
{8} Active Tickets, Mine first (997 matches)

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Results (101 - 200 of 997)

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Active Tickets (100 matches)

Ticket Summary Component Version Milestone Type Owner Status Created
#7834 Add translation API support for DeeplX Translate Site & Plugins feature request new 11/27/2024
#7859 Add a "Volunteered" section to user profiles to track WordCamp volunteering activity. Profiles feature request new 12/16/2024
#7868 Remove the ‘Pineapple is delicious on pizza’ checkbox General feature request new 12/27/2024
#3126 Show whether plugins include WP-CLI commands Plugin Directory feature request new 09/12/2017
#3236 Allow for beta channels for plugins and themes Plugin Directory feature request new 10/30/2017
#2754 Plugin directory search highlighting Plugin Directory Improved Search feature request reopened 04/19/2017
#7762 Allow user to filter his own topics on a plugin or theme forum on Support Forums Improved Search feature request new 08/31/2024
#3069 Plugin Directory: Add dates to Changelog section in readme.txt example Plugin Directory Q2 feature request reopened 08/25/2017
#6723 Require source and map files for JS Plugin Directory feature request reopened 02/01/2023
#7531 Hook automatic documentation Plugin Directory feature request new 03/25/2024
#7569 Add official "Team Reps" list in code / automate team rep access Make (Get Involved) / P2 feature request new 04/11/2024
#7155 Accessibility Statement is not in footer Site feature request new 07/22/2023
#5483 Force-enable release confirmations for high-target plugins Plugin Directory enhancement new 10/26/2020
#30 Make better theme test data for display in the theme directory. Theme Directory enhancement new 07/28/2013
#83 X account for Jobs ( enhancement coffee2code assigned 08/16/2013
#89 Add email notifications for new jobs on Jobs ( enhancement new 08/19/2013
#215 Feature Request: Readme.txt generated tabs on theme pages Theme Directory enhancement new 10/25/2013
#291 Bring core trac improvements to other trac instances (meta, bbPress, BuddyPress) Trac enhancement new 01/22/2014
#518 unify profiles Profiles enhancement assigned 06/17/2014
#969 Allow multiple screenshots Theme Directory enhancement new 03/22/2015
#1429 Implement JQuery autocomplete on fields of submit video form enhancement new 12/03/2015
#1456 Increase font sizes site-wide enhancement new 12/10/2015
#3933 Optimize fonts for Persian language General enhancement reopened 11/18/2018
#4875 Add bulk suspension and reinstating admin tool for themes Theme Directory enhancement new 11/25/2019
#5093 Proposal to allow users to remove URLs that they have added to their posts in the support forums Support Forums enhancement SergeyBiryukov reviewing 03/10/2020
#5207 Improve heuristics for detecting block assets Plugin Directory enhancement coreymckrill assigned 05/12/2020
#5618 Require ToS/Privacy at login and record acceptance Login & Authentication enhancement dd32 accepted 02/12/2021
#5722 Support Forums: Allow plugin/theme support the ability to self-close topics Support Forums enhancement new 04/29/2021
#6311 Upgrading and evolving the WPTV form to upload videos enhancement new 05/13/2022
#7385 Review: Append some information to the ZIP urls Plugin Directory enhancement new 12/21/2023
#1664 Display translated projects in profiles Profiles enhancement new 04/13/2016
#2184 Overall translation contributor stats for a locale Translate Site & Plugins enhancement new 10/26/2016
#2699 Add a new role to the forums: plugin/theme support Support Forums enhancement Otto42 accepted 04/07/2017
#2890 Move readme.html and wp-config-sample.php translations to GlotPress Translate Site & Plugins enhancement new 06/21/2017
#3149 Support Forums: Consider disabling wptexturize() in forum posts Support Forums enhancement reviewing 09/20/2017
#2642 Better boosting for phrase matches (or add support for the user to specify a phrase) Plugin Directory Improved Search enhancement new 03/29/2017
#2753 Plugin directory search sorting and filtering Plugin Directory Improved Search enhancement new 04/19/2017
#2565 Plugin Directory: Improve stats for developers Plugin Directory Plugin Directory v3 - Future enhancement new 03/07/2017
#4825 Add Enterprise content to General Q1 enhancement Otto42 accepted 11/05/2019
#27 Provide an option for adding multiple theme authors Theme Directory enhancement Otto42 reopened 07/28/2013
#479 Add ability to browse activity history to profiles Profiles enhancement new 05/17/2014
#499 Trac nav menus should be consistent across all Tracs Trac enhancement new 06/02/2014
#527 Profiles: Badges should link to the corresponding team Profiles enhancement new 06/22/2014
#613 JSON output/endpoint(s) for Profiles enhancement new 09/18/2014
#658 Internationalization DevHub Developer Hub enhancement new 10/14/2014
#712 Bring the Showcase to Rosetta sites Showcase enhancement new 11/04/2014
#987 Display WPTV videos on speaker and producer profiles Profiles enhancement assigned 04/09/2015
#988 Profiles: Assign badges to WPTV contributors Profiles enhancement new 04/09/2015
#1078 Enable community-translator Translate Site & Plugins enhancement assigned 06/10/2015
#1156 ISO Language Code Tag to Improve API enhancement new 07/31/2015
#1218 Create new build (continuous/latest) that updates after each commit Version Control enhancement new 09/03/2015
#1292 Display Events on Rosetta Sites International Sites (Rosetta) enhancement new 10/04/2015
#1433 Mention WordCamp twitter in tweet when publishing new video enhancement new 12/03/2015
#1434 Create terms list pages enhancement new 12/03/2015
#1442 Sort event videos by event date instead of upload date enhancement new 12/07/2015
#1471 Streamline the process of checking waiting/fuzzy strings Translate Site & Plugins enhancement new 12/17/2015
#1510 Add full transcripts to videos on enhancement new 01/08/2016
#1563 Feature request: Ability to edit plugin slug Plugin Directory enhancement reopened 02/08/2016
#3570 e-mail notification for new posts in pending/spam in support forum Support Forums enhancement new 04/13/2018
#3576 Content Limitations - custom CSS and aria-label International Sites (Rosetta) enhancement new 04/16/2018
#3577 Add Dictonary for Captioner on WordPress Events Handbooks enhancement new 04/16/2018
#3592 Dashboard Event Widget: Display 5 meetups instead of 3 Events API enhancement new 04/25/2018
#3593 Centralize GitHub Markdown importer Handbooks enhancement new 04/27/2018
#3603 Send email to comment authors when a comment is deleted or approved. Developer Hub enhancement new 05/03/2018
#3619 Explain what are non-support topics Support Forums enhancement new 05/13/2018
#3633 Moderator tool: Help spot sock puppets Support Forums enhancement assigned 05/23/2018
#3651 Update core checksum endpoint to output sha256 hashes API enhancement new 05/31/2018
#3699 Deprecated methods/functions/classes/hooks should be included in the @since tax archive for the version they were deprecated in Developer Hub enhancement new 07/06/2018
#3712 Identify unresolved topics when the last reply is from a support role Support Forums enhancement new 07/12/2018
#3733 Dsiaplay current browser version in Browse Happy Browse Happy enhancement new 07/31/2018
#3739 Field for P2 post deadline and list of deadlines coming up Make (Get Involved) / P2 enhancement new 08/02/2018
#3741 Show percentages in legend on Stats page General enhancement new 08/02/2018
#3751 create shortcode for formatting tickets in make/core release posts Make (Get Involved) / P2 enhancement new 08/07/2018
#3774 Create a Blog Page on General enhancement ryelle assigned 08/22/2018
#3802 Meetup organizer handbook need to absorb quizzes section. Handbooks enhancement new 09/14/2018
#3848 WordPress Plugin: Remove contributors & developers block Plugin Directory enhancement new 09/30/2018
#3863 Make plugin dependencies (suggestions) clearer in Themes Directory Theme Directory enhancement new 10/09/2018
#3867 Refreshing Core Patches Trac enhancement new 10/10/2018
#3878 Adding Badges for WordCamp Volunteers and Attendees Profiles enhancement new 10/20/2018
#3890 Trac: Increase preview file size limit Trac enhancement new 10/29/2018
#3891 Translate: Allow locale-specific rules Translate Site & Plugins enhancement new 10/30/2018
#3931 Current issue and proposal about "support mails" (individually and subscribe) - Forum mails Support Forums enhancement new 11/17/2018
#3954 Support Forums: Add counters to moderation links Support Forums enhancement SergeyBiryukov accepted 11/24/2018
#3986 Automate regional WordCamps in the Upcoming Events dashboard widget Events API enhancement new 12/09/2018
#3999 Add link/button to create new topic near "reply form" Support Forums enhancement SergeyBiryukov reviewing 12/13/2018
#4001 When searching projects relevancy should come into account as '100% Translated projects' end up at the end Translate Site & Plugins enhancement new 12/13/2018
#4171 Ability to temporarily block translation editors & show a warning Translate Site & Plugins enhancement new 02/11/2019
#4176 Request for a URL field on support forum replies Support Forums enhancement new 02/14/2019
#4195 Add block editor template for the helphub_version post type HelpHub ( enhancement SergeyBiryukov reviewing 02/21/2019
#4224 Can we provide a Data Export Request form/page similar to the Data Erasure Request form/page Profiles enhancement tellyworth reviewing 02/26/2019
#4309 Displaying PHP Compatibility results from Tide on Plugin Directory enhancement reviewing 03/21/2019
#4345 Improve the display of block metadata in the plugin directory Plugin Directory enhancement new 03/29/2019
#4347 "Order & Orderby Parameters" section in manually curated part of the code reference for WP_Query doesn't mention ordering by meta_query clauses Developer Hub enhancement new 03/29/2019
#4399 Rosetta: allow custom redirects International Sites (Rosetta) enhancement new 04/24/2019
#4447 Create an easier way to track contributions across GitHub and Trac Profiles enhancement new 05/08/2019
#4455 Make it easier to notify plugin/theme authors to make their code translatable Translate Site & Plugins enhancement assigned 05/11/2019
#4478 Add an `.editorconfig` file to the root of the meta repo General enhancement tellyworth accepted 05/27/2019
#4525 Add insights to the plugin language packs page Translate Site & Plugins enhancement tellyworth reviewing 06/22/2019
#4576 Support Forums: Add Topic Notes for Moderators and Plugin/Theme Support Role Support Forums enhancement new 07/02/2019
#4601 Init BP DevHub with the BP REST API Handbook enhancement johnjamesjacoby assigned 07/12/2019
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