
{6} All Tickets By Milestone (Including closed) (7894 matches)

A more complex example to show how to make advanced reports.

Results (3501 - 3600 of 7894)

(empty) (100 matches)

Ticket Summary Component Status Resolution Version Type Priority Owner Modified
#4370 Clear Attendee Page cache when attendee hidden WordCamp Site & Plugins closed fixed defect (bug) high 06/29/2020
#4369 Keep receiving trac notifications after blocking ht Trac closed duplicate defect (bug) low 04/12/2019
#4368 Probable malicious link on Showcase Showcase closed fixed defect (bug) high 04/05/2019
#4367 Plugin Directory: Duplicate hreflang tags Plugin Directory closed fixed defect (bug) normal dd32 11/01/2022
#4366 Change the behaviour of empty plugin tag pages Plugin Directory closed fixed defect (bug) high coffee2code 04/05/2019
#4365 Behaviour on the permalink redirect in the plugin support area Support Forums closed fixed defect (bug) low dd32 04/10/2019
#4364 Mixed case URLs in the theme directory break the display Theme Directory closed fixed defect (bug) high dd32 12/11/2019
#4363 Update Support Forums URL in Toolbar and Help tabs on Support Forums closed reported-upstream defect (bug) normal 04/05/2019
#4362 Title bug on /showcase/ General closed fixed defect (bug) low ck3lee 06/04/2019
#4361 URL is not working. Redirect to 404 Handbooks closed invalid defect (bug) normal 04/04/2019
#4360 Trac throwing errors about missing or invalid form token/secure cookies on ticket updates Trac closed fixed defect (bug) normal dd32 06/04/2020
#4359 I have found a summary correction on (functions.php) file. closed duplicate defect (bug) normal 04/10/2019
#4358 Support Homepage Searches Defaults to Forums Instead of Articles HelpHub ( closed fixed defect (bug) normal ck3lee 06/04/2020
#4357 Exclude inactive languages / Rosetta sites from hreflang mapping General closed fixed defect (bug) normal SergeyBiryukov 04/02/2019
#4356 Theme Handbook link does not work Handbooks closed fixed defect (bug) high 04/02/2019
#4355 There is a typo from submission-guidelines page closed fixed defect (bug) high 04/03/2019
#4354 remove unwanted projects from Translation project list Translate Site & Plugins closed wontfix task (blessed) normal ocean90 05/17/2019
#4353 Central API : username not exposed WordCamp Site & Plugins closed reported-upstream enhancement normal 09/24/2020
#4352 Content of the forums disappeared International Forums closed worksforme defect (bug) normal 04/10/2019
#4351 Central: harmonize trailing slash for WordCamp website URL WordCamp Site & Plugins closed reported-upstream enhancement normal 09/24/2020
#4350 Handbook duplicate row issue Handbooks closed invalid defect (bug) normal 03/30/2019
#4349 Stray end tag div in General closed fixed defect (bug) normal ocean90 03/30/2019
#4348 Add support for wide & full-width blocks in CampSite theme WordCamp Site & Plugins closed fixed defect (bug) normal iandunn 03/29/2019
#4347 "Order & Orderby Parameters" section in manually curated part of the code reference for WP_Query doesn't mention ordering by meta_query clauses Developer Hub new enhancement normal 05/17/2019
#4346 Support Forum: Embed loses fragment identifier Support Forums closed fixed defect (bug) normal dd32 09/27/2022
#4345 Improve the display of block metadata in the plugin directory Plugin Directory new enhancement normal 06/23/2019
#4344 Remove irrelevant questions from Camptix livestream ticket sale options WordCamp Site & Plugins closed fixed enhancement normal 07/02/2020
#4343 My Profile missing badges and wordcamp miami & wordcamp orlando speaker links Profiles closed worksforme defect (bug) normal 03/29/2019
#4342 New plugins have existing posts on support pages Support Forums closed fixed defect (bug) normal dd32 04/15/2019
#4341 Import translations doesn't work with JSON format Translate Site & Plugins closed reported-upstream defect (bug) normal 03/28/2019
#4340 Plugin Directory Admin: Fix links for Helpscout Plugin Directory closed fixed defect (bug) normal SergeyBiryukov 03/27/2019
#4339 Add support for Jetpack's Content Options to enable featured images in CampSite theme WordCamp Site & Plugins closed fixed defect (bug) normal coreymckrill 05/09/2019
#4338 Stale topic tags should be noindex'd Support Forums closed fixed defect (bug) high dd32 04/16/2019
#4337 Theme tag feeds should be noindex'd via an x-robots-tag header Theme Directory closed fixed defect (bug) high coffee2code 03/26/2019
#4336 Add an x-robots-tag noindex directive to support forum thread feeds Support Forums closed fixed defect (bug) high dd32 04/10/2019
#4335 Kvetch page missing canonical URL tag General closed fixed defect (bug) lowest coffee2code 03/26/2019
#4334 Requests to support forum attachment pages should 301 redirect to the attachment src Support Forums closed fixed defect (bug) high dd32 04/03/2019
#4333 Forum support profile pages should canonise to the profiles subdomain version Support Forums closed fixed defect (bug) low coffee2code 04/11/2019
#4332 Update page titles on News pages General closed fixed defect (bug) high coffee2code 04/04/2019
#4331 News archive templates should use canonical URL tags General closed fixed defect (bug) high dd32 04/29/2020
#4330 search.php should 301, not 302 Plugin Directory closed fixed defect (bug) high coffee2code 04/03/2019
#4329 Noindex "plugin committer" templates/URLs Support Forums closed fixed defect (bug) normal dd32 04/16/2019
#4328 Change title structure on plugin category templates Plugin Directory closed fixed defect (bug) low coffee2code 04/03/2019
#4327 Theme search pages should be noindex'd Theme Directory closed fixed defect (bug) high coffee2code 03/26/2019
#4326 Support forum URLs should enforce a trailing slash via a 301 redirect Support Forums closed fixed defect (bug) low dd32 02/06/2020
#4325 Pagination and rel next/prev links should build from the canonical, not the request General closed fixed defect (bug) lowest dd32 10/16/2019
#4324 Empty tags with no content should be noindex'd Support Forums closed fixed defect (bug) low dd32 04/16/2019
#4323 Plugin review pages with no reviews should be noindex'd Plugin Directory closed fixed defect (bug) low 10/18/2019
#4322 Invalid length search inputs should be handled more cleanly General closed fixed defect (bug) lowest dd32 02/11/2020
#4321 Invalid pagination requests to /plugins/ should 404 Plugin Directory closed fixed defect (bug) normal coffee2code 04/03/2019
#4320 Typo Issue HelpHub ( closed invalid defect (bug) normal 03/26/2019
#4319 Central: End date is empty WordCamp Site & Plugins closed wontfix enhancement normal 07/02/2020
#4318 Menu icon not working in mobile devices Plugin Directory closed worksforme defect (bug) normal ck3lee 05/28/2019
#4317 Central: Twitter handles and hashtags no input checks WordCamp Site & Plugins closed fixed enhancement normal 11/03/2019
#4316 Incorrect "[LOCALE] Projects to Translate" link Translate Site & Plugins closed invalid defect (bug) normal 03/25/2019
#4315 Plugin Directory: Improve Author card Plugin Directory closed fixed defect (bug) normal SergeyBiryukov 03/27/2019
#4314 Plugin Directory Admin: Correct echos for Help Scout Plugin Directory closed fixed defect (bug) normal SergeyBiryukov 03/26/2019
#4313 Fix h5 headers on theme sidebar Theme Directory closed fixed enhancement normal tellyworth 02/12/2020
#4312 Improvements to API block on reference home Developer Hub closed fixed enhancement normal coffee2code 08/14/2019
#4311 Forums: Add notice not to report vulnerabilities Support Forums closed fixed defect (bug) normal SergeyBiryukov 11/09/2019
#4310 Dead link on "debug_fwrite" page Developer Hub closed fixed defect (bug) normal coffee2code 03/25/2019
#4309 Displaying PHP Compatibility results from Tide on Plugin Directory reviewing enhancement normal 08/23/2023
#4308 Implement Package Signatures for Plugin ZIP files Plugin Directory closed fixed defect (bug) normal dd32 03/22/2019
#4307 Plugin Admin: Change calls from SupportPress to HelpScout Plugin Directory closed fixed defect (bug) normal Otto42 03/23/2019
#4306 Plugin Admin: Update Plugin Stats Report to use HelpScout Plugin Directory closed fixed defect (bug) normal dd32 04/26/2022
#4305 Add new Dashicons for 5.2 Developer Hub closed fixed task (blessed) normal coffee2code 05/09/2019
#4304 Mobile is not showing correct videos for event closed fixed defect (bug) high dd32 04/10/2019
#4303 Vendor payment request form: use select2 for all country fields WordCamp Site & Plugins closed fixed defect (bug) low 07/02/2020
#4302 Vendor payment request form: add field for reference number WordCamp Site & Plugins closed reported-upstream defect (bug) normal 09/24/2020
#4301 Coding standards: Need to use numeric values instead of keywords in CSS. reviewing defect (bug) normal tellyworth 05/17/2019
#4300 Missing Semicolon closed fixed defect (bug) lowest dd32 05/27/2019
#4299 Adding an auto-response feature to forms on WordCamp sites WordCamp Site & Plugins closed duplicate enhancement low 07/02/2020
#4298 Inaccurate dates in release archive General assigned task (blessed) lowest SergeyBiryukov 11/13/2024
#4297 source listing for _get_term_hierarchy() shows incorrect lines Developer Hub closed fixed defect (bug) normal 03/16/2019
#4296 Replace "Dev blog" with " blog" in Planet Planet ( closed fixed task (blessed) high 02/05/2024
#4295 WP search not showing real results Support Forums closed fixed enhancement normal Otto42 04/02/2019
#4294 Block plugin submissions if there are approved but not used plugins Plugin Directory closed fixed defect (bug) normal SergeyBiryukov 03/17/2019
#4293 Plugin Upload Handler improvements Plugin Directory closed fixed defect (bug) normal SergeyBiryukov 03/16/2019
#4292 Add canonical to homepage Planet ( closed fixed enhancement low 02/05/2024
#4291 Plugin Readme Validator Improvements Plugin Directory closed fixed defect (bug) normal SergeyBiryukov 03/16/2019
#4290 Provide new files in full on Changesets in Trac to match the view of Diffs Trac closed maybelater enhancement normal 03/18/2019
#4289 Delete placeholder pages International Sites (Rosetta) accepted defect (bug) low ocean90 06/28/2019
#4288 Root search requests should redirect General closed fixed defect (bug) lowest dd32 10/16/2019
#4287 Remove nofollow attribute from review post authors Support Forums closed fixed defect (bug) low Otto42 03/15/2019
#4286 Plugin review URLs reference the raw 'p' value Plugin Directory closed fixed defect (bug) lowest dd32 06/05/2019
#4285 News post author URLs omit a trailing slash General closed fixed defect (bug) lowest 03/15/2019
#4284 User website links in support forum profile templates should be nofollow'd Profiles closed fixed defect (bug) low Otto42 03/15/2019
#4283 Noindex 'thin' review posts Support Forums closed fixed enhancement high SergeyBiryukov 04/24/2020
#4282 301 feed URLs. General closed fixed defect (bug) lowest 05/13/2020
#4281 Minify wp4.css General new enhancement low 02/17/2023
#4280 Add schema markup to profile templates Profiles closed fixed defect (bug) normal coffee2code 02/17/2023
#4279 Add locale translation status to the Plugin Directory. Translate Site & Plugins closed duplicate enhancement normal 03/24/2019
#4278 Alter approach to social profile retrieval on profile templates Profiles closed fixed task (blessed) high 02/17/2023
#4277 Profile template meta tweaks Profiles closed fixed enhancement high coffee2code 06/15/2021
#4276 Remove JavaScript title update on theme pages Theme Directory closed fixed defect (bug) high ck3lee 05/17/2019
#4275 Reviews that are moderated, do not keep their ratings Support Forums closed fixed defect (bug) normal dd32 04/22/2024
#4274 Sponsor notification when sponsorship is received WordCamp Site & Plugins closed reported-upstream enhancement normal 09/24/2020
#4273 The Plugin/Theme name column on the new stat pages should link to the localized page Translate Site & Plugins closed wontfix enhancement normal 03/25/2019
#4272 Add translation status to the Plugin/Theme tiles in the directories to indicate how translated for the current locale the item is Translate Site & Plugins closed wontfix enhancement normal 03/24/2019
#4271 Place a reference to the new locale stats for Theme/Plugin on the Theme/Plugin directory Translate Site & Plugins closed wontfix enhancement normal 03/24/2019
Note: See TracReports for help on using and creating reports.