1 | | Alrighty, I'm sure that I've found the way |
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3 | | I've originally tested by changing `'username' => $postmeta['author_name'][0],` to get `author_id` instead and that worked fine. |
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5 | | So I've created an extra var `'userId' => $postmeta['author_id'][0],` and changed the index.jsx accordingly with `href={ url + author.userId }` . |
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7 | | My problem is that I have no idea how to recompile it into front-end.js so I can't see the changes to be sure they work... ( I know they should be working but just to be sure ). |
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9 | | Shouldn't the recompile happen automatically or something? |
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11 | | By the way, I've never worked with React so this was a good-first-bug for me to try and tackle I guess :D . |
| 1 | I made the changes ( '''2100.diff''' ) into the .jsx + the .php file. Unfortunately I don't know how to compile react. But I tested it by manually replacing the var name in the front-end.js and it worked.. So when compiled it should be working as well. |