
{6} All Tickets By Milestone (Including closed) (7782 matches)

A more complex example to show how to make advanced reports.

Results (501 - 600 of 7782)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16

(empty) (100 matches)

Ticket Summary Component Status Resolution Version Type Priority Owner Modified
#1728 Add locale banner on plugin detail page Plugin Directory closed fixed task (blessed) normal ocean90 03/29/2017
#4452 Add locale bn_IN Translate Site & Plugins closed fixed task (blessed) high ocean90 05/10/2019
#7297 Add locale mapping to DeePL API requests General assigned defect (bug) normal amieiro 10/18/2023
#4279 Add locale translation status to the Plugin Directory. Translate Site & Plugins closed duplicate enhancement normal 03/24/2019
#1219 Add make/flow posts to component pages Make (Get Involved) / P2 closed fixed defect (bug) normal ocean90 09/10/2015
#696 Add markdown support to support forum editor Support Forums closed wontfix enhancement normal 05/06/2023
#5895 Add markdown validation to the readme validator Plugin Directory new feature request normal 03/30/2022
#830 Add mentions to Trac Trac closed fixed enhancement normal ocean90 01/27/2016
#4085 Add meta descriptions for download pages General closed fixed defect (bug) normal ocean90 02/02/2019
#358 Add minimal support to the WordCamp Base theme to allow CSS overrides to be fully responsive WordCamp Site & Plugins closed fixed enhancement normal iandunn 02/21/2014
#357 Add minimal support to the WordCamp Base theme to allow CSS overrides to be fully responsive WordCamp Site & Plugins closed duplicate enhancement normal 02/21/2014
#7426 Add minimum word count for description Photo Directory new defect (bug) normal 03/20/2024
#7241 Add missing WP 6.3 credit API closed fixed defect (bug) normal SergeyBiryukov 09/07/2023
#3615 Add missing profile badges Profiles closed fixed task (blessed) low 05/11/2018
#7412 Add more checks in readme parser Plugin Directory closed fixed enhancement normal dd32 01/22/2024
#1520 Add more granular notifications for SupportFlow tickets Make (Get Involved) / P2 closed maybelater enhancement low 06/20/2023
#1370 Add more organizing team roles to WordCamp post type WordCamp Site & Plugins closed fixed enhancement normal iandunn 12/03/2015
#4161 Add myselfkhayer to WordCamp Central Slack whitelist Communication (Matrix, Slack, IRC) closed fixed task (blessed) normal coffee2code 02/12/2019
#5062 Add native lazy loading on theme archive images Theme Directory closed fixed defect (bug) low coffee2code 03/26/2020
#4829 Add necessary Slack integrations for the new #core-css room Communication (Matrix, Slack, IRC) closed fixed defect (bug) normal SergeyBiryukov 02/24/2021
#4305 Add new Dashicons for 5.2 Developer Hub closed fixed task (blessed) normal coffee2code 05/09/2019
#6668 Add new Marketing time and day to the homepage Make (Get Involved) / P2 closed fixed enhancement normal 03/06/2023
#5789 Add new Openverse theme for use on the Openverse site ( Site closed fixed enhancement normal dd32 02/21/2022
#390 Add new editor column in Jobs admin panel Jobs ( closed fixed defect (bug) normal coffee2code 04/02/2014
#6582 Add new field in listing of projects Translate Site & Plugins new enhancement normal 11/20/2022
#97 Add new footer on Jobs site Jobs ( closed fixed defect (bug) low coffee2code 08/21/2013
#3454 Add new plugin/theme readme header tag for documentation link Plugin Directory closed wontfix enhancement normal 02/28/2020
#5339 Add new sorting filters to Plugins tab in the Translate WordPress dashboard Translate Site & Plugins new enhancement normal 08/31/2020
#165 Add new status for support threads: "awaiting user's verification for resolution" Support Forums closed wontfix enhancement low 03/22/2023
#4634 Add new status for updated themes and prevent them being set live automatically Theme Directory closed fixed enhancement high 09/26/2019
#4745 Add new theme review representative to the 'themereview' announce group Communication (Matrix, Slack, IRC) closed fixed enhancement normal SergeyBiryukov 09/25/2019
#955 Add new tutorial shortcode to handbooks Handbooks closed fixed enhancement normal coffee2code 03/19/2015
#224 Add nofollow to links in profiles descriptions Profiles closed fixed task (blessed) normal 12/12/2014
#1095 Add noodp meta robots tag General closed fixed enhancement normal coffee2code 02/03/2016
#6549 Add notifications for Publish/reject of video submissions new feature request normal 10/24/2022
#4013 Add oEmbed functionality to handbooks Handbooks closed fixed defect (bug) normal dd32 12/20/2018
#5412 Add offers for 'release-candidate' and 'beta' to Core API version check API closed fixed enhancement normal 11/18/2020
#7569 Add official "Team Reps" list in code / automate team rep access Make (Get Involved) / P2 new feature request low 04/18/2024
#647 Add open graph tags for plugin repo Plugin Directory closed fixed enhancement normal ocean90 01/29/2016
#5009 Add operatingSystem property to plugin schema Plugin Directory closed duplicate defect (bug) lowest 02/05/2020
#7054 Add option to add "Commercial Theme" on all the themes based on the author name Theme Directory closed worksforme defect (bug) normal 06/14/2023
#7478 Add option to deactivate glossary on pages General closed invalid feature request lowest 04/10/2024
#6534 Add option to delete or request to delete photo Photo Directory new feature request normal 10/12/2022
#6537 Add option to view the under moderation photo queue Photo Directory closed wontfix feature request normal 11/10/2022
#3632 Add or link detailed PHP Extension Recommendations from Requirements page General closed fixed enhancement normal coffee2code 05/12/2020
#6492 Add org SVN secrets to two-factor repo Version Control closed fixed enhancement normal dd32 09/20/2022
#5731 Add performance index to each theme and plugin in the repository General new enhancement normal 05/11/2021
#6361 Add photo profile link to .org profile Profiles closed fixed feature request normal 10/07/2022
#6216 Add photo submission link to home page Photo Directory closed fixed enhancement normal 02/03/2023
#4977 Add plugin closed message to plugins_api. API closed duplicate enhancement normal 04/30/2024
#584 Add plugin icons support to profiles Profiles closed fixed enhancement normal Otto42 10/29/2014
#817 Add plugin version on forum threads Support Forums closed duplicate enhancement normal 09/03/2016
#818 Add plugin version to plugin reviews Plugin Directory closed duplicate enhancement low 01/16/2015
#384 Add plugins, themes and GlotPress Trac's to InterTrac Trac closed fixed enhancement normal nacin 10/17/2015
#4921 Add position type 'Translation' Jobs ( closed fixed enhancement normal coffee2code 01/21/2020
#610 Add post types to 'At a Glance' dashboard widget WordCamp Site & Plugins closed fixed enhancement low iandunn 12/05/2014
#7602 Add priority to Favorited plugins when searching the "Add New" plugin interface via wp-admin/plugins Plugin Directory closed worksforme enhancement normal 04/20/2024
#3676 Add privacy footer to closed fixed defect (bug) normal 06/22/2018
#4881 Add recaptcha (v3) to 'edit profile' pages Profiles closed maybelater enhancement high 01/06/2020
#7600 Add recent photos to subimssion form Photo Directory closed fixed enhancement normal coffee2code 08/20/2024
#6728 Add redirect for deprecated pages in Polyglots Handbook Handbooks closed fixed defect (bug) normal 02/03/2023
#5710 Add redirect for version doc change in block editor handbook Developer Hub closed fixed defect (bug) normal coffee2code 04/21/2021
#1502 Add redirects for URLs referenced in git-svn-id Trac new enhancement lowest 06/05/2022
#5714 Add redirects for updates to block theme documentation Developer Hub closed fixed defect (bug) normal coffee2code 05/12/2021
#4211 Add rel next/prev and canonical tags to paginated series on closed fixed defect (bug) lowest dd32 02/28/2019
#3884 Add rel nofollow to author links in the ideas platform General closed fixed task (blessed) normal coffee2code 10/25/2018
#6642 Add rel-me to profile links Profiles new enhancement normal 06/05/2023
#4958 Add rel="nofollow ugc" to user-generated links General closed fixed enhancement normal dd32 04/07/2020
#4142 Add rel=next / prev on support archives Support Forums closed fixed defect (bug) normal SergeyBiryukov 06/11/2020
#4618 Add responsive embed support to Rosetta websites International Sites (Rosetta) closed fixed defect (bug) normal SergeyBiryukov 04/09/2020
#4500 Add responsive embed support to WordCamp sites WordCamp Site & Plugins closed fixed enhancement normal iandunn 08/22/2019
#565 Add responsive styles for WordCamp Site & Plugins closed fixed defect (bug) normal iandunn 09/10/2014
#5428 Add return types to docBlock instead of writing mixed and Improve docs for get_transient() Codex closed invalid task (blessed) high 09/09/2020
#64 Add sandbox ID to the Make theme header General closed invalid enhancement lowest iandunn 08/19/2013
#4280 Add schema markup to profile templates Profiles closed fixed defect (bug) normal coffee2code 02/17/2023
#3976 Add script file name to JSON translation files Translate Site & Plugins closed fixed enhancement normal ocean90 03/24/2019
#4200 Add scrollback to anchor links as the admin bar overlaps the heading HelpHub ( closed fixed defect (bug) normal 02/17/2023
#172 Add search ability to the code reference Developer Hub closed fixed enhancement highest omg bbq Rarst 04/23/2014
#539 Add search bar to interior pages on Developer Hub closed duplicate enhancement normal 06/29/2014
#1501 Add search form on results page in Developer Resources Developer Hub closed fixed enhancement normal coffee2code 06/19/2022
#5462 Add signposting to the end of truncated pagination General new enhancement low 10/05/2020
#6610 Add smooth scroll to the page for jumping another section Site new enhancement normal 12/05/2022
#6964 Add some calming comment about spurious IMG tags from emojis leading to "links in reviews" Support Forums closed fixed defect (bug) normal dd32 04/18/2024
#4191 Add sorting icons to sortable header cells in translation stats pages Translate Site & Plugins closed fixed enhancement normal ocean90 03/22/2020
#1180 Add source code preview to the comment editor Developer Hub closed duplicate enhancement normal 07/29/2016
#303 Add source for time shortcode Make (Get Involved) / P2 closed maybelater task (blessed) normal 02/04/2014
#370 Add source icons to Tagregator WordCamp Site & Plugins closed fixed enhancement lowest 07/03/2014
#1387 Add stats/filters to the project overview page Translate Site & Plugins closed maybelater enhancement normal 03/24/2019
#5989 Add strikethrough support to Block Editor handbook Handbooks closed fixed defect (bug) normal dd32 12/21/2021
#4264 Add string for $originalcontent in summary closed fixed enhancement normal dd32 03/13/2019
#5079 Add structured data to download page General closed fixed defect (bug) low dd32 04/03/2020
#5604 Add structured data to profile pages Profiles closed fixed enhancement low 11/10/2022
#7761 Add submitted date in Plugin Controls box Plugin Directory accepted enhancement normal tellyworth 09/26/2024
#5595 Add subscribe links to podcast page on Site closed fixed enhancement normal 02/02/2021
#1028 Add subscription form to Blog closed invalid defect (bug) normal 02/19/2018
#4263 Add summary in comment page in closed wontfix enhancement normal 03/12/2019
#4514 Add support for 'Requires at least' and 'Requires PHP' headers in the main plugin file Plugin Directory closed fixed enhancement normal dd32 09/27/2022
#4621 Add support for 'Tested up to' header in the main plugin file Plugin Directory closed fixed enhancement normal dd32 05/01/2024
#780 Add support for HTTP/HTTPS on Trac closed maybelater enhancement normal 12/25/2014
#4339 Add support for Jetpack's Content Options to enable featured images in CampSite theme WordCamp Site & Plugins closed fixed defect (bug) normal coreymckrill 05/09/2019
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Note: See TracReports for help on using and creating reports.