
{6} All Tickets By Milestone (Including closed) (7905 matches)

A more complex example to show how to make advanced reports.

Results (5901 - 6000 of 7905)

(empty) (100 matches)

Ticket Summary Component Status Resolution Version Type Priority Owner Modified
#83 X account for Jobs ( assigned enhancement high coffee2code 02/12/2024
#518 unify profiles Profiles assigned enhancement high 07/03/2024
#5207 Improve heuristics for detecting block assets Plugin Directory assigned enhancement high coreymckrill 05/16/2024
#987 Display WPTV videos on speaker and producer profiles Profiles assigned enhancement normal 01/06/2025
#1078 Enable community-translator Translate Site & Plugins assigned enhancement normal 01/23/2024
#3633 Moderator tool: Help spot sock puppets Support Forums assigned enhancement normal 03/08/2023
#3774 Create a Blog Page on General assigned enhancement normal ryelle 02/17/2023
#4096 Redesign /mobile/ General assigned defect (bug) normal sjardo 08/05/2021
#4455 Make it easier to notify plugin/theme authors to make their code translatable Translate Site & Plugins assigned enhancement normal 04/29/2024
#4601 Init BP DevHub with the BP REST API Handbook assigned enhancement normal johnjamesjacoby 10/06/2021
#5152 Put a limit on adding new translation after multiple warnings Translate Site & Plugins assigned enhancement normal 01/23/2024
#5238 Remove or block the support forum for the defunct "Ask Questions" plugin Support Forums assigned defect (bug) normal dd32 04/05/2023
#5598 Broken links to usability tests in Test Team handbook Handbooks assigned defect (bug) normal ironprogrammer 09/28/2022
#6573 add counter for total amount of translated lines into profile Translate Site & Plugins assigned enhancement normal Amieiro 12/21/2022
#6594 Make full width Translate Site & Plugins assigned enhancement normal amieiro 01/04/2023
#6985 Add an extra parameter 'show_in_rest' in custom taxonomy code snippet of developer doc. Developer Hub assigned enhancement normal akhterarif 05/13/2023
#7117 Filter structure issue. Swag Store ( assigned defect (bug) normal 04/23/2024
#7145 Improve Workflow for testing Theme for Accessibility-Ready-Tag Handbooks assigned enhancement normal @… 07/11/2024
#7165 Overview: Current state of accessibility-ready Themes Theme Review assigned defect (bug) normal Travel_girl 01/23/2024
#7181 Misleading text in discussion tab while reviewing strings Translate Site & Plugins assigned defect (bug) normal Amieiro 05/26/2024
#7297 Add locale mapping to DeePL API requests General assigned defect (bug) normal amieiro 10/18/2023
#7465 Plugins: Add interface for requesting plugin categorization in "advanced tab" Plugin Directory assigned enhancement normal dufresnesteven 02/21/2024
#7637 create documentation page for Rosetta sites International Sites (Rosetta) assigned enhancement normal 06/04/2024
#7690 Color Contrast Issue on Five for the Future Page of Site assigned defect (bug) normal deepakrohilla 06/30/2024
#7806 Profile fields filled in during account creation don't appear on profile. Login & Authentication assigned defect (bug) normal dufresnesteven 10/18/2024
#7871 Title hide when click on button Photo Directory assigned defect (bug) normal 01/01/2025
#1077 Fix anchors in the bbPress & BuddyPress Codex theme so that anchors are not behind the toolbar assigned defect (bug) low 01/23/2024
#7658 Plugin Preview on Playground: Edit plugin notice pointing to enable the preview on the Advanced tab Plugin Directory assigned defect (bug) low dd32 05/27/2024
#4298 Inaccurate dates in release archive General assigned task (blessed) lowest SergeyBiryukov 11/13/2024
#5935 Add Google Tag Manager to General assigned defect (bug) lowest 10/22/2021
#7692 Missing Escaping, Strict Check, and PHPCS Issues in Multiple Files of Jobs ( assigned defect (bug) lowest 07/03/2024
#5322 Paginated states of topics should append a trailing slash Support Forums accepted defect (bug) high tellyworth 04/29/2024
#5618 Require ToS/Privacy at login and record acceptance Login & Authentication accepted enhancement high dd32 12/19/2024
#7687 Cognitive Accessibility Design issue: An email address should be linked using the “mailto” protocol [[mailto]] with prefilled “to”. General accepted defect (bug) high tellyworth 09/25/2024
#1424 Automate meta contributor badge assignment when receiving props Profiles accepted defect (bug) normal coffee2code 09/01/2017
#3954 Support Forums: Add counters to moderation links Support Forums accepted enhancement normal SergeyBiryukov 03/22/2023
#4123 Proposal to improve the main navigation menu accessibility General accepted defect (bug) normal Otto42 06/13/2023
#4253 Plugins API `query_plugins` produces wrong number of results Plugin Directory accepted defect (bug) normal tellyworth 05/03/2019
#4478 Add an `.editorconfig` file to the root of the meta repo General accepted enhancement normal tellyworth 05/31/2019
#4487 Set the codex to readonly Codex accepted task (blessed) normal dd32 02/27/2024
#4535 Delete "Hello World" posts (and tidy up empty blogs) International Sites (Rosetta) accepted defect (bug) normal ocean90 01/17/2020
#4555 Plugin Directory Administration: Mass Email Tool Plugin Directory accepted feature request normal dd32 03/30/2022
#4695 Add FAQPage schema markup to plugin pages Plugin Directory accepted defect (bug) normal SergeyBiryukov 02/17/2023
#4894 Add a BP GraphQL API Handbook to accepted enhancement normal netweb 03/03/2020
#5140 Can the current day on Meetings show upcoming a little better Site accepted enhancement normal tellyworth 04/13/2020
#5343 SVN: Update precommit hooks to block 'compressed' files. Plugin Directory accepted enhancement normal Otto42 07/29/2020
#5445 Make the Planet a hub for fantastic WP community content Planet ( accepted enhancement normal iandunn 03/20/2024
#5637 Email alert to plugin committer when security scanner triggers a change Plugin Directory accepted enhancement normal dd32 02/26/2021
#5906 Returns false instead of theme_information often Theme Directory accepted defect (bug) normal dd32 09/17/2021
#5934 Blocking User from Signup Does not Fully Document in profile General accepted defect (bug) normal dd32 10/26/2021
#6182 Create a Components page for Meta Trac Make (Get Involved) / P2 accepted task (blessed) normal SergeyBiryukov 03/23/2022
#6286 Update the Meta Handbook with useful info Handbooks accepted task (blessed) normal renyot 06/07/2022
#7558 Swahili /support and /team International Sites (Rosetta) accepted enhancement normal tobifjellner 04/10/2024
#7909 Configure #core-build-test-tools in Core Trac Communication (Matrix, Slack, IRC) accepted enhancement normal dd32 02/13/2025
#4289 Delete placeholder pages International Sites (Rosetta) accepted defect (bug) low ocean90 06/28/2019
#4184 Add a robots.txt disallow all rule to Version Control accepted defect (bug) lowest Otto42 02/19/2019
#5668 Add an 'empty' robots.txt file to General accepted defect (bug) lowest dd32 02/17/2023
#3149 Support Forums: Consider disabling wptexturize() in forum posts Support Forums reviewing enhancement high 01/23/2024
#2127 enhancement: add an optional slug field for the video submission form reviewing enhancement low dd32 10/21/2019
#2289 Allow cmd/ctrl-enter to submit the comment form in Trac Trac reopened enhancement normal SergeyBiryukov 09/14/2020
#2335 Automatically assign user set as admin for a new forum as a key master International Forums reopened enhancement normal 10/20/2021
#2797 Plugins: Suggest related plugins when the current plugin hasn't been updated in two years Plugin Directory reopened enhancement normal 11/02/2017
#1664 Display translated projects in profiles Profiles new enhancement high 06/02/2021
#2003 Open source all Rosetta mu-plugins as one plugin International Sites (Rosetta) new task (blessed) high 10/17/2019
#2184 Overall translation contributor stats for a locale Translate Site & Plugins new enhancement high 12/26/2024
#2890 Move readme.html and wp-config-sample.php translations to GlotPress Translate Site & Plugins new enhancement high 07/17/2024
#1608 Trac: Enhance uploading attachments Trac new enhancement normal 01/16/2024
#1629 Create archives for popular and recent videos and link to them from home page sections new enhancement normal 01/23/2024
#1665 Rosetta release page embed uses placeholder text International Sites (Rosetta) new defect (bug) normal 06/18/2024
#2082 Enable revisions on the front end for DevHub/HelpHub/Handbook pages HelpHub ( new enhancement normal 08/24/2023
#2122 Introduce "watch later" functionality new enhancement normal 02/22/2019
#2129 forum profiles should have a link to the profile new enhancement normal 06/02/2022
#2197 Show reviews on the user profile page Profiles new enhancement normal 07/20/2017
#2207 GTEs should be able to mark PTE requests as resolved Make (Get Involved) / P2 new enhancement normal 06/26/2019
#2264 Change the default Twitter account in Rosetta local sites at .org International Sites (Rosetta) new enhancement normal 07/10/2019
#2312 Automate theme reviewer badges Profiles new enhancement normal 03/27/2018
#2388 Glossary rewrite broken for sites with multiple handbooks Handbooks new defect (bug) normal 01/16/2019
#2431 Create a public facing page to list all current external libraries Developer Hub new enhancement normal 07/31/2019
#2531 Broken link to mailing list on bbPress Trac Mailing Lists new enhancement normal 01/08/2019
#2596 Add Default Text in Support form as a Template for Asking Good Support Questions Support Forums new enhancement normal 03/08/2023
#2666 Support Forums: Expose and enhance global plugin author views Support Forums new enhancement normal 03/01/2023
#2843 Slack: Add ?support Slackbot auto-response Communication (Matrix, Slack, IRC) new enhancement normal 03/12/2021
#2847 allow filtering of @since tax archive by the type of change Developer Hub new enhancement normal 05/27/2019
#2884 Send notification if review is edited Support Forums new enhancement normal 06/14/2023
#2902 Add PHPCS to theme upload process Theme Review new enhancement normal 08/24/2023
#2925 occurence of literal '\0' in docblock `@param` of wp_kses_no_null() causes a null character in the corresponding meta_value Developer Hub new defect (bug) normal 10/29/2018
#2947 Allow uploading and embedding of video files to Trac Trac new enhancement normal 07/11/2017
#2998 Show nearby events in dashboard events widget in a per country basis Events API new enhancement normal 10/17/2019
#3026 Access to WP-CLI profile badge management Profiles new enhancement normal 06/16/2020
#3037 Show the views of the video new enhancement normal 12/07/2022
#3063 Show JavaScript documentation on Developer Hub new enhancement normal 04/22/2024
#3089 Support Forums: Auto-closed topics should be marked as such Support Forums new defect (bug) normal 03/08/2023
#3102 Notification on new strings on GlotPress via Slack Translate Site & Plugins new enhancement normal 10/24/2019
#3126 Show whether plugins include WP-CLI commands Plugin Directory new feature request normal 10/27/2023
#3158 Advanced Search Filtering Keywords Developer Hub new enhancement normal 09/26/2022
#3164 Plugin Readme Standard > Update Markdown formatting Plugin Directory new enhancement normal 03/30/2023
#3178 Add user-friendly explanations of current workflow keywords on a ticket Trac new enhancement normal 10/04/2017
#3187 Support Forums: Ajaxify topic status dropdown Support Forums new enhancement normal 03/08/2023
#3191 Plugin Directory Admin: Renaming Plugins Should be More Ajaxy Plugin Directory new enhancement normal 06/12/2018
#3236 Allow for beta channels for plugins and themes Plugin Directory new feature request normal 04/30/2024
Note: See TracReports for help on using and creating reports.