
{6} All Tickets By Milestone (Including closed) (7901 matches)

A more complex example to show how to make advanced reports.

Results (1 - 100 of 7901)

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(empty) (100 matches)

Ticket Summary Component Status Resolution Version Type Priority Owner Modified
#7235 Props page credits people who have gotten unprops General new defect (bug) highest omg bbq 04/22/2024
#3594 Email notifications not sent for updates to watched tickets and still sent for blocked tickets Trac new defect (bug) high 04/05/2023
#3674 Forums: pending replies do not send notification after reviewed Support Forums new defect (bug) high 09/29/2022
#5047 Add check to forum subscriptions if the account is "Blocked" or "Spectator" Support Forums new defect (bug) high 02/18/2022
#5104 Relax request limits on Showcase URLs Showcase new defect (bug) high 07/14/2021
#5105 Remove bot blocking (403 responses) on * sites. Trac new defect (bug) high 07/14/2021
#5168 Noindex stale plugin peripherals Support Forums reviewing defect (bug) high tellyworth 05/04/2023
#5190 Plugin images/screenshots should be lazy-loaded Plugin Directory new defect (bug) high 06/09/2023
#5322 Paginated states of topics should append a trailing slash Support Forums accepted defect (bug) high tellyworth 04/29/2024
#5587 Skip sanitization of code snippets in forum replies email notifications Support Forums new defect (bug) high 08/10/2023
#5708 Allow only moderators to remove modlook tag Support Forums new defect (bug) high 08/22/2024
#5859 Improve video thumbnail images new defect (bug) high 08/11/2021
#6326 Need to synchronize authors' lists on Rosetta sites International Sites (Rosetta) new defect (bug) high 10/21/2022
#6443 /page/2/ being adding to reply links incorrectly Support Forums new defect (bug) high 02/01/2023
#6515 Forums: Add ability to sort unresolved threads Support Forums new defect (bug) high 05/04/2023
#6591 Add Note or Feedback comment Add/Editor not working Developer Hub new defect (bug) high 02/28/2023
#7040 Create and add a plugin for embedding playground iframes in docs Handbooks new defect (bug) high 06/08/2023
#7079 mobile version grid design responsive issue new defect (bug) high 06/22/2023
#7236 Requirements page update (MySQL and PHP) Site new defect (bug) high 04/07/2024
#7275 TracQuery page is fully breaking at every responsive breakpoints. Trac new defect (bug) high 09/14/2023
#7354 Submit Photo Issue Photo Directory new defect (bug) high 02/21/2024
#7419 Subtitles upload issue in videos new defect (bug) high 01/25/2024
#7583 Fix singular/plural form for Persian language on WP Site Site new defect (bug) high 04/13/2024
#7687 Cognitive Accessibility Design issue: An email address should be linked using the “mailto” protocol [[mailto]] with prefilled “to”. General accepted defect (bug) high tellyworth 09/25/2024
#7736 Google Tag Manager is called without consent Site new defect (bug) high 08/09/2024
#7824 Localized installation packages issues International Sites (Rosetta) new defect (bug) high 11/27/2024
#7870 When Create a new pattern,paatern link display blank Pattern Directory new defect (bug) high 01/06/2025
#7878 Change Navigation Button Appearance on Plugin Screenshot Gallery Plugin Directory new defect (bug) high 01/05/2025
#273 Keyboard navigation friendliness for Trac Trac reopened defect (bug) normal 01/24/2018
#681 Community profile badges disappear for WordCamp organisers of two different WordCamps Profiles new defect (bug) normal 06/07/2021
#1424 Automate meta contributor badge assignment when receiving props Profiles accepted defect (bug) normal coffee2code 09/01/2017
#3743 On Make WP blog the 'Follow' action removes syntax highlighting on code snippets Make (Get Involved) / P2 new defect (bug) normal 03/24/2020
#3781 The Views for 'My @Mentions' and 'My Posts' give 'Page Not Found' message which is misleading Make (Get Involved) / P2 new defect (bug) normal 09/12/2018
#3858 Fix/add select2 support to HelpHub Contributors module HelpHub ( reviewing defect (bug) normal netweb 10/30/2018
#3880 Allow redefining or augmenting information in the "INTERESTED IN DEVELOPMENT?" section Plugin Directory new defect (bug) normal 11/29/2018
#3922 "How to create a WordPress business website" landing page on General new defect (bug) normal 04/11/2023
#3930 In the main menu, the submenu nav-submenu doesn't visually open by keyboard in mobile view General new defect (bug) normal 02/17/2023
#3995 W3C CSS validator patchs for all sites in meta General new defect (bug) normal 03/13/2020
#4096 Redesign /mobile/ General assigned defect (bug) normal sjardo 08/05/2021
#4110 Consider to audit the headings hierarchy across the .org network General new defect (bug) normal 04/15/2020
#4111 Consider to audit the focus style across the .org network General new defect (bug) normal 09/02/2024
#4119 Proposal to change the headings hierarchy in the Getting Involved (Make) section Make (Get Involved) / P2 new defect (bug) normal 04/16/2020
#4121 Proposal to change the headings hierarchy in the Blog section Site new defect (bug) normal 06/10/2024
#4123 Proposal to improve the main navigation menu accessibility General accepted defect (bug) normal Otto42 06/13/2023
#4205 Update for privacy policy needed General new defect (bug) normal 08/11/2020
#4237 Rejected plugins show wrong last_updated date Plugin Directory reviewing defect (bug) normal SergeyBiryukov 03/11/2020
#4253 Plugins API `query_plugins` produces wrong number of results Plugin Directory accepted defect (bug) normal tellyworth 05/03/2019
#4301 Coding standards: Need to use numeric values instead of keywords in CSS. reviewing defect (bug) normal tellyworth 05/17/2019
#4412 Invalid paginated support topic requests should return a 404 Support Forums new defect (bug) normal 03/22/2023
#4440 missing content from class-level DocBlock of WP_Filesystem_SSH2 Developer Hub new defect (bug) normal 10/17/2019
#4507 Glossary tooltips break HTML markup (take 2) Make (Get Involved) / P2 reopened defect (bug) normal 07/13/2022
#4520 Rework Browse by WordCamp list in sidebar of event archives new defect (bug) normal 06/28/2019
#4535 Delete "Hello World" posts (and tidy up empty blogs) International Sites (Rosetta) accepted defect (bug) normal ocean90 01/17/2020
#4677 Change how 'Active Installations' is calculated on 'Popular' tab Theme Directory new defect (bug) normal 10/28/2023
#4695 Add FAQPage schema markup to plugin pages Plugin Directory accepted defect (bug) normal SergeyBiryukov 02/17/2023
#4770 Add a robots.txt disallow rule for /raw-attachment/ Trac new defect (bug) normal 10/22/2019
#4782 Filter wp_mail() on .org from trying to mail prohibited addresses General new defect (bug) normal 11/27/2019
#4917 Trac needs more responsive styles Trac reviewing defect (bug) normal dd32 01/10/2024
#4952 style for Search form on Profiles new defect (bug) normal 05/29/2020
#4965 Nav menu icon size problem on mobiles device Trac new defect (bug) normal 01/25/2021
#5115 Rosetta option overrides respect user locale (but shouldn't) International Sites (Rosetta) new defect (bug) normal 08/13/2020
#5123 Escaped pipe characters not properly handled by wporg-markdown Handbooks new defect (bug) normal 04/02/2020
#5125 Video player controls disappear after closing fullscreen (WPTV) new defect (bug) normal 04/20/2020
#5132 Use of reusable blocks is inconvenient for translation HelpHub ( new defect (bug) normal 04/13/2020
#5143 GitHub PRs on Trac don't send email notifications Trac reopened defect (bug) normal 03/16/2022
#5144 [all websites] Declare HTML5 scripts and styles support for better compliance with W3C validator General new defect (bug) normal 05/21/2021
#5146 All Recent Topics RSS Feed returns topics from plugins and themes, not the general forums Support Forums reopened defect (bug) normal 03/29/2023
#5159 Missing CSS on (French translation of HelpHub ( new defect (bug) normal 04/18/2020
#5211 Update button styles to match WP 5.3 General new defect (bug) normal 05/13/2020
#5233 Add an easy way to hide forums sections from localized helphub sites that don’t use forum feature HelpHub ( new defect (bug) normal 05/27/2020
#5238 Remove or block the support forum for the defunct "Ask Questions" plugin Support Forums assigned defect (bug) normal dd32 04/05/2023
#5241 Soft 404s with order params General new defect (bug) normal 07/13/2020
#5246 "Make" meetings need to filter for start_date and end_date Make (Get Involved) / P2 new defect (bug) normal 06/02/2020
#5289 Remove Core from the channels that are auto-joined on Slack Communication (Matrix, Slack, IRC) new defect (bug) normal 11/17/2020
#5328 Support and Article URLs should 301 to lowercase Support Forums new defect (bug) normal 04/05/2023
#5368 top 200 pluginlist does not show "waiting" proposals for dev Translate Site & Plugins new defect (bug) normal 07/05/2021
#5387 Twitter Card Not Found HelpHub ( new defect (bug) normal 09/16/2020
#5418 Remove link to "About Cookies" from Cookie Policy Page General new defect (bug) normal 02/12/2024
#5426 Improve the plugin repository's Support tab. Plugin Directory new defect (bug) normal 12/15/2022
#5453 Allow users to view their props launched in a release Trac new defect (bug) normal 09/28/2020
#5455 HelpHub: Correct post type and taxonomy labels HelpHub ( new defect (bug) normal 05/19/2021
#5459 Locale Banner should suggest user locale on localised pages Plugin Directory new defect (bug) normal 10/02/2020
#5473 Update one line of copy on Site new defect (bug) normal 12/16/2020
#5487 Unpublished (Pending) HelpHub articles should redirect to english version for not editors HelpHub ( new defect (bug) normal 10/26/2020
#5506 Add version validation to Release tooling Site new defect (bug) normal 06/02/2021
#5510 Translation of the "Topics" string not taken into account in the French handbook Handbooks new defect (bug) normal 06/17/2021
#5529 Alter trac robots.txt Trac new defect (bug) normal 12/03/2020
#5539 Create an "Ask a Question About WordPress" page General new defect (bug) normal 02/23/2021
#5554 Main Theme: Cookies table not responsive Site new defect (bug) normal 08/18/2023
#5598 Broken links to usability tests in Test Team handbook Handbooks assigned defect (bug) normal ironprogrammer 09/28/2022
#5601 Idea: Add a Gutenberg icon page General new defect (bug) normal 08/05/2021
#5623 Blocks list incorrect on plugin directory page Plugin Directory new defect (bug) normal 05/16/2024
#5625 Rosetta websites: Wrong release dates in versions download archive pages International Sites (Rosetta) new defect (bug) normal 02/17/2021
#5629 Track "report this topic" reports Support Forums new defect (bug) normal 04/05/2023
#5655 Log who made changes to Polyglots caps International Sites (Rosetta) new defect (bug) normal 03/11/2021
#5659 Fix bulk action to reject suggestions for CLPTE Translate Site & Plugins new defect (bug) normal 03/12/2021
#5665 Add support for comma separated revision numbers on Make blogs Make (Get Involved) / P2 new defect (bug) normal 03/17/2021
#5666 Contributed Plugins/Themes security advisory news feed General new defect (bug) normal 03/18/2021
#5687 Base Theme: Register navigation JS for use in child themes Site new defect (bug) normal 03/31/2021
#5688 Preventative measures for forum users sharing e-mail addresses Support Forums new defect (bug) normal 04/05/2023
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