
{8} Active Tickets, Mine first (997 matches)

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  • Show all tickets owned by the logged in user in a group first.

Results (201 - 300 of 997)

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Active Tickets (100 matches)

Ticket Summary Component Version Milestone Type Owner Status Created
#6958 The block at bottom of this page need some padding as it touching the border. HelpHub ( enhancement new 04/27/2023
#7362 In Responsive view, Too much space in heading section HelpHub ( enhancement new 12/08/2023
#6556 Consider allowing Make teams to create block patterns HelpHub ( feature request new 10/31/2022
#7699 Help needed to edit menus and template parts on Support site HelpHub ( feature request new 07/04/2024
#2082 Enable revisions on the front end for DevHub/HelpHub/Handbook pages HelpHub ( enhancement new 09/27/2016
#5251 Faulty links redirect to random pages HelpHub ( defect (bug) new 06/04/2020
#6926 Paragraph and Image are aligned inline HelpHub ( defect (bug) new 04/07/2023
#7356 Excessive space in footer HelpHub ( defect (bug) new 11/29/2023
#6729 Enhancement suggestion in Comment form at the bottom of the page HelpHub ( enhancement new 02/02/2023
#2335 Automatically assign user set as admin for a new forum as a key master International Forums enhancement reopened 12/18/2016
#6326 Need to synchronize authors' lists on Rosetta sites International Sites (Rosetta) defect (bug) new 05/25/2022
#7824 Localized installation packages issues International Sites (Rosetta) defect (bug) new 11/14/2024
#2003 Open source all Rosetta mu-plugins as one plugin International Sites (Rosetta) task (blessed) new 09/08/2016
#4535 Delete "Hello World" posts (and tidy up empty blogs) International Sites (Rosetta) defect (bug) ocean90 accepted 06/26/2019
#5115 Rosetta option overrides respect user locale (but shouldn't) International Sites (Rosetta) defect (bug) new 03/25/2020
#5625 Rosetta websites: Wrong release dates in versions download archive pages International Sites (Rosetta) defect (bug) new 02/17/2021
#5655 Log who made changes to Polyglots caps International Sites (Rosetta) defect (bug) new 03/11/2021
#5768 "Rosetta for inactive translations" feature for the current theme International Sites (Rosetta) defect (bug) new 06/08/2021
#6395 "Fill" Button style color & dimention changed International Sites (Rosetta) defect (bug) new 07/08/2022
#6599 Language Guess on homepage uses deprecated GlotPress project International Sites (Rosetta) defect (bug) new 11/27/2022
#6607 Consider activating Jetpack Stats dashboard widget on Localized HelpHub sites International Sites (Rosetta) defect (bug) new 12/01/2022
#6829 Nested lists are not styled correctly on RTL Rosetta sites International Sites (Rosetta) defect (bug) new 03/03/2023
#7480 Localization changes depending on whether you are logged in or not International Sites (Rosetta) defect (bug) new 02/21/2024
#1292 Display Events on Rosetta Sites International Sites (Rosetta) enhancement new 10/04/2015
#3576 Content Limitations - custom CSS and aria-label International Sites (Rosetta) enhancement new 04/16/2018
#4399 Rosetta: allow custom redirects International Sites (Rosetta) enhancement new 04/24/2019
#6714 es_ES ( Handbook sync International Sites (Rosetta) enhancement new 01/26/2023
#7347 Upgrade the es_ES ( sites - database character encoding International Sites (Rosetta) enhancement new 11/09/2023
#7558 Swahili /support and /team International Sites (Rosetta) enhancement tobifjellner accepted 04/08/2024
#7633 Create possibility for locale teams to "stick a note" on their front page International Sites (Rosetta) enhancement new 05/09/2024
#7637 create documentation page for Rosetta sites International Sites (Rosetta) enhancement assigned 05/13/2024
#5486 Activate setting "user must be logged-in" to comment on rosetta and /team sites International Sites (Rosetta) task (blessed) new 10/26/2020
#7587 Request to clear and update HelpHub support articles for zh_CN International Sites (Rosetta) task (blessed) new 04/15/2024
#1665 Rosetta release page embed uses placeholder text International Sites (Rosetta) defect (bug) new 04/13/2016
#2264 Change the default Twitter account in Rosetta local sites at .org International Sites (Rosetta) enhancement new 11/23/2016
#4289 Delete placeholder pages International Sites (Rosetta) defect (bug) ocean90 accepted 03/15/2019
#4683 Make / Polyglots locale filters International Sites (Rosetta) defect (bug) new 08/16/2019
#4744 Promote local WordCamp on a Rosetta site by showing a banner International Sites (Rosetta) defect (bug) new 09/25/2019
#3507 Allow pre-defined page slug translations International Sites (Rosetta) task (blessed) new 03/12/2018
#83 X account for Jobs ( enhancement coffee2code assigned 08/16/2013
#89 Add email notifications for new jobs on Jobs ( enhancement new 08/19/2013
#5931 Occasionally incorrect job category job counts Jobs ( defect (bug) new 10/18/2021
#5695 Extend REST API to give plugin and theme devs the option of having their jobs display automatically. Jobs ( enhancement new 04/07/2021
#7691 Strict comparison operator missing with post get_post_type() check Jobs ( defect (bug) new 06/30/2024
#7692 Missing Escaping, Strict Check, and PHPCS Issues in Multiple Files of Jobs ( defect (bug) assigned 06/30/2024
#5618 Require ToS/Privacy at login and record acceptance Login & Authentication enhancement dd32 accepted 02/12/2021
#7806 Profile fields filled in during account creation don't appear on profile. Login & Authentication defect (bug) dufresnesteven assigned 10/18/2024
#7893 Misalignment Between 'Generate Password' and 'Save Password' Buttons Login & Authentication defect (bug) new 01/27/2025
#6345 Make signup form clearer Login & Authentication enhancement new 06/02/2022
#7337 Enhancement: Create 'allow list' for domains to register on .org Login & Authentication enhancement new 11/01/2023
#2531 Broken link to mailing list on bbPress Trac Mailing Lists enhancement new 02/23/2017
#5347 Add a robots.txt file to Mailing Lists defect (bug) new 08/03/2020
#3743 On Make WP blog the 'Follow' action removes syntax highlighting on code snippets Make (Get Involved) / P2 defect (bug) new 08/03/2018
#3781 The Views for 'My @Mentions' and 'My Posts' give 'Page Not Found' message which is misleading Make (Get Involved) / P2 defect (bug) new 08/29/2018
#4119 Proposal to change the headings hierarchy in the Getting Involved (Make) section Make (Get Involved) / P2 defect (bug) new 01/29/2019
#4507 Glossary tooltips break HTML markup (take 2) Make (Get Involved) / P2 defect (bug) reopened 06/11/2019
#5246 "Make" meetings need to filter for start_date and end_date Make (Get Involved) / P2 defect (bug) new 06/02/2020
#5665 Add support for comma separated revision numbers on Make blogs Make (Get Involved) / P2 defect (bug) new 03/16/2021
#5716 Glossary injects definitions into comments Make (Get Involved) / P2 defect (bug) new 04/27/2021
#5728 Some comment permalinks are broken due to collapsed comment section Make (Get Involved) / P2 defect (bug) new 05/06/2021
#5746 wporg-glossary plugin doesn't correctly handle being run twice over the same content Make (Get Involved) / P2 defect (bug) new 05/25/2021
#5872 The Glossary feature of locale teams' P2 sites doesn't work properly. Make (Get Involved) / P2 defect (bug) new 08/21/2021
#5875 Allow XML configuration examples in WP core handbook Make (Get Involved) / P2 defect (bug) new 08/24/2021
#6333 Training p2 Widgets area not rendering correctly Make (Get Involved) / P2 defect (bug) new 05/27/2022
#6881 Accessibility issues in Make blog comment fields Make (Get Involved) / P2 defect (bug) new 03/23/2023
#6931 Navigation menu is hiding on handbook page Make (Get Involved) / P2 defect (bug) new 04/13/2023
#7103 Redesign Make/Latest Make (Get Involved) / P2 defect (bug) new 06/28/2023
#7653 Sustainability team site displays no og:image Make (Get Involved) / P2 defect (bug) new 05/23/2024
#7746 Need to fix contribute page checkbox design issue Make (Get Involved) / P2 defect (bug) new 08/12/2024
#7853 Tags do not present related posts Make (Get Involved) / P2 defect (bug) new 12/11/2024
#7877 Share on Mastodon icon doesn't work Make (Get Involved) / P2 defect (bug) new 01/04/2025
#7881 Improve Comment Reply Make (Get Involved) / P2 defect (bug) new 01/06/2025
#3739 Field for P2 post deadline and list of deadlines coming up Make (Get Involved) / P2 enhancement new 08/02/2018
#3751 create shortcode for formatting tickets in make/core release posts Make (Get Involved) / P2 enhancement new 08/07/2018
#4737 tickets for next major release on the component pages should show closed/fixed tickets as well as open ones Make (Get Involved) / P2 enhancement new 09/20/2019
#4939 Exclude component maintainer tickets from "tickets that have no replies" Make (Get Involved) / P2 enhancement new 01/03/2020
#5245 "Make" meetings: Make it easier to plan a one-time meeting Make (Get Involved) / P2 enhancement new 06/02/2020
#5264 List /support/ forum keymasters, moderators and HelpHub roles on locale team pages. Make (Get Involved) / P2 enhancement new 06/11/2020
#5463 Create a weekly post for Component Maintainers status updates on the Core blog Make (Get Involved) / P2 enhancement new 10/06/2020
#5548 A more inclusive commenting policy for P2 Make (Get Involved) / P2 enhancement new 12/15/2020
#5760 Add a Search Highlighter to Make Sites Make (Get Involved) / P2 enhancement new 05/30/2021
#5854 Need a way in P2 to find recently edited posts Make (Get Involved) / P2 enhancement new 08/08/2021
#6052 Tag Make posts to ping teams/team-reps Make (Get Involved) / P2 enhancement new 01/27/2022
#6862 Add support for component Slack channels Make (Get Involved) / P2 enhancement new 03/15/2023
#6945 Create Props Block for Make Blogs and Deverloper Blog Make (Get Involved) / P2 enhancement new 04/24/2023
#6947 Redirect old "HelpHub" content to their new forever-home Make (Get Involved) / P2 enhancement new 04/24/2023
#7066 Could we add how to stop local environment command Make (Get Involved) / P2 enhancement new 06/15/2023
#7109 RSS custom plugin to include GitHub issues Make (Get Involved) / P2 enhancement new 06/30/2023
#7110 Jetpack Social plugin on Make, HelpHub, and LearnWP Make (Get Involved) / P2 enhancement new 06/30/2023
#6756 Add a copy to clipboard button to code blocks Make (Get Involved) / P2 feature request tellyworth reviewing 02/14/2023
#7242 Expand the functionality of the "Meetings" post type for Make (Get Involved) / P2 feature request new 08/30/2023
#3895 Get Involved ( sites user audit Make (Get Involved) / P2 task (blessed) new 10/31/2018
#6182 Create a Components page for Meta Trac Make (Get Involved) / P2 task (blessed) SergeyBiryukov accepted 03/11/2022
#2440 Trac links are automatically added even when `#NNN` reference has an existing link Make (Get Involved) / P2 defect (bug) pento assigned 01/25/2017
#3445 Link to comment hash not working on mobile Make (Get Involved) / P2 defect (bug) new 02/12/2018
#2207 GTEs should be able to mark PTE requests as resolved Make (Get Involved) / P2 enhancement new 11/03/2016
#3267 Onboarding for Make (Get Involved) / P2 enhancement new 11/15/2017
#2358 Make P2s: allow authors with existing moderated comments to upload files Make (Get Involved) / P2 Q1 enhancement pento assigned 01/06/2017
#4649 Remove content hiding mechanism on Make (Get Involved) / P2 defect (bug) reopened 08/01/2019
#6602 Comment previews can be inaccurate when they contain back slashes. Make (Get Involved) / P2 defect (bug) new 11/28/2022
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