support ticket is resolved Support Forums closed wontfix feature request normal 03/15/2022
#4686 Empty tag archives on make / design (and elsewhere) should return 404 behaviour Make (Get Involved) / P2 closed wontfix defect (bug) low 03/11/2022
#5564 secret-key service output does not follow coding standards API closed wontfix enhancement normal 03/11/2022
#6148 In make wordpress site Get involved tab having tooltip overlap issue General closed wontfix defect (bug) lowest 03/04/2022
#6164 Search issue found Photo Directory closed wontfix defect (bug) normal 03/04/2022
#6158 There is no link still that label has cursor pointer - on the page Translate Site & Plugins closed wontfix defect (bug) lowest 03/03/2022
#6121 Show image in list of uploaded Photo Directory closed wontfix enhancement low 02/25/2022
#160 Fix Plugins Trac Components to Work for All Plugins Trac closed wontfix enhancement low 02/14/2022
#6061 Download stats API returning unexpected results API closed wontfix defect (bug) normal 02/09/2022
#3678 Add WP_CACHE_KEY_SALT to secret-key service API closed wontfix defect (bug) normal 02/09/2022
#6004 Translate: Rephrase error messge when saving changed string status fails. Translate Site & Plugins closed wontfix enhancement normal 01/08/2022
#6016 Require Global variable declaration API closed wontfix enhancement normal 01/07/2022
#5765 Don't load the theme filters interface on individual theme pages Theme Directory closed wontfix defect (bug) normal 12/17/2021
#5782 Button texts becomes blurry when a user search for that text on sites Site closed wontfix enhancement low 12/15/2021
#5081 Delete project's language pack when below specific percentage Translate Site & Plugins closed wontfix enhancement normal 12/02/2021
#5844 Cleaning up translations which lack an author. Translate Site & Plugins closed wontfix enhancement normal 10/14/2021
#5582 Facilitate embedded videos in for plugin directory page Plugin Directory closed wontfix enhancement normal 10/06/2021
#3825 Wrong data validation added for home_url in WordCamp feed page template WordCamp Site & Plugins closed wontfix defect (bug) low 10/06/2021
#470 Add Infinite Scrolling to WordPress Events plugin Make (Get Involved) / P2 closed wontfix enhancement normal iandunn 10/06/2021
#4579 Requests to URLs should 301 to the HTTPS equivalent API closed wontfix defect (bug) low 09/15/2021
#5584 slack block users from Iran Communication (Matrix, Slack, IRC) closed wontfix defect (bug) normal 09/01/2021
#5156 Media upload limit incorrect closed wontfix defect (bug) low 08/05/2021
#3731 Remove the `Preview` button Theme Directory closed wontfix task (blessed) high 07/26/2021
#3764 Denote the projects that are 'not properly prepared for localization' on their intro block Translate Site & Plugins closed wontfix defect (bug) normal 07/05/2021
#5811 Currently it is possible to add more then one suggestion by different translators. Translate Site & Plugins closed wontfix defect (bug) normal 07/05/2021
#5770 Add the name "fuzzybot" to a translation when it is set to "fuzzy" by the bot Translate Site & Plugins closed wontfix enhancement normal 06/10/2021
#5658 Privacy is now a major subject Site closed wontfix enhancement normal 03/14/2021
#4451 Site Health information site HelpHub ( closed wontfix enhancement high 02/24/2021
#5628 Plugin Trac Side-by-Side Differences Not Working Trac closed wontfix defect (bug) low 02/18/2021
#5602 Dequeue /wp-includes/css/dist/block-library/style.min.css General closed wontfix defect (bug) low 02/08/2021
#5599 Space is needed between icon and text in footer. General closed wontfix defect (bug) normal 02/08/2021
#5553 Change “Plugin Author” label to “Plugin Manager” Support Forums closed wontfix enhancement low 12/18/2020
#5500 Remove the current page? Site closed wontfix defect (bug) normal 12/16/2020
#277 [codex] Some symbols are not allowed in password Codex closed wontfix defect (bug) normal 11/11/2020
#5472 Image slider issue WordCamp Site & Plugins closed wontfix defect (bug) low 10/26/2020
#5481 Prevent/strip UTM tags in plugin readme 'internal' links Plugin Directory closed wontfix defect (bug) lowest 10/23/2020
#5406 Noindex the "Report Theme" page Make (Get Involved) / P2 closed wontfix defect (bug) lowest 09/16/2020
#5392 Trac roadmap page not responsive Trac closed wontfix defect (bug) lowest 09/16/2020
#5422 Unable to upload ttml file from wp-admin closed wontfix defect (bug) normal 09/07/2020
#5369 Have themes added to the latest page staggered more evenly by date/time Theme Directory closed wontfix enhancement low 08/13/2020
#4494 Posts published on a "Coming Soon" mode WordCamp site appear on profile stream WordCamp Site & Plugins closed wontfix defect (bug) normal 07/09/2020
#4426 WordCamp Planning Checklist: Add an "In Progress" status for tasks WordCamp Site & Plugins closed wontfix enhancement normal 07/09/2020
#4319 Central: End date is empty WordCamp Site & Plugins closed wontfix enhancement normal 07/02/2020
#5253 Async on theme templates Theme Directory closed wontfix defect (bug) low 06/10/2020
#3847 WordCamp Site: No proper validation on become a speaker form WordCamp Site & Plugins closed wontfix enhancement normal 05/28/2020
#3832 CampTix : Coupon code limits WordCamp Site & Plugins closed wontfix enhancement lowest 04/30/2020
#4658 String Translator should stay string translator even if PTE correcting things Translate Site & Plugins closed wontfix enhancement normal 04/09/2020
#5137 Noindex the thread at Support Forums closed wontfix task (blessed) normal 04/08/2020
#5136 Banner and Icon sizes issue in plugin single page Plugin Directory closed wontfix defect (bug) normal 04/07/2020
#4160 Add to plugin's directory the support of additional params from readme.txt - "Coding-Standards:" (like "Tags") and "Micro-Framework:" Plugin Directory closed wontfix enhancement normal 03/31/2020
#3755 Add "Subscribe to this plugin" button Support Forums closed wontfix defect (bug) normal 03/20/2020
#5097 profile email update bug Profiles closed wontfix defect (bug) high 03/12/2020
#3454 Add new plugin/theme readme header tag for documentation link Plugin Directory closed wontfix enhancement normal 02/28/2020
#3750 Featured Page - Proposal Theme Directory closed wontfix enhancement high 02/25/2020
#5015 Switching Text/Visual modes for Explanation posts loses newlines Developer Hub closed wontfix defect (bug) normal 02/14/2020
#5016 Switching Text/Visual modes for Explanation posts javascript exception (regexp) Developer Hub closed wontfix defect (bug) normal 02/14/2020
#164 Ability to "like" support forum messages Support Forums closed wontfix enhancement low 02/04/2020
#152 Add a field onto support forums for plugin version number Support Forums closed wontfix enhancement low 02/04/2020
#4999 Justify curl (and other) exceptions when submit plugin Plugin Directory closed wontfix enhancement normal 02/03/2020
#4900 Comment actions should omit arbitrary parameters / use the canonical URL rather than the request URL General closed wontfix defect (bug) lowest 01/17/2020
#4646 Redirect to Login & Authentication closed wontfix enhancement low 12/16/2019
#4869 Unexpected "Failure occurred processing one or more externals definitions" error for SVN checkout Version Control closed wontfix defect (bug) normal 11/26/2019
#1336 Search box on locale pages should be able to search across all projects Translate Site & Plugins closed wontfix enhancement low 11/24/2019
Note: See TracReports for help on using and creating reports.