
Opened 8 years ago

Closed 4 years ago

#2071 closed defect (bug) (fixed)

Plugin contributor feeds are broken, showing posts from across the forums

Reported by: johnbillion's profile johnbillion Owned by:
Milestone: Priority: low
Component: Support Forums Keywords: needs-patch


This broke at some point yesterday.


This is my plugin contributor feed, but it's now showing posts from reviews and threads elsewhere across the forums. This is resulting in hundreds of threads landing in my feed reader for this feed.

Attachments (1)

2071.1.diff (5.6 KB) - added by dimadin 8 years ago.

Download all attachments as: .zip

Change History (32)

#1 @Otto42
8 years ago

All of the old /rss/view feeds are broken and will likely remain so forever. The new bbPress 2 systems don't use those feed URLs anymore.

We may fix them to redirect to the correct new ones at some point, when those new feeds exist, but for now, you may as well unsubscribe from those feeds.

#2 @johnbillion
8 years ago

So what's the alternative for plugin authors who are now receiving hundreds of entries in their feed readers?

#3 @Otto42
8 years ago

#2075 was marked as a duplicate.

#4 @Otto42
8 years ago

@johnbilion For now, unsubscribe from those feeds.

There is currently no equivalent for the plugin-contributors or plugin-committers views and feeds. If and when one is created, then the feed link for it will be different anyway, so those old feed links are now invalid and simply directing you to a default feed, which is basically of everything.

This ticket was mentioned in Slack in #forums by otto42. View the logs.

8 years ago

#6 @SergeyBiryukov
8 years ago

  • Component changed from Plugin Directory to Support Forums

#7 @SergeyBiryukov
8 years ago

Overview of current redirects:

Last edited 8 years ago by SergeyBiryukov (previous) (diff)

#8 @johnbillion
8 years ago

What advice can now be given to plugin authors? It seems that all combined plugin contributor views and feeds are no longer available and there are no plans to reinstate them.

#9 @johnbillion
8 years ago

It seems that now, in place of the combined plugin contributor feed, I need to subscribe to the forum feed for every plugin I maintain, and subsequently every thread in every one of those forums in order to follow every conversation.

#10 @dgwyer
8 years ago

It's essential these committer/contributor links are reinstated. It's hard enough to keep on top of free plugin support. Removing these links will make it extremely difficult to provide responsive support of any kind.

#11 @jmdodd
8 years ago

In 4184:

Support Forums: Add plugin-committer view and feed.

See #2071.

#12 @dimadin
8 years ago

This view feed that has only latest topics but not their replies is not as useful as it should be. I was thinking how can we incorporate replies too and I came to idea that both topics and replies have meta fields with data about plugin/theme. We can then use that in the same query before bbp_request_feed_trap(). See attached (untested and rough) patch for more details.

Problem with this approach is that existing topics and their replies in this taxonomy must be updated.

8 years ago

#13 follow-up: @StephenCronin
8 years ago

@SergeyBiryukov - I see you just updated your post above to say that the following two now work:

[Works] Committer view:
[Works] Committer feed:

However if you compare the two you'll see that the first one shows entries from both 'Plugins and Hack' and 'Reviews', while the second one (the feed) only shows 'Reviews'. So I think the second one isn't quite fixed.

#14 in reply to: ↑ 13 @SergeyBiryukov
8 years ago

Replying to StephenCronin:

However if you compare the two you'll see that the first one shows entries from both 'Plugins and Hack' and 'Reviews', while the second one (the feed) only shows 'Reviews'. So I think the second one isn't quite fixed.

Thanks, added.

#15 @jmdodd
8 years ago

In 4234:

Support Forums: Sort plugin committer feed by date rather than by post id.

Because the plugin reviews forum was imported after the plugin support forum, the topic ids are not a reliable sort order for the combined results.

See #2071.

#16 @StephenCronin
8 years ago

@jmdodd Ah, that explains it. I was just about to post that 2 new support posts have now appeared in my feed - now I know why. Thanks

#17 @jmdodd
8 years ago

In 4289:

Support Forums: Use the user object for view queries.

Allows empty forums for non-contributing users, and 404s for non-existent users.

Abstracts some logic to make adding a plugin-contributors view easier.

See #2071.

#18 @jmdodd
8 years ago

In 4290:

Support Forums: Add plugin contributor view.

Adds rewrite rules, feed, and custom view handlers.

See #2071.

#19 @jmdodd
8 years ago

In 4308:

Support Forums: Use nicename for pagination rather than user login.

See #2071.

#21 @SergeyBiryukov
8 years ago

Most of the issues here appear to be fixed, see the updated comment:7.

The two remaining issues are:

Both redirect to a general feed for their corresponding view and lose the context:

What's weird is the committer view should follow the same pattern, but it works as expected:

On a local install, my results are different:

  • Both contributor and committer feeds show a 404 page, apparently because there's no code to handle them yet.
  • Reviews feed works as expected, being handled by Directory_Compat::request().

@Otto42, could you check if there are any nginx rules that might interfere with these feeds?

Last edited 8 years ago by SergeyBiryukov (previous) (diff)

#22 follow-ups: @Otto42
8 years ago

I don't think we have any rules to do those redirections at all, but I'll check when I can get access.

Note that the new feeds are normal WordPress feeds, so this link would work correctly:

#23 in reply to: ↑ 22 @SergeyBiryukov
8 years ago

Replying to Otto42:

Note that the new feeds are normal WordPress feeds, so this link would work correctly:

Right, but we're already halfway there with the committer feed redirect, so I guess it makes sense to fix the others if possible. Otherwise, we can expose the new links in <head> (see #1999 for that) and close this ticket as fixed.

#24 in reply to: ↑ 22 @SergeyBiryukov
8 years ago

Replying to Otto42:

I don't think we have any rules to do those redirections at all, but I'll check when I can get access.

It might not be specific to those exact redirects, just something with an rss/ bit.

Directory_Compat::request() handles these three cases:

On my local install, all of them work as expected.

On, the latter one doesn't work, which makes me think something might be interfering with it.

This ticket was mentioned in Slack in #forums by clorith. View the logs.

7 years ago

#26 @obenland
7 years ago

@SergeyBiryukov @Otto42 Any chance you could pick that back up and get it over the finish line?

This ticket was mentioned in Slack in #forums by clorith. View the logs.

5 years ago

#28 @Clorith
5 years ago

  • Priority changed from high to low

Re-prioritizing this, as any flows this broke would have been broken for 3+ years at this point, so it seems like the most pressing bits are tackled, and the others are obscure and not really in use.

This ticket was mentioned in Slack in #forums by clorith. View the logs.

4 years ago

This ticket was mentioned in Slack in #forums by sergey. View the logs.

4 years ago

#31 @Clorith
4 years ago

  • Resolution set to fixed
  • Status changed from new to closed

As it's been more than 4 years, anyone still using the remaining feeds should have moved off them by now, and it should be fairly safe to close this ticket.

If there's concerns over this in the future the ticket could be re-opened, or a new one detailing the more current issues may be more appropriate.

Note: See TracTickets for help on using tickets.