
{6} All Tickets By Milestone (Including closed) (7794 matches)

A more complex example to show how to make advanced reports.

Results (5901 - 6000 of 7794)

(empty) (100 matches)

Ticket Summary Component Status Resolution Version Type Priority Owner Modified
#1702 Add GitHub bot for PR/issue mentions Communication (Matrix, Slack, IRC) closed maybelater enhancement normal 04/10/2020
#3065 Add Gutenberg to WordCamp Sites WordCamp Site & Plugins closed fixed enhancement normal coreymckrill 10/06/2017
#3031 Add Gutenberg to make blogs and Make (Get Involved) / P2 closed fixed enhancement normal 01/11/2018
#2820 Add Japanese meetups to event API WordCamp Site & Plugins closed fixed enhancement low 07/17/2018
#3455 Add New Onboarding/Concierge Team General closed invalid task (blessed) normal 02/23/2018
#1932 Add Normalize.css to to CreditsAPI API closed maybelater defect (bug) normal 10/18/2016
#1817 Add Notes Field to Invoice WordCamp Site & Plugins closed reported-upstream enhancement normal 09/24/2020
#2902 Add PHPCS to theme upload process Theme Review new enhancement normal 08/24/2023
#2656 Add Plugin - "Plugin Submissions are temporarily disabled" Plugin Directory closed invalid task (blessed) high 03/31/2017
#2304 Add REST API icon and link to DevHub main page Developer Hub closed fixed defect (bug) normal coffee2code 12/06/2016
#1594 Add RTL support to Browse Happy closed fixed defect (bug) normal coffee2code 02/21/2018
#3433 Add Servehappy project to Feature Projects page Make (Get Involved) / P2 closed worksforme task (blessed) normal 02/07/2018
#2025 Add Slides & WordPress TV links to Schedule Shortcode WordCamp Site & Plugins closed maybelater enhancement low 10/25/2017
#2937 Add WP-CLI to the homepage Developer Hub closed fixed enhancement normal drewapicture 07/13/2017
#1621 Add WordPress Trac alias to InterTrac config Trac closed fixed enhancement normal ocean90 05/13/2016
#1992 Add `author` support for Speaker and Session post types WordCamp Site & Plugins closed fixed enhancement low iandunn 09/29/2016
#2179 Add `rest-api` as focus keyword for Core Trac Trac closed fixed enhancement normal ocean90 10/29/2016
#2859 Add a 'Remaining' string count to the translation project overview Translate Site & Plugins closed fixed enhancement normal ocean90 02/25/2018
#1866 Add a basic "suggest an edit" workflow to the handbooks plugin Handbooks accepted enhancement normal DrewAPicture 05/04/2020
#2032 Add a capital_P_dangit()-like function to Core Trac Trac closed fixed enhancement normal obenland 02/02/2018
#1865 Add a comment preview in the front end Developer Hub closed fixed enhancement normal coffee2code 01/04/2020
#1874 Add a filter for waiting strings with newest/oldest sorting Translate Site & Plugins closed fixed enhancement normal ocean90 03/25/2019
#2383 Add a meta field in the Sponsor CPT for Twitter handle WordCamp Site & Plugins closed fixed enhancement normal 03/26/2020
#2699 Add a new role to the forums: plugin/theme support Support Forums accepted enhancement high Otto42 05/25/2023
#3097 Add a report mistake button to Translation editors UI Translate Site & Plugins closed duplicate enhancement normal 09/04/2017
#1935 Add a section for using the WP REST API into the Plugin Developer Handbook. Developer Hub closed fixed task (blessed) normal 01/17/2018
#2917 Add ability to filter by consistency term results Translate Site & Plugins closed fixed enhancement normal 02/09/2018
#2140 Add ability to filter feedback on the form WordCamp Site & Plugins closed maybelater enhancement normal 10/19/2016
#2141 Add ability to mark tickets as invalid/revoked WordCamp Site & Plugins closed maybelater enhancement normal 10/20/2016
#2878 Add bbPress and BuddyPress Dashicons to the devhub dashicon reference Developer Hub closed fixed enhancement normal 07/21/2019
#2682 Add button "Report to moderator" for posts in forums Support Forums closed duplicate enhancement normal 04/06/2017
#2231 Add counts to translation teams pages Make (Get Involved) / P2 closed fixed enhancement normal 12/09/2016
#1684 Add en_CA to sites WordCamp Site & Plugins closed fixed enhancement low 05/02/2016
#3246 Add extra columns to Reimbursements list table WordCamp Site & Plugins closed reported-upstream enhancement normal 09/24/2020
#3238 Add filter for displaying Finished Translation (themes amd plugins) Translate Site & Plugins closed duplicate enhancement normal 08/16/2018
#3329 Add filter to on Plugins/Themes listing to order by last activity date Translate Site & Plugins new enhancement normal 03/11/2021
#1656 Add forum section name to support thread page title Support Forums closed maybelater defect (bug) normal 01/27/2018
#1989 Add functionality to Block and Unblock users Support Forums closed fixed defect (bug) normal 07/08/2017
#2018 Add functionality to flag topics and replies NSFW Support Forums closed fixed enhancement normal dd32 05/04/2020
#2377 Add gettext to help tab titles in Remote CSS plugin. WordCamp Site & Plugins closed fixed defect (bug) normal iandunn 03/07/2017
#3323 Add handbooks to make/tide Handbooks closed fixed defect (bug) normal 12/12/2017
#3218 Add hint about tags to posting form Support Forums closed fixed enhancement normal SergeyBiryukov 10/23/2017
#2442 Add to Make (Get Involved) / P2 closed fixed defect (bug) normal Otto42 01/26/2017
#2905 Add link to Consistency tool from Glossary Terms Translate Site & Plugins closed wontfix enhancement normal 01/29/2018
#3440 Add link to Upgrade PHP page from about/requirements. General closed duplicate enhancement normal 02/18/2018
#2915 Add link to consistency tool in the original string Translate Site & Plugins closed fixed enhancement lowest ocean90 02/07/2018
#2484 Add link to latest theme trac ticket Theme Directory closed fixed enhancement normal coffee2code 02/08/2017
#3325 Add make/tide to Make (Get Involved) / P2 closed fixed enhancement normal 02/07/2019
#3077 Add missing singular placeholder in comments.php closed fixed defect (bug) normal coffee2code 08/29/2017
#2073 Add moderator badge to moderator forum replies Support Forums closed fixed enhancement normal coffee2code 09/28/2016
#2446 Add more information to the list of owned themes Theme Directory closed worksforme enhancement normal 02/12/2018
#2978 Add new Polyglots team mentors to /announce list Communication (Matrix, Slack, IRC) closed fixed task (blessed) normal pento 07/19/2017
#3317 Add new `coding-standards` focus to core Trac Trac closed fixed task (blessed) normal dd32 05/15/2018
#3146 Add new badge classes for Profile Badges page in Meta Handbook Make (Get Involved) / P2 closed fixed task (blessed) normal 09/20/2017
#3423 Add new functionality for editor/locale requests Translate Site & Plugins new task (blessed) normal 01/24/2021
#3453 Add note to translators about text direction in Browse Happy closed fixed defect (bug) normal coffee2code 02/13/2018
#3286 Add notification about combaining reimbursement requests WordCamp Site & Plugins closed reported-upstream enhancement low sippis 09/24/2020
#2909 Add plugin search by plugin or URL Plugin Directory closed maybelater enhancement normal 03/13/2019
#2965 Add plugin to Favorites directly from plugin archive page Plugin Directory closed wontfix enhancement low 01/20/2018
#1993 Add plugin/theme author/contributor badges Support Forums closed fixed enhancement normal coffee2code 09/06/2016
#3064 Add plugin: The Final Word Make (Get Involved) / P2 closed fixed enhancement normal 02/18/2018
#3416 Add plugins data to info v1.2 API closed worksforme defect (bug) normal 02/01/2018
#2193 Add pointer to meta.trac from core.trac Trac closed worksforme defect (bug) normal 02/18/2018
#3342 Add post clone functionality for make/tide Make (Get Involved) / P2 closed fixed task (blessed) low 12/18/2017
#1880 Add redirect for old numeric topic/forum slugs International Forums closed fixed defect (bug) normal 08/03/2016
#1917 Add redirects Moroccan Arabic and Italian forums from `/forums` to `/support` International Forums closed fixed defect (bug) normal 03/02/2017
#3241 Add search feature to WordCamp currency dropdowns WordCamp Site & Plugins closed fixed enhancement high vedanshu 06/05/2018
#2849 Add sessions list and other details to speaker pages WordCamp Site & Plugins closed reported-upstream enhancement low coreymckrill 09/24/2020
#1847 Add short descriptions to Related section Developer Hub closed fixed enhancement normal obenland 07/24/2018
#1939 Add site name to translated strings and use instead of site name from db International Sites (Rosetta) closed wontfix task (blessed) normal ocean90 01/24/2018
#3240 Add speaker's social media handle to video link new enhancement normal 04/14/2021
#2641 Add stats in the new plugins page [] Plugin Directory closed invalid enhancement normal 03/29/2017
#1723 Add support for Youtube, Vimeo & VideoPress Plugin Directory closed fixed task (blessed) normal 05/19/2016
#1950 Add support for custom titles on support forums Support Forums closed fixed defect (bug) normal coffee2code 09/29/2016
#2767 Add support forum redirects for the bb's Plugin Directory closed fixed defect (bug) normal Otto42 04/21/2017
#3349 Add text domain to make strings translation ready Developer Hub closed fixed defect (bug) normal SergeyBiryukov 12/23/2017
#3260 Add the 2017 survey banner to Rosetta sites International Sites (Rosetta) closed maybelater defect (bug) normal 12/07/2017
#2515 Add thumbnail support to showcase CPT International Sites (Rosetta) closed fixed enhancement normal ocean90 02/19/2017
#1669 Add time zone profile field to profiles Profiles closed maybelater enhancement normal 03/26/2020
#3155 Add total number of waiting strings within a locale from /locale/slug/default Translate Site & Plugins closed fixed enhancement normal dd32 04/14/2020
#2354 Add trac browser link & to the theme trac ticket Theme Review closed fixed enhancement normal coffee2code 02/08/2017
#3178 Add user-friendly explanations of current workflow keywords on a ticket Trac new enhancement normal 10/04/2017
#2033 Add various Trac reports to Trac closed fixed enhancement normal 09/19/2016
#2996 Add information page about upgrading PHP General closed fixed enhancement normal 04/23/2018
#2065 Add year to dates on WordCamp Site & Plugins closed fixed enhancement low iandunn 05/31/2017
#3213 Add: Plugin Icon URL API / service Plugin Directory closed wontfix enhancement normal 10/17/2019
#2959 Adding Payment Gateway Capmtix Instamojo for WordCamp India Websites WordCamp Site & Plugins closed wontfix defect (bug) high 08/11/2017
#3112 Adding review for plugin shows extra support field Support Forums closed fixed defect (bug) normal SergeyBiryukov 09/09/2017
#3276 Adding special keyword for themes with `holiday` tag Theme Review closed fixed enhancement normal dd32 11/21/2017
#3302 Adding users without using their e-mail address Make (Get Involved) / P2 closed fixed enhancement normal obenland 01/22/2018
#1590 Adding/editing a PTE on Rosetta site is very slow International Sites (Rosetta) closed fixed enhancement high 03/05/2016
#3408 Admin Bar Overlay Theme Previewer Theme Directory closed fixed defect (bug) normal obenland 02/05/2018
#2893 Admin Flags: Add Attendee filtering by Flag WordCamp Site & Plugins closed fixed enhancement normal coreymckrill 02/21/2019
#2894 Admin Flags: Internationalise the post-status-change label WordCamp Site & Plugins closed fixed defect (bug) low coreymckrill 03/26/2020
#3158 Advanced Search Filtering Keywords Developer Hub new enhancement normal 09/26/2022
#2366 Alignment site-branding in IE11 General closed fixed defect (bug) normal mapk 02/19/2017
#2593 All my messages are always "held for moderation" Support Forums closed invalid defect (bug) normal 03/19/2017
#2185 All my messages are always "held for moderation" Support Forums closed invalid task (blessed) normal 10/26/2016
#2485 All my reviews were deleted General closed invalid defect (bug) normal 02/08/2017
#3371 All the gravatar images miss an alt attribute Make (Get Involved) / P2 closed fixed defect (bug) normal 03/24/2020
Note: See TracReports for help on using and creating reports.