
{6} All Tickets By Milestone (Including closed) (7907 matches)

A more complex example to show how to make advanced reports.

Results (3501 - 3600 of 7907)

(empty) (100 matches)

Ticket Summary Component Status Resolution Version Type Priority Owner Modified
#5085 Plugin Directory: Change email subjects based on plugin status Plugin Directory closed fixed enhancement normal dd32 03/31/2020
#3702 Plugin Directory: Change email to clarify details Plugin Directory closed fixed defect (bug) normal obenland 07/06/2018
#6021 Plugin Directory: Change rejection email to reference 90 days instead of 120 Plugin Directory closed fixed defect (bug) normal Ipstenu 01/13/2022
#5170 Plugin Directory: Change the text of the "Issues resolved in last two months" stat. Plugin Directory closed invalid enhancement normal 03/06/2024
#4719 Plugin Directory: Check for license on upload Plugin Directory closed fixed enhancement normal SergeyBiryukov 04/01/2020
#4656 Plugin Directory: Check for slug conflicts before accepting Plugin Directory closed fixed defect (bug) normal dd32 04/01/2020
#5591 Plugin Directory: Clarified some trademark issues and adding more things Plugin Directory closed fixed defect (bug) normal Ipstenu 08/17/2021
#5355 Plugin Directory: Clarify what we mean by author/plugin URIs in header Plugin Directory closed fixed enhancement normal dd32 08/06/2020
#2252 Plugin Directory: Clean up Developers information Plugin Directory closed fixed defect (bug) normal dd32 03/29/2017
#6957 Plugin Directory: Close plugins with no data Plugin Directory new feature request normal 06/09/2023
#1307 Plugin Directory: Counts for support threads and reviews not updating properly Plugin Directory closed maybelater defect (bug) normal Otto42 10/25/2017
#5971 Plugin Directory: Custom Block Names not being listed right Plugin Directory closed fixed defect (bug) normal dd32 05/17/2024
#4604 Plugin Directory: Cyrillic search queries no longer work Plugin Directory closed fixed defect (bug) normal SergeyBiryukov 07/13/2019
#5568 Plugin Directory: Do not display author names if there are no committers Plugin Directory closed fixed defect (bug) normal dd32 03/10/2021
#5354 Plugin Directory: Don't send rejection emails to blocked users Plugin Directory closed fixed enhancement normal dd32 08/06/2020
#4367 Plugin Directory: Duplicate hreflang tags Plugin Directory closed fixed defect (bug) normal dd32 11/01/2022
#5940 Plugin Directory: Editing plugin has errant %s Plugin Directory closed fixed defect (bug) normal SergeyBiryukov 11/04/2021
#5175 Plugin Directory: End Support for 'asset' files outside of the assets folder Plugin Directory new enhancement normal 12/14/2022
#7403 Plugin Directory: Field on plugin info page for GDPR data collection Privacy Plugin Directory reopened enhancement low 04/29/2024
#6323 Plugin Directory: Helpscout show plugin status Plugin Directory closed fixed enhancement normal dd32 05/24/2022
#5177 Plugin Directory: Improve Advanced / Danger Zone visibility Plugin Directory closed fixed defect (bug) normal Otto42 04/28/2020
#4315 Plugin Directory: Improve Author card Plugin Directory closed fixed defect (bug) normal SergeyBiryukov 03/27/2019
#5300 Plugin Directory: Improve Trademark Detection Plugin Directory closed fixed defect (bug) normal dd32 07/07/2020
#5083 Plugin Directory: Improve Trademark checks Plugin Directory closed fixed defect (bug) normal coffee2code 03/20/2020
#5178 Plugin Directory: Improve Uploader Fails Plugin Directory closed fixed enhancement normal dd32 08/05/2021
#5411 Plugin Directory: Improve display of available blocks Plugin Directory closed fixed enhancement normal ryelle 11/11/2020
#3546 Plugin Directory: Improve i18n in readme validator Plugin Directory closed fixed defect (bug) normal SergeyBiryukov 04/04/2018
#5171 Plugin Directory: Limit file size for 'asset' images Plugin Directory closed fixed defect (bug) normal 09/16/2020
#4676 Plugin Directory: Loosen slug/name usage Plugin Directory closed fixed defect (bug) normal SergeyBiryukov 08/14/2019
#6014 Plugin Directory: Make compatible with Jetpack 10.5 Plugin Directory closed fixed defect (bug) high kraftbj 02/05/2024
#4694 Plugin Directory: More userfriendly language regarding plugin closures Plugin Directory closed fixed defect (bug) normal tellyworth 09/07/2019
#4718 Plugin Directory: Permanent closure check not correct Plugin Directory closed fixed defect (bug) normal SergeyBiryukov 09/09/2019
#3929 Plugin Directory: Plugin title includes a translation of another string Plugin Directory closed fixed defect (bug) normal dd32 11/26/2018
#6551 Plugin Directory: Prepare for Jetpack update Plugin Directory closed fixed defect (bug) high dd32 02/28/2024
#3700 Plugin Directory: Prevent BANNED users from being added to plugins Plugin Directory closed fixed defect (bug) normal dryanpress 10/07/2018
#5464 Plugin Directory: Prevent SVN uploads of animated banners and icons Plugin Directory new enhancement normal 02/22/2024
#5654 Plugin Directory: Prevent adding new users/transfering ownership of FEATURED or BETA plugins Plugin Directory closed fixed enhancement normal dd32 04/20/2022
#5733 Plugin Directory: Prevent plugins that are official plugins from being transfered Plugin Directory closed duplicate enhancement normal 06/02/2021
#5948 Plugin Directory: Prevent removal of committer IF they are the owner of a plugin Plugin Directory closed fixed enhancement normal dd32 10/31/2022
#5918 Plugin Directory: Prevent upload of ACF Pro Plugins Plugin Directory closed fixed enhancement normal ipstenu 09/27/2021
#6753 Plugin Directory: Protect ChatGPT, the new hot topic Plugin Directory closed fixed enhancement normal Ipstenu 02/13/2023
#5969 Plugin Directory: Protect more plugin permalink abuse Plugin Directory closed fixed enhancement normal Ipstenu 11/30/2021
#3691 Plugin Directory: Put the FAQ ABOVE the submission form Plugin Directory closed fixed enhancement normal obenland 07/12/2018
#2703 Plugin Directory: Readme URLs are not auto-linked Plugin Directory closed wontfix defect (bug) high 04/04/2019
#5502 Plugin Directory: Readme Validator thinks valid Readme is invalid Plugin Directory closed fixed defect (bug) normal Otto42 11/05/2020
#5356 Plugin Directory: Reformat Author Card Plugin Directory closed fixed defect (bug) normal dd32 09/23/2020
#5698 Plugin Directory: Release Confirmation Email lacking some important info Plugin Directory closed fixed defect (bug) normal dd32 11/01/2022
#5431 Plugin Directory: Remove unused React code Plugin Directory closed fixed task (blessed) normal ryelle 01/20/2021
#5667 Plugin Directory: Require more complex confirmation before self-closing a plugin Plugin Directory closed fixed enhancement normal dd32 05/01/2024
#3574 Plugin Directory: Required PHP string Plugin Directory closed fixed defect (bug) normal obenland 08/24/2018
#3551 Plugin Directory: Requires PHP: Standardise on values Plugin Directory closed fixed defect (bug) normal dd32 04/06/2018
#4963 Plugin Directory: Show flag or marker to indicate the plugin has been added to BLOCKS category Plugin Directory new enhancement normal 10/26/2020
#5975 Plugin Directory: Show name of committer being removed in JavaScript confirmation. Plugin Directory closed fixed enhancement high dd32 01/19/2024
#5298 Plugin Directory: Show reasons why closed for perma-closures Plugin Directory closed fixed defect (bug) normal Otto42 07/01/2020
#3864 Plugin Directory: Submission check for existing slug needs improvement Plugin Directory closed fixed defect (bug) normal SergeyBiryukov 10/30/2018
#6539 Plugin Directory: Support @username format Plugin Directory closed fixed enhancement normal dd32 11/01/2022
#4663 Plugin Directory: Track Ownership Plugin Directory closed fixed enhancement normal SergeyBiryukov 08/07/2019
#5653 Plugin Directory: Track reasons for Rejection Plugin Directory closed fixed enhancement normal 04/09/2024
#5939 Plugin Directory: Trademark use of Meta Plugin Directory closed maybelater enhancement normal 11/03/2021
#6276 Plugin Directory: Translated date/time for plugins is incorrect Plugin Directory closed fixed defect (bug) normal 04/14/2022
#5419 Plugin Directory: Update approval email Plugin Directory closed fixed defect (bug) normal Ipstenu 10/21/2020
#5560 Plugin Directory: Update banned-terms, also fixing back check Plugin Directory closed fixed defect (bug) normal Ipstenu 12/29/2020
#5084 Plugin Directory: Update directions for devs with pending plugins Plugin Directory closed fixed enhancement normal tellyworth 03/16/2020
#5299 Plugin Directory: Update rejection email to be more clear about what happens next Plugin Directory closed fixed defect (bug) normal dd32 07/07/2020
#5876 Plugin Directory: Update sample readme.txt to discourage using trunk Plugin Directory closed fixed defect (bug) normal 08/30/2021
#5880 Plugin Directory: Update upload prevention checks to include display name Plugin Directory closed fixed enhancement normal dd32 10/31/2022
#5086 Plugin Directory: Warn Admins before closing if the plugin is large Plugin Directory closed fixed enhancement normal tellyworth 03/16/2020
#5882 Plugin Directory: Yandex trademark Plugin Directory closed fixed enhancement normal Ipstenu 09/27/2021
#7534 Plugin Directory: add a browse view for preview-enabled plugins Plugin Directory closed fixed enhancement normal tellyworth 04/03/2024
#6437 Plugin Directory: an Uninstall Tab is needed on each plugin page Plugin Directory closed maybelater feature request normal 04/29/2024
#3889 Plugin Embeds: Download link not working Plugin Directory closed fixed defect (bug) normal 10/27/2018
#5572 Plugin FAQ anchor links get broken when used in a forum post Support Forums closed fixed defect (bug) normal dd32 01/20/2021
#5191 Plugin FAQ headings should use H3 tags Plugin Directory closed fixed defect (bug) low dd32 05/05/2020
#588 Plugin Info API has case-sensitive username check for profile url API closed wontfix defect (bug) normal 02/01/2017
#5243 Plugin Name Missing in User Profile Page Profiles closed fixed defect (bug) high 06/11/2020
#248 Plugin Page Not Updating Plugin Directory closed worksforme defect (bug) normal 12/13/2013
#7658 Plugin Preview on Playground: Edit plugin notice pointing to enable the preview on the Advanced tab Plugin Directory assigned defect (bug) low dd32 05/27/2024
#147 Plugin Rating stars are incorrect Plugin Directory closed fixed defect (bug) normal 03/03/2015
#5652 Plugin Readme Header Spec Update Plugin Directory new enhancement normal 03/10/2021
#4291 Plugin Readme Validator Improvements Plugin Directory closed fixed defect (bug) normal SergeyBiryukov 03/16/2019
#1107 Plugin Readme Validator still mentions bbPress Plugin Directory closed fixed enhancement low coffee2code 07/08/2015
#6993 Plugin Repo Feature: Assign plugins to reviewers Plugin Directory closed fixed feature request high dd32 12/06/2023
#7285 Plugin Repo: New sortable column (zip size and/or number of lines) Plugin Directory closed fixed enhancement normal 02/12/2024
#7147 Plugin Repo: Sort assigned reviews by date Plugin Directory closed fixed enhancement normal dd32 05/20/2024
#3984 Plugin Repository URI Plugin Directory closed duplicate enhancement normal 12/09/2018
#7745 Plugin Review - Edit plugin - Notice about a pending release confirmation. Plugin Directory new feature request normal 08/11/2024
#7597 Plugin Review Submission - Change the date for new version uploads Plugin Directory closed fixed defect (bug) high dd32 04/19/2024
#7598 Plugin Review Submissions - Allow authors to add comments about their new plugin version uploads Plugin Directory closed fixed enhancement low 05/08/2024
#7744 Plugin Review Submissions - Change the text of the updated plugin automated reply. Plugin Directory closed fixed enhancement normal dd32 08/12/2024
#7561 Plugin Review Tool - Best Practices - check if your plugin will pass the review guidelines Plugin Directory closed worksforme enhancement normal 05/08/2024
#1695 Plugin Reviewer Admin Show UserCard Plugin Directory closed fixed enhancement normal obenland 03/29/2017
#5893 Plugin Search: Translated search not working Plugin Directory closed fixed defect (bug) normal 11/01/2022
#5352 Plugin Security - Add email confirmation prior to releases being processed Plugin Directory closed fixed enhancement normal 06/25/2024
#5351 Plugin Security - Notify plugin committers when a new committer is added Plugin Directory closed fixed enhancement normal dd32 08/06/2020
#4190 Plugin Stats is showing wrong information about active versions Plugin Directory closed invalid defect (bug) normal 10/06/2021
#7664 Plugin Submission: Allow multiple plugin submissions for authors with plugins that have a total of +1M active installs Plugin Directory closed fixed enhancement normal dd32 06/04/2024
#5628 Plugin Trac Side-by-Side Differences Not Working Trac closed wontfix defect (bug) low 02/18/2021
#1348 Plugin Translation Editors and duplicate statuses for the same string translation Translate Site & Plugins closed duplicate defect (bug) normal 02/11/2016
#1374 Plugin Translation Editors are shown as if they are validator of core API closed duplicate defect (bug) normal 11/03/2015
#5324 Plugin URLs should 301 to lowercase Plugin Directory closed fixed defect (bug) low dd32 01/22/2024
Note: See TracReports for help on using and creating reports.