
{6} All Tickets By Milestone (Including closed) (7766 matches)

A more complex example to show how to make advanced reports.

Results (5501 - 5600 of 7766)

(empty) (100 matches)

Ticket Summary Component Status Resolution Version Type Priority Owner Modified
#6564 The options in the select box must contain a placeholder Trac closed wontfix feature request normal 12/06/2023
#6993 Plugin Repo Feature: Assign plugins to reviewers Plugin Directory closed fixed feature request high dd32 12/06/2023
#6938 #WP20 From Blogs to Blocks: Unique Badge Event Profiles closed invalid feature request high 11/01/2023
#7105 Create a Contribute page on to host the Contributor Orientation Tool Make (Get Involved) / P2 closed fixed feature request high 10/31/2023
#7280 Add CORS headers to the image download URL responses Photo Directory closed fixed feature request normal 09/28/2023
#7288 Need Downloads Counter Photo Directory closed duplicate feature request normal 09/26/2023
#7281 Highlight State of Enterprise WordPress Survey on Site closed invalid feature request normal 09/25/2023
#7283 Patch version support in the stats endpoint General closed wontfix feature request normal 09/20/2023
#7215 same page redirect on profile Profiles closed wontfix feature request lowest 08/17/2023
#7003 Add a "logged-in only" contact form on Make sites Make (Get Involved) / P2 closed maybelater feature request lowest 07/20/2023
#7150 Make redirect to General closed reported-upstream feature request low 07/20/2023
#7126 Bump MINIMUM_PHP for 6.3 API closed fixed feature request high SergeyBiryukov 07/06/2023
#7042 Improve Photo Details Page Photo Directory closed fixed feature request normal coffee2code 07/03/2023
#7097 Waiting for approval email notification in photo contribution Photo Directory closed wontfix feature request normal 06/26/2023
#6532 WebAssembly WordPress demo page General closed fixed feature request normal 04/14/2023
#6923 Profile badge not showing Profiles closed invalid feature request normal 04/07/2023
#6863 Hosting Team Weekly Chat and Photo Directory Team Meeting link showing 404 Make (Get Involved) / P2 closed invalid feature request normal 03/16/2023
#6844 Request to create new Make WordPress Slack channel for .Org Website Redesign Communication (Matrix, Slack, IRC) closed fixed feature request normal 03/13/2023
#6387 Change the url for Documentation HelpHub ( closed fixed feature request normal 03/12/2023
#6778 Allow user to view that photo queue and status Photo Directory closed invalid feature request normal 03/09/2023
#6840 Click to link counter General closed invalid feature request normal 03/07/2023
#6537 Add option to view the under moderation photo queue Photo Directory closed wontfix feature request normal 11/10/2022
#6523 Add field for alt text to images uploaded in the Photo Directory Photo Directory closed duplicate feature request normal 10/07/2022
#6361 Add photo profile link to .org profile Profiles closed fixed feature request normal 10/07/2022
#6519 Change Slack channel from core-auto-updates to core-upgrade-install Communication (Matrix, Slack, IRC) closed fixed feature request normal dd32 10/06/2022
#6453 Theme directory: Preview style variations Theme Directory closed duplicate feature request normal 09/22/2022
#6477 Custom post type improvement General closed invalid feature request normal 09/09/2022
#6445 Re-add resource links found on /download/ page. Site closed fixed feature request normal 08/17/2022
#6444 Create GitHub repository for Block Theme Course Version Control closed fixed feature request normal 08/17/2022
#6416 Notify parties when forum post/review is modified. Support Forums closed maybelater feature request normal 07/20/2022
#6330 Give some priority to Block themes(FSE themes) in the WordPress themes repository Theme Directory closed fixed feature request normal 07/15/2022
#6334 Stable check API major versions don't match the download zip API closed wontfix feature request normal 05/29/2022
#6283 Workflow keywords for release docs Trac closed fixed feature request normal dd32 04/20/2022
#6264 Need image updated for Diverse Speaking group channel Communication (Matrix, Slack, IRC) closed fixed feature request normal dd32 04/08/2022
#6255 Need a Workflow added to the #diverse-speaker-support WordPress slack channel Communication (Matrix, Slack, IRC) closed fixed feature request normal dd32 04/06/2022
#5922 Plugin/Theme should show their CSS & JS dependencies sizes Plugin Directory closed maybelater feature request normal 03/30/2022
#6191 Automatically prompt for review once a support ticket is resolved Support Forums closed wontfix feature request normal 03/15/2022
#4228 Gutenberg theme: Remove reliance upon the plugin General new task (blessed) high 03/21/2019
#6405 Migrate the `/here` command to use the Slack Messaging API Communication (Matrix, Slack, IRC) new task (blessed) high 08/10/2022
#45 Theme repository - add changelog listing tab Theme Directory new task (blessed) normal 01/11/2023
#3744 Content Submission for Dot Org: How to Get Help With WordPress General new task (blessed) normal 08/07/2018
#3758 Update General new task (blessed) normal 02/17/2023
#3895 Get Involved ( sites user audit Make (Get Involved) / P2 new task (blessed) normal 10/31/2018
#4487 Set the codex to readonly Codex accepted task (blessed) normal dd32 02/27/2024
#4518 Plan: translation discussions/feedback Translate Site & Plugins new task (blessed) normal 09/29/2021
#4644 User profiles: Make sure all users have a displayname defined Profiles new task (blessed) normal 10/06/2022
#4716 Improve translations for gutenberg mobile Translate Site & Plugins new task (blessed) normal 09/06/2019
#4824 Global header CSS is not DRY General new task (blessed) normal 11/04/2019
#4832 How do I change my email address? Trac new task (blessed) normal 11/14/2019
#5383 Trac: Merge "Text Changes" component with the "ui-copy" focus Trac new task (blessed) normal 05/31/2022
#5471 Add Serbian Latin locale with transliteration of Serbian Cyrillic locale Translate Site & Plugins reopened task (blessed) normal ocean90 01/26/2023
#5486 Activate setting "user must be logged-in" to comment on rosetta and /team sites International Sites (Rosetta) new task (blessed) normal 10/26/2020
#5581 Consolidating setup of local Dev environment documentation and testing instructions. General new task (blessed) normal 04/01/2022
#5635 Theme Directory: Introduce UI for managing theme support reps Theme Directory new task (blessed) normal 06/25/2024
#5717 Support Forums: Improve topic report functionality Support Forums new task (blessed) normal 04/12/2023
#5734 Support Forums: Documentation and Direction for flagged accounts Support Forums new task (blessed) normal 04/12/2023
#6182 Create a Components page for Meta Trac Make (Get Involved) / P2 accepted task (blessed) normal SergeyBiryukov 03/23/2022
#6286 Update the Meta Handbook with useful info Handbooks accepted task (blessed) normal renyot 06/07/2022
#6612 Prepare for bumping the recommended PHP version to 8.0+ General new task (blessed) normal 08/24/2023
#7587 Request to clear and update HelpHub support articles for zh_CN International Sites (Rosetta) new task (blessed) normal 07/02/2024
#7667 core release process: Verify ZIP recreation is intended Version Control new task (blessed) normal 06/10/2024
#7593 Remove the non-block editor Support Forums new task (blessed) low 06/10/2024
#3949 Old news trackbacks/pingbacks which return a non-200 status should be deleted General new task (blessed) lowest 01/18/2019
#4298 Inaccurate dates in release archive General assigned task (blessed) lowest SergeyBiryukov 07/15/2024
#7212 New Core Committer - August 2023 Version Control closed fixed task (blessed) normal dd32 08/16/2024
#7727 New Core Committers: July 2024 Version Control closed duplicate task (blessed) normal 07/22/2024
#7234 New Core Committer - George Mamadashvili Version Control closed fixed task (blessed) normal 07/18/2024
#7670 Switch international support sites to new theme International Forums closed fixed task (blessed) high 07/08/2024
#7683 New Slack #core-themes privileges Communication (Matrix, Slack, IRC) closed invalid task (blessed) normal 06/26/2024
#7175 User Meta for Memorial Accounts General closed fixed task (blessed) normal 05/29/2024
#7545 Please revert changes done in site editor for Chinese Rosetta International Sites (Rosetta) closed fixed task (blessed) normal 04/01/2024
#7536 Remove Jetpack newsletter pop-up on make/polyglots Make (Get Involved) / P2 closed fixed task (blessed) normal 03/27/2024
#7439 Create @WordPress/Community-Team Github Repo for central WordPress Community Team Repo Make (Get Involved) / P2 closed fixed task (blessed) high 02/08/2024
#4296 Replace "Dev blog" with " blog" in Planet Planet ( closed fixed task (blessed) high 02/05/2024
#6316 Groom the Beta Testing plugin tab Plugin Directory closed fixed task (blessed) normal dd32 01/22/2024
#4393 Import block metadata into plugin directory on commit Plugin Directory closed fixed task (blessed) normal 01/22/2024
#5747 Block plugins using invalid `Update URI` headers Plugin Directory closed fixed task (blessed) high dd32 12/19/2023
#7363 Raise the minimum required version of MySQL to 5.5.5 General closed fixed task (blessed) normal 12/14/2023
#5968 Curate more #ILoveWP posts on testimonials webpage General closed reported-upstream task (blessed) normal 12/05/2023
#5353 Increase base font-size on make blogs Make (Get Involved) / P2 closed fixed task (blessed) normal 11/13/2023
#7171 Improve moderator experience Photo Directory closed fixed task (blessed) normal coffee2code 09/14/2023
#7270 Need help to remove incorrectly created translation sets Translate Site & Plugins closed fixed task (blessed) normal 09/12/2023
#7119 Separate out controversial photo submissions to allow for international moderation Photo Directory closed fixed task (blessed) normal coffee2code 08/29/2023
#7209 WP DEIB Working Group getting setup on Github Repo + Projects for their team. Version Control closed fixed task (blessed) normal 08/15/2023
#7041 Admin role for Javier Casares and Crixu on Make (Get Involved) / P2 closed fixed task (blessed) normal 06/09/2023
#219 Enable MP6 network-wide WordCamp Site & Plugins closed fixed task (blessed) normal 03/27/2023
#5610 Update Google Fonts CSS General closed invalid task (blessed) lowest 02/17/2023
#4278 Alter approach to social profile retrieval on profile templates Profiles closed fixed task (blessed) high 02/17/2023
#5024 Provide/verify access to * sites in Google Search Console. General closed fixed task (blessed) high 02/17/2023
#6332 Update the Roadmap page for 2022 Site closed fixed task (blessed) normal SergeyBiryukov 01/19/2023
#5380 Showcase section Showcase closed fixed task (blessed) normal 01/11/2023
#5847 Remove dead sites from Showcase Showcase closed fixed task (blessed) normal Otto42 01/11/2023
#95 Update Privacy policy with list of sites General closed fixed task (blessed) lowest samuelsidler 01/03/2023
#5550 Make all importer plugins available on GitHub Version Control closed fixed task (blessed) normal 12/20/2022
#5863 Create new Documentation repo on WordPress GitHub organisation General closed fixed task (blessed) high 11/23/2022
#6432 Bump ServeHappy PHP constants to 7.4+ API closed fixed task (blessed) normal SergeyBiryukov 11/02/2022
#6454 Implement changes to the global navigation menu on Site closed fixed task (blessed) normal tellyworth 09/01/2022
#6284 Extract strings from translation in `/patterns` and `/styles` directories of the theme Translate Site & Plugins closed fixed task (blessed) normal ocean90 05/02/2022
#6246 Translate: Prepare for recent GlotPress 3.0 changes Translate Site & Plugins closed fixed task (blessed) normal 04/12/2022
#5303 Block plugin validation tool UI improvements Plugin Directory closed fixed task (blessed) normal 03/15/2022
Note: See TracReports for help on using and creating reports.