
{8} Active Tickets, Mine first (1002 matches)

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Results (501 - 600 of 1002)

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Active Tickets (100 matches)

Ticket Summary Component Version Milestone Type Owner Status Created
#5704 Sync and localize Security White Paper PDF Site enhancement new 04/18/2021
#5718 Support Forums: Introduce direct moderator replies Support Forums enhancement new 04/27/2021
#5719 Make PTE assignment screen more intuitive Translate Site & Plugins enhancement new 04/28/2021
#5725 Create a query to report newly added plugins or themes, once a day so the date of addition can be used Translate Site & Plugins enhancement new 05/03/2021
#5731 Add performance index to each theme and plugin in the repository General enhancement new 05/09/2021
#5738 Add Feedback form to Dev Handbooks Developer Hub enhancement new 05/18/2021
#5757 Color blind feature for ? Translate Site & Plugins enhancement new 05/28/2021
#5759 Support Forums: Improve local environment support Support Forums enhancement new 05/29/2021
#5760 Add a Search Highlighter to Make Sites Make (Get Involved) / P2 enhancement new 05/30/2021
#5769 Submit a new project General enhancement new 06/08/2021
#5783 If a string contains plural text then the list from translation memory is not updated Translate Site & Plugins enhancement new 06/23/2021
#5792 Update readme documentation to better reflect code usage, and clarify a discrepancy with the Readme validator Plugin Directory enhancement new 06/27/2021
#5815 Initiative to create thorought developer documentation of all core javascript files Developer Hub enhancement new 07/09/2021
#5826 Twitter card not working for some plugin pages Plugin Directory enhancement new 07/15/2021
#5840 Seperate translation contributions on profile page. Profiles enhancement new 07/24/2021
#5854 Need a way in P2 to find recently edited posts Make (Get Involved) / P2 enhancement new 08/08/2021
#5862 When using filters on the project page, have an "ignore 0% projects" option Translate Site & Plugins enhancement new 08/12/2021
#5868 Improve checks on non-viable plugin names to prevent abuse Plugin Directory enhancement new 08/17/2021
#5877 Create Review - UX improvements along the entire user journey Support Forums enhancement new 08/26/2021
#5881 Support Forums: Allow moderators to flag users for mod-watch without needing a post Support Forums enhancement new 08/27/2021
#5886 Plugin Directory: Validate submitter is a contributor before allowing plugin submissions Plugin Directory enhancement new 09/02/2021
#5898 Setting HSTS at WordPress domains SSL enhancement new 09/13/2021
#5905 Support Forums: Create a way to flag a 'forum' as a whole Support Forums enhancement new 09/15/2021
#5928 Add a row background color-coding legend to the top of the various core Trac reports Trac enhancement new 10/13/2021
#5937 Extend the possibility for leaving a plugin or theme review General enhancement new 10/26/2021
#5947 Support in upload form for thumbnails enhancement new 11/06/2021
#5949 Add a 'needs-e2e-tests' keyword to trac Trac enhancement new 11/10/2021
#5951 It should be easier for a user to go to the right language support forum. Support Forums enhancement new 11/13/2021
#5960 Display Cli command in plugins and themes page Site enhancement new 11/24/2021
#5962 Add indication of the fact that the translation has been imported Translate Site & Plugins enhancement new 11/24/2021
#5972 Enhancement:Add a dropdown to sort contributors within the plugin/theme project or change the sort to translation date Translate Site & Plugins enhancement new 12/03/2021
#5978 Create a better way to trac SVN props and contributions Version Control enhancement new 12/13/2021
#6001 Lack of Context for Docs (no learning path) under HelpHub ( enhancement new 12/27/2021
#6005 Improve sorting on language page of project Translate Site & Plugins enhancement new 12/28/2021
#6006 When a normal translator suggests a translation with a wrong url in it, then there is no "discard" option within the message Translate Site & Plugins enhancement new 12/29/2021
#6017 Show stats for image views/downloads Photo Directory enhancement new 01/08/2022
#6023 Adding theme upload page link in Trac ticket Theme Directory enhancement new 01/18/2022
#6052 Tag Make posts to ping teams/team-reps Make (Get Involved) / P2 enhancement new 01/27/2022
#6079 Clearer thread URLs and email notifications Support Forums enhancement new 02/05/2022
#6094 Edited plugin reviews should rise to the top Support Forums enhancement new 02/11/2022
#6101 Add an "exactly this word" option in the filters Translate Site & Plugins enhancement new 02/15/2022
#6106 Deprecate readme.txt plugin name header Plugin Directory enhancement new 02/16/2022
#6116 Slack webhooks should be switched to a Slack App Communication (Matrix, Slack, IRC) enhancement new 02/18/2022
#6159 See waiting/fuzzy strings of archived projects Translate Site & Plugins enhancement new 03/02/2022
#6188 Language Pack generation: trigger on plugin update Translate Site & Plugins enhancement new 03/14/2022
#6203 Show (meta) trac tickets on profile Profiles enhancement new 03/19/2022
#6223 Provide information about committing theme updates directly to SVN Theme Review enhancement new 03/28/2022
#6282 Add a column date added to the glossary Translate Site & Plugins enhancement new 04/18/2022
#6292 Surface last supported plugin/theme update if latest version(s) not supported API enhancement new 04/26/2022
#6295 Encourage connecting Profile to GitHub/HelpScout Profiles enhancement new 04/27/2022
#6301 Make link in handbook about contribution to core open in a new tab Handbooks enhancement new 05/03/2022
#6302 reduce amount of suggestions from translation memory Translate Site & Plugins enhancement new 05/04/2022
#6310 Add gp-translation-helpers for the Reject with Feedback Feature Translate Site & Plugins enhancement new 05/11/2022
#6331 Sevral typo in "debugging a WordPress Network" HelpHub ( enhancement new 05/26/2022
#6344 Having a loggedin part enhancement new 06/02/2022
#6345 Make signup form clearer Login & Authentication enhancement new 06/02/2022
#6346 Update WordCamp video meta when a new video has been published enhancement new 06/02/2022
#6380 Prevent use of 'trunk' as a Stable Version Plugin Directory enhancement new 06/27/2022
#6401 Add verification for the user names in the "Props" in commit messages Version Control enhancement new 07/11/2022
#6403 Provide no-content download of localized versions of WP core Site enhancement new 07/13/2022
#6414 Track the review activities of (CL)PTE/GTE better Translate Site & Plugins enhancement new 07/20/2022
#6426 Create a reviews view for moderators Support Forums enhancement new 07/30/2022
#6441 If an import contains a blank at te beginning or end while the original does not have that, the line is accepted Translate Site & Plugins enhancement new 08/13/2022
#6449 accessibility problems with new download page Site enhancement new 08/19/2022
#6474 Core Trac: Revise "New Ticket" screen. Trac enhancement new 09/08/2022
#6507 Add "Changes Requested" sections to Trac reports Trac enhancement new 09/28/2022
#6512 Plugin Directory: Block uploads of .git folders va SVN Plugin Directory enhancement new 10/03/2022
#6517 Change HelpHub header to say Documentation HelpHub ( enhancement new 10/05/2022
#6525 Add context to support forum topic URI Support Forums enhancement new 10/08/2022
#6553 Alphabetically sort the Workflow Keywords dropdown Trac enhancement new 10/28/2022
#6560 Polyglots: Dual stats for creators and GTE/PTE Translate Site & Plugins enhancement new 11/02/2022
#6565 Translate site: tracking new strings and other string status for relevant official projects Translate Site & Plugins enhancement new 11/02/2022
#6566 Reverse the order of the WordPress Versions page HelpHub ( enhancement new 11/02/2022
#6581 Translate: search doesn't find names with dashes Translate Site & Plugins enhancement new 11/20/2022
#6582 Add new field in listing of projects Translate Site & Plugins enhancement new 11/20/2022
#6583 Support forums: add one more view for moderators Support Forums enhancement new 11/20/2022
#6597 Ability to ignore the most used translation in the consistency tool Translate Site & Plugins enhancement new 11/26/2022
#6598 Add a button to the consistency tool to ignore archived projects Translate Site & Plugins enhancement new 11/26/2022
#6610 Add smooth scroll to the page for jumping another section Site enhancement new 12/03/2022
#6628 Memorialization of profiles Profiles enhancement new 12/15/2022
#6642 Add rel-me to profile links Profiles enhancement new 12/22/2022
#6672 Changes/additions for support article "Must Use Plugins" HelpHub ( enhancement new 01/11/2023
#6682 Missing social icons on profile pages (Genericons) Profiles enhancement new 01/17/2023
#6683 Support forum block editor should support formatting multiple blocks and paste functionality Support Forums enhancement new 01/18/2023
#6708 Add keyword on Trac 'needs-copy' Trac enhancement new 01/24/2023
#6714 es_ES ( Handbook sync International Sites (Rosetta) enhancement new 01/26/2023
#6774 Suggestion for Image upload type Photo Directory enhancement new 02/17/2023
#6783 Remove or replace "(blessed)" from the "Task" ticket type label Trac enhancement new 02/19/2023
#6793 Link Slack username to user DMs Profiles enhancement new 02/21/2023
#6796 Data Erasure: Update @mentions Site enhancement new 02/22/2023
#6841 Support Forums: Re-establish use of the `/support` top level page Support Forums enhancement new 03/08/2023
#6851 Consider adding a visual representation of Rating trends for plugins. Plugin Directory enhancement new 03/13/2023
#6862 Add support for component Slack channels Make (Get Involved) / P2 enhancement new 03/15/2023
#6865 Limit review replies to plugin authors Support Forums enhancement new 03/16/2023
#6911 Add Patterns Tab in profiles page Profiles enhancement new 04/03/2023
#6939 Reporting Security vulnerabilities in plugins Plugin Directory enhancement new 04/20/2023
#6940 Changes requested add link in email Translate Site & Plugins enhancement new 04/20/2023
#6945 Create Props Block for Make Blogs and Deverloper Blog Make (Get Involved) / P2 enhancement new 04/24/2023
#6947 Redirect old "HelpHub" content to their new forever-home Make (Get Involved) / P2 enhancement new 04/24/2023
#6958 The block at bottom of this page need some padding as it touching the border. HelpHub ( enhancement new 04/27/2023
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Note: See TracReports for help on using and creating reports.