
{6} All Tickets By Milestone (Including closed) (7899 matches)

A more complex example to show how to make advanced reports.

Results (1601 - 1700 of 7899)

(empty) (100 matches)

Ticket Summary Component Status Resolution Version Type Priority Owner Modified
#4381 Send a email when a speaker apply to a call for speakers WordCamp Site & Plugins closed maybelater enhancement normal 04/14/2019
#4295 WP search not showing real results Support Forums closed fixed enhancement normal Otto42 04/02/2019
#3613 Add detailed contribution per translator and link to translator filtered view in project overview page Translate Site & Plugins closed fixed enhancement normal ocean90 03/27/2019
#4273 The Plugin/Theme name column on the new stat pages should link to the localized page Translate Site & Plugins closed wontfix enhancement normal 03/25/2019
#3976 Add script file name to JSON translation files Translate Site & Plugins closed fixed enhancement normal ocean90 03/24/2019
#4272 Add translation status to the Plugin/Theme tiles in the directories to indicate how translated for the current locale the item is Translate Site & Plugins closed wontfix enhancement normal 03/24/2019
#4279 Add locale translation status to the Plugin Directory. Translate Site & Plugins closed duplicate enhancement normal 03/24/2019
#4270 Add a localized filter/view to Plugin and Theme directories Translate Site & Plugins closed wontfix enhancement normal 03/24/2019
#4271 Place a reference to the new locale stats for Theme/Plugin on the Theme/Plugin directory Translate Site & Plugins closed wontfix enhancement normal 03/24/2019
#4051 Indicate GTE role in translation contributor page per project Translate Site & Plugins closed wontfix enhancement normal 03/24/2019
#3586 Enhancement: Display if a project has translation validators in the editors waiting projects page Translate Site & Plugins closed fixed enhancement normal ocean90 03/24/2019
#1387 Add stats/filters to the project overview page Translate Site & Plugins closed maybelater enhancement normal 03/24/2019
#4265 Empty P tag removal. Trac closed fixed enhancement normal dd32 03/18/2019
#4290 Provide new files in full on Changesets in Trac to match the view of Diffs Trac closed maybelater enhancement normal 03/18/2019
#4264 Add string for $originalcontent in summary closed fixed enhancement normal dd32 03/13/2019
#4252 De-prioritize plugin changelog translation Translate Site & Plugins closed fixed enhancement normal 03/13/2019
#4260 Update verbiage associated to the new 'has-privacy-review'/'needs-privacy-review' Trac keywords Trac closed fixed enhancement normal SergeyBiryukov 03/12/2019
#4263 Add summary in comment page in closed wontfix enhancement normal 03/12/2019
#3896 Please add a 'needs-privacy-review' Workflow keyword Trac closed fixed enhancement normal SergeyBiryukov 03/11/2019
#3908 The locale-banner is not RTL for some languages Plugin Directory closed fixed enhancement normal obenland 03/11/2019
#4256 Add Block Editor Developer Hub closed fixed enhancement normal SergeyBiryukov 03/11/2019
#4236 Support: In short guidelines for review writing, mention that links aren't tolerated Support Forums closed fixed enhancement normal clorith 03/11/2019
#3671 index.php files for static pages on are accessible/indexable Make (Get Involved) / P2 closed fixed enhancement low 03/07/2019
#3946 Redirect fbclid requests to 'clean' URLs General closed fixed enhancement normal dd32 03/07/2019
#4218 Link to on Rosetta sites International Sites (Rosetta) closed fixed enhancement normal dd32 03/04/2019
#3737 Add consistency link and info to Glossary Terms Translate Site & Plugins closed wontfix enhancement normal 03/01/2019
#4097 Link the counts for Translated/Suggested/Fuzzy under Translation Contributors on project homepage Translate Site & Plugins closed maybelater enhancement lowest 03/01/2019
#4230 Enhance the API to facilitate mod tools closed fixed enhancement normal 03/01/2019
#1431 Auto-Populate event field on submit video page based on prior field input closed fixed enhancement normal dd32 03/01/2019
#4231 Pre-fill event-specific fields after upload closed fixed enhancement normal dd32 03/01/2019
#3913 Event needs extra fields closed fixed enhancement normal dd32 03/01/2019
#4206 Return translated plugin details when using a locale variant Plugin Directory closed fixed enhancement normal ocean90 02/28/2019
#4215 Can the privacy policy use a email instead of for optics General closed duplicate enhancement normal 02/25/2019
#4212 Tweak theme template page titles Theme Directory closed fixed enhancement high coffee2code 02/25/2019
#4213 Tweak plugin template page titles Plugin Directory closed fixed enhancement high coffee2code 02/25/2019
#3853 Improve how empty searches are handled [2/2] Plugin Directory closed fixed enhancement low SergeyBiryukov 02/22/2019
#3939 The homepage template should include a canonical URL tag General closed fixed enhancement lowest 02/22/2019
#3940 homepage should include open graph + twitter tags General closed fixed enhancement low dd32 02/22/2019
#3948 We should add an x-default hreflang tag wherever we use hreflang tagging General closed fixed enhancement low dd32 02/22/2019
#3982 Add JSON-LD to .org homepage(s) General closed fixed enhancement high obenland 02/22/2019
#4196 Using gp_warning_placeholders_re update the GlotPress regex to include ###[A-Z_]+### placeholders for WP emails Translate Site & Plugins closed fixed enhancement normal dd32 02/22/2019
#1405 Restrict Tagregator to specific date range WordCamp Site & Plugins closed fixed enhancement normal coreymckrill 02/21/2019
#4134 Remove Learn and Ideas links from sitewide footer General closed fixed enhancement normal 02/19/2019
#4189 Add DNS prefetch for General closed fixed enhancement low coffee2code 02/19/2019
#4181 Support theme: Format links to view "pending", "spam" and "modlooked" to show when there are posts in the queue Support Forums closed duplicate enhancement normal 02/18/2019
#4148 Need improvement on wptv2 theme's function file closed fixed enhancement normal dd32 02/12/2019
#3777 Bad CSS Code hides the bottom 24 pixels (11%) of theme screenshots Theme Directory closed fixed enhancement normal coffee2code 02/12/2019
#4102 Support page: layout looks weird HelpHub ( closed duplicate enhancement normal 02/09/2019
#4163 Support page: Break long words in sidebar HelpHub ( closed fixed enhancement normal coffee2code 02/09/2019
#4152 Change screenshots and FAQ redirects to a 301 Plugin Directory closed duplicate enhancement normal 02/06/2019
#3997 Add font smoothing to icon font in table header of support forum Support Forums closed fixed enhancement normal SergeyBiryukov 02/01/2019
#4101 Closed Plugins should not show Active Install Count Plugin Directory closed fixed enhancement normal tellyworth 02/01/2019
#4136 Remove lines from robots.txt General closed fixed enhancement normal coffee2code 01/31/2019
#3685 Incentivize "link to page I need help with" input Support Forums closed fixed enhancement normal coffee2code 01/31/2019
#4133 noindex entirely General closed fixed enhancement normal 01/31/2019
#4131 Add aria-current to global menu General closed fixed enhancement normal 01/30/2019
#4057 i18n: make messages from language pack generation less verbose Translate Site & Plugins closed fixed enhancement normal ocean90 01/28/2019
#4060 Create translatable WP Core Readme on Translate Site & Plugins closed duplicate enhancement normal 01/23/2019
#752 Theme trac: If reviewer has done more than 2 reviews automatically make them full reviewer Theme Review closed invalid enhancement normal 01/23/2019
#620 activity should appear on profiles Profiles closed maybelater enhancement normal DrewAPicture 01/23/2019
#709 Theme trac: Add flag checkbox Theme Review closed wontfix enhancement normal 01/23/2019
#721 Allow to act as a oAuth Provider API closed maybelater enhancement normal 01/23/2019
#841 Display security checkbox on trac for users with less than three tickets. Trac closed wontfix enhancement normal 01/23/2019
#360 Make trac ticket properties more accessible in the Edit/Create Ticket screen Trac closed wontfix enhancement normal 01/23/2019
#4084 About/Roadmap: Gutenberg demo URL should be translatable General closed fixed enhancement normal SergeyBiryukov 01/21/2019
#4035 Remove 'Edit' Capability for forum accounts flagged for moderation Support Forums closed fixed enhancement normal dd32 01/21/2019
#3839 Improve new meetup tracker log section WordCamp Site & Plugins closed fixed enhancement normal sippis 01/17/2019
#3899 Support Forums: Prevent overusing mentions Support Forums closed wontfix enhancement normal 01/17/2019
#4004 Move content of Update PHP page to template file HelpHub ( closed fixed enhancement normal dd32 01/16/2019
#3757 Improve the navigation around Handbook pages, especially on mobile Handbooks closed fixed enhancement normal 01/09/2019
#50 Canned Replies? Support Forums closed wontfix enhancement normal SergeyBiryukov 01/09/2019
#3961 Auto-link Gutenberg repo mentions in Trac Trac closed fixed enhancement normal dd32 01/09/2019
#3965 Add breadcrumbs to handbook pages Handbooks closed fixed enhancement normal coffee2code 01/08/2019
#3870 Update total plugin counter in General closed fixed enhancement normal dd32 01/08/2019
#4040 Guternberg Handbook: On focus text not showing Handbooks closed fixed enhancement normal dd32 01/07/2019
#4034 Docs: Added description for global $wpdb API closed fixed enhancement normal dd32 01/07/2019
#4043 Guternberg Handbook: Missing 404 Not found design Handbooks closed fixed enhancement normal dd32 01/07/2019
#4016 Allow plugins and themes to specify an external URL for the "Development" section Plugin Directory closed duplicate enhancement normal 12/20/2018
#3981 Add DNS preloading to .org homepage General closed fixed enhancement low 12/20/2018
#4006 Update breakpoint to trigger core notice about outdated PHP version in Servehappy API API closed fixed enhancement normal flixos90 12/19/2018
#3993 Add "badges" next to team members usernames in Trac Trac closed maybelater enhancement normal 12/13/2018
#3975 proposed tweaks to header/footer links General closed wontfix enhancement normal 12/13/2018
#3963 Plugin names have too little "weight" in the search algorithm Plugin Directory closed maybelater enhancement normal 12/13/2018
#3994 Move "Privacy Policy" page to root General closed invalid enhancement normal 12/13/2018
#3991 Rename "Polyglots" team to "Translate" team Translate Site & Plugins closed invalid enhancement normal 12/12/2018
#3984 Plugin Repository URI Plugin Directory closed duplicate enhancement normal 12/09/2018
#3918 Introduce a HelpHub Manager role with the ability to provision editors HelpHub ( closed fixed enhancement normal Otto42 12/09/2018
#3967 Change or add to link to localized theme/plugin page from theme/plugin translation thee/plugin page Translate Site & Plugins closed duplicate enhancement normal 12/03/2018
#557 Provide a mechanism to search for aliases of dynamic hooks Developer Hub closed maybelater enhancement normal 11/29/2018
#644 Allow content to be be added to a plugin's 'Developers' page via readme.txt Plugin Directory closed maybelater enhancement normal 11/29/2018
#3923 Prevent plugin developers from removing their own commit access, if they're the only account Plugin Directory closed fixed enhancement normal dd32 11/20/2018
#3897 Make link state colors more different Support Forums closed duplicate enhancement normal 11/14/2018
#3879 Add badge for Core Component Maintainers Profiles closed wontfix enhancement normal 11/14/2018
#3893 Edit Profile Anchor Point Enhancement on Profiles closed fixed enhancement normal coffee2code 11/09/2018
#3900 Add admin column for indicator that parsed item has an explanation Developer Hub closed fixed enhancement normal coffee2code 11/01/2018
#3898 Create a nice /support Slack command to inform users Slack is for development Communication (Matrix, Slack, IRC) closed duplicate enhancement normal 11/01/2018
#3892 Theme rating string fall down if there are more that 1k rating number Theme Directory closed duplicate enhancement normal 10/30/2018
#1504 Improve functionality surrounding comment examples in the developer reference Developer Hub closed fixed enhancement normal 10/29/2018
#556 Code Reference: No-result searches should be wildcarded Developer Hub closed worksforme enhancement normal 10/29/2018
#3886 Add the ability to selectively reset contributor note scores Developer Hub closed fixed enhancement normal drewapicture 10/27/2018
Note: See TracReports for help on using and creating reports.