
Opened 9 years ago

Last modified 5 years ago

#1866 accepted enhancement

Add a basic "suggest an edit" workflow to the handbooks plugin

Reported by: drewapicture's profile DrewAPicture Owned by: drewapicture's profile DrewAPicture
Milestone: Priority: normal
Component: Handbooks Keywords:


We've talked about this quite a bit in the context of DevHub where User Contributed Notes are occasionally used as a feedback mechanism. Basically, we need a way for docs consumers to report problems or suggest edits of published documentation on .org.

The initial proposal would be to build or use something akin to Post Forking on the front-end of handbooks and eventually other places like DevHub or HelpHub.

Personally I don't think an MVP has to be a complete solution, it mostly needs to cover the rift drawn between moving away from the Codex where any user could edit anything to the now largely closed systems on .org.

I think starting with the handbooks would be the way to go.

Attachments (6)

1866.diff (9.9 KB) - added by iandunn 5 years ago.
vote-up.png (30.6 KB) - added by iandunn 5 years ago.
vote-down.png (59.6 KB) - added by iandunn 5 years ago.
feedback-submitted.png (40.6 KB) - added by iandunn 5 years ago.
email.png (104.7 KB) - added by iandunn 5 years ago.
Was this helpful flow.png (788.4 KB) - added by melchoyce 5 years ago.

Download all attachments as: .zip

Change History (16)

#1 @DrewAPicture
9 years ago

  • Owner set to DrewAPicture
  • Status changed from new to accepted

This ticket was mentioned in Slack in #docs by netweb. View the logs.

8 years ago

#3 @melchoyce
8 years ago

  • Keywords needs-ui added

#4 @obenland
7 years ago

  • Type changed from task to enhancement

@DrewAPicture Have you had a chance to work on this?

#5 @Travel_girl
6 years ago

I love the idea! Does anyone has a idea how to realize it? Or do you need first a UI?

5 years ago

#6 @iandunn
5 years ago

1866.diff is a rough draft that asks the user if the page was useful, and if they answer no, asks them how it could be improved, and emails that feedback to the site admin.

Future iterations could potentially include:

  • tracking the up/down votes for stats, and knowing which pages need work, even if no specific feedback has been given
  • saving the feedback in a CPT instead of sending an email, so it can mark as resolved, which may be easier if multiple people are reviewing the feedback

5 years ago

5 years ago

5 years ago

#7 @melchoyce
5 years ago

Before we move forward on this, let me work on some alternate designs.

#8 @melchoyce
5 years ago

Added an updated flow, trying to match the devhub/handbook styles. Let me know if this works and I'll let you know fonts/colors/spacing/etc.

This ticket was mentioned in Slack in #design by estelaris. View the logs.

5 years ago

#10 @nrqsnchz
5 years ago

  • Keywords needs-ui removed

Discussed during the Design team's core tickets triage. We think the proposed flow and mockups look great.

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