
Opened 11 years ago

Closed 7 years ago

#136 closed enhancement (worksforme)

Remove rate limiting for plugin authors on their own support topics

Reported by: volcanicpixels's profile volcanicpixels Owned by: clorith's profile Clorith
Milestone: Priority: normal
Component: Support Forums Keywords:


Migrating from #wp23346. We need some input from the support team and more discussion by everyone who's interested.

I frequently get the 'slow down' message on the support forums when responding to support threads for my plugin - can the limit not be lifted when posting to topics tagged with a plugin that I am author of.

Change History (10)

#1 @bpetty
11 years ago

The meta team briefly discussed this here.

Seems like the middle ground appears to likely be a solution that pulls the throttle back a bit for plugin authors, but doesn't lift the limit entirely, but we need some feedback from the support team.

Last edited 11 years ago by bpetty (previous) (diff)

#2 @Clorith
11 years ago

I can definitely see both sides here, if possible maybe loosening the rate limit somewhat in a plugin authors own support forum area?

To counter the potential of someone just doing a script with the "we don't provide support here" lines, what about comparing the last post to the new post, if X identical posts are made in a row mark it for a mod to have a quick look.

That way you help prevent those terrible "support" replies, and at the same time open the forums up a bit more in the plugin authors own areas giving them a better chance if their plugin takes off and they get a lot of support requests.

#3 follow-up: @Ipstenu
11 years ago

I don't think there's an automated way to detect if someone is a plugin/theme author and adjust accordingly. Also not all authors SHOULD have this lifted (some are not responsible).

Changing the wording might suffice, though, if we told people 'Contact the forum moderators to have the rate limit lifted.'

I do want to be vague about it, though, since I don't want everyone and their brother tagging things modlook...

#4 in reply to: ↑ 3 @nacin
11 years ago

Replying to Ipstenu:

I don't think there's an automated way to detect if someone is a plugin/theme author and adjust accordingly. Also not all authors SHOULD have this lifted (some are not responsible).

Plugin authors already have certain privileges like being able to sticky or resolve a thread. I don't think it is unreasonable to, at the very least, reduce the limit. (Say, cut it in half.) No, it isn't difficult to automate, given we are already calculating these privileges for those other tools.

#5 @Ipstenu
11 years ago

The rate limit we're talking about is 30 seconds, isn't it?

Initially when Otto and I talked about it, he said it wasn't as simple to do as the sticky/resolve/tag-as-author, so I was basing my comment on that. Those are checking THAT specific thread after all, and this would be a 'plugin author at large' wouldn't it?

#6 @McGuive7
10 years ago

  • Keywords ux-feedback added

Bump. This is still a noteworthy impediment to me as a plugin author. I'll often shoot to get through a batch of support requests across multiple plugins in as short a time as possible, and 30 seconds isn't always enough. I'm coming to the game late, but can someone possibly fill me in on why there needs to be a limit at all? Shouldn't it be relatively easy to check if the posting user is one of the plugin's contributors (and theme's I'm assuming as well, right?), and in that case just drop any time limits?

#7 @Otto42
10 years ago

Old bbPress doesn't quite work that way. It's a bit annoying.

Moderators do have the ability to turn off the throttle on any given account. If you want to have your specific limits removed, just ask a mod over in #forums on Slack.

This ticket was mentioned in Slack in #forums by clorith. View the logs.

7 years ago

#9 @Clorith
7 years ago

  • Owner set to Clorith
  • Priority changed from low to normal
  • Status changed from new to assigned

Opening this up for plugin (and eventually theme) authors and support reps makes sense within their own forum section. Any abuse can be leveraged with a warning and flagging them for a period till they behave.

#10 @netweb
7 years ago

  • Keywords 2nd-opinion ux-feedback removed
  • Resolution set to worksforme
  • Status changed from assigned to closed

bbPress 2.x default throttle time is 10 seconds, this should no longer be an issue

bbPress performs flood checks on posting new forums, topics, and replies with this.

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